Joe Biden – Unfit For Duty

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

President Trump says that Joe Biden should be drug tested before the debates, and for good reason. We’ve all seen the two Joe Bidens. We’ve seen the Joe Biden at public functions like the G-7, and the Juneteenth party at the White House along with far too many speeches and appearances in front of cameras where he stumbles, mumbles, bumbles and crumbles.

We’ve also seen the Joe Biden that showed up at this year’s State of the Union presentation so juiced up that he delivered the speech shouting, yelling and nearly frothing at the mouth.

We all know that Joe Biden has more trouble reading what’s in his teleprompter that most people would have reading Latin through a welding helmet under water, and he tends to fall asleep when he’s given too low a dose of medication.

And when Joe isn’t falling asleep, he’s just falling over.

Now, everybody on the left from the mainstream media to “Dr” Jill Biden tries to insist that Joe Biden, behind the scenes is strong, vital, alert, impossible to keep up with and is as sharp as a tack. Note that most of the time such proclamations are made, they couch it with, “behind the scenes.” That means one of two things must be true. Either when Joe Biden is “behind the scenes,” when he’s not in view of the public, he’s crystal clear mentally and is as physically adept and spry as a finely-tuned athlete, meaning he suffers from the rarest of rare afflictions that causes him to go to hell in a handbag ONLY when he steps into public view OR…they’re all lying.

Here’s Joe Biden’s Press Secretary, Karine Jean Propagandist, telling us last week not to believe what we’re all seeing because it’s fake disinformation.

It’s not just a few isolated momentary stumbles and bumbles either. It’s constant. Joe Biden is a train wreck every time the cameras are on him, and as proof of this, here’s a 38 minute video compilation of Joe being Joe in 2023. Not 2021, 2022 and 2023…JUST 2023. I encourage you to finish reading this commentary and come back to this video because it’s worth watching.

While Joe Biden is completely unable to run on successful policies, because he hasn’t had any, unable to run on the American people being better off than they were four years ago, because nobody is…he’s also completely unable to run on being competent.

In fact, according to new polling, Joe Biden’s approval rating has sunk to an all-time low of just 34 percent, but even worse than that, a full-on 49 percent of people polled by J.L. Partners say that they believe Joe Biden will forget where he is while on stage at the debate with Trump, and 41 percent expect him to just wander off of the stage. Not only is Joe a staggering mess, but those numbers are also staggering.

This is why President Trump wants Joe drug tested before the debate. We’re either going to see “Juiced Up Joe” or Mumbles the Clown, and at this point, it’s a coin toss. I’m betting on “Juiced Up Joe” but that is going to be dicey, as Joe’s Medication Czar is going to have to thread the needle, pumping just enough Red Bull and uppers into Mumbles the Clown to keep him upright and awake for the duration of the debate, but not so much that he comes across like the “GET THE HELL OFF MY LAWN YOU LITTLE BASTARDS” Biden we saw at this year’s State of the Union.

Naturally, Joe will be spinning lies faster that a spider on crack can spin a web, but the Biden campaign can’t afford to have either angry Joe, or incoherent Joe on that stage. Of course, regardless of the amount of lies, or the spectacle we see, the liberal mainstream media will proclaim him sharp, alert, on his game and the hands-down winner of the debate hoping beyond hope that nobody actually WATCHED the debate.

Now then, here’s the obtuse hope of the Biden campaign going into this debate. While they know full-well that RFK Jr. is going to be taking votes away from Joe Biden, and to be fair, Jr. will also steal some votes from Trump, Biden’s campaign has to be hoping that RFK Jr. IS allowed into the debate because that means Joe will only have to respond to 1/3 of the questions rather than half of them, thus cutting Joe’s on camera time down.

The same survey mentioned previously also shows that a massive 70 percent of respondents believe that Joe Biden will stumble over his words in the debate, which again means that despite efforts from the mainstream media and “Dr” Jill Biden…people aren’t buying the BS their selling and have, in fact, seen Joe in action.

From the aforementioned survey, and I’m sure much to the dismay of the Biden campaign, 40 percent believe Joe will have trouble just standing up for the duration of the debate, and a full-on 50 percent, including 13 percent of DEMOCRAT voters believe that President Trump will WIN the debate compared to a scant 39 percent who need a check up from the neck up and think Biden will pull off a debate victory.

Perhaps the biggest problem for the Biden campaign is that this first debate, on June 27th, comes on the heels of a month of public appearance disasters for Joe Biden. Kicking off the month was Joe Biden’s appearance at the D-Day ceremony in France where poor old Joe didn’t know whether he was coming or going, and where, on stage, he looked for all the world like he was filling his depends, and eventually ending abruptly with “Dr.” Jill rushing Joe off stage.

Then there was Joe Biden at the G-7 summit where he made more doddering mistakes including starting to wander off during a skydiving demo, saluting the Prime Minister of Italy, and head-butting the Pope.

I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if every time somebody said “G-7” during the summit, Biden yelled, “BINGO!!”

And of course, there was Joe Biden at the Juneteenth ceremony on the lawn of the White House where Joe froze up to the point he was in danger of pigeons thinking he was a statue and decorating him with poo, and later slurred his way through a short speech.

Now, I want you to watch that last short video again and make note of the black dude with the beard to the left side of the screen. That’s right, the bearded black dude in the long sequined dress. Yeah…that dude. Later in the event, the bearded sequined dress dude bowed, and kissed Joe Biden’s hand…which is probably what happens when Pride Month and Juneteenth occur at the same time.

One shouldn’t be a bit surprised to think after that moment, Joe was thinking how nice it was to see Michelle Obama again.

All of this, D-Day, the G-7 and Juneteenth occurred in just one month, and that’s the point, isn’t it? These are not isolated, or random moments of confusion or cognitive lapses. These are constants with Joe Biden and they take place every time the guy is in front of cameras in very public settings. THIS is the Joe Biden everybody sees. Regardless of the protests of the liberal media, regardless of the insistence of enablers like “Dr” Jill…THIS is the REAL Joe Biden, and none of it bodes well for his campaign, his poll numbers or the upcoming debate.

This IS Joe Biden, the supposed “Commander in Chief” and the supposed “Leader of the Free World” that has made himself, and our country a laughingstock around the globe, and this is who the democratic national committee has pinned their hopes for Obama’s fourth term upon. They must be terrified, knowing that have to put him in public venues and in not one but TWO debates in front of cameras before the November election.

How bad is it really?

Well…with democrats only holding a razor-thin edge in the Senate, and trying to retake the House…how many down-ticket democrats have you seen riding the incumbent’s coattails? NONE, which is something nobody else seems to be noticing. Normally, in a general election year when your party holds the White House, every down-ticket candidate is clamoring to be seen with the party’s top of the ticket candidate…but not now…not this year.

Putting an even finer point on it, have you seen Kamala Harris out campaigning for any in her Party with but four months and change leading up to this election? Nope, and here’s why…the democrat party is notorious for “group think.” They could drink ten gallons of water, and not go into a gender-neutral bathroom until the DNC tells them to. It’s a fair bet that the DNC has told every one of their candidates to distance themselves from the headline ticket because they know Kamala’s polling is just as bad as Joe’s, and that ticket is campaign poison.

The democrat policies are an utter disaster. From the economy to foreign policy, from inflation to the border, from national security to law and order on the streets of cities across the country, the liberal policies have completely failed. Even the woke and DEI agendas are coming apart like a house of cards in a wind tunnel.

Biden is bleeding votes from once rock solid left voting blocs. He’s losing massive numbers in both the black and Hispanic blocs, and he’s losing young voters who now protest him calling him “Genocide Joe.” For the love of gawd, Joe Biden is even losing Silicon Valley, as the money there has shifted to President Trump in a huge way.

Last week, the liberal media was crowing about Joe’s star-studded California fundraiser and told us he picked up a cool $28 million dollars, but let me tell you what they won’t tell you…Barack Obama made an appearance at that event, and Obama raised $28 million…not for Joe’s second term, but for his own fourth term. Furthermore, at the end of the dog and pony show, Obama had to take Joe by the arm and lead him off the stage.

While nobody is riding Biden’s coattails leading up to this election, it’s damned clear that Biden is riding Obama’s coattails, and that fundraiser in California proved it.

While Joe Biden panders for votes, President Trump connects with voters. While Joe tries to tout the bad economy he created, President Trump promises to recreate the soaring economy he once created. While Joe plays both sides of the wars he allowed to take place, Trump vows to end them. While Joe begs foreign advisories for oil, Trump says, “Drill baby, drill.” While Biden engages in lawfare, President Trump promises a return to law and order. While Biden lets millions of illegal aliens in, Trump has a plan to round them up and send them back.

The bottom line is, from domestic policies to foreign policies, from the border to the economy, from his lawfare to his two-tiered system of injustice, and from both his cognitive AND physical freefall, Joe Biden is simply and completely unfit for duty.

Seriously, the guy in charge of the nuclear football can’t even put on a helmet.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, Our “Woke” Military…Priming For Loss 


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Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 25th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Our Woke Military…Priming For Loss  ‘;  ‘Joe Biden Unfit For Duty’: and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

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