Dystopian Delusions of the Liberal Mind

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Liberals, and the liberal elite are starting to panic, and why wouldn’t they? Joe Biden is about to become their 2024 nominee and he has absolutely no positive accomplishments on which to base his floundering campaign.

They thought manufacturing 34 felony convictions in a kangaroo court under the watchful eyes of Soros backed persicutors and a highly conflicted sham of a judge using highly partisan jurors would get their chief rival out of the way, but that failed miserably.

In the 24 hours after the sham verdicts were announced, the Trump online fundraising site crashed twice due to being completely swamped until eventually, north of $53 million dollars had been donated…much of it by Americans who had never before contributed to his campaign.

The money, by the way, continues to roll in.

Not only that, but Trump’s popularity doesn’t seem to have taken a hit. In fact, it’s now being reported that some of the “never Trumpers” are finding their way back to voting for Donald Trump as they’re faced with an all too clear reality should Biden be reelected to serve as a puppet for Barack Obama’s fourth term.

While Donald Trump is busy running on tangible policies, tried and tested, greatly successful policies implemented during his first term that made our country safer, enhanced national security, drove up our economy, lowered inflation and unemployment, brought manufacturing back and made us energy independent while bringing us to the front and center of the world stage making our allies respect us and our enemies fear us…what does the left have on which to base Joe’s campaign?

Failure at every level.

So, how does Joe run for his second, and Obama’s fourth term? The answer is simple…Dystopian Delusions of the Liberal Mind.

Dystopian is defined as, “relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice.” Hence, the constant cries of despair from liberals that our democracy is in peril or that Republicans are in favor of systemic racism should Trump be elected again.

Delusion is defined as, “a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, occurring.” Hence the altered reality or gaslighting being foisted on voters by liberals.

I’d say, let’s start with the obvious, but it’s all pretty obvious isn’t it? Joe Biden is a cognitive and physical train wreck. If he’s not tripping up the stairs, he’s tripping all over his slurred words. He can’t find his way off a stage, he can’t read his teleprompter without reading the direction notes, and the Hall of Presidents at Disney is more life-like than he is.

A couple of weeks ago, “Dr.” Jill Biden was on The View where she tried to gaslight the dwindling audience into believing Joe is…vital.

I would ask, “doesn’t she realize that we actually see him?” but that’s not really the point. “Dr.” Jill wasn’t talking to the American people, she was talking to a select part of the propagandist media, and the only people watching were kool-aid drinking liberal Marxists.

Here’s the Joe Biden everybody sees unless they’re watching the alphabet media.

I could include HOURS of videos showing the REAL Joe Biden, but you get the idea. “Dr.” Jill Biden is nothing but a Dystopian Delusionist but she’s far from the only one. I’ll get back to “Dr. Jill’s” Dystopian Delusions after a bit

The Border.

For the last three and a half years, Joe Biden and his daft gaggle of fellow Dystopian Delusionists have been telling us that the border is secure, and that there is no crisis at the border. At the same time, over the last three and a half years, more than nine MILLION illegal aliens have poured across our southern border, and among them are illegal aliens from all parts of the world including from terrorist nations, and from nations that hate America.

For the last six months, Joe has told us that there was nothing he could do, and tried to blame the crisis he claimed didn’t exist on Republicans. Last week, Joe changed his tune. NOW he’s implementing an Executive Order (which he has said for the last six months he couldn’t do) to slow down illegal crossings to 1,500 per day.

Why the sudden change of direction? Well, in 2021, voter polls showed that Joe Biden was more trusted, by one percent, on border issues…but last week, a new poll showed that Donald Trump is now more trusted to take care of our southern border by a whopping TWENTY SEVEN PERCENT. With the election just five months away, and with the border being the number one issue with American voters for the last three months running, Joe is doing what he said he could not do, but it’s far too little, way too late.

The Dystopian Delusion here is that the liberal elite hope beyond hope that voters will think this is solving the problem, but reality is a real bitch. Blue sanctuary states, and blue sanctuary cities that virtue-signaled for the better part of a decade have already been slapped in the face by their own policies. Their streets are overrun with illegal aliens, the safety of Americans is threatened in real and tragically tangible ways, their coffers once full of other people’s money have run dry and nothing Joe does now is going to change ANY of that.

The Economy.

Last month, in a rare sitdown interview, Joe Biden told CNN’s Erin Burnett that inflation is down, and that Americans have more money to spend. Here it is.

Joe Biden literally said that sixty five percent of Americans think the economy is in great shape. That’s the Dystopian Delusion. The REALITY is that nearly that very percentage of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck with most of them having to work two jobs to just barely keep their heads above water.

Erin Burnett, from CNN said that GDP is far below expectations. That was a rare admission of reality from CNN, but Joe counterd with more Dystopian Delusion by saying “no it wasn’t. GDP was still great…” Joe went on to say that when he came to office, “inflation was nine percent.” No, Joe…that’s Dystopian Delusion. When Joe entered office, Trump had inflation at a scant 1.4 percent. That’s the reality.

When CNN’s Burnett brought up grocery prices being up 30 percent under Biden’s watch, Joe looked like Ex-Lax kicked in. The prices at the grocery and at the pump are real. The soaring cost of inflation is outpacing earnings and people are suffering because of it. That’s the bitch-slap of reality, but Joe was quick to attempt blurring that reality with yet more Dystopian Delusion. He actually said that Americans have more money to spend and what’s making them mad is that have to spend more of it because of “corporate greed.”

The fact is, everything costs more even if you’re buying it at wholesale, so business MUST raise their prices or cut services or product size to stay in business. Case in point, in California, Rubio’s Coastal Grill, a California Mexican restaurant chain is shutting down 48 restaurants because the cost of product, combined with a liberal mandated $15.00/hour minimum wage has driven the COST of doing business so high, they can no longer afford to keep the doors open. That’s the reality, while the Dystopian Delusion Biden is pushing is that people HAVE more money but they just don’t want to SPEND it on higher priced, smaller portioned food.

I could go on and on with one example after the next, but you get the idea. Biden’s 2024 campaign is based on what he and liberals WANT you to believe rather than on the reality you’re living, but it’s not just the campaign peddling Dystopian Delusions.

For years, the mainstream media engaged in it, telling us that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” even when they knew the truth. For years, they pushed the Dystopian Delusion that Trump was in bed with the Russians and pulled a quid-pro-quo with Ukraine when they knew full-well it was the Biden’s in bed with the Russians, and Biden who pulled the Ukraine quid-pro-quo.

The Dystopian Delusion being pushed throughout the 24/7 news cycle by the mainstream media is that if Trump is elected, it’s the end of our democracy. Never mind that we’re not a democracy, but a Constitutional Republic, but which party tried to keep their chief political rival off of ballots, which party is trying to lock their chief political rival up, and which party is now threatening to “investigate” all of their chief political rival’s supporters?

According to Maxine Waters, “Are they going to be attacking? Whom are they going to attack? What are we going to do? We’re trying to get an investigation going about that.”

By the way, it’s the liberals who have for years been threatening to stack the Supreme Court so as to never again have to worry about their unconstitutional mandates and dictatorial laws.

Okay, I said before that I’d get back to Dr. Jill’s Dystopian Delusions, so…

On The View, “Dr. Jill” said that her husband Joe is, “strong, he’s steady, he’s a leader…” right after telling us that this election isn’t about age. She’s blowing Dystopian Delusions up everybody’s skirt. Now, normally I would never include a video of Mick Jagger in a political commentary unless I wanted to rail against his liberal politics, but this is different. I want you to take a look at this video, shot just one week ago, of the Rolling Stones front man working the stage.

Now, I want you to watch Joe Biden working a stage.

I suspect that Jagger has sniffed a lot more than little girl’s hair in his life, but BOTH these guys, Mick Jagger, and Joe Biden are the same age. Jagger is in the middle of a tour, running about and doing the Jagger strut on stage night after night…and he’ll turn 81 next month. Meanwhile, when Joe Biden, also 81 years old,  can’t figure out which way to barely shuffle off of a stage…he just tips over and hits the ground like an Iranian President’s helicopter.

So, why descend into the world of Dystopian Delusion when everybody can plainly see the truth?. It’s too late in the game to replace Biden on the ticket, and Kamala Harris is too disliked to win an election so, if by hook or crook he can pull off a win in November, the liberal elite will ride the old puppet pony for a few more weeks and then put him out to pasture…force him to resign in favor of their DEI hire, Kamala Harris who is next in line to be Obama’s 4th term puppet to fill the last gasp of his term, and they will run her for 2024.

Simply put, the liberal elite don’t care who the puppet is, so long as Obama is running the show from behind the curtain of Dystopian Delusion.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, The Verdict v. The Constitution


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Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 11th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘The Verdict v. The Constitution’; ‘Dystopian Delusions of the Liberal Mind’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on https://rspradio1.com Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

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