DEI Is Designed To Fail

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Last week, there was a protest outside the NY office of Harvard alumnus Bill Ackman, after Ackman led the effort to remove Claudine Gay as the president of Harvard University.

According to Al Sharpton, “[Ackman] declared war on DEI. He declared war on affirmative action. He’s defining himself as a rightwinger in terms of dealing with racial equality. This issue is not just about what they did to this president of Harvard University. It’s about the use [of her] as a scapegoat to fight DEI.”

Sharpton, a race baiter and race hustler went on to say that Claudine Gay’s resignation was “an attack on every Black woman” in America who has “put a crack in the glass ceiling.”

This, of course, falls directly in line with Gay’s resignation statement in which she claimed to have been the target of “personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus.”

It should come as no grand surprise that a woman hired due to the color of her skin rather than the content of her character would blame “racism” for being forced to resign as the president of what used to be one of the world’s leading universities instead of taking any personal responsibility for her own self-inflicted wounds regarding her anti-Semitic remarks and rampant plagiarism.

It should also come as no surprise at all that the ilk of Al Sharpton would glom onto to Gay’s absurd statement and then try to hustle it for false racial reasons. Naturally, the liberal mainstream media quickly engaged in blatant virtue signaling to parrot the abjectly false claims of racism being the reason Claudine Gay was forced to resign.

It’s all crap. We know that and so do the race baiters, race hustlers and virtue signalers, but it goes much deeper than that.

What Sharpton, Gay and the liberal mainstream media is saying…what they’re telling the black population and minorities in general is that without Diversity, Equity and Inclusion…without Affirmative Action, minorities can’t get ahead socially or economically.

What they’re telling black people, and any other minority is that because they’re not white, they should have the goal posts moved and be allowed to cheat. They are saying that minorities just aren’t smart enough to compete on a level playing field. Sharpton, Gay and the liberal mainstream media are literally telling minorities in this country that the content of their character means nothing, and that they are owed what others have earned because they are incapable of earning it on their own.

Does this surprise anyone? It shouldn’t. Liberal race baiters and hustlers have been telling us for decades that republicans are the racists and that only liberalism can save the minority community, but that is demonstrably false. The fact is, that in urban areas, some of our nation’s biggest cities have been under liberal control for decades, and guess what…they are no better off today than they were decades ago.

Liberals said to minorities in blue cities and blue states, “elect us and we’ll save you from the republicans that are holding you back, keeping you down and rigging the system against you.” Minority voters elected the liberals and what happened? Nothing. Did things get better? No. Did black or minority communities excel? No. Under the control of liberal Mayors, liberal city councils, liberal school boards and liberal teachers did they  increase anyone’s socio-economic standing…increase test scores, increase job availability…create more opportunities for business growth?


Maybe Charles Barkley said it best when he said,“Poor black people have been voting for Democrats their whole life, and they’re still poor.”

The fact is, race baiters and hustlers like Al Sharpton have a vested interest in keeping minorities down, because their political ideology requires victims in order to maintain power. Another way of putting it is that were liberals to actually do what they have claimed for decades that ONLY they COULD and WOULD do, the race baiters and hustlers like Sharpton would be out of a job.

What was Affirmative Action has now morphed into DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) as just a new label for the same old tired con.

Don’t think so? Ask yourself how the high profile DEI hires have been doing lately. How’s Kamala Harris doing? She failed as “border czar” and now the woman who checked the DEI hiring boxes and can’t string together a sensible sentence has been put in charge of overseeing artificial intelligence. How about Supreme Court Justice Brown-Jackson? She sits on our nation’s highest court as a DEI appointment even after she could not, under oath, define what a woman is.

Claudine Gay, Harvard’s DEI presidential hire destroyed the premier university’s reputation and cost them billions of dollars in donations in just six months. General Lloyd Austin, our nation’s Secretary of Defense virtue-signaled his and the liberal’s embracing of DEI and spent billions of dollars making our military more “woke” while rooting out systemic racism, and yet, a recent independent study released just a week ago shows the problems he spent billions to fix never actually existed in the first place.

How is Disney doing since they went woke and embraced DEI? How is Budwiser doing after embracing DEI? The list goes on and on and none of it is working. In fact, everywhere DEI has been implemented, just like everywhere socialism has been implemented…it has failed. Have you noticed that every time DEI fails, the liberals blame it on republicans and double down on DEI, forcing more and more of it into our economy, into our system of education and into our system of justice?

Why would they embrace and double down on failure? Because…in failure, they create a new class of victims and tell those new victims that only liberalism (which manufactured the problem to begin with) can solve the problem, and that the only way to solve the problem is to double down on what CAUSED the problem.

Let’s use Harvard as a prime example. The liberal machine that has for far too long been at the helm of Harvard decided they needed to implement DEI. When it crashed and burned spectacularly, the response was that they need MORE DEI to fix it because minorities are incapable of meeting high standards on their own.

No surprise. Nothing new. The same ilk as Al Sharpton who claim that Claudine Gay’s self-inflicted downfall was actually proof of rampant racism and that she shouldn’t be held to high ethical standards because she’s not white, and therefore is incapable of being ethical because she’s black, are the same people who claim that minorities are INCAPABLE of obtaining photo ID’s for the purpose of VOTER ID…because of the color of their skin.

Minorities just aren’t smart enough, just aren’t capable enough, just aren’t good enough at anything…according to race baiters and hustlers like Sharpton…and therefore, goal posts, scoring curves and job performance standards must be lowered…but ONLY for minorities.

The obvious question is, how would you feel as a Harvard student knowing that you are being held to a higher standard than your school’s president or faculty, or since the college president is a DEI hire, and the bar for certain students has been lowered based on their skin color, how do you now feel about the value of your diploma?

The less obvious question, but perhaps a more important one to ask, is how would you feel if your doctor, or attorney was a DEI admittance to their college of choice and had THEIR test score bar lowered during their years in school?

Just like socialism, and just like Affirmative Action, DEI is designed to fail for the sole purpose of manufacturing more “victims” for whom liberals will claim to be the saviors as a way to maintain a voting bloc of people misled into being ignorant.

Am I saying that minorities are by virtue of their skin color, ignorant? Certainly not…but that is exactly what the race hustlers, and now gender hustlers wan them to believe. The ilk of Sharpton, liberals in the mainstream media and virtue-signaling fools are desperate to create more victims and many who once bought into the snake oil, false narrative are beginning to see the light. Recent poling shows that more and more minorities have begun to turn their backs on liberalism in favor of common sense policies. Further, more and more minority voters have become tired of being lied to by the party they have supported for far too long.

This is the land of opportunity, not the land of equity and there is a huge difference. Opportunity allows individuals to strive for exceptionalism, while equity simply accepts mediocrity and cloaks it in a false sense of achievement, and no strong nation ever got that way, or maintained the strength they once had by striving for mediocrity.

That’s the bottom line.

Copyright © 2023 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more on the debate, visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article: Pulling Out Their Bag Of Tricks


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Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 16th, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘‘Pulling Out Their Bag Of Tricks’; ‘DEI Is Designed To Fail‘ and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

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