Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary
You’re free to not believe that aliens from worlds other than our own exist, but how then do you explain Dennis Rodman?
Recently, I have been seeing social media posts declaring, unapologetically, that UFO’s and space aliens do not exist because of…you know…the Bible. I have been told, in no uncertain terms that such aliens do not exist because God would have had to have created them but he doesn’t mention them in the Bible.
So sayeth the holier-then-thous.
Is it true? Does the Bible NOT mention space aliens?
Before I answer that question, allow me to explain religion itself. Religion was created by ancient man for two reasons. First it was meant to either scare the bejesus into or out of people, and second, it was a way to control people’s behavior. As society evolved, religion or the supposed tenants of it became the basis for laws by which the powerful controlled the riff-raff. Religion, for thousands of years has been a tool of the powerful. In that sense, it still is to this day.
So, does the Bible mention space aliens? Well, that depends on whether or not you’re holier-than-thou. There are those who take every word in the Bible as 100% fact even though those words were written by mere men after in most cases being told orally for decades or centuries before anyone bothered to write them down. Over even more centuries, those words were translated and edited for political purposes into the Bible we have today. Who really knows what the truth of those words are after so much monkeying about?
I have always enjoyed the Bible as a collection of good short stories, most with a good moral that make us feel good, but as for assessing to those words absolute truth…well…I have always taken them with a pillar of salt.
Religion in its early days, to ancient peoples, was a way to explain things they couldn’t understand. Those ancient people had a very limited basis of scientific knowledge, and therefore, there were a great many things for which they had no explanation, but they did the best they could given the limits of their knowledge. The books of Daniel and Revelations describe some pretty odd encounters with beings not of our planet, but no book of the Bible does a better job of presenting alien life than does the book of Ezekiel.
Ezekiel, or Zeek as his friends called him, describes seeing a wheeled chariot descend toward him from the sky, piloted by beings with the “likeness of a man.” The holier-then-thous are quick to point out that Zeek was referring to God, because the Bible says so, but they don’t like it when the texts are seen in the ancient language of Hebrew, as God in never mentioned in those ancient texts. “God” was one of those later additions made for political purposes and inserted into the book of Zeek.
“4I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north—an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, 5 and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their form was human, 6 but each of them had four faces and four wings. 7 Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. 8 Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. All four of them had faces and wings, 9 and the wings of one touched the wings of another. Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as they moved.”
– Ezekiel 1
Put yourself in Zeek’s sandals with all of his limited knowledge and imagine how someone like that would describe the landing of a spacecraft. A man with no knowledge of such things. A man with no concept of such things and a man with only rudimentary skills of describing things only in relation to things he knew of. How would such a man describe the landing of a spaceship? Exactly as he describes it in the book of Ezekiel.
Ezekiel then describes being taken up between the Earth and the heavens, seeing wondrous things and transported to Jerusalem. There are three possibilities in that. One, that the same God who had presented himself to Moses as but a flaming shrub later presented to Zeek as some sort of flying machine, or two, that Zeek was either getting buzzed on LSD or he was just nuts, or three, that mankind’s first astronaut was an old Jewish dude.
I don’t really know what happened any more than do the holier-than-thous do, but at least I’m open-minded enough to consider the possibilities and ancient people would have seen extraterrestrial life as Gods.
From ol’ Zeek to angels, the Bible is full of references to other-worldly beings, so to say they are never mentioned in the book of good short stories is either a flat-out lie, or a deliberate act of specific omission so as to make certain things fit a certain narrative.
Holier-than–thous also claim that the U.S. government is NOT covering anything up where UFO’s are concerned because other nations would have outed them long ago. Really? NO other nation’s government would also be covering up the truth of the existence of UFO’s? NO other country, if they had proof, or possibly downed or captured alien crafts would try to keep that a secret so as to garner that technology for themselves? And OUR government wouldn’t keep such knowledge under lock and key?
Initial newspaper reports quoted an army officer as saying there was a UFO, a “flying disk” recovered from the desert near Roswell, NM in 1947, but the government amended its story the very next day to say that what they recovered was actually just a weather balloon. In 1994, the story changed again — the UFO was determined to be a spy balloon, but OUR government would NEVER engage in such a cover-up…would they?
Several people who had nothing to gain by lying claimed to have seen alien bodies at the Roswell crash site, and others claimed to have seen and held pieces of the crashed craft that defied any material known to man. A few weeks ago, when asked whether the U.S. government had information about extraterrestrial life, David Grusch, one of three who testified before a congressional committee said the U.S. likely has been aware of “non-human” activity since the 1930s. He and the other military witnesses spoke to congress and testified, under oath, that the U.S. has recovered non-human “biologics” from alleged crash sites. Did they produce a body for the committee to examine? No, but they seem far more credible than do those who deny the possibilities because of, you know…the Bible.
In that hearing, retired Navy Cmdr. David Fravor testified regarding his own encounter which he caught on video in 2004 off the coast of San Diego. Fravor said he and three other service members saw a white “Tic Tac”-shaped flying object emerge over the San Diego coast in California. Fravor testified, “There were no rotors, no rotor wash, or any visible flight control surfaces like wings.” Fravor said that he and the other pilots tried to get closer to the mysterious craft, but “it rapidly accelerated and disappeared right in front of our aircraft,” leaving no detectable turbulence. Fravor said, “The technology that we faced was far superior than anything that we had. I’m not a UFO fanatic. But what we saw with four sets of eyes — we have nothing close to it. It was incredible technology.”
According to the holier-than-thous, those things simply do not exist because the Bible never said they exist. Of course we are talking about a people and a time when the greatest technological advancement was not using poison ivy as toilet paper, and we know they pooped back then because the Bible contains some 30 mentions of pooping or peeing, but no mentions of Jesus having skid marks on his tighty-whities.
Getting back to the book of Zeek for a moment, he said, “You shall eat it as a barley cake, having baked it in their sight over human dung.”
Apparently there was nothing better back in the day than a freshly baked butt biscuit.
As evidence mounts regarding the existence of life on or from other worlds, the holier-than-thous remain steadfast in their certainty it does NOT exist, and that we are it in the universal scheme of things. But why, exactly, do they refuse to entertain even the possibility of such life?
Because when it comes, and it will come, it will upset their biblical apple cart.
As I said before, religion, and quite possibly the notion of God was invented by mere man so as to explain away the things that ancient man could not understand. The ancestors of today’s holier-than-thous called people like da Vinci, Galileo, Copernicus and Chuck Darwin heretics because they understood things that the holier-than-thous did not. Blaming everything on God or giving God credit for everything, as today’s holier-than-thous do, is easier than thinking, and it absolves them of any personal responsibility for the things that happen around them.
In the mind of the holier-than-thou, we silly humans are the best and most advanced thing ever created by God. Should some being from another world enter the picture, suddenly, either we’re NOT the best God ever did, or the entire notion of being created in the image of God the almighty flies right out the spaceship hatch.
Science is hard. Theoretical physics is even harder. Being holier-than-thou is relatively easy as theories go but scientists and theoretical physicists understand there are ways to possibly bend space and time in ways that would allow beings, far more advanced than we are, to travel extreme distances in a rather short amount of time. And who’s to say if those beings who might just be here were the same beings who left their home planet, or could they be those being’s descendants? Are we even sure the trip was non-stop, or could such beings have staging grounds scattered through the galaxy or universe where, for thousands of years, they have been making shorter trips?
And this should set the holier-than-thous hair on fire…what if mankind is actually an alien experiment? Wouldn’t that be a kick in the holier-than-thous skidmark-free tighty whities?
My advice is to beware of those who use the notion or possibility of God to excuse them from thinking and label those who do think as heretics as one day, ET and his magic finger might just give them a proctological exam which in turn will cause the high and mighty to come crashing down to Earth with the sudden realization that biblical demons and angels were really the “sky people” revered by far too many ancient cultures for it to be a mere coincidence.
Finally, the numbers are against the holier-than-thous where extraterrestrial life is concerned. In our galaxy alone, the latest scientific observations estimate there are some 100 billion planets, and roughly 300 million of them would be capable of sustaining life of one sort or another. On a universal scale, the number of habitable planets rises to possibly 5.3 TRILLION. Given those numbers, it becomes a fool’s errand to believe that only the third rock from our sun entertains intelligent life.
As I said before, you’re free to NOT believe that aliens from worlds other than our own exist, but how then DO you explain Dennis Rodman?
Copyright © 2023 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved
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Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 15th, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Traitor Thy Name Is Mike Pence’; ‘UFO’s, The Bible, and A Pillar of Salt’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.