No Answers Expected, But I have Questions

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

As our country, and our culture devolves further into the abyss the more questions I have. I don’t really expect answers as most of the questions seem to be directed to abject idiots, but ask them I will.

For instance, a couple of weeks ago, Jill Biden and Tony Blinkin presented the “Women” of Courage award…on International Women’s Day…to a dude. Now I realize that liberals have a collective brain fart when it comes to defining the word “woman” but seriously, shouldn’t one of the main criteria for receiving a “women” of courage award be having made it through at least one period?

For that matter, shouldn’t a couple of the primary considerations for being in the running for that particular award be never in  your life having a pair of attached balls or having garned the nickname “Testiculese” in gym class after getting nutted while playing dodge ball?

I’ll get back to the whole “trans” thing before I’m done, but here a few other things that make me ask questions of abject idiots…


Specifically, moose in Norway.

Here’s the deal…last week, “researchers” came to the conclusion that moose in the forests of Norway are “one of the biggest potential single sources of carbon emissions from wooded parts of Norway.” I know what you’re wondering…how DID those “researchers” come to such a conclusion?

Well, according to Gunnar Austrheim, an ecologist at the NTNU University Museum, “Moose are an ecosystem engineer in the forest ecosystem, and strongly impact everything from the species composition and nutrient availability in the forest. A grown animal can eat 50 kilograms of biomass each day during summer.” Apparently, tree buds, another name for “biomass” are to a moose what a plate of beans are to cowboys. By the way, the following clip is in high definition. You’re welcome.

A moose eats the tree buds thus limiting to a very minute effect the amount of foliage which processes CO2, and what happens next? Moose farts.

Here, we see two Norwegian moose “researchers” preparing to pour through collected data.

Here’s my question…when are we going to quit blaming back alley bugle blasts for the weather?

Last week, in my neck of the woods in north central Nebraska, it was 30 degrees on Monday, and in the 60’s on Tuesday and Wednesday and while I’m not a “researcher” from at the NTNU University Museum, I am just barely smart enough to know that the sudden change in the weather wasn’t due to some moose farting in Norway.

Here’s an idea…why not send that Swedish school-skipping shrew, Greta Thunberg into the Norwegian Bøkeskogen forest with a bio-degradable garbage bag full of corks and have her sneak up behind every moose in an effort to control the weather? If, after ten years, “researchers” find no difference in the weather…farting, as a sin can be dropped from the religion of “climate change.”

Speaking of abject idiots…

When Greta finishes corking moose holes on Norway, maybe she can cork a pie hole in Washington.

Here’s another question for which I expect no real answer…what in THE fresh hell is wrong with black people?

I mean ALL of them rather than just some of them as while the minority of them seem to be abject idiots, the majority of them seem to accept having the few morons speak for all of them. For instance, a  critical race theorist and professor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, by the name of Angel Jones, is DEMANDING that black people should get special bereavement leave and counseling services in order to deal with issues relating to systemic racism.

Jones is saying that Black faculty…all of them… should be granted “special paid time off and mental health therapy to deal with events of alleged police brutality.” According to Jones, “I am a proud educator who loves what I do. But before that, I am a Black woman.” Well, there’s your first problem right there…before any sense of accomplishment derived from her profession comes the color of her skin.  Jones continued, “A Black woman who is expected to return to ‘business as usual’ on Monday after seeing a member of my community murdered on Friday. Although it is customary for employees to receive support and understanding while grieving the loss of a loved one, the same care is rarely shown to the Black community when we lose someone in horrific and traumatic ways. Where’s our Black bereavement leave?”

So let me see if I have this straight. If a black person gets killed…ANY black person apparently ANYWHERE…ALL black people who can still fog a mirror should get paid time off to deal with it even though they never even MET the dead person? And why? Because skin color is above everything else?

Jones wasn’t finished. “Where are our counseling services? Where is our grace for missed meetings and deadlines while we mourn?” Here’s some breaking news…black people get killed every day, mostly by other black people, so black people according to the demands of Angel Jones would continue to get paid while never working another day in their lives. Where are all the black people with common sense telling her she needs a check up from the neck up?

Sammy Roth, who writes for the L.A. Times claims that “Los Angeles residents who drive more tend to be exposed to less air pollution — and Angelenos who drive less tend to be exposed to more pollution. It’s a function of the racism that shaped this city and its suburbs, and continues to influence our daily lives — and a stark reminder of the need for climate solutions that benefit everyone.”

According to Roth, white drivers are polluting the air that black people breathe and it has to stop. He claims that white drivers are killing black people because more white people drive than do black people. Roth says, “Today, many residents of the county’s whiter, more affluent neighborhoods — who were often able to keep highways out of their own backyards — commute to work through lower-income Black and Latino neighborhoods bisected by the 10, 110 and 105 freeways and more.”

According to Roth, solutions include “ending the sale of most gasoline vehicles” so as to allowing more apartment construction in wealthier neighborhoods. NONE of his proposed “solutions” included black people in the neighborhoods in question getting a job, buying a car and driving to work themselves which, by his own theory would end the problem.

Where are the common sense black people telling Roth that the L.A. population is 48.4% Hispanic/Latino, 28.1% White only and the rest is black or something other than white or Hispanic/Latino? Where are the common sense black people in this country calling out the race-baiters who are now joining forces with the “climate” loons for calling roads “racist?”

Black people aren’t the only group that needs to either shut up or speak up depending on which side of the idiocy they stand.

In Minnesota, a liberal member of their state legislature is claiming that “White Christians who adopt Native American children are contributing to genocide.” Heather Keeler recently posted to her Facebook page, “I’m sick of white Christians adopting our babies and rejoicing. It’s a really sad day when that happens. It means the genocide continues.”

Keeler, who is a member of the Yankton Sioux Tribe wasn’t done. She went on to say, “If you care about our babies, advocate against the genocide. Help the actual issues impacting indigenous parents, stop stealing our babies and changing their names under the impression you are helping. White saviors are the worst!”

Well, Ms Keeler, where are the Native American saviors? Why aren’t you advocating for more Native Americans to engage in adopting Native American children rather than just condemning white people who do what your community seems unwilling to do?

Right now, the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments regarding whether or not to do away with the Indian Child Welfare Act meant to protect Native American rights in state child custody proceedings. That act has been very important to Native Americans as a way to their families and culture. I’ll bet that Keeler would blow a gasket if the SCOTUS dismantles that Act because that Act funnels taxpayer money to state institutions and entities to maintain the foster care system where Native Americans are concerned.

In other words, white taxpayer money to keep kids locked into the system is good, but white people adopting kids OUT of that system is RACIST.

How about this…all adoption or foster care agencies, private or state run can no longer adopt or foster a child to anyone who is not of the same race, heritage and/or culture as the child in question. If by the time the child reaches the age of 18 no like race, heritage or cultural parents adopt the child, the child is then relegated to the streets to fend for themselves and while said child is IN the system, ONLY money from the community of that child’s race, heritage and/or culture can be used to support and care for the child.

Being as Keeler is a liberal from Minnesota, I’m willing to bet she’s also an advocate for abortion. Would she rather a soon to be born child be aborted than to possibly grow up in the multi-cultural and multi-racial families we are now treated to in nearly every television commercial we see?

Come on common sense Native Americans…you’re being as quiet as a moose in a Norwegian forest after an unfortunate rear-ending by Greta Thunberg.

And finally, one final question to which I expect no real answer…given the woke liberal agenda regarding gender which states that anyone can claim to be any one of some 165 different genders…is it a matter of cultural appropriation if black people demand to be recognized as a jar of mayonnaise?

I only ask as it occurs to me that such a particular gender designation should be only available to those of an…off white privilege.

Just askin’.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed Slavery, Reparations, and Votes Garnered



Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 21st, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘On  Slavery, Reparations, and Votes Garnered’; ‘No Answers Expected, But I have Questions’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.