Lori Lightfoot – Chicago’s Nero

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Just a day before Chicago’s mayoral election, Lori Lightfoot went off on Time Magazine for NOT giving HER the same boost they once gave Rahm Emanuel. Lightfoot played the race card, which is what elected black officials do when things aren’t going their way.

According to the soon to be ex Mayor of the Windy City, “I remember Rahm Emanuel appearing on the cover of Time Magazine, the headline was basically like: ‘Tough guy for Chicago.’ No woman or woman of color is ever going to get that headline.”

Lightfoot claimed that she had been judged “harshly as a black woman.”


In making that statement, Lightfoot admits that she should have been judged on the basis of the color of her skin rather than on the content of her character, and essentially what she said was that because of her skin color, the bar should have been lowered with regard to expectations. In other words, less should have been expected of her because she’s black.

That’s crap, and no self-respecting black person should agree with her.

Somehow, fittingly, on the last day of this year’s “black history month, Lori Lightfoot LOST her bid for reelection as Chicago’s Mayor, and it wasn’t even close. Lightfoot came in a distant third in the race, and with nobody hauling in at least 50% of the votes, a run-off election will be held between the two top candidates on April 4th. So, how bad was it for the worst Mayor in the history of Chicago? Well, she became the first Mayor there to lose a bid for reelection in 40 years, and a full 84% of Chicago voters voted for somebody else.

Lightfoot only garnered 16% of the votes.

While there is certainly interesting conclusions which can be drawn regarding the city of Chicago, I believe this might turn out to be a bellwether election for blue states and blue cities across the nation.

In Chicago, a deep blue city in a deep blue state, Lightfoot, a liberal’s liberal who embraced every liberal, woke agenda item that came her way, was an unmitigated disaster. Under her watch, crime rates soared, murders soared, shootings soared and black on black crime went through the roof. Chicago became one of the most violent cities in America, outpacing NY City and other cities with similar political breakdowns.

Lightfoot’s “hate the cops” and “go light on crime” policies wreaked havoc on the streets of her city to the point that not even democrats or liberals felt safe leaving their own homes, and while her city figuratively, and literally burned, what did Lightfoot do about it?


Let’s look at some of the basic crime numbers for Chicago under Lightfoot’s reign of terror. In 2021, Chicago, under Lightfoot, recorded better than 800 murders…the most in the past 25 years. In 2022, that number dropped to 625, and while Lightfoot tried to convince people that her policies were working, that number was still 40% above where it was when Lightfoot was elected in 2019. In 2022, more than 20,000 cases of theft were reported in Chicago, double the number from the year before.

In the first three weeks of THIS year, crime rates in Chicago were UP 61% over the same time frame in 2022. That’s staggering, and it stands as proof positive that Lightfoot’s policies were decidedly NOT working and instead…DRIVING crime in her city.

Back in May of 2021, Lightfoot went unchallenged by the mainstream media when she went full-bore racist in saying that she would ONLY grant one on one interviews with “people of color.” At the time, Lightfoot said, “Diversity and inclusion is imperative across all institutions including media. In order to progress we must change. This is exactly why I’m being intentional about prioritizing media requests from POC (people of color) reporters on the occasion of the two-year anniversary of my inauguration as mayor of this great city.”

I believe, at that point, Lightfoot KNEW she was floundering as the Mayor as her decision to ONLY grant interviews to “journalists of color” came AFTER the “summer of love” riots which had brought even more hardship, violence and crime to her city due to the fact that she embraced the anti-cop rhetoric and defund the police agenda. I believe that it was her intent to stave off tough questions regarding her performance in the Mayor’s office by hoping that “journalists of color” would cut her some slack, essentially lowering the bar based on the color of her skin.

Then, there was Lightfoot’s 2021 COVID mandates in which she forced to police to either get fully vaxxed, get tested weekly or get fired, Lightfoot also mandated “stay at home” orders in November of 2020, and was then forced to defend herself after she posted videos OF herself at a crowded election night party.

Hypocrisy anyone?

All of this, and more set the stage for Lightfoot’s resounding defeat last week, but will it have ramifications on a broader scale?

In California, thanks in large part to the same woke liberal policies embraced by Lightfoot in Chicago, people are fleeing that state for redder and freer pastures elsewhere, and they’re taking their money with them. The resulting loss of taxpayers dollars is going to have far-reaching impacts meaning that California will have to cut spending, which they are unlikely to do as liberals NEVER cut spending, or they’ll have to jack up taxes. How many democrats in California are going to be willing to pay even HIGHER taxes in their state and in cities within their state suffer the same issues as Chicago under Lightfoot?

New Yorkers are fleeing their blue state and city issues by moving to the free state of Florida as crime and conditions in Big Apple skyrockets and safety concerns mount.

In blue Oregon, several counties are now seriously looking at the prospect of changing their state’s borders to become part of red Idaho due to liberal policies effecting their economy negatively, while soft on crime policies create dangerous living conditions in Oregon.

How much longer will democrat voters in so many blue cities and states continue to embrace the politicians who embrace the policies that are driving their cities and states to the brink of disaster?

Only time will tell, but as blue cities and states crumble, voters are faced with dire consequences unless they do what Chicago voters did last week. Sure, Chicago will still have a democrat Mayor after the April 4th run-off election, but the odds on favorite, Paul Vallas, has campaigned on putting MORE police on the streets of Chicago, and he’s referred to Lightfoot’s COVID policies as draconian, at best. Vallas is also campaigning on a tough on crime agenda in a city where the primary concern among voters has been the sharp increase in crime stats under Lightfoot.

Is Chicago simply trading one weapon’s grade idiot for another? Let’s hope not because Chicagoans simply don’t have the luxury of time to wait and see as their city is already in free-fall.

Last week, on the morning after her crushing defeat, Lightfoot was asked what went wrong and her response, while bone crushingly stupid, was nonetheless typical. When asked by reporters, and no, we have no idea whether or not any of those reporters were white, whether or not she was treated unfairly during her campaign, she responded, “I’m a Black woman in America. Of course.” Lightfoot said, “I am a Black woman. Let’s not forget: certain folks, frankly, don’t support us in leadership roles.”

Lori Lightfoot never met a woke agenda policy she didn’t like, invested millions in the “Department of Climate and Environmental Equity, removed statues of Christopher Columbus and ordered cops not to chase criminals on foot. As crime soared 61% over the previous year, Lightfoot stood there last Tuesday and claimed to be PROUD of LOWERING crime in Chicago. And after shutting down small businesses in her city including barber shops, Lori Lightfoot went to a barber shop for a haircut. Not that hypocrisy matters a happy damn to liberals, she explained why the rules don’t apply to her because, I needed a haircut and because I’m the public face of the city, I got a haircut.”

Well, no wonder things in Chicago have gotten so ugly over the past four years.

And while her city descended into a wave of violent crime…what did Lori Lightfoot do?

We’ve seen it before. Nero fiddled while Rome burned, and Lightfoot danced while Chicago’s streets ran red with blood.

She just doesn’t get it.

The same people who voted FOR her in 2019…the same people who supported her in a leadership role in 2019, did NOT support her in a leadership role in 2023…NOT because of the color of her skin, but because of the content of her character. They voted overwhelmingly for others last week because her policies are directly destroying her city, and she just doesn’t get it.

Last Tuesday night, on election night when it became blindly clear that Lightfoot was finished, she said, “Regardless of tonight’s outcome, we fought the right fights and we put this city on a better path.”

Holy crap…

It’s obvious that the woman does not own a mirror, but her total and complete lack of self-awareness is unbelievably staggering.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed Boots, Inactions, and Domestic Terrorists Denial



Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 7th, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Boots, Inactions, and Domestic Terrorist Denial’; Lori Lightfoot – Chicago’s Nero”; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on https://rspradio1.com. Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.