Insurrection, Lies and Video Tape

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

An insurrection is an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects meant to overthrow said government. A protest is a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something.

What happened on January, 6th, 2021 was the latter, not the former.

Elected members of the liberal “elite” have been telling us for better than two years that what happened on January 6th, 2021, was an armed insurrection. They have told us that it was worse than the British sacking of the Capitol in the War of 1812. They have been telling us that it was on par, or worse than the bombing of Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

The mainstream media, being good little propagandist minions echoed those talking points non-stop for the past two plus years and if you dared to disagree in posts on social media, you were censored, put in social media jail or simply banned from social media platforms.

We’ve been told for the better part of two years that releasing the tens of thousands of hours of video from inside the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 was a matter of national security and thus, the American public was NOT allowed to view it. We were told that to release, it would be DANGEROUS to our national security and the elected liberal “elites” kept all that video footage locked up and away from curious eyes.

It was ALL a lie.

The January, 6th, committee existed in the House, and immediately after Republicans took control in January of THIS year, House leadership vowed to release the Karaken, and release it Kevin McCarthy, the new Speaker of the House has done. McCarthy handed ALL 40,000 plus hours of Capitol video to Tucker Carlson about three or four weeks ago, and since then, Carlson and his team of producers have been pouring through it.

Last week, Tucker Carlson started revealing what he and his producers saw as they slogged their way through better than 40,000 hours of “insurrection” video tape and what THEY saw was exactly what my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane and I saw as it transpired live on January, 6th, 2021.

Was there pushing and shoving going on outside the Capitol in an attempt to get in? Yes. Did a few windows get broken? Yes. Were there a few people inside the Capitol who perpetrated vandalism? Yes, but none of that rose to the level of an insurrection, bloody of otherwise and none of it was “deadly.” In fact, the only person KILLED that day was Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed woman trying to evade a crush of people in a narrow hallway behind the House Chamber as she crawled through a broken window. Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd.

While Carlson did not include video of the murder of Ashli Babbit, saying it could not be definitively proven what happened, it CAN be proven because, while there was no Capitol security video from that hallway behind the House Chamber, someone WAS filming from that vantage point IN that hallway at the moment of that murder. 27 year old John Sullivan, a citizen journalist caught the murder on camera.

Naturally, the mainstream media has their panties in a wad over Tucker Carlson airing the dirty laundry they tried to cover up for the past two years.

Last week, NBC News ran with the headline; “Tucker Carlson, with new video provided by Speaker McCarthy, falsely depicts Jan. 6 riot as a peaceful gathering.” Remember what the spawn of NBC…MSNBC said about the Summer of Love riots in 2020?

Naturally, that reporter, Ali Velshi claims that the clip has been taken out of context, and to clarify his absurd statement, he went on MSNBC and offered THIS response…

At the end of his clarification, Velshi literally says, “we cannot let protesters be likened to criminals.”

That’s important because the videos, tens of thousands of hours of videos that elected liberal elite and their mainstream propagandists tried so desperately to hide from the public show us that what transpired inside the Capitol on January, 6th, 2021 was nothing BUT a protest… and yet the same fools who told us that Summer of Love rioters were generally not unruly are now telling us that people who did NOTHING APPROACHING the level of violence in those riots SHOULD be likened to criminals.

Velshi, in his clarification video also said that, “peaceful or not, protest is a critical part of democracy.” We are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, and there is a big difference, but to be clear, Velshi called the riots, arson, assaults, looting and attacks on police and federal courthouses “protests,” that were in general, not unruly. Here he is talking about January, 6th and the “insurrection” which included NO riots, NO arson, NO attacks on courthouses or police stations by people, a good deal of whom were ushered into our Capitol by the police.

Here’s Velshi trying to further clarify his previous clarification in which he tries to draw a distinction between violent protests and protests with violence and note that he refers to January, 6th as “an assault on democracy.”

Velshi’s propaganda was from but one source and was echoed by every mainstream media outlet in the country. The simple fact is, nearly everything they said about the “insurrection” was a lie, and the videos prove it. No wonder they never wanted those videos released to the public…the truth undermines their lies and their outrage over releasing the truth, according to them, is a threat to our democracy.

Another way to look at it would be to say covering up the truth, and lying about the events of that day is a defense of our democracy. That just doesn’t even begin to make sense.

Last week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said it “was a mistake, in my view, for Fox News to depict this in a way that is completely at variance with what our Chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks.” McConnell is an anti-Trump RINO who has jumped on the liberal bandwagon as a way to try and prevent a reelection bid BY Trump and he’s taking the word of Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger, who said, “One false allegation is that our officers helped the rioters and acted as ‘tour guides.’ This is outrageous and false. This Department stands by the officers in the video that were shown last night…Those officers did their best to use de-escalation tactics to try to talk rioters into getting each other to leave the building.”

Thomas Manger is the Capitol Police Chief NOW, but he wasn’t in that position on the day in question. Steven Sund was the Capitol Police Chief that day and what he told Sean Hannity about it was staggering.

Is it any wonder that the Jan. 6th Committee didn’t want Sund to testify? I’ll get back to Manger in a moment, but the lying wasn’t confined to liberals.

In the days since Carlson aired portions of the videos, several Republicans aside from McConnell including, Sen. Thom Tillis, Sen. Kevin Cramer,  Sen. Mike Rounds, Sen. Mitt Romney, Sen. John Thune, Sen. John Kennedy, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, all Republicans, and some with common sense also made statements about how wrong it was of Carlson and Fox News to actually show portions of the videos to the public.

They, like the liberals actually advocate maintaining the lies, hiding the videos to prevent the public from seeing what really happened that day and censoring a media figure who is just trying to expose and separate the truth from the lies. Some of them say the videos should be given to more than just one outlet. Why? So the same propagandists who have been lying about J6 for the past two years can tell MORE lies?

Here’s a grand idea…why not make all 40,000 hours of that J6 video downloadable to the general public? Rather than having to rely on liars and Tucker Carlson to tell us what to think…let us all see it for ourselves and make up our own minds. That’s exactly what House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy now says he will do which now has liberals so mad that they’re vibrating. Once all that video becomes available to the general public, GONE will be the argument that Tucker Carlson has been “cherry picking” the evidence.

Okay…back to Thomas Manger who accused Tucker Carlson of “cherry picking,” but Manger’s claim is not what Diane Sori and I saw when we watched live coverage, it’s not what we see in the official security videos, and it is by and large not what was seen outside the Capitol by citizen journalists as Capitol Police removed barricades and opened doors. It clearly was not what we saw when Ashli Babbitt was murdered, as at the moment in question, Capitol Police were either just standing there, not trying to get the protesters away from that hallway door, or they were calmly walking down the stairs away from that hallway door.

None of this is to say that Capitol Police Officers weren’t injured. More than 100 were. None of this is to say there wasn’t violence on that day. There was…but who did it?

Given the fact that hundreds of Trump rallies took place in the five years before January, 6th, 2021, and absolutely ZERO featured violence against the police, given that hundreds of ANTIFA riots took place during the 2020 summer of love, and every single one of them DID feature violence against the police and given that the violence outside of the Capitol where most of those injured were at the time they were injured began more than an hour BEFORE Trump finished his speech on the mall and at not one Trump event over the years leading up to Jan. 6th did Trump supporters leave the venues early…you do the math.

That what happened that day was an insurrection was a lie. That it was an armed, deadly mob was a lie. That Capitol Police were killed by the armed angry mob was a lie. The January 6th committee was full of liars. The narrative of propaganda told by the mainstream media for the past two years was all lies and the “official” January 6th report was a pack of lies.

Perhaps the biggest lie of all has been the ongoing liberal lie that President Trump incited the so-called “insurrection.” Clearly, that’s a lie and video once again reveals the truth.

So, why have we been lied to for better than two years regarding what happened that day? Why are so many people in jail, more than 500 of who have not even been given a trial? Why are elected officials from BOTH side of the aisle so upset over the truth finally being exposed and why is the mainstream media continuing to propagandize  January, 6th for political purposes?

That J6 was an insurrection is a lie, and the video, hidden for better than two years PROVES it to be a lie. The same ilk that lied about Russian Collusion, quid pro quo, Hunter’s laptop, and voter fraud are …elected officials and the mainstream media…are the entities that directly LED to J6 and now, those same entities have for the past two years and continue today to lie ABOUT J6.

Carlson says it has all been meant to diminish Trump and prevent him from winning another election, but I believe it goes much deeper than that.

We’ve been lied to and people have been imprisoned based on a mountain of lies to intimidate We The People from ever challenging the status quo and calling into question the power of those we elect.

There is the TRUE threat to our Constitutional Republic because when the people challenge mob rule, which is what a democracy is, the democracy is finished and we return to a government of, by and for the people.

That’s the bottom line.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed The Cause and Effect of Silencing Free Speech



Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 14th, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘The Ramifications of Silencing Free Speech’; ‘Insurrection, Lies, and Video Tape’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.