The Religion of Race-Baiting

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

“We don’t live by bread alone but by our giving we provide a voice, we provide funding to the voice of change. And so when we don’t give particularly to African American churches, or churches that believe the gospel is justification by faith and social justice, when I don’t give to those environments, I’m perpetuating the Tyre Nichols situations of our society. So don’t be angry about it if you’re not going to fund the voice of change. That’s what giving is about.”

Those were the words of a James D. Gailliard, Senior “Pastor” of Word Tabernacle in Rocky Mount, North Carolina a couple of weeks ago from his pulpit.

I put “pastor” in quotes because I believe a more accurate title for this clown would be “Senior Race-Baiter and Shake-Down Hustler.”

Gailliard wasn’t alone as the “ Rev.” Terry K. Anderson of Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Houston Texas also did the race-bait hustle on his congregation stating from his pulpit, “We want innocent Black men to be policed like guilty White men,” and then referred to Kyle Rittenhouse as “a guilty white man.”

At that point, the race-baiting hustler said perhaps the dumbest thing yet…If Tyre Nichols were White, “the Black policemen would’ve politely asked him for his license and registration . . . and courteously set him on his way.” Anderson went on to declare that white people are prejudiced against ALL black people claiming, “But you know what White people call all of us? It rhymes with ‘trigger.”

No Mr. Anderson, that’s what a lot of black people call each other.

Have you ever listened to a good deal of the rap music out there Mr. Anderson? Have you ever listened to a good deal of the black comics out there Mr. Anderson? My advice to you Mr. Anderson is that you clean up the language from the loudest voices in your own community before you start pissing and moaning about the quietest voices in any other community. By that I mean that a vast minority  of the black community calls themselves and each other “niggas” but that vast minority has the loudest voices while the overwhelming vast minority of the white community, those whose voices carry no weight as they are repugnant to society and therefore are the softest voices out there us the term “nigger.”

Now then,  James D. Gailliard…you call for your flock to “give” to the African American churches, of which yours apparently is one. You call for “social justice” and claim that God wants people to give their money for “social justice.” What a load of crap. You’re hustling your flock. You’re playing on their emotions to reap a financial reward. God doesn’t want your people’s money…he has no place in which to spend it…but YOU can spend that money can’t you Mr. Gailliard?

In that respect, Mr. Gailliard, you are no different than the liberal politicians you and your flock have been voting for over the past six decades. For 60 years, a parade of politicians, all of them democrats have been telling your people that they are their saviors, “Vote for us” they tell your people, “and we’ll use your tax dollars to save you.” How is that any different than what you’re doing right now Mr. Gailliard? You stand in your pulpit on Sunday and tell your flock “give me your money and we’ll save you.”

Honestly, Mr. Gailliard, It’s getting pretty damned tough to tell the preachers from the politicians in liberal enclaves these days because both claim to be saviors but only with other people’s money.

And how has that worked out for your community over the past 60 years, Mr. Gailliard? Have your democrat saviors lifted your flock from injustice and poverty, or are things holding the old status quo from 65 years ago?

In the case of Tyre Nichols, we have a city, Memphis, that is 65% black, being run by a black Mayor and which has a black female Police Chief in which 5 black cops on a force that is 58% black beat a young black man to death after they had him handcuffed.

White America had nothing whatsoever to do with that.

Mr. Gaiillaird…Mr. Anderson…that was YOUR community that beat that man to death. That was street justice carried out by a bunch of street thugs. That’s what “social justice” looks like on the streets and if you don’t think so, look back on the 2020 summer of love where black people were burning down black communities and black-owned businesses. Mr. Anderson, you brought Kyle Rittenhouse into this mess and you know as well as anybody else that Mr. Rittenhouse was only defending himself from attacks, and I suspect you also know full well that Mr. Rittenhouse is white and so too were the people he shot that night.

Race didn’t play a part in what happened in the Rittenhouse case any more than race played a part in the Tyre Nichols case but to democrats and liberals, everything today is seen through the lens of racism whether or not it applies, and in most cases, it decidedly and obviously does NOT apply.

Take what happened in Nyack, NY at their middle school on February, 1st. The school lunch that day was fried chicken and waffles with a slice of watermelon for dessert. Feb. 1st was also the first day of “Black History Month.” Well…that lunch was quickly deeded, by the woke left, to be “culturally insensitive.” The school’s principal called an “unfortunate situation,” and the company that provides the school lunches said, “While our menu was not intended as a cultural meal, we acknowledge that the timing was inappropriate, and our team should have been more thoughtful in its service.”

Seriously, who doesn’t like fried chicken, waffles and watermelon? While a few woke parents and administrators were up in arms, I’m willing to bet that the diverse mix of kids at Nyack Middle School were pretty happy with the meal until a few of them got home and heard from their woke parents. That’s how indoctrination works. On any given day, other than Feb. 1st, nobody would have said anything about that lunch being racist but woke indoctrination rules the roost. How many of those same kids who were “targeted” by such an extreme example of “racism” have had that same meal in their own homes, or on a trip to the Waffle House or IHOP?

Allow me to point out the utter hypocrisy of this with a simple observation. We are told by the woke left to condemn Thanksgiving because it is “culturally insensitive” but we are to revere the first day of “Black History Month?” God help us all if kids in summer school are served hotdogs and apple pie near the 4th of July.

I could go on and on but it would be remiss of me not to draw attention to a member of the black community who actually “gets it.”

A bit over a week ago, Pierre Rutledge, chair of the Miami-Dade Black Affairs Advisory Board, issued a sincere apology to Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis. Apparently, on Wednesday, February 2nd, at the organization’s meeting, one member stated, “our governor is racist.” That was in response to DeSantis calling out and rejecting an African American History advanced placement course based solely on the content of the curriculum which included woke gender and queer nonsense and critical race theory. At the time, DeSantis said, “This course on Black history, what’s one of the lessons about? Queer theory. Now, who would say that an important part of Black history is queer theory? That is somebody pushing an agenda.”

Gov. DeSantis was 100% correct, and while he had no problem with the first ¾ of the course outline, it was the last 25% of it where that nonsense came into play. The College Board, within days, removed that portion of the course outline, and for the record, Black American History has for some time been a part of the curriculum in Florida. What DeSantis also said made damned good sense when he asked why we just can’t teach American History because black history is a part of American History?

Anyway, back to  Pierre Rutledge, who in issuing his apology said, “We take it to heart when someone uses the term racist. Words matter. And so as chair, I must start by saying we want to pull that back. There’s nothing wrong with saying ‘we’re sorry.’ That’s not what we intended to say or be depicted by anyone. And that’s not the feeling of this board.”

Mr. Rutledge gets it.

Liberalism  as a political ideology, requires victims, and when the liberal elite can’t find real victims they will always manufacture them, and this is where “woke” policies in law enforcement come into play.

Defunding the police is a “woke” policy because it results in fewer to no cops on the streets while “woke” policies within the way police and DA’s work results in fewer GOOD cops on the streets and more CRIMINALS released ONTO the streets. Fewer GOOD cops results in more sub-par or bad cops because standards for hiring are based not on doing the job the right way or experience coupled with moral character, but on a lack of law enforcement training coupled with woke equity over quality of character.

Hello Memphis.

“Woke” policies in the DA’s office results in allowing criminals to get away with crimes without fear of deterrents or ramifications and demoralizes good cops into not even wanting to remain on the job.

Here’s what nobody in the mainstream media will tell you…woke policies favor the criminals and ignore the real victims. When you remove the fear of ramifications and deterrents from the criminal element while driving good cops off the job leaving more cops with low moral standards on the street, criminals are free to manufacture more real victims for the liberal machine.

Manufacturing more victims through “woke” law enforcement policies while indoctrinating our youth to see racism where it doesn’t exist is exactly what the democrat party needs if their goal is to keep a segment of the American populous down and make them reliant on the government for their safety.

Social justice isn’t justice, it’s nothing but a tool for race-baiting hustlers who would rather reap the financial benefits gained by playing emotional games with those they claim to represent in order to take other people’s money based on more empty promises.

God doesn’t need your money, and pulpit pounding, race-baiting hustlers don’t deserve your money. Those pulpit pounders are nothing but useful puppets of the same liberal elite who have for the past 60 years managed to brainwash black people in America into believing by voting democrat they will be saved.

Nothing could be farther from the truth, and that’s the bottom line.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed The Taiwan Test Or Something Else



Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 14th, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘The Taiwan Test Or Something Else’; ‘The Religion of Race-Baiting’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

2 thoughts on “The Religion of Race-Baiting

  1. A patriot man can manythings to do for the countries negletade and poor people how to do something that’s the positive for the next generation as a conscious man how to make a better generation well future and peaceful livinng nation..AKA..

  2. Very truthful and great article but being an ordained minister myself I have to bring up the white ministers who do the same and worse in the ilk of Joel “Osteen ” who use the pulpit to get mega rich with mega churches who do nothing for the community when it is in need but preach “give me your money and you will be rewarded ” . While that is not race baiting but it is using the pulpit to propagate lies . A minister can never save you . A ministers job is to speak the Gospel and nothing else, no race baiting , no promises of riches if , and no mega churches . As I have stated before I love your articles .

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