The Fundamental Transformation of Education

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The situation in our nation’s public schools should alarm every American with a working brain cell. We’re not just talking about kids here. What we’re talking about is future adults and future adults will determine the viability of our entire country going forward.

This all started decades ago with what I believe was a four part plan. First, liberals would sieze control of the education system  via teachers and administrators including boards of education and all of that was facilitated through union efforts. Second came the dumbing down of students which began  a couple of decades ago through the lowering of test standards. Having accomplished both those aspects of the liberal plan, they moved on to phase three, the indoctrination of students which is meant to usher in the fourth and final stage…cultural re-engineering.

To put it mildly, we are on the brink of pinning our nation’s ability to compete in the world on the idiots we will graduate from high school over the next decade who will neither be productive members of our nation’s economic future, nor will they become productive or stable members of our nation’s society.

To this point, I give you the liberal blue state of Illinois.

We have just discovered that in Illinois, across 53 schools, there exists not one single student who can read, or do math at grade level. Not one. Zip, Zilch. ZERO. That is staggering. Some of those schools contain hundreds of students while others contain potentially thousands of student and in 53 Illinois schools there are NO students capable of reading or doing math at their grade level.

Illinois state Sen. Willie Preston, a Democrat and a father of six, thinks he knows where the blame should be placed. According to Preston, “I believe this is something that is a byproduct of some of our policies that we were taking during COVID. This is a very serious issue and one that as a father and as a lawmaker, I’m going to be addressing feverishly.” Preston makes this claim after billions of dollars from the federal government were sent to his state for the purpose of bettering education due to the COVID shutdowns over the past couple of years.

Basically, what Preston is admitting to is what we all already knew…shutting down schools was a disaster, and the money showered upon school systems was diverted away from anything to do with educating students, but let’s be honest here, the reading and math scores have nothing whatsoever to do with COVID.

According to the authors of the Wirepoints report, Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner point out that in Illinois, the scores for reading and math after COVID were virtually unchanced from the scores BEFORE COVID.  “Defenders of the current system are sure to invoke [COVID] as the big reason for the low scores, but a look at the 2019 numbers show that the reading and math numbers were only slightly better than they are now.”

If it wasn’t COVID, and it clearly wasn’t due to a lack of money as Chicago alone raked in more than $9.4 BILLION COVID dollars for education…what is it?

I submit the root of it can be traced to our national education system being run by liberal Marxists who have moved away from core subjects like math and reading in our public schools to focus on social aspects and squishy feelings.

It was ridiculous, back in 2016, when schools started providing “safe spaces” for students who had their feelings hurt when Trump defeated Hillary. Therapy puppies, Crayons and bottle of bubbles replaced classroom learning of the basics. How about the advent of common core math? It used to be that two plus two equaled four, but when you teach kids that two plus two can equal five, or twelve or whatever number makes a student feel good, and you give them credit so as not to bruise their feelings, should anyone be surprised now when those students can’t perform math at their grade level?

The answer to it from the liberal Marxists running and ruining our education system won’t be to raise the level of education, but to lower the curve.

Of course, reading and math aren’t the only areas of concern, as science and history have also become subjects subject to the liberal agenda. Science, real science tells us that there are only two genders…male and female, but common core science is indoctrinating students to believe there are more than 150 different genders and they can be a jar of mayonnaise of that’s their desire. Along those lines, students MUST recognize and accept whatever anyone identifies as lest they be suspended from school.

In Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, we find Al Vernacchio, an English teacher at Friends’ Central School, a private school, who is the Sexuality Education Coordinator there. He teaches classes regarding the the sexuality curriculum and organizes sexuality-themed programs and assemblies, while serving as one of the faculty advisors for the Gender and Sexual Orientation Alliance.  Again…he’s supposed to be an English teacher. In what’s called an optional sexuality class, Vernacchio shows photos, close-up photos of penises and vulvas, and a video of a woman ejaculating.

While Vernacchio holds that class with 11th and 12th grade students, he advocates indoctrinating children as young as nursery school through 12th grade. Let me remind you again that this is an ENGLISH teacher who obviously doesn’t specialize in reading proficiency and he teaches at a PRIVATE school…a place where parents believe their children WON’T be subjected to such things. But from where do you think today’s private school teachers come? They come from the same asylums of higher indoctrination that churn out public school teachers.

But it’s not just the teachers who are responsible for the ruination of our education system, it’s the administrators, and a good case in point for that can be made within the Loudoun County School Board in Virginia. That’s where a report detailing information regarding the sexual assault cases of two high school students is being hidden and covered up by a vote of their school board. According to board member, Ian Serotkin, “Being open and transparent is incredibly important, but so is the rights of our students and staff.” The board claims that releasing the report would only contribute to and prolong the “trauma of the victims.”

Here’s a question…what about justice FOR the victims and can justice ever be delivered by covering up what happened?

The whole thing stems from a male student who assaulted a female student in the girls’ restroom at one of Loudoun County’s high schools. That same perpetrator later committed the second offense at another district high school. That means that the Loudoun County school system, knowing that they had a sex offender as a student simply moved that student from one school to another because the feelings of the criminal might be hurt had they expelled him from the system altogether.

By the way, this is the very same Loudoun County school district that has a history of allowing inappropriate materials in area schools, and a transgender bathroom policy that allows boys in the girl’s bathroom if they “identify” as a girl.

Meanwhile, in Forsyth County Georgia, the school board there recently had their hats handed to them being ordered to pay a parents rights group $100,000 dollars. The group, called the Mama Bears, filed suit after they were shut down while trying to present to the school board, pornographic material which they found in the SCHOOL LIBRARY. At a board meeting, a year ago, group member Allison Hair tried reading from the book, “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,” which was IN THE SCHOOL LIBRARY and she was cut off by the board after reading, “I know that you give someone a blow job by putting your penis …”

Allison Hair tried to read from the book at the next meeting and was cut off again, and sent a letter BANNING her from ever attending another school board meeting. They banned HER, for reading from a book the school had in it’s library…but they didn’t ban the book. Why? Because it would have been pretty tough to indoctrinate and groom kids if the material was exposed publicaly.

In Florida, a middle school teacher from Orlando actually posted to social media, videos from inside his classroom in which he had white kids bowing down to and fanning black kids as part of his black history month lesson. Ethan Hooper, the teacher in question, said “It was all in good fun. There was no political agenda behind it” and the video was, “maliciously used.” To their credit, The Orange County Public School District has suspended Hooper…but they should have simply fired him.

Here’s the most disturbing part of that situation…several of the white students in that video said, “We all agreed to it. He didn’t really do anything wrong.” Those kids are so far down the rabbit hole of indoctrination that they can’t see anything wrong with promoting racism to supposedly end racism.

While not all teachers or school board members are bad, the agenda of the left has been set, and teachers who do not agree with that agenda are in the minority of active teachers, while new teacher hires are being screened to exclude those unwilling to follow the agenda. That means that through attrition, eventually there will be very few teachers, even in red states, that will focus on actual education.

I’ve only cited a few individual examples in this commentary, but bear in mind, this is happening all across our nation and such examples are becoming all too common. So, what will be the outcome of all of this?

We now have second and third generation teachers and administrators who have been steeped in the liberal agenda leading our education system and indoctrinating our nation’s children. Within the next ten years, we will be graduating from our high schools kids that aren’t smart enough to not try to make toast in the bathtub. While some will go on to asylums of higher indoctrination, none will be ready for the real world, and they will try to alter reality to fit the agenda into which they’ve been indoctrinated. Their new reality will be one of steep national economic decline coupled with subjective social justice with no foundation in the rule of law or the values that have made America exceptional for the last two and a half centuries.

Why would the liberal agenda regarding our nation’s education system be so hell-bent on the impending destruction of the future of our country? Because educated children become educated adults who strive for exceptionalism while indoctrinated children become indoctrinated adults reliant on the government for their basic needs.

Such people will beg for socialism, Marxism and authoritarianism which is the only way liberalism can remain viable.  Under a socialist system, schools become institutes of cultural change rather than centers of education and sadly, that is exactly what we’re seeing right now.

The system of indoctrination to bring about social re-engineering is now actively conspiring against parents so that the system, NOT the parent have complete control of children. Think I’m a conspiracy theorist? Think again. Just a few days ago, a teacher…make that an indoctrinator, responded to a tweet that read, “Parents-check your school districts’ policy regarding keeping info about YOUR child secret from you. There are some scary policies out there. Schools should not have a right to keep info about your child from you unless abuse by you is suspected.” Indoctrinator Kelly Love’s response? “I cannot disagree with this more. So many students are not safe in this nation from their Christo-fascist parents. And our guidelines and laws haven’t caught up with this.”

Do you get it yet? Do you understand what this really is yet?

It’s Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America,” and the liberal Marxists are weaponizing our nation’s children through indoctrination.

Let THAT sink in.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed Ukraine…Putin’s Proxy War



Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 28th, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Ukraine…Putin’s Proxy War’; ‘The Fundamental Transformation of Education’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

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