The Art of Grand Distraction

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

What happened to the Joe Biden classified document scandal? It was there, it was heating up, new information was coming out and then, all of a sudden…poof. The story went from daily breaking news to…nothing.

Abject silence.

What happened?

Distractions happened.

There was perhaps the biggest breaking news yet regarding Joe Biden’s classified documents on January 25th. It was a bombshell revelation that should have been THE top news story for at least the next two weeks but…it vanished.

Also on the 25th of January came the news that the Paul Pelosi attack body cam footage was about to be released after three months of keeping it under wraps and away from the public. On January, 26th, the DA in San Francisco said anyone who wanted the Paul Pelosi footage would have to come to San Francisco to get it and the media, including Fox News started drooling like Pavlov’s dogs.

By Friday, January 27th, producers had the three month old attack video in-hand and copies of it began to make their way across the internet.

Above the fold in print editions, top story on broadcast media.

It was all anyone and everyone was talking about on Friday, but it wasn’t enough of a distraction to keep people occupied for very long. Another distraction was needed immediately, and since body cam footage is riveting, another body cam video was promptly released. The Tyre Nichols gang style beat-down by five Memphis cops hit the air and the internet but there needed to be more.

Alert the ANTIFA wing of the liberal Marxist party and swing them into action.

Riots, albeit mini-riots started breaking out in blue states and their blue cities with the required social media posts calling for burning cities to the ground and abolishing the police. Naturally, there were the usual suspects from the mainstream media and various elected officials from the left side of the aisle trying to make the Tyre Nichols case into some sort of racial thing. Never mind that all five cops involved were as black as the victim and that the Police Chief in Memphis is also black. That doesn’t matter. Whitey did it. It’s white America’s fault.

Joe Biden’s classified documents?

You couldn’t find a mention of what SHOULD have been the BIGGEST story out there with an electron microscope.

Mission accomplished?

Not so damned fast.

So, what was the big bombshell related to Joe Biden’s classified documents? Well…Hunter Biden and his wayward laptop. More specifically, the emails on his wayward laptop and to pinpoint it, one specific email on that laptop…maybe the mother of all Hunter Biden emails.

Here’s the background…we all know that Joe Biden had classified documents that he shouldn’t have had at all with some of them being housed at the Penn Biden Center, some being housed in his home library, others being kept in the garage near his ‘67’ Corvette and still others scattered about the house in Wilmington, Delaware. We also know that somebody had to have gone through those documents, sorting through them to decide what went to the Penn Biden Center, what went to the home library, which documents were left in an open box on the dining room table and which would eventually be secreted away next to the Vette.

At that point in time, Hunter was living in the Wilmington, Delaware house. Hunter was there when that open box of documents was sitting on the dining table while a kids birthday party was in progress…a party which saw Hunter getting drunk, stoned or both, leaving the house and, according to text messages, losing his keys.

But that’s not the big story, and that’s not the email that should have knocked everything else off the headlines.

Contained in the laptop emails was one particular email from the time that Hunter was residing in Joe’s Wilmington Delaware house that is completely out of context with any other email in the laptop.

Timing is everything, and this is no exception. At the time of the email in question, Hunter, and one of his partners in business or crime, Devin Archer, were trying to weasel their way into a Ukrainian energy company called Burisma and they needed leverage to get the millions of dollars in no-show pay they were seeking. Hunter and Devin had to prove their worth to the Ukrainians…hence the email in question.

Hunter sent an email to a well placed Burisma executive outlining, and detailing certain things that the inebriated, stoned Hunter could have ONLY gotten from a CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT. The email, dated 4/12/2014 pertained to a prediction that Petro Poroshenko would be elected Ukraine’s president in May of that year, contained a 22-point memo that Hunter said he came up with after doing research, and…this.

Clearly, those aren’t Hunter Biden’s words. Clearly, he copied those words, or he did a cut and paste job but those words reek of a classified State Department memo.  Remember, in 2014, Joe Biden was Obama’s VP, and just three days after Hunter Biden sent that email…THREE DAYS after he sent that email, Joe Biden, who has claimed time and time again he had no knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings, met with none other than Devin Archer IN THE WHITE HOUSE, and shortly after that, Joe Biden, the Big Guy was named as Obama’s point man to Ukraine.

In total, that email was 1,300 words long, and completely UNLIKE anything else Hunter Biden ever written, but that’s not all. Also in the email was this little tidbit: “The announcement of my guys [sic] upcoming travels should be characterized as part of our advice and thinking — but what he will say and do is out of our hands. In other words it could be a really good thing or it could end up creating too great an expectation. We need to temper expectations regarding that visit.”

Now then, a rhetorical show of hands…how many of you think that Hunter came up with that assessment regarding Ukraine and Russia out of his own drug-addled mind? How many of you think that while drunk and high, in between hookers, a blurry eyed Hunter Biden stumbled upon that classified document by accident and knew enough about it to forward the info contained in it to his pal Devin Archer at Burisma?

Obviously, those weren’t his own words OR his own thoughts, and just as obvious should be the fact that given access to such documents, Hunter would have had no idea what to do with them. That means that someone who DID know what to do with them had to pull those documents and GIVE them to a drug abusing, alcoholic, hooker addicted Hunter Biden, and as those documents were in Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home, where Hunter was residing at the time, guess who the prime suspect has to be.

Can I say for certain that Joe pulled classified material and gave it to Hunter so that Hunter could forward it and thus secure an $83,000.00/month job in a field where he had no expertise or for that matter, no knowledge? Can I say for sure that getting that intel to Ukraine via strawmen connected to Burisma got Joe Biden, the Big Guy the point gig on Ukraine for Obama?

No, I can’t say that for certain, but it sure looks that way, and if it’s not true, then it is the biggest coincidence in the history of coincidences.

Now can you see why those two body cam videos finally saw the light of day when they did? Now do you understand the need for elements of mass distraction? Less than 24 hours after this Hunter email story broke, a story that for all the world seems to implicate Joe Biden as a result of his classified document scandal…the Paul Pelosi attack video and the Tyre Nicholes attack video suddenly go public, knocking Joe’s docs off the front page.

But it doesn’t end there.

Last Monday, January 30th, as Congressman Jim Jordan was ramping up an investigation into Joe Biden’s classified document scandal, Merrick Garland’s Department of Two-Tiered Justice told Jordan that they will NOT cooperate with Jordan’s committee because giving Jordan’s committee access to information related to the special counsel investigation into Joe Biden’s improper retention of classified documents could jeopardize the probe.

Garland isn’t worried about jeopardizing the probe…Obama is worried about jeopardizing the cover-up and because Obama is clearly pulling all the puppet strings in this show, he must have something to lose should the real truth come out.

One thing I can say for certain is that we should expect one flurry of distractions after another for the next two years leading up to the 2024 elections. The liberal elite simply cannot afford to have attention focused on their own malfeasance. Expect the war between Russia and Ukraine to heat up substantially, with the U.S. getting involved on the ground. Also expect things to heat up between Taiwan and China with a fair amount of saber-rattling from us in that process, and let’s not forget the Middle East as various situations involving Iran and Israel are sure to become pot-stirrers as well.

Domestically, we can expect the resurgence of ANTIFA with their compulsory riots, more crisis at the southern border, CRT fights in public schools and the always popular among the liberal elite…demands to defund the police while releasing more and more criminals back onto our streets.

And don’t forget Chinese spy balloons…

It’s all meant to distract us from Biden’s free fall and the pasture the liberals are putting Joe out to as early as this spring so as to find a new puppet for Obama to play with in 2024.

The grand art of distraction at its best.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed “He Cried For His “Mother”



Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 7th, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘He Cried For His Mother’; ‘The Art of Grand Distraction’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

2 thoughts on “The Art of Grand Distraction

  1. You’ve, AGAIN, documented the game plan of the leftist anti-american, anti-Republican Democracy. Ole procrastinating Joe’s time is up, he served his purpose, now Obama will instruct the leftist minions on who the Dems nominate for President/Vice President in 2024. God Help Us All.

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