Biden’s Balloon-a-Palooza

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

According to China last week, they intend to “take measures against U.S. entities related to the downing of a suspected Chinese spy balloon off the American East Coast.” The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin gave no details and did not identify the targets of the measures.

For their part, China has said that the balloon in question was NOT a spy balloon, but a WEATHER balloon that got blown off course. They have NOT said what government department or company was responsible for it which is a pretty clear indication that it was not a weather balloon.

China also wants their “weather balloon” which clearly was not a weather balloon back and while that probably won’t happen, with Biden in charge…who knows?

Since the February 4th shoot-down of THAT balloon, our woke military has shot down three MORE…somethings. An F-16 shot something octagonal out of the sky over Lake Huron a bit over a week ago, but it took two sidewinder missiles at a cost of roughly $400,000 each to get the job done. While we spent nearly a million bucks to blast the floating octagon out of the sky, when you factor in the cost of launching an F-16 along with the missiles, we still haven’t been told what exactly it was that we bagged that day.

We supposedly know what it wasn’t…we’ve been told by the current regime that is was NOT aliens from outer space. Gen. Glen VanHerck, who leads NORAD and the U.S. Northern Command didn’t rule OUT space aliens last week, but White House Homeland Security Adviser Liz Sherwood-Randall did, saying that, “There are no UFOs. This is not an invasion of the aliens. I mean it’s funny, but it’s not funny, because people are communicating this on platforms that are widely viewed, and it’s creating fear that is unnecessary.”

That seemed to be fairly decisive until National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said last Monday that he doesn’t THINK “the American people need to worry about aliens with respect to these craft.”

That of course begs the question…if we’re willing to spend perhaps a million bucks apiece to shoot these things down, shouldn’t we at the very least know what they are before we start lobbing heat-seeking missiles at them? I mean, if they ARE space aliens…aren’t we running the risk of really pissing them off? I mean, think about it…they spend light years floating through intergalactic space in a flimsy helium balloon only to get shot at while they’re trying to find a place to pee and pick up a few snacks before continuing on their way to find a planet that actually HAS intelligent life.

In light of what the government told everybody regarding whatever it was that fell from the sky near Roswell, New Mexico back in 1947, should we really believe them when they tell us that what they’ve been shooting down recently are NOT space aliens?

So…what are we being told by the current government regarding sky floaties?

Well…Last week, White House Homeland Security Adviser Liz Sherwood-Randall claimed there might be HUNDREDS of these things floating about, if not THOUSANDS of them, and then she said that they could well be… “used car lot balloons.”

That begs the question…are we going to scramble fighter jets armed to the teeth every time a balloon gets away from Bob’s Used Car Emporium because the new salesman failed to secure it to the roof rack of a rusty 1998 Ford Explorer?

Last week, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan announced an “interagency task force” to study the flying objects. Well…thank GOD we now have an “interagency government task force” on the case because there are potentially THOUSANDS of wayward USED CAR LOT BALLOONS posing a clear and present danger to commercial air traffic. Let me just state the obvious here…if there are thousands of used car lot balloons wafting about in the breeze, it’s nothing new. It’s probably been that way since used car lot owners figured out they could grab attention by tethering big balloons to old cars and yet I have never heard of a single case of a passenger jet being brought down with a catastrophic loss of life due to a balloon that says…”GREAT DEALS ON USED WHEELS,” on it.

Let’s just be honest…we’re now shooting balloons down because Joe Biden got caught with his pants down when a Chinese spy balloon was allowed to float across the entire U.S. for 8 days without doing anything about it.

It was bad enough when we sent China a clear message that we would allow them to surveil us for more than a week with 19th century technology dangling 21st century arrays from it, but it’s even worse sending them the message that our woke military is completely unable to distinguish the difference between a spy balloon the size of three school busses from an innocuous advertising balloon the size of a Mini Cooper.

Seriously, while I know that the garden variety liberal politician can’t figure out which bathroom a college swimmer SHOULD be using, I guarantee you that we have satellites in geosynchronous orbit that can tell the difference between boy and girl horse flies sitting on a meadow muffin, but we’re expected to believe that our military can’t tell the difference between a spy balloon and car lot balloon?

Last week, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said they were conducting a “live-fly air defense exercise” off the coast of Washington state and British Columbia after four Russian planes were detected and intercepted over the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone. NORAD said it was a “routine incident.” NORAD said  the training exercise  is “in no way related to recent NORAD and U.S. Northern Command operations associated with airborne objects over North America during the last two weeks.”

Of course it’s not because we didn’t take any potshots at the Russian planes…unlike our response to things that couldn’t shoot back.

To be clear, NORAD issued the following statement regarding those Russian planes: “Russian aircraft remained in international airspace and did not enter American or Canadian sovereign airspace. This Russian activity in the North American ADIZ occurs regularly and is not seen as a threat, nor is the activity seen as provocative.”

On the other hand…loose balloons from corner car lots ARE provocative enough to require F-22 Raptors and stinger missiles?

Confused yet? You should be because the confusion is by design. The Biden regime doesn’t know what they’re doing, and to cover that up, they’re telling as many different stories as they can think of. A Chinese spy balloon floated over the U.S. for 8 days before the Biden regime did anything about it, then they shot something out of the sky over Canada, over Alaska, and over Lake Huron but they want you to believe that while they don’t know what those last 3 were, they posed a danger.

Come on. I don’t believe for a moment, and either should you that NORAD wasn’t aware of any of them well before they got to our air space, and I’m willing to bet they have known all along exactly what they were. The problem is…NORAD most likely has been ordered NOT to disclose what they were because they were either our own weather balloons, some 12 year old kid’s school science fair project or…used car lot balloons. They’re most definitely NOT space aliens but the mainstream media is too damned dumb to figure that out.

Now we’re being told that we can’t find the one we shot down over the “wilds of Alaska,” nor can we find the one we shot down over the Yukon in Canada. Those places are just too remote and we’re not sure where we hit them exactly. Really? We have THE most sophisticated fighter jets in the world, THE most accurate radar systems in the world and no GPS? Give me a break. We’re also being told that the one that went down in Lake Huron probably isn’t recoverable so we’ll never know what that really was. And don’t forget…somewhere in or around Lake Huron is a sidewinder missile that missed its target.

Then, making matters even worse, it turns out that the UFO that we shot down over the Yukon may well have been a HOBBY BALLOON belonging to the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade. They use what are called pico ballons. Pico balloons can cost anywhere from $12.00 to $180.00. That means that the Biden regime scrambled an F-22 Raptor at a cost of $85,325.000 per hour flight time which then fired a $400,000.00 sidewinder missile to blow out of the sky some hobby club’s $12.00 – $180.00 toy.

That leaves the Chinese spy balloon, shot down 6 miles off our east coast. What’s the recovery status on that one? Well…we collected the bits and pieces that were floating in the ocean, but we’re told that they’re having trouble finding or recovering the pieces that sank to the bottom of the ocean.


We can send a space craft to a comet, collect bits of comet tail dust and bring them back to Earth. Bob Ballard found the Titanic in 12,500 feet of water in just 12 days of searching. Are we to believe that our military can’t find what’s left of a Chinese spy balloon, the size of 3 school busses in just 45 feet of water? Are you KIDDING me?

On February, 6th, I published a commentary entitled, “The Art of Grand Distraction,” and if you haven’t read it yet, you should because what we’ve seen regarding this whole balloon fiasco is the perfect example of what I was getting at in that commentary.

Train derailments, a town in Ohio essentially nuked by chemicals, people getting sick, pets and wildlife dying, a mass shooting in Michigan…and balloons.

Trust me…if any of Biden’s classified documents were on any one of those”UFO’s”, we would not be talking about balloons today.

Focus people…focus.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed An Essay On Ukraine



Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 21st, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘An Essay On Ukraine’; ‘Biden’s Balloon-a-Palooza’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

One thought on “Biden’s Balloon-a-Palooza

  1. Ham radio clubs like our club work with local schools sending up several balloons a year. It’s a science project for them, to figure out how much helium to put in each balloon to maintain an attitude of about 42,000 to 44,000 thousand feet, and to see how the weather changes at different attitudes. The balloons send back weather and GPS coordinates including speed and altitude. One of the descriptions fit our balloons.

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