TV Ads, Oppressed Black People and Omelettes

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Recently, Dr. Phil did a show entitled, “Defunding the Police: A Failure or a Fallacy?,” and he did what he usually does…he tried to air both sides of the issue and give the people involved squishy treatment by agreeing with them…up to a point.

One of the people on that show was a fellow by the name of, Mychal Denzel Smith. Smith is a podcaster who is decidedly anti-police and told Dr. Phil and the audience that he doesn’t see any need FOR the police.

Naturally, Dr. Phil questioned Smith regarding that stance and Smith said, “When I say, ‘Oh I don’t believe that there’s a need for police,’ what I’m saying is that there has been so little investment in creating the conditions under which police would not be necessary.”

I have no idea what that means, but Smith wasn’t finished.

He went on to state, on national television, “People are the creations of the society in which they live in. If you are a society that has such massive inequality, and you are a society that is based on racial and gendered hierarchies, and you are a society that deprives people of the resources that they need to live – talking about housing, clean water, food, all of these things that are part of an equitable society, you’re talking about people that will do desperate things in order to survive.”

Smith then said, “You’re not solving anything by arresting those people. You’re not solving anything by shooting and killing those people.”

That is where Dr. Phil did what he always does, and agreed with Smith…up to a point…telling Smith that he was correct regarding societal problems before challenging Smith on the notion that the solution is to simply remove the police from the equation.

What Dr. Phil SHOULD have told Smith is that Smith is an idiot, left it right there, and gone to a commercial break.

DURING that commercial break, he should have had Mycal Denzel Smith AND his audience WATCH that commercial break.

That commercial break would have consisted of at least five ads, 4 of which featured nothing but black people and one with a mixed-race couple. ALL of the people IN those commercials would have been driving brand new $30-40 thousand dollar cars, taking resort vacations in exotic places, going to spas and living in houses that cost a minimum of $500 thousand dollars in tree-lined suburbs.

For the LOVE of GAWD…I’m willing to bet at least TWO of those families were able to afford to buy a DOZEN EGGS at the grocery without so much as blinking.

When they came back from the commercial break, Dr. Phil should have put You Tube videos on the giant screens behind him showing black thugs robbing stores blind, hauling out garbage bags FULL of merchandise they didn’t pay for right in front of security guards in broad daylight.

They didn’t even try that stuff on, and who in the hell needs 10 different coats of various sizes?

In the next video, we see a bunch of thugs stealing paper towels and detergent…CART LOADS of paper towels and detergent.

And in this third video, a couple steals a $5000 puppy FROM A PET STORE.

Every day, day in and day out, we are regaled with videos just like these on the news, both local and national, but let’s just go back to what Mycal Denzel Smith told Dr. Phil. “People are the creations of the society in which they live in. If you are a society that has such massive inequality, and you are a society that is based on racial and gendered hierarchies, and you are a society that deprives people of the resources that they need to live – talking about housing, clean water, food, all of these things that are part of an equitable society, you’re talking about people that will do desperate things in order to survive.”

Did those thugs in the first video NEED those coats to survive, as Smith wants us to believe? Nope. Watch it again and you’ll notice that nearly every one of those thieves, doing desperate things just to survive, is already WEARING a coat.

How about the second video…were those thieves robbing that grocery blind of bread, sandwich meat, bottles of designer water, milk, cereal and EGGS? Nope. They were stealing THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of dollars worth of PAPER TOWELS and DETERGENT.

On the off chance there are any thugs out there reading this week’s commentary on a computer or phone they stole from a store, please do the right thing, and if you decide to rob a grocery store of things you might actually need to survive, such as the things I just mentioned, remember…the eggs go on the TOP.

And how about the third video? NOBODY needs a $5 thousand dollar puppy dog to survive…HOTDOGS yes, maybe, but NOT a puppy and that wasn’t Michael Vick running off with his future side gig either.

Now then…watch this video…

In 2021 alone, over $94 billion dollars of good were stolen in organized retail theft by what MyCal Denzel Smith claims are people so downtrodden, so oppressed that they have no other choice, and they do it just to survive. Really? They have no other choice? How many videos have you seen where somebody takes off running from a retail location with a handful of JOB APPLICATIONS, or a PAIR OF WORK BOOTS?

Around the country, primarily on blue cities in blue states, retailers are closing their doors because they simply can’t afford to remain open given the soft on crime approach liberals are the champions of, and in those cities, the cops aren’t allowed to arrest people causing the problem by stealing from stores. In far too many such cities, there are now laws that say if you steal less than $1000, you’re good to go.

The more this happens, the less police are allowed to do to stop it, the fewer and fewer places there will be from which to steal…and then what? Who are the thieves really hurting other than their own neighborhoods, their own business communities and the people who live in those neighborhoods who need access to goods and services and things like their medications from stores now shutting their doors for good?

According to Mycal Denzel Smith, black people are so oppressed they have no choice but to steal. If that’s REALLY the case, why don’t commercials reflect that oppression? Why doesn’t the next commercial break feature an ad for NIKE Air Jordans showing a bunch of thugs ransacking a sporting goods store and running off with boxes of shoes they never tried on?

Why isn’t the family we saw in the last commercial break at Disneyland or on a cruise shown trying to break into the locked behind glass display full of Right Guard deodorant…because apparently, you can work up quite a sweat running out of a Target with a big screen TV set.

Why don’t we see the mixed-race couple telling their two black sons and Asian daughter that today’s the day we make a family trip from the suburb, leaving their $500 thousand dollar home in their brand new $40 thousand dollar SUV for an afternoon of ransacking a pet store because little Jimmy wants a puppy? And why doesn’t mom tell dad that on the way home, let’s swing by the grocery and pilfer thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of paper towels and detergent because…you know…new puppies can be messy?

According to Mycal Denzel Smith, if the cops didn’t keep arresting thieves, thieves would quit stealing stuff, which of course is idiotic. Smith believes that the only things cops do is arrest or shoot people…out of the clear blue, which is equally idiotic. On the other hand, Smith never addressed what the harm allowing thieves and thugs to steal does to the communities he claims are the hardest hit by what he claims is inequity and racism, because he knows that the harm is being done to people who are becoming oppressed due to the activities of the very people he claims are already oppressed.

To truly, and honestly examine the depth of the idiocy involved, we need to go to yet another commercial break.

People like Mycal Denzel Smith, who scream for equity and demand an end to racism are the same people who insisted, just a couple of years ago, that Aunt Jemima’s and Mrs. Butterworth’s images be removed from product packaging. Those are the exact same people who also demanded that the image of the Indian maiden be removed from Land-O-Lakes butter because they were racist, and that’s why we now see so many black and other minority people in commercials.

I’m telling you that the exact same people who screamed RACISM because a box of rice bore the image of Uncle Ben are now claiming that people like Senator Tim Scott, Congressman Byron Donalds, Dr. Ben Carson and others are Uncle Toms.

We’re talking about the same people that deride Candice Owens as the black face of white supremacy.

We’re supposed to believe that the NFL is racist, when 58% of the players are black? The NBA champions Black Lives Matter while ignoring slave labor and genocide in China? We’re now supposed to believe that President Abraham Lincoln was a racist? And according to the idiots out there…all of this would magically disappear if only there weren’t any cops on the streets?

Let’s forget about the organized retail thefts nationwide for a moment and focus the attention directly where Mycal Denzel Smith doesn’t it, and where Dr. Phil was too squishy to take it. Between 80% and 90% of all homicides in our country involve people of the same race. That is to say that 80% to 90% of white people are murdered by other white people while the same percentage holds true for black on black murders.

Regardless of what you see in commercials, only about 12.5% of Americans are black, but a full 66% of black kids are the product of a single parent home.

Statistics are fickle, and many can be spun to fit a given narrative so let’s take race out of it completely and ask what squishy Dr. Phil should have asked. Why do some people, regardless of the color of their skin resort to crime while so many others don’t? The answer is simple. Those who don’t, regardless of the color of their skin get an education, get a job, and earn the money necessary to purchase the things they want and understand that the harder they work, the more they can purchase.

Those who don’t commit crimes have self-respect, respect for others, and respect for what others have as a result of their education and hard work. Those who DO resort to crime lack those basic elements.

Crime will not go down if you have fewer police on the streets, nor will it diminish by having fewer ramifications as a result of committing crimes. No ramifications, no police, equals no accountability and only invites more criminal activity. The only reason we see people in videos stealing stores blind is because they’re being allowed to get away with it, and it’s easier than getting a job.

Now then, if you’ll forgive me, I saved up and bought a dozen eggs a couple of days ago and I’m feeling just “white privileged” enough to make myself an omelette.

Even though I can’t afford to be as oppressed as the black people I see in the TV commercials I think I’ll through caution to the wind and use three eggs.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed The Blame Game Continues



Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 31st, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘The Blame Game Continues’; ‘TV Ads, Oppressed Black People and Omelettes’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

One thought on “TV Ads, Oppressed Black People and Omelettes

  1. I don’t believe in the victimization of any race. I didn’t have any white privilege, what I did was go to a community college and transfer the credits to an expensive College for the courses I had to take there toward my RN with a government grant and a loan which I paid back later. I had no financial help for any College course from my parents or anyone else. So, after I graduated, I worked for 40 yrs and now am retired. So, to me, if we work towards our goals and then work hard after that, there is no victimization in my vocabulary!

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