Oh, The Wonders of Technology

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

We can trace technology back to before there were humans. It doesn’t seem like much today, but back then, it was literally cutting edge. Pre-humans, maybe as far back as 3 million years ago developed the technology to make stone tools that they could use to cut, scrape and pound on things.

The fact that we find such ancient tools from time to time means that back then, you didn’t need to buy the extended warranty…they were built to last.

Evidence of burnt material can be found inside of caves used by Homoerectus as far back as 1.5 million years ago which tells us that pre-humans had developed the technology to start fires. That of course eventually led to the Neanderthal Lives Matter movement which was replete with arson and looting and general mayhem.

Somewhere between 20,000 and 15,000 years ago, mankind saw what was the first technological revolution as people started living in large groups, stopped scrounging for food and started planting crops, started using clay and variations of clay to make vessels to hold things and bricks they could throw at riots. This was apparently also about the time people started to weave fabrics and make clothing from those fabrics, but perhaps the grandest achievement of those times was the invention of the wheel.

The invention such things along with the invention of the wheel made it possible for people to get gussied up, drive themselves to the nearest brick-fired pizza place for dinner and a vessel of vino before heading off for an evening of general debauchery.

We see the first evidence of irrigation crop up for crops nearly 8 thousand years ago in ancient Mesopotamia and along the ancient Nile River valley. It was a way to move water from where water was, to where it wasn’t, and without it, Mike Lindell wouldn’t be annoying us with Giza Sheet commercials every 7 to 14 minutes.

In order to get away from ancient Giza Sheet salesmen, man invented sailing roughly 6 thousand years ago in ancient Egypt, and while not everybody had both their oars in the water, that problem was soon solved with the invention of sails. It is believed that the first sails were invented by accident when a pair of robust granny panties were hoisted on a pole attached to a barge on laundry day, and resulted in 3 of the Pharaoh’s  concubines, all of his wife’s delicates and a cat finally drifting to shore 3 miles away from the palace when the wind eventually died down.

That episode led to the invention of the rudder, which was the bright idea of a teenage trans woman swimmer who couldn’t win a race because the he/she kept going in circles.

That, naturally, led to the eventual invention of the bathing suit.

Copper and tin weren’t easy materials to find in the Bronze Age, but the production of iron seemed pretty easy to make which became the technology that ended the Iron Age and people wore wrinkled cotton clothing until the advent of the polyester age. That said, the technology that led to iron tools led to the creation of Hovel Depots because everybody wanted cheaper tools for fixing things around the house.

Alchemists in China, around 850 AD, while looking for elixirs to extend human life, stumbled upon gunpowder, which ironically, led to shorter lives as a little seems to go a long ways, but they didn’t realize that right off.

Now here’s a piece of technology that has come in pretty handy for a good long time…the compass. The compass was invented in about 1044 AD by the Chinese when somebody got the bright idea of using a piece of magnetized iron, shaped like a fish, in a bowl of water that would always point to the north so that soldiers could find their way on dark, cloudy nights. It wouldn’t be until the invention of common sense that the Chinese army stopped wondering why they were always being attacked from the south.

It wasn’t until the mid 13th century that the mechanical clock, a fine bit of technology came into being in Europe. The mechanical clock was used in cathedrals to let people know exactly when they could count on taking a one hour nap every Sunday.

Man invented such technology as the moveable printing press in 1455, the steam engine in 1765, and railways that used steam engines to pull rail cars full of people reading things printed on printing presses in 1804. The steamboat came along in 1807, which made it possible to get from New York City to Albany in just 32 hours…much faster than the 4 days it used to take on a laundry barge flying granny’s bloomers without a transgender he/she to steer it.

Technology really took off in the mid to late 1800’s with the inventions of the telegraph in 1844, the telephone and the internal combustion engine in 1876, the electric light in 1879, and the automobile in 1885.

The electric light in a phone booth used to call the auto club in the dark of night was invented in 1880.

Marconi invented the radio in 1901 to drown out people trying to sign in their cars at stop lights.

On December 17th, 1903, Wilbur got Orville off the ground in the first airplane. Between the two brothers, they made a total of four flights that day traveling between 120 feet on Orville’s first flight and 852 feet on Wilbur’s last flight.

Their descendants are still looking for their luggage.

In 1926, Robert Goddard launched the very first liquid fueled rocked from his aunt’s farm in Auburn, Massachusetts. Goddard’s rocket soared 41 feet into the air, scared the crap out of the chickens, and his aunt, and returned to Earth with a thud. Very few people got to see it because television wasn’t invented until 1927.

Philo T. Farnsworth, in 1927, used technology to build the world’s very first television using an electronic system to scan and assemble an image several times a second and then transmit that image to a small round glass screen. It was the image of a horizontal line. Yes, it seems pretty stupid, but some people stared at it, transfixed for nearly an hour.

Naturally, you now wonder how anybody could stare at something that bone-crushingly mindless for an hour, but remember, there are people today who watch “The View” so…

Here’s where things start getting really interesting…

In 1939, Iowa State mathematician and physicist John Atanasoff worked his ass off and designed the first electronic digital computer. It would use binary numbers (base 2, in which all numbers are expressed with the digits 0 and 1), and its data would be stored in capacitors and oh my, what that would lead us to. My, oh my.

The atomic bomb in 1942, and eventually nuclear power, the transistor in 1947, and space flight in 1957. NONE of it possible without the electronic computer, but it didn’t end there.

That first electronic computer in 1939 led us to the personal computer in 1974 and Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn produced the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) and Al Gore had nothing whatsoever to do with it. TCP/IP became the basis for how data is transmitted over the Internet and the creation of the IP address by which you are probably being tracked right now for reading this commentary.

What we’ve seen, for better or worse since technology gave us the internet has been absolutely staggering. We have rovers and a helicopter exploring Mars, a telescope a million miles from Earth looking back to the beginning of time itself, we have cars that can drive and park themselves, we can clone animals, have medical technology that can fix defective genes and robots that can perform complex surgical procedures.

Consider this…

Right now, you have a device that fits into the palm of your hand that can connect you to everything the internet has to offer. That device can be used to send text messages, take pictures and videos, tell you what time it is and the temperature of where you are, or of any place on the planet at any given moment. With that device, you can literally TELL it, verbally, where you want to go and it will pop up on a screen an active map showing exactly where you are, and track your movements until you get to where you want to be and then it tells you, out loud, that “you have reached your destination” because it connects to satellites in orbit around the Earth.

With that device, you can be sitting on your couch in Butt Squeak, Florida, and call Domino’s in Bend, Oregon, order a pie and wings for your friends there…AND PAY FOR IT… and their dinner will be delivered in 30 minutes or less.

Given that, and given all the leaps and bounds in technology we have seen throughout history…it still takes a bunch of YAHOOS in California 21 freakin’ days to count up the votes from a single election???

And they say they’re doing everything they can to get it done in a timely manner???


There is a pre-Neolithic tribe, the Sentinelese, the most remote tribe on Earth who live on an island beyond India’s eastern coast and completely, fiercely reject all external human contact and technology. They’ll KILL anyone who comes onto their island. Technologically, the Sentinelese are about 50,000 years behind the rest of the world and yet THEY could count faster than the damned Californians.

Blue states…you’ve got 2 years to figure it out. LEARN HOW TO COUNT…or quit running for office.I’ll have to leave it there. My door bell just sent me a live, real-time video of the UPS guy dropping off the antique abacus I ordered from E-bay on my phone 3 days after the November, 8th election.

Still a faster way to count than they’re aware of in freakin’ California.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed Voting Sanctity and Integrity Lost  



Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 29th, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Voting Sanctity and Integrity Lost’; ‘Oh, The Wonders of Technology’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on https://rspradio1.com. Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.