Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary
According to Nina Turner, a senior fellow at the progressive think tank Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy, obviously a place full of meteorologists and experts on the weather, “[Hurricane Ian] is a textbook example of climate change impacting people. Climate change isn’t political, it’s reality.”
Well, it’s a political reality, but I’m not sure this fellow, Nina, was leaning in that direction. That said, please do show us all the textbook to which she, or he refers, we’d love to see it unless it’s one of those new woke textbooks which are, in reality, propaganda leaflets.
The FACT regarding Ian, and other hurricanes is that there is NO scientific evidence that they are in any way driven by “human caused climate change.”
Naturally, I don’t think liberals will believe me, as I am not an expert in the field of weather, but at the same time, they won’t believe the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA) and they ARE experts in the field of weather.
NOAA has done a study, which is what one does when one wants science-based evidence, and they found that their models and analysis “didn’t support the notion that greenhouse gas-induced warming leads to large increases in either tropical storm or overall hurricane numbers in the Atlantic” In fact, NOAA says it is, “premature to conclude with high confidence” that human-caused increasing greenhouse gases have had ANY impact on hurricane activity in the Atlantic.
Then there’s Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow at the Energy & Environment Legal Institute, a place full of people who know far more about the environment that anyone over at the Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy does, and Milloy says, “There were about 16 major hurricanes between 1916 and 1965 but only six since 1965. So, clearly major hurricanes happen with lower levels of carbon dioxide.”
Here’s what that means although I’m pretty sure Mr. Milloy isn’t drawing this conclusion, since there were MORE major hurricanes BEFORE the invention of SUV’s than there have been AFTER the invention of SUV’s, the way to bring about the END of hurricanes seems to be producing MORE SUV’s and RAISING the level of CO2 in our atmosphere.
Sure, that’s silly, but it’s not as butt-stupid as what Sen. Amy Klobuchar, a liberal
moron from Minnesota said a week or so ago when she uttered, “We just did something about climate change for the first time in decades. That’s why we’ve got to win this as that hurricane bears down on Florida,” the senator added. “We’ve got to win in the midterms.
Klobuchar, who as a member of the senate AND a liberal knows plenty about hot air, but NOTHING regarding the weather was trying to suggest that hurricanes could be stopped in their tracks by voting for more liberals because liberals have every intention of throwing more American taxpayer dollars at the weather so as to make the weather…different.
By the way, a weather tax is nothing new. Let me explain.
About 165 million years ago, a giant SUV full of hairspray struck the earth and the resulting change in the global climate brought about by dust and smoke in the air for decades wiped out the dinosaurs. Those dinosaurs enjoying the beach at the point of impact werer squashed, while a good deal of them in north and south America were incinerated instantly, but the rest of them around the world died as a result of the weather. It would be remiss of me not to at least mention that at the time, people had not yet been invented.
People showed up roughly a few million years ago, and HUMANS were finally invented around 200,000 years ago give or take a few weeks. Over time, humans began to form societies and ask questions like, why is the sky blue, where does rain come from, and how come it’s so damned hot?
Those early human societies didn’t know any more about the weather than do the fellows at the progressive think tank Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy, but that didn’t stop them from assigning the control of the weather to a series of various gods. If it rained, one god did it. If it was hot, another god did that. If there were rough seas, big storms, droughts or floods…gods, gods and more gods were responsible. Eventually, people started praying to those gods in order to get the weather they desired
That’s when weather taxes were invented.
If those ancient people failed to get the weather they prayed for, they started throwing things of value at their gods based on some idea that their gods weren’t going to be happy until people gave them stuff. In fact, in some societies, money wasn’t enough so they started in on human sacrifices to appease the weather gods. To that end, if they wanted rain, and there was a volcano handy, they’d toss in a virgin, wait, and repeat as often as necessary until it rained.
Eventually, most so0cieties settled on just having one god. That practice started in ancient Egypt although the ancient Egyptians didn’t really go for it. On the other hand, the ancient Jews DID like the change and it kind of spread from there, but paying a tax at church was soon invented after that.
Sure, when the plate comes around today, it’s a voluntary tax, but nobody wants to look like they’re dodging their God Tax so everybody puts a little something in just to be safe. Today, they tell you it is so that the church can afford to pay the preacher, keep the lights on and make it comfortable enough inside, not to hot, and not to cold so that folks can take a short nap on Sunday morning BUT…when was the last time you saw it RAIN…inside of a CHURCH??? And if it did…they’d ask you to pay more God tax to patch the roof and keep it from happening again.
Liberals don’t like church or religion very much, but they sure do like collecting taxes, and they want YOU to believe that you aren’t paying enough WEATHER TAXES to stop hurricanes.
That’s the whole idea behind the religion of climate change. They, the liberals, want you to believe that ONLY if THEY throw YOUR tax dollars at the WEATHER…the weather will CHANGE and the reason they want more and more of your tax dollars is because they can’t find a single liberal virgin to toss into a volcano.
So, why are so many liberals, elected like Klobuchar, or propagandists like those in the mainstream media going bat-crap crazy with the “climate change” panic right now?
It’s for a few good reasons. First, they’re a month or so away from an election in which they stand to lose their power to extract from you more and more tax dollars to throw at the religion of “climate change.” Second, it had been a pretty darned quite year until hurricane Ian showed up. According to James Taylor, the one who is the president of conservative think tank Heartland Institute…not the one who’s seen fire and rain, “These types of hurricanes existed before SUVs and coal-fired power plants were invented. In fact, they were much more frequent and severe before coal power plants and SUVs.” In fact, there have been FEWER hurricanes this year than in previous years. And third, since Ian ripped through Florida, it disrupted flights of illegal aliens to Martha’s Vinyard, and liberals needed SOMETHING to bitch about.
Pam Keith, a former Democratic Senate candidate and founder of left-wing firm Center for Employment Justice, obviously another expert on the weather, issued a tweet last week saying, “Ian is a climate change hurricane.”
Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill., tweeted Thursday, “the rapid storm intensification we’re seeing with Hurricane Ian will become more common and more dangerous as the climate changes.”
NPR said in an op-ed last week, “Storms like Ian are more likely because of human-caused climate change.”
Here’s how the weather and scientific experts at NPR explain it, “Heat is the fuel that makes hurricanes big, powerful and rainy. As humans burn fossil fuels and release huge amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses, the amount of heat trapped on Earth rises steadily. The air gets hotter, and the ocean water gets hotter. When a baby hurricane forms in the Atlantic, all that heat is available to help the storm grow.”
Wait, there’s more: “That’s what happened to Ian. When the storm first formed, it was relatively weak. But as it moved over very hot water in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, it grew very quickly.”
According to NPR, little baby Ian moved over “VERY HOT WATER” and grew into a monster. That’s the propaganda liberals want you to believe, but here’s the truth… The average global sea surface temperature has increased about 1.5oF since 1901. That’s an average rate of 0.13oF per decade.
Allow me to put the snark aside, just for a moment, and provide you with the true, scientific facts in the proper context with regard to the facts I have already presented in this commentary. The average temperature in the Gulf of Mexico in September is between 83 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. That temperature has increased by 1.5 degrees since 1901. That means that between 1901 and 1965, when there were MORE major hurricanes than there are NOW, the water temperature in the Gulf of Mexico was LOWER, at an average of between 81.5 and 84.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
When NPR uses a term like “very hot water” it is subjective at best. Generally, water is considered “hot” at between 120 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit which is why most home water heaters are set at 120 degrees. Generally speaking “warm” water is considered to be between 90 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Given those figures, “very hot” water would be OVER 150 degrees Fahrenheit and yet, according to NPR, “VERY HOT” reaches all the way down to just 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
NPR doesn’t even attempt to explain why there were MORE major hurricanes when the water temperatures were COOLER.
According to Time Magazine, “the science is well known” that “CLIMATE CHANGE” created the conditions for Hurricane Ian, but according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an agency within an organization that liberals LOVE, the United Nations, “The IPCC sees no correlation between warming temperatures and more hurricanes. And we saw that this year. Up until this hurricane, which is massive, it had been almost historically low numbers of hurricanes.”
Now if that doesn’t fly in the face of liberal propaganda like a palm frond in Coral Gables don’t know what does.
Here’s a little something to chew on…solar activity runs on an 11 year cycle with the next high to occur in or around 2025. Currently, we are in the increasing cycle heading towards the high point. Looking back on the strongest hurricanes in our recent history, Hugo and Andrew in 1989 and 1992, Charley and Katrina in 2004 and 2005, Harvey, Irma and Michael in 2017 and 2018 all occurred when solar activity was above the low point but increasing towards the high point. Ian in no exception.
The problem is…none of these liberals or liberal organizations have a single shred of evidence to back up their “climate change” propaganda. They’re telling a convenient lie to upend the inconvenient truth that what they call “climate change” is actually just the weather, could well be driven more by solar cycles than anything else, and NO amount of tax dollars stolen from We The People will EVER change the WEATHER.
However, on the off chance that liberals and their religion of “climate change” is correct, I might suggest doing everything possible to find the last remaining liberal virgin…and a volcano.
Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved
For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed Putin’s Failing War of Attrition
Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 4th, from 7 to 8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will discuss ‘Putin’s Failing War of Attrition’; ‘Climate Change, Volcanoes and Liberal Virgins’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.
WOW!!!!! I took chemistry during the summer to keep me outta my mother\’s hair. The teacher thought about poisoning me every day! I couldn\’t remember that letter/number chart, I burned my bangs off getting too close to the flame, and finally, I blew up those glass jars!!! (I\’m a mind-reader: Yes, but I\’m not sure how I did it, and it ended up being a 3 firetruck affair! Not to mention my hair loss #2, a good spanking, and scrubbing down the chemistry lab tables for a week! Daddy\’s insurance paid the last of the expenses. I did NOT believe that Clorox and Ammonia would act so badly when mixed!!!!) We did not deal with climate change or global warming. We lived on the Gulf Coast and anyone with an IQ higher than that of a blade of grass could tell you if it was hot or cold, which it usually was, during the summer or winter! Not only was it hot, it was humid too! Back then, virgins were the norm, but Volcanos, not so much. It became very obvious to the teacher and other students that I was not programmed to do Chemistry. I failed every test. The only reason I passed was because I tried so hard to learn it. Also, the teacher said that he had to pass me then because if he saw me walk into his Chemistry Class during the school year, he would resign!!! Now, being from the deep south, for the life of me, I can\’t find a single living liberal. I did have a liberal uncle who thought Bill Clinton hung the moon, but he changed parties after Bush 43 left the White House and he ended up dying during one of Obama\’s ruling seasons. I reckon it would be safe to say that based on our background, Climate Change happened 4 times per year….Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer…..and it was cool, cold enough to freeze everything, sunny-cool, and HOT! The only CHANGE from one year to another was whether it was colder or hotter than last year! Now, as I celebrate the 39th anniversary of my 35th birthday, my thoughts on all that greenie-weanie climate change stuff is to NOT spend any time or money on it. GOD fixed all of that stuff in the beginning when He made the weather; and everything it needed to last until the New Earth gets here. I do know that HE wasn\’t wild about feeding virgins to volcanos!!!
There is something else to consider and investigate. The planet’s magnetic poles reverse every so often. That means when they are doing so the magnetic covering is weakened until the reversed poles are in place. Sun spot activity can get through our atmosphere more readily. Something to contemplate. BTW, we also have electro-magnetic qualities. Bill Gates wants to unplug the human race ( at least the half that voted for Donald You-know -who.)