The “Victims” of Virtue-Signaling Liberals

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

I have always said that liberalism could not exist without “victims” and where liberals can’t find real victims, they have no problem manufacturing “victims.”

I stand by that today more than I ever have.

For decades, liberals pretended to care about black people in this country, but in reality, they never really did. The democrat party was, and is the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, segregation and any other manifestation of racism you care to mention. It has been the democrat party, now the liberal Marxists who only adopted and claimed to represent black and now people of color when they realized the voting bloc those people were. By pretending to be the only party that cared about them, they kept that voting bloc voting democrat for better than half a century, but in reality, nothing regarding those people ever really changed.

Manufacturing victims of black people and people of color, and then keeping them believing they were “victims” was the democrat party’s and today’s liberal Marxists first step down the path towards their own destruction. They have, for the past half a century done nothing but travel further and further down that path by manufacturing more and more pretend “victims” for whom they pretend to care about all the while doing nothing to actually improve the situations of their pretend “victim’s”  victimhood.

The entire agenda of today’s liberal Marxists is no different. It now revolves around social issues and the pretend “victims” they claim are being abused by “social injustice” –  those in the LGBTQ community.

Are there those within that community who really are being victimized by those outside that community? Yes, and I’ll have more on that later, but first we must ask a question that goes back more than half a century. Does the democrat party, today’s liberal Marxists have any plan whatsoever to do anything of positive substance for those they claim are “victims” of social injustice, or are they once again just pretending to care out of political expediency?

The answer is no, they have no plan of substance and yes, their caring only runs as deep as the political expediency of the moment.

The goal of the party of liberal Marxists is not to solve any real problems, rather they aim to create problems, real or imagined, for the purpose of national divisiveness. The challenge is to perpetuate the divisiveness long enough to reap political rewards from it, but people are getting wise to the agenda.

The tactic was to addict those Americans to being reliant on government handouts of other people’s money and thus become the only party willing to feed that addiction but by 1971, something started to go wrong. It was a TV show – All In The Family – and there was Archie Bunker, a bigot’s bigot and a raist to the core showing people every week for eight years just how stupid being a bigot and a racist really was. That show, I submit, did more to raise awareness of social injustice that the democrat party ever wanted to have done because it literally altered the way people looked at other people.

Over the eight year run of that show, the overwhelming majority of Americans went from social injustice to social indifference where race was concerned because nobody wanted to be Archie Bunker and skin color no longer really mattered but to a handful of idiots.

It took decades, and the Obama administration to pretend race mattered again and to once again perpetuate the “victimhood” of a demographic to the detriment OF that demographic.

Now, the democrat party, headed by liberal Marxists have a new tactic – wokeism, a new weapon – cancel culture and a new target – the LGBTQ community.

We’re talking about maybe three or four percent of all Americans, with at most, one percent being the so-called “trans” community. Those are the newly invented “victims” whom only the liberal Marxists supposedly represent, but do they really care about them?

No. Over the past half a century, no demographic has been harder on or more systemically against the LGBTQ community than the very demographic the democrat party has pretended to be the champion of – minorities. Over the past half a century, black people, Hispanics, Asian and Native American people have been more abusive toward the LGBTQ community members of their own skin color demographics than any other demographic has been, but where have the democrats been on that aspect of social injustice? The same place they’ve always been when it comes to things like black on black crime.

They’ve been pretending it simply didn’t exist, but now, due to political expediency, suddenly, the democrat party is pretending that the LGBTQ community is being “victimized” by Conservatives. You KNOW it’s a pretend “victimization” because according to the democrat party, it’s not straight people “victimizing” the LGBTQ community…it’s a POLITICAL ideology that’s supposedly doing it.

To spotlight the issue, we can look at the trans community. Being trans is a state of mind, not a state of reality. There are but two genders – male and female if you follow the actual science. If you choose to follow the POLITICAL science, there are some 57 genders from which you can CHOOSE. Those who follow the actual science are now the targets of pretend scorn from the democrat party because they aren’t pretending to be gullible enough to go along with the program, or programming as the case might be.

We don’t have to pretend that we’re living in absurd times, it’s our reality. We’re being told that our police are systemically racist by the exact same party that tells us they chose our Vice President because she was a “woman of color” and our new Supreme Court Justice because she is a black woman and in the process of that absurdity, the same political party can’t, or more accurately won’t define the word “woman.”

We’re being told by the democrat party that social issues, skin color, “gender identity” and one’s gender preference of life partners are now paramount over actual qualifications, abilities and intelligence, but they’re not just insisting that adults pretend the program is valid, they are also insisting on programming children to pretend to ignore reality and accept such nonsense.

Last week, Governor DeSantis signed into Florida law a bill that prohibits teachers from indoctrinating kids between the ages of 5 and 8 years old into the pretend world “gender identity” fluidity and the democrat party had a melt-down.

The party that has pretended that minorities are nothing but incapable “victims” and that women (a word they refuse to define) can’t achieve without government assistance is now pretending that it’s okay for biological males to compete against biological females in sports, that men pretending to be women should be allowed to use the women’s bathroom, and that parents should have no say in what their children are taught to believe in government indoctrination centers masquerading as public schools. Furthermore, if you don’t pretend to believe their nonsense, YOU are MONSTERS who need to be CANCELLED.

If you think Disney should be the happiest place on earth rather than a political activist organization pretending to be a children’s entertainment juggernaut, you are just a horrible person.

The same party that for decades told us that demographic quotas were racist and unjust are now telling us that quotas are necessary. Why? I hope some of the pretend LGBTQ “victims” are paying attention here…according to the democrat party, members of the LGBTQ community simply aren’t capable of achievement without government imposed quotas.

Now where have we heard that before?

The overwhelming vast majority of Americans don’t really care who individuals are sleeping with, and though it may well come as a shock to some, the overwhelming vast majority of Americans, along with the overwhelming vast majority of Conservatives don’t even care what individuals want to pretend to be. Where the overwhelming majorities draw the line is at the point that we have to pretend that absurdity is reality and more and more Americans from all sectors of the political spectrum are waking up to the fact that the “woke agenda” is nothing by pretending that reality doesn’t exist.

The democrat party, out of desperation because they know they’re about to lose big in November, is now pretending that crime matters, and that they want to fund, not defund the police. They are pretending that the price of gas matters, and that Hunter Biden’s laptop is breaking news. That follows right along with pretending that certain demographics are perpetual “victims,” that they actually care about those people’s problems and that they are the only political party capable of helping those they have and are pretending aren’t capable of helping themselves.

How desperate is the democrat party? Pretty damned desperate, as last week, Palm Springs, California announced that they are planning to give universal basic income (UBI) to transgender and non-binary residents regardless of their earnings level. That’s up to $900 a month of other people’s money to anyone who simply pretends to be trans or non-binary. It’s like giving free crack to an addict. All you have to do in Palm Springs, California is CLAIM to be a “victim” and even if you’re making a couple hundred thousand bucks a year, the democrat party will give you a REAL monthly stipend for PRETENDING to be something you’re not.

Twenty transgender and non-binary Palm Springs residents will receive the free money funded by the taxpayers for 18 months which coincidentally gets them through the midterm election and into the campaign cycle for 2024 when anyone with a working brain cell knows they will tell people that if they want the gravy train to keep rolling they had better vote democrat or else they will become “victims” of evil Conservatives and who would bite the hand that feeds them?

The pretend agenda of the democrat party, today’s liberal Marxists has reached critical mass, and I believe that Americans are just about done with all of it. Americans, the vast majority of them anyway know what the real issues are. They see those issues and feel those issues every time they go to the store or to the gas station. They now understand that they are worse off than they were during the Trump administration, and they know it’s because of liberal Marxist policies. Most Americans are done pretending to be woke, done pretending that liberal policies are good for them, and they’re done pretending to pretend that pretend issues matter.

Last week, the Mayor of Palm Springs, California, Lisa Middleton who is a guy pretending to be what her political party refuses to define said, “Transgender Americans face enormous challenges living full and authentic lives.”

I submit…it must be almost impossible to live an authentic life while you’re pretending to be something you’re not…and both Middleton and her chosen political party have nobody to blame for that but themselves.

Such is the plight of the “victims” of virtue-signaling liberals.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed  A Game of Pretending



 Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 12tth from 7 to 8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will discuss ‘A Game of Pretending’; ‘The “Victims” of Virtue-Signaling Liberals‘; and other important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.