The Meme and The Mirror

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

On Easter, I created a meme and posted it to facebook. It was a rather innocuous meme, a play on words in my own snarky style.

That meme quickly became one of the most responded to posts that I have put up in quite some time.

Naturally, there were those who “got it” and those that didn’t. There were those who laughed at it, and those who didn’t. There were, no doubt, many who saw it and just scrolled on by and of course there were those who felt a deep need to post up a comment regarding the post, and regarding me as the poster of the meme.

Many of those who choose to respond to the meme were quick to condemn me for it and some of their comments were downright laughable although I’m rather sure they weren’t trying to garner a chuckle from me.

Throughout this commentary, I’ll address some of those comments but before I get into all of that, I feel the need to point something out regarding those who were so quick to condemn the meme, and condemn me for creating and posting it. At  best, they felt an overwhelming need to point out to me the error of my ways so that I might become a better person.  I believe, is giving them way too much benefit of the doubt because not one of those who so quickly condemned me for the original post, not one bothered to inquire of me WHY I posted it.

To the holier-than-thou, the “why” of it simply didn’t matter but I assure you that there was indeed a reason that I would have gladly shared had anyone bothered to ask.

Let’s call it an experiment.

I wanted to test a theory that there are hypocrites amongst the Conservative crowd. Oh we KNOW such people exist amongst the liberal bunches, but I wanted to know whether or not the hypocrites amongst the Conservatives would readily show themselves…and they did.

Here’s the meme that I created to gauge the reaction amongst Conservatives.

It’s a bit of snarky satire but satire that apparently those who I refer to as the holier-than-thou simply couldn’t handle. Many of their comments were straight out of the liberal playbook. They took personal offense at the meme thus proved to me that being offended at something that is innocuous is not the sole purview of the liberals.

For instance, there were those who were SO offended that they decided to “unfriend” me on facebook. I suggest that doing that over a meme is the Conservative equivalent of cancel culture. Somebody posts something that they don’t like, and their immediate response is to “cancel” that person. How completely liberal of them.

Let me put it this way, if you are so easily and so irrevocably offended by a satirical meme that your instant reaction is to “unfriend” the person who posted it, you really are no different than the liberals of the cancel culture, and before you ever again speak out against the cancel culture, a look in the mirror might be what you need.

Next up are those who insist that I was mocking Christianity.

Clearly, I didn’t mention Christianity in the meme. I simply used three words at the top of the meme that some people obviously believe are owned lock, stock and barrel BY Christianity but it does make me wonder how many of those people have ever uttered the phrase, or heard others utter the phrase, “it’s a miracle?” It’s a miracle I wasn’t seriously hurt in the fall. It’s a miracle that we actually won that game. It was a miracle that I got there when I did or it was a miracle that I was late getting there. People use the word “miracle” all the time but have any of these holier-than-thou sorts ever condemned anyone, or themselves for the use of that word? Do they REALLY think that a catch in a ball game, or a quirk of timing to be miracles that are on the same par with the miracles described in the Bible with regard to Jesus?

According to holier-than-thou logic, using the word “miracle” to describe anything but a Jesus miracle would be mocking Christianity and not condemning the loose use of the word “miracle” would be the same as condoning such mockery. By the way, I wonder how many of the holier than-thou crowd had ham for Easter dinner…HAM…to commemorate the most famous Jew since Moses and they never gave a thought to what THAT was mocking.

Mirror, mirror on the wall…

Next up on the hit parade we have the silly name calling and accusations with no basis in reality or fact. Again, a very liberal minded trait of the holier-than-thou crowd.

There were several examples of such sprinkled through the comments on the meme thread. I was called a “blasphemer” and my patriotism was called into question.

First of all, blasphemy is a word you don’t hear or see very often these days, and I applaud his attempt to use it even if he has no grounds for it in this case. A prime example of blasphemy was when John Lennon said that the Beatles were more popular that Jesus. I made no such statement. Was the meme irreverent? Yes…perhaps…but satire usually is. If you want a great example of irreverent satire regarding Christianity, I suggest reading Mark Twain’s “The Innocents Abroad.” In that collection of stories from his travels throughout Europe, Twain writes about all the different churches he visited in so many European countries and towns, and one by one he describes how each has pieces of the cross of Jesus and the nails that held Jesus to the cross.

A discerning reader soon discovers that for all those churches to have what they claimed to have, there would be enough wood and nails from the cross of Jesus to build a house. Blasphemy? No. Irreverent? Quite possibly. Satire…without a doubt and who exactly is being mocked by Twain in “The Innocents Abroad? The holier-than-thous.

And then, there’s Laura Marshall Polchlopek. She accused me of being a propagandist because, according to her, I am not a critical thinker. Allow me to explain this line of completely liberal tactics on her part.

A few weeks ago, Laura Marshall Polchlopek posted to her own facebook wall her belief in the conspiracy theory that man has never been to the moon, and as her “proof” regarding her belief in that conspiracy theory, she posted a video of a purported interview with Stanley Kubrick admitting that he filmed a fake Apollo 11 moon landing at the request of NASA. The only problem was, as I quickly pointed out to her, it wasn’t Kubrick in that fake confession. The actor in that video is Tom Mayk, hired by director T. Patrick Murray to pretend to be Kubrick. According to Laura Marshall Polchlopek then, I was NOT a critical thinker because I dared to reveal the truth of that fake video. I even went so far as to post a video of Mayk, as himself, talking ABOUT Stanley Kubrick.

Polchlopek has since removed the fake Kubrick interview from that thread, however, as of 4-18-22 the rest of the thread was available.

Laura Marshall Polchlopek says that to be a “critical thinker” one has to think outside the box, and that much is true, but she also claims that I only think INSIDE the box and because of that, I’m closed minded.

Laura Marshall Polchlopek claimed then to be a critical thinker open to possibilities other than what she called mainstream or government propaganda, but NOW…I’M the propagandist because I’M not capable of critical thought? Because I am not open minded?

Here’s the crux of her beef with me. I am not her brand of Christian. I don’t adhere to blind faith. I question everything and always look for alternate explanations to any topic including religious dogma. According to her, I’m a terrible Christian and a horrible patriot because I don’t, in blind faith, simply believe that every word in the Bible is the gospel truth.

So, exactly how terrible and horrible am I? Well, Thomas Jefferson once said, “Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.” Either Jefferson, a patriot’s patriot was just an awful, evil person, or I’m in pretty good company. Personally, I believe there is a God, but I don’t believe I’d be a very good Christian if I didn’t question the notion that every word of the Bible is absolute truth. What I WOULD be in that case is a follower blind-folded by fear and we have enough people like that as it is.

So, there you have it, a simple meme meant to expose those who in their best effort at being the quintessential Christian will berate and attempt to demean any who dare to think for themselves or who don’t adhere to their specific brand of Christianity.

I’ll leave you with this on the topic…if an innocuous, somewhat irreverent and satirical meme is enough to trigger you into canceling someone from your friends list and offends you to the point of airing your liberal level hypocrisy while at the same time trumpeting your holier-than-thou belief in blind faith and strength in Conservatism, I suspect your faith is indeed fragile, and your Conservatism is on shaky ground.

In no way am I comparing my meme to the actions of Jesus nor am I trying to draw any similarity between Jesus and myself…I’m only using this to compare one moment to another separated by a couple of thousand years – Imagine how the people who made the comments you see in this commentary might have passed similar judgment on Jesus had they seen him tossing the tables and running the money changers out of the temple. Were they to apply the same logic and tactics in that case, they would have labeled Jesus as a madman, a raging trouble-maker prone to violence…but would that have been accurate? Of course not.

The reactions I got did not surprise me but did confirm to me that there are those on the right who are just as eager to use certain tactics as are those on the left. These are people who, unless you agree with them 100% of the time especially on the topic of faith, are very apt to slap a false label on you and turn away from you. God forbid that a Conservative candidate dare to believe differently than the holier-than-thou crowd because when those highlighted in this commentary get wind of that, they will do everything in their power to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory this November, and again in 2024. As Conservatives, if we can’t agree to disagree on some topics, we will splinter the movement and lose the goal we seek to achieve.

Just like the liberals, free speech is paramount to the holier-than-thou set until you disagree with or offend them. I thank them, one and all, for participating in this experiment and I hope for them nothing but the best, and a clean mirror in which to gaze.

Remember…when you make a snap judgment and believe you know everything you need to know about someone based on a single satirical meme…you have taken the easy way out, you’re going to be wrong, and you probably won’t like the reflection of your knee-jerk reaction in the mirror.

I’m guessing some of the holier-then-thous won’t like being highlighted in this commentary, but they really shouldn’t mind…after all…these are the results of an experiment, and they asked for it.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed  On Lies Told, War Crimes, and What Ifs 



Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 26tth from 7 to 8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will discuss ‘On Lies Told, War Crimes, and What If’s’; ‘The Meme and the Mirror‘; and other important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

2 thoughts on “The Meme and The Mirror

  1. Craig, I thought this was a perfect meme . I do have to say that there are so many people who are “Christians” but can’t explain what that means!!! There are so many Christians who truly believe God’s Word, who actually talk to Him throughout the day. We are in some turbulant times right now, and yet, every bit of it was defined in detail some 6,000 years ago. (I’m still fighting to get better, because I love your posts.)

  2. Craig unlike the so-called real Christians (of which I am not , I am a follower of Christ not Christianity) they don’t speak for me or anyone like me . I saw the humor in your meme and thought it was funny . I do also know that Jesus was a Jew and he taught the Torah not the Bible. He lived , acted and ate as a Jew therefore as you know ham would never have crossed his lips . Me being a nonJew I like ham and other pork products . Even as I am a follower I am not perfect but noone on this earth is . I love your columns and your memes so for me I will never unfriend you but I will keep reading your articles and laughing at your jokes . You always do excellent work . Thank you Craig .

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