Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary
So, the Biden administration via the Obama regime has announced that they are, “advancing our mission to collaboratively manage migration in the region, including by promoting access to protection and increasing the U.S. response to urgent humanitarian needs in Central America and Mexico.”
What in the hell does that mean?
It means that Obama, using Biden for cover, is throwing your money at a bunch of illegal aliens who will soon be voting democrat.
So far this fiscal year, $331 million dollars of YOUR tax money has been gifted to illegal aliens before they even break our laws by setting foot in our country. It’s not enough that we pay for their every want and need AFTER they get here, our government is cracking open YOUR wallet and giving wanna-be illegal aliens YOUR money before they even get here.
AFTER they get here, YOU pay for their healthcare. YOU pay for their education. YOU pay their rent, their grocery bill and for their travel expenses to wherever in this country they get sent to live.
BEFORE they get here, YOU are paying for their healthcare needs, for their shelter costs, their mental health and psychosocial support, AND you are paying their LEGAL AID fees so that when they DO get here, THEY have attorneys who will see to it that they can ignore our laws and STAY here.
Our government, under the control of Barack Hussein Obama, doesn’t see millions of illegal aliens flooding over our southern border as a humanitarian crisis. They don’t see human smuggling or sex trafficking across the border as a humanitarian crisis. They don’t see drug cartels moving death across the border, or children and infants used as tools then left to die in the desert or depositing illegal aliens with COVID and God only knows what else in our nation’s cities and towns as a humanitarian crisis either.
Do you want to know what the Obama regime regards as a humanitarian crisis? Somebody from some other country who wants to break our country’s laws and doesn’t have an attorney. THAT is what our government and its shadow leader sees as a humanitarian crisis.
Remember, contrary to the liberal Marxist propaganda which is taken as gospel by far too many garden variety liberal Marxist voters, the government doesn’t have any money that they don’t take from what you earn. That means that as fewer and fewer people in our country are working, they’re taking more and more money from those who are to pay for those who intent to enter our country illegally and then continue to leach off of the system you working Americans fund.
Not only are working Americans paying for those who are now making more on the taxpayer dole then they were when they were employed, but working Americans are also paying for those who simply want their slice of the American taxpayer dole pie.
That should be enough to just piss you off if you have at least one working brain cell, but I’m about to light your hair on fire.
That money, YOUR money, isn’t really going to those soon to be leaches on our system. Nope. YOUR money, $331 million dollars of it so far this fiscal year is being sent to Mexico and Central American countries where those governments will supposedly use it to pay for healthcare, shelter, and legal aid for those soon to be illegal aliens in our country. Now how much of that money do you suppose those corrupt governments are actually using for the above stated purposes?
Here’s a hint – any guess other than zero would be wrong.
That means that YOUR money, $331 million dollars of it so far this fiscal year is most likely being funneled to drug cartels and others who perpetrate drug trafficking, human and sex trafficking, kidnapping and any number of other things that equate to the actual crisis taking place at our southern border.
But, what about the “Remain-in-Mexico” policy? Isn’t the Biden administration about to restart that Trump era policy? Shouldn’t that ease the crisis at our border? If you think restarting a Trump policy at our border is Obama’s idea, you probably didn’t guess zero a few seconds ago. The LAST thing Obama wants to do at the border is put back into place a Trump policy that actually worked in stemming the tide of illegal aliens entering our country. The “Remain in Mexico” policy is set to re-start in mid-November only because a federal court has ordered it to re-start because when Obama had Biden cancel that policy he did so illegally.
Even so, won’t it help? Won’t that policy stop the hundreds of thousands who pour across the border every month?
Well, there’s a caveat to it that you may not realize. You see, that policy will ONLY go back into effect if the Mexican government cooperates. Do you really think Mexico wants to be stuck with hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from Central American nations? Of course they don’t, and the only reason that policy worked when Trump was in office is because he leveraged Mexico into cooperating with it.
Obama, and his financier, George Soros have ZERO intention of making Mexico agree to holding all those illegal aliens in Mexico and my guess is that Soros will PAY Mexico NOT to cooperate so that the flow of illegal aliens continues uninterrupted, and unabated.
Now that I have you pissed off, and lit your hair on fire, allow me to add to your misery.
That 200,000 illegal aliens every month I mentioned earlier, those are just the illegal aliens we catch. The real number could be double that figure. Our Border patrol is so overwhelmed that they can not possibly catch them all, and those that they do catch are handed a piece of paper that instructs them to report to a federal facility wherever they end up living for a hearing on a date that could well be years away because the immigration courts are that far behind.
The overwhelming vast majority of those illegal aliens will never show up for their hearings because, as they are not American citizens, they are under no obligation to follow such a court order. Once they’re here, they’re here to stay and they will continue to be a drain on our economy because they will continue to leach off the taxpayer dole.
It makes no difference if we take the House and the Senate in the 2022 mid-terms either because even if Republicans end up in control, they’re too afraid of being called “racists” should they take action to cut off the flow of welfare to those who don’t deserve a dime due to being in our country illegally.
And let’s be completely honest here. We’re not just talking about illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America. So far, we know that those pouring across our southern border include people from well over 100 countries, most of which aren’t even in our hemisphere.
Here’s how it works. Anybody who wants to come to our country from wherever in the world they’re from simply get on a plane and fly to an airport in Mexico near the border, take a taxi to the border, and stroll across the border. Once they’re on our side of the border, they seek out a border patrol again and turn themselves in, get their “show up for a hearing in 2025” paper and then it’s off to wherever they want to go, and many times their transportation is also funded by you, the American taxpayer.
By the way, we have no idea who these people are, nor in most cases do we have any idea from where they came. It would be both folly and foolish to dismiss the notion that terrorists from countries who hate us are now living amongst us thanks to Obama’s policies at our southern border. Sleeper cells are forming even as I write this commentary, and as you read it because havoc and chaos in our streets and in our cities is Obama’s end goal and if you don’t think Obama’s laughing because he’s got you funding what comes next, think again.
Obama knows there’s no way to stop the next big terrorist attack on U.S. soil because he’s got the FBI too busy surveilling and arresting domestic terrorist parents who think they should have a say in their children’s education to notice any international terrorists who are planning attacks that will kill thousands of American citizens. By the way, those attacks probably won’t happen until after 2024 because even Obama knows Trump will most likely be back in the Oval Office and they want to be able to blame the new worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil on him.
Is this a humanitarian crisis, a border crisis, an economic crisis and a national security crisis all rolled into one? Yes, but it is more than just the sum of those parts. What we are witnessing today is the “fundamental transformation of America” with Obama hiding behind Joe Biden and using your money to do it.
Abraham Lincoln said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we
falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
Bottom line? Obama knows that when in comes to the destruction of America, his financier, George Soros is a pauper compared to the American taxpayer and he is embezzling taxpayer’s money to fund his anti-America dream.
Sadly, Lincoln was 100 percent correct.
Copyright © 2021 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved
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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed The Color of Betrayal
Tuesday, October 26th, from 7 to 8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘The Color of Betrayal’; ‘Obama, the Border Crisis and Your Taxpayer Dollars’; and important news of the day.
Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with the show beginning at 7pm EST.
I noticed Soros girl, Neera Tanden, a Muslim Brotherhood operative and co-author of Obamacare has been appointed to a key secretarial position in the Biden Administration. Basically, everything goes through her, I am told.
With Hillary’s Senior Advisor, Huma Abedin, another Musbro operative was somewhat disgraced as any of the shameless can possibly be, given their exemption from treason and moral turpitude, I don’t know what John Brennan another convert is doing at CNN, but he never lost his security clearance.
What I’m saying folks, is the so-called progressives are in bed with Islamists, thinking they’ll have one big happy party one day. We have to ask, just how many of these invaders are trained warriors (terrorists) with access to weaponry (lots of the latest easily shipped to the States) have been spread around the country, waiting for orders.
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
Let’s go Brandon!