The Great Reparation Revelation

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Lately, there has been a good deal of talk amongst the liberal Marxist crowd of paying reparations to the descendants of slaves. I used to think the notion was rubbish, but I’ve changed my mind.

That’s me in the photo on the left.

By all appearances, I’m a white guy…except…

I’m not.

There has also been a lot of prattle in liberal Marxist circles regarding how one identifies one’s self. Some men identify as women. Some women identify as men. Bruce Jenner identifies as a woman who wants to date women so I suppose he identifies as a man who likes to make believe he’s a woman who is a lesbian.

Other people identify as black, when they’re not, while some identify as British when they’re not and I believe that both Madonna and Johnny Depp fall into that latter category.

I do not have to identify as black because, regardless of my appearance  I actually am black, and therefore a descendant of slaves.

As said descendant, I am therefore entitled to reparations.

Before I prove by blackness, let me just point out that the doling out of reparations for slavery is bound to be tricky as in most cases, it will be difficult if not impossible for people to provide a verifiable, vettable pedigree or provenance to prove relationship status directly tied to actual slaves as record keeping for said slaves was, in those days, rather sketchy.

Furthermore, from whom, exactly, would such money be taken in the form of taxes to pay such reparations? Clearly, not all Americans were slave owners when slavery was all the thing, and therefore, it seems highly likely that non-slave owners descendants would end up being punished for things their ancestors never did. Of course, if such a reparations tax be levied against ALL Americans, that would include levying such a tax on working black people who would then essentially be paying their own reparations and neither strategy seems fair at all.

Okay, all of that said, allow me to now explain my blackness.

It has been said that science has proven that all of humanity wandered out of Africa roughly 2 million years ago. That is a generalization where the timing is concerned but, as luck would have it, my own family has long nurtured a rich history of the spoken story. To that end,  I have oft been told, as were my parents, their parents, and their parents parents before them told the story through countless generations over countless millennia that our ancestors, Australopithecine folks of the best sort, strolled out of Africa 2,465,131 years ago…

On a Thursday.

We’re not talking about cave trash here.

My great, great, great, great times whatever to the nth degree Australopithecine grandmother, Tanisha, was black. It was hard to tell because she was as hairy as Robin Williams, but she was as black as Oprah.

Over millions of years, as my ancestors, and yours drifted north, to the west, and to the east, they became less hairy, and they began to lose skin pigment. The scientific theory behind the lose of pigment has something to do with less and less need for such natural protection due to being in areas where the sun wasn’t as harsh, and of course with the intermingling of species. We know, for instance, that ancient humans mated with ancient Neanderthals because Neanderthal woman were less hairy, blond, and apparently horney as hell.

Neanderthal men were placed in the scientific sub-category of “Testiculus Immensus.”

Roughly, 1,231 years, 3 days and 14 hours ago, my formerly hairy, black ancestors settled in Ireland, Scotland and England as smooth, pastey people who lacked cooking skills, wore lots of plaid and no underwear.

Your ancestors may have ended up in China, or if they lacked the ambition to learn how to eat with chopsticks, perhaps they only got as far as India. The truly ambitious of all our ancestors made it all the way across the land bridge and settled down in Canada where they evolved into being overly non-confrontational and borderline French.

Regardless of where our ancestors went, or how they got there…regardless of how their appearance changed and why, the bottom line is that all humanity came from Africa. Yes, I realize there are those out there who believe this world to be only 6,000 years old, and who also believe that all of humanity began as mud, and while they are completely wrong on both counts, even if mud were part of the facts, it would have been African mud and it would be a good bet that said mythical mud was…black.

Now then, back to reparations…

If the idea in the empty heads of your garden variety liberal Marxist is to pay slavery reparations to every America whose ancestors were black, and given the simple fact that there is virtually no way outside of oral history to determine which ancestors of black people in America today were actually slaves, I suggest that since every American alive today is…in fact…descended from black Africans…we are ALL due reparations.

Oh, I can hear liberal Marxists heads exploding. I can just hear them screaming at me telling me that I’m WHITE, and it’s OBVIOUS that I don’t deserve reparations because I’m WHITE.

So…they’re wanting to base off of this nonsense on the way certain people LOOK? They’re wanting this to be a benefit based on what…SKIN COLOR? Isn’t that as racist as a black only drinking fountain, or a white only social club? I mean…I’m following the science here. I thought we were supposed to follow the science…right?

But let’s go down their racist path for a moment. Let’s say this is all supposed to be based on skin color. I’ll be your huckleberry.

Let’s take three siblings as our example. There names are Beverley, Harriet and Eston. They were three of the four children of a woman named Sally…Sally Hemings. You might recognize Sally’s name as she was a slave owned by Thomas Jefferson. As adults, Beverley, Harriet and Eston all moved to one of the northern states, and all three lived out their lives as whites…because all three, being 7/8 European clearly looked white and yet their mother was a black slave.

Should the descendants of Beverly, Harriet and Eston, obviously being the descendants of a black slave while just as obviously looking white be in line to receive slavery reparations? This is a toughy for liberal Marxists isn’t it? Those descendants are as white looking as Michael Jackson was the last time he fogged a mirror, and yet their ancestor was as black as Tito Jackson.

What about the descendants of Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis? One of her ancestors was John van Salee De Grasse, the first black American formally educated as a doctor.

How about the descendants of Clark Gable? He had black ancestors too.

To further add to the liberal Marxist conundrum, what should be done regarding those black Americans who are descended from slaves, who themselves could well have been descended from black Africans who rounded them up and sold them to European slave traders?

What about black people who are descended from black people who immigrated to the U.S. after slavery ended? Do they get reparations based solely on skin color, or are they left out of the mix based on something else and since this is supposedly going to be a government run operation…how will anybody know who ultimately is qualified, and on what grounds to get bribed to vote democrat?

Of course, you do realize that even while slavery was in practice, there were black people living in this country who were never slaves…what do we do about their descendants? And for that matter, what do we do about the descendants of slaves that were slaves when America was still a British colony, and then weren’t slaves when we gained our independence?

On the off chance I haven’t yet confused the liberal Marxists to the point of seeking a safe space with a bottle of bubbles yet, allow me to just toss in one more that nobody else seems to want to put out there on the table…what about white people, who are descendants of white people who fought and died to put an end to slavery in the Civil War. Shouldn’t THEY get compensated for the sacrifice of THEIR ancestors?

As you can clearly see, there are simply way too many pitfalls here to try and base slavery reparations on any criteria that would require sorting out the actual descendants of actual slaves from those who just don’t meet the standard.

Basically, the only way to be completely fair in this is to provide reparations to every man, woman and child in America today who can scientifically trace their ancestry back to Africa…and since that includes every man, woman and child on the planet…

My white ass will be waiting by the mailbox for my reparations check because I never did get my white privilege check..

Copyright © 2021 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article A Red Line Crossed, Consequences To Pay



Tomorrow, Friday, May 21st, from 7 to 9pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘A Red Line Crossed, Consequences To Pay’; ‘The Great Reparation Revelation’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with the show beginning at 7pm EST.

3 thoughts on “The Great Reparation Revelation

  1. Since I haven’t received my check for white priviledge either, can you tell me if I qualify for reparations because everyone was created from black mud in Africa and I guess that explains my “dark” skinned relatives from France on my grandmother’s side of the family. Her parents immigrated to America in early 1898 and she was born in August of 1898. She always said that the trip over the ocean must have been a wonderful time for her parents! She was their first American born child. Her older siblings came with them but they were originally Africans from France. Where do I sign up????

  2. What about black people that are descendants of black slave owners, or white people that are descendants of Irish slaves?

  3. Very well said Craig. Some people no matter their color have a gift of gab. It was fun reading your summation of who should get reparations.
    Lee Cromwell

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