Biden – On a Foundation of Quicksand

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

If Laura Ingraham is correct, and democrats are hiding their “true agenda” I would submit that they’re doing a pretty piss-poor job of it.

That agenda was on full display during the Justice Amy Coney Barrett hearings. The democrats are in favor of killing the soon to be born, they’re in favor of disarming American citizens, they’re in favor of socialism, and they’re in favor of legislating socialism from the bench.

The democrats are against your rights…all of them, they’re against your ability to determine your own path in life, they’re against you keeping more of the money you earn, and they’re against the greatest judicial system on the planet.

Democrats are for hiking up your taxes, making you pay through every available orifice for your energy needs, for making you reliant on the government for your healthcare, and they’re for making you pay for the healthcare of those occupying our nation illegally.

The democrats are opposed to the core family unit, in favor of dividing this great nation along the lines of skin color, against fair and open elections, and for locking you in your homes on their whim.

The democrats are very much in favor of heaping your money upon nations and those whose ideologies that are diametrically opposed to the very existence of the United States, and they’re very much opposed to any policy that would advance our nation’s interests, or the interests of nations friendly to the United States.

The democrats used the Justice Barrett hearings to campaign for the “Big Guy” as Hunter calls his dad, because they all knew that Joe had become so ridden by dementia that he can’t campaign for himself, and besides, they know that Pelosi will pull the 25th Amendment out to pull the plug on Biden should he get elected so that their not at all hidden agenda can be implemented by Obama via Kamala Harris…Obama’s sock puppet.

We had THE most eminently qualified nominee for the Supreme Court in the past century up for a committee vote, and the democrats didn’t show up to cast their votes against her because they were trying to hide…not their agenda…but the very foundation upon which their platform rests.

Had they shown their scowling faces in that Committee room last Thursday…had they sat there and voted NO on furthering Barrett to a full Senate vote…Barrett being exactly what the Founders and Framers had in mind as the quintessential Supreme Court Justice…Barrett, who will not adjudicate the law the way they insist she would, has nothing in her judicial record that would even so much as HINT at her adjudicating based on her personal feelings or her faith…Barrett who is NOT a racist, NOT an activist in a black robe and NOT anyone’s puppet…had they voted NO on her, they WOULD have exposed the fact that their entire party platform…every damned plank of it sits on a foundation of quicksand.

As Conservatives, our party platform is built upon the bedrock of this great nation…the Constitution…and that’s an anathema to liberals. It’s our Constitution they hate, and it’s our Constitution they want to set fire to.

The evidence of that is in.

Last week, the “Big Guy,” Joe Biden said, “America was an idea, an idea. ‘We hold these truths to be self evident.’ We’ve never lived up to it, but we’ve never walked away from it before. And I just think we have to be more honest. Let our kids know, as we raise them, what actually did happen. Acknowledge our mistakes so we don’t repeat them.”

Later, he doubled down by tweeting, “America was an idea. We’ve never lived up to it but we’ve never walked away from it before.”

Holy crap.

“America WAS an idea?”

“WAS?” Past tense” REALLY??

Listen up “Big Guy.” Listen up elected liberals and you liberal voters. LISTEN THE HELL UP!!! America was never “an idea.” America IS a grand experiment. You see, before The United States became the United States, it was believed that people needed to be ruled over. It was believed that people, allowed to exist by their own devises could not rule themselves. The people needed a monarchy to rule them because they were incapable of self-determination.

We fought a war of revolution against being ruled over and for the right to self-determination, and then we fought again when those who sought to rule over us lost the first war. In between those two wars, the Revolutionary war, and the War of 1812, the most brilliant minds this new nation had written our Constitution which became the Law of the Land. So brilliant were those brilliant minds that they knew things would change, that people would change, culture and society would change, and norms would change that they saw to it that our Constitution could also change.

Oh, they knew that some change was bound by human nature to be fickle, and that human nature would immediately seek knee-jerk solutions to such changes, so they made changing our Constitution difficult. They knew…they KNEW it was a very bad idea indeed to have our Constitution amended by a scant few, or by a political party or worse yet, by a panel of unelected judges…but they also made sure it wasn’t impossible to amend.

Our Founders and Framers also knew very well that cities and towns, the states themselves and even congress would pass laws that would seek to solve issues purely on individual or partisan thinking, and that’s why they instituted the Supreme Court…a panel of judges not beholding to partisan politics, nominated by the President, voted on by those elected by the people in the Senate and thus appointed for life to adjudicate individual laws and individual cases based on the Constitution.

The LAST thing our Founders and Framers wanted was to have our nation’s laws and cases determined by rulings of judicial fiat. Only then…ONLY then could the laws be adjudicated fairly, evenly and without predetermination based on partisan politics. Our Founders and Framers knew that the laws passed by cities, towns, states and by Congress had to be in accordance with the Law of the Land.

Biden, the “Big Guy” says we have never lived up to what he calls “an idea.” I say he’s dead wrong. We have…and we continue to strive to do better. He quotes, “We hold these truths to be self evident,” which comes from our Declaration of Independence, and that declaration is in reality an indictment of King George III.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —“ Well, that seems pretty clear. “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,” meaning that the government at any level only hold such power as given to it by the people who elected them and it fits quite nicely with the opening words of our Constitution, “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

in Order to form a more perfect Union-“ is not an idea…it’s a promise, and the last time that promise so infuriated the democrat party, we had a Civil War to resolve it, and the Republican Party ended slavery by winning that war.

Our Constitution made that possible, and our Constitution not only remains the bedrock of this nation, but also remains despised by the democrat party to this day. They don’t even remotely like the fact that self-determination is the Law of the Land, and they made that crystal clear by now showing up to vote in Committee regarding Justice Barrett.

In one week, they hope to set fire to the Law of the Land. If elected to the presidency, and should they gain control of the Senate, the democrat party will move swiftly to eliminate self-determination. They will move to stack the high court so as to rule by judicial fiat when the laws they propose fail to meet Constitutional muster.

Because of our Constitution, the true power in this great nation rests in the People, and that is not the way the democrat party wants it. Rather than being subject to the consent of the People, the democrat party wants the people to become the subjects of the government.

While many have already cast their ballots in this election, many will do so in the next week. I’m not just talking to those who agree with the party of Conservatives here, but more so to those who are on the other side of the political aisle. I understand you don’t like the current President. I get it. We all get it, but know this…if you vote for Biden, you are literally voting to end this nation. You will neither recognize this nation, nor like it should you hand the reins of power to the democrat party because they abhor the very bedrock upon which this nation is built.

Your rights will be forever gone, and there will be nothing you can do about it. Sure, the rights you hate, like those put forth in the 2nd Amendment will be gone, but gone too will be the rights you do like, such as those put forth in the 1st Amendment and so it will go until you end up living in a 3rd world hole you dug with a shovel called hatred and then filled with your own feces.

Allow me to pose two questions to democrats. First, why do you suppose there have always been lines of people wanting to get into this great nation but no lines of people trying to get out? Because the promise here is eminently better her than are the realities they’re trying to leave. And second, how did the people who clamored for socialism like it by the time socialism collapsed in their countries? They hated it enough to risk everything to end it.

The democrat party is being run by Marxists, and socialism is but communism in disguise. Once Marxists are in power, you are no longer free, and the things they bait you with by telling you they are free…aren’t.

There’s a price to pay for all the free stuff the democrat party, and the Marxists who run it are promising to you…there is always a price…

Your freedom.

Copyright © 2020 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Unmasking the Truth About Biden’s Domestic and Foreign Policies



Tomorrow, Friday, October 30th, from 7 to 9pm EST,  RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Unmasking the Truth About Biden’s Domestic and Foreign Policies’; ‘Biden – On a Foundation of Quicksand’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with the show beginning at 7pm EST.