Corn Pop Stopper and the White Flip-Flopper

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

This year started with the kangaroo court impeachment trial of President Donald Trump in the House which featured a parade of witnesses brought forth by the democrats…witnesses who witnessed nothing.

From there, it moved to the Senate where Trump’s team of attorneys dismantled the lies told in the House, and sent the democrats whimpering away with their collective tails between their legs.

Then came the rampaging COVIDS from CHINA and a tsunami of liberal propaganda trying to make us all believe that we were all about to die…from the uncommon cold. First, the democrats said Trump was a racist for implementing a travel ban to help keep the COVIDs at bay, and then they said he didn’t do enough fast enough and should have implemented that travel ban sooner.

After that came the mandates from liberal doomsday dolts who said we all had to stay inside and not get anywhere near each other…and that was while that pin-head Pelosi was telling people in San Franfreakshow that they should all come outside and gather together.


Liberals saw to it that our economy was shut down over a bug with a better than 99 percent survival rate, and they closed down schools, businesses, churches and airlines….unless you happened to be engaging in a liberal bought and paid for riot.

Apparently, COVIDs only become a problem when you’re just getting on with your life, but if you’re rioting, looting, committing arson, assaulting or killing people…you’re immune to the COVIDs.

We saw a common, drug addicted street thug achieve the fastest sainthood in history, and we got to see the stinking corpse of St. George Floyd planted in a golden casket. Do you have ANY idea how many rapper’s teeth had to be melted down to make that silly thing?

We’ve had mothers being arrested for taking their kids to the park, people of faith being arrested for going to church, business owners being arrested for trying to earn a living and home owners being arrested for protecting their own lives and their property.

Meanwhile, we’ve also had Mayors and Governors letting violent criminals out of jail and acting surprised when they get on the streets and commit more violent crimes, anarchists taking over liberal-run cities, more Mayors and more Governors demanding the defunding and abolishment of their police forces, and rioters getting permits to gather in large numbers to destroy other people’s property.

Then…just when you thought things couldn’t get any more bat-shit crazy in 2020…Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris as his VP running mate.

GAWD ALMIGHTY I almost don’t know where to start with this one.

Kamala Harris…now claiming to be the first “African-American” woman to be on a presidential ticket…isn’t. Have you SEEN this idiot? Her mother is from India, her father is from Jamaica, and she’s as white as her husband…who is white. Look at her in this photo with actress Jennifer Garner. I had no idea Jennifer Garner was an “African-America,” but she must be because she and Kamala are the SAME DAMNED COLOR.

So…here’s Kamala Harris being interviewed when she was running for the Senate just a couple of years ago. Pay close attention to the end of this short video when you will hear the first “African-American” woman on a presidential ticket admit to being excited to possibly become the first INDIAN woman elected to the Senate.

I guess getting elected changed EVERYTHING…including her heritage.

Back in the day, when Bill Clinton took a break from moistening his cigars in his intern’s internal parts, he blew the saxophone. Kamala Harris has been known to blow a little skin flute from time to time. You remember Willie Brown…the former the disgraced mayor of San Francisco who admitted that he and Kamala Harris had an illicit affair in 90’s when Kamala was trying to sleep her way into a more prominent political position? Eventually, Harris became the California Attorney General and left Willie’s willy behind her where, let’s face it, was the same place Willie was during the affair.

Kamala Harris has been, and continues to be without any sort of moral compass. The woman who now claims she empowers other women made her name in politics on her back or on her knees with a more powerful, better connected man. Willie Brown, by the way, is a black man and so far as anyone knows for sure, that’s all the black Kamala has ever had in her.

But Joe Biden picked Harris because she’s a “black” woman…right? I’ll get into a few of Joe’s latest lunacies in a bit, but Harris was picked for her gender, and primarily because of her claimed skin color to shore up the black voting bloc…you now…the BLM voting bloc. That would be the same BLM that’s been on the rampage lately over slavery that ended 157 years ago in this country.

Did you know that Kamala Harris’ ancestors on her father’s side were the relation of Ireland’s Hamilton Brown who started Brown’s Town in Jamaica? Did you know that Ham Brown…the IRISH guy…was a SLAVE OWNER in Jamaica? Do the BLM goons know about that? In fact, the vast majority of old Ham Brown’s slaves were bought from Africa in 1817.

Seems to me that if your choosing a black woman to be your running mate in 2020 there are a few things you might want to take into account…first, she should be black, and second, she had happy damned well not have a great grandpappy who was a lily-white slave owner from Ireland, and third, you might want to be sure that she didn’t call the guy she’s on the ticket with a RACIST…which is exactly what Harris called Biden during the democrat debates.

Speaking of those debates…Kamala Harris did so poorly during her short time on the campaign trail, that she ended her campaign on December 3rd, 2019 while poling in the low single digits and cited her inability to raise money for her ending her campaign. Now wouldn’t you think the DNC would have wanted somebody who could get votes AND raise money to be on this ticket? The fact is, Kamala Harris, the fake black woman did far worse than Liz Warren, the fake Indian woman. So what does Harris bring to the table with less than 80 days left until the election? Well, it ain’t votes or fund-raising ability I can tell you that.

Kamala Harris backs every radical, insane liberal idea out there. She loves the Green New Deal. She loves the idea of tearing down the wall and flooding America with illegal aliens. She loves giant tax hikes, releasing criminals from prisons, defunding the police, abortion rights, climate change initiatives, $15 minimum wage, reparations for slavery, the elimination of the Electoral College, free college for everybody including illegal aliens and every other left wing crazy idea you can think of.

She wants to legalize pot, cut defense spending, hike taxes, supports China, wants to trash the new trade deals…you name it…if it’s bad for America, Harris is all in for it, but while those are her positions now, she has often been on the opposite side of many of them, changing her core beliefs faster and more often them most people change their undies. Whichever way the political winds blow, so goes Harris’ core beliefs. Whatever side she thinks can get her a political boost at the moment is the side she takes.

Then there’s Joe Biden the liar who claims that he took on a gang kingpin named Corn Pop, that he and Obama “didn’t lock people up in cages,” that he was in the top half of his law class, that he was arrested in South Africa trying to see Mandella, that he was arrested for going into a women’s dorm in college, that he wrote his own papers, that his ancestors…worked in the coal mines, that he became a professor and his wife was killed by a drunk driver…all of those are lies, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

There’s Biden’s proven and bragged about quid pro quo, his favored drug-addicted son, his creepy touching and sniffing of women and little girls, and then, just a couple of weeks ago, Joe Biden said…”If you see something wrong’ (and he quotes the so-called Prophet Muhammad) use your hand. If you can’t use your hand, use your tongue and if you can’t use your tongue, use your heart.”

HOLY CRAP…that’s sharia law. Joe Biden literally just advocated FOR sharia law…the vigilante 7th century barbarian system of revenge that he would like to see replace our system of justice.

That revelation came right before Joe told the whole world that the black community lacks cultural diversity…you know…in an attempt to woo black voters. In the past, Joe has also said, “I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” “poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.” He called Obama, “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean,” and he once said, “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

No wonder Kamala called Joe a racist. Joe and the DNC know HE can’t shore up the black vote, so they decided he needed a black running mate and the DNC picked Kamala Harris…a WHITE woman pretending to be a black woman. I suppose when they lose in November, Kamala can always be the next president of the NAACP.

Remember…while Joe Biden is all about having a black running mate now, he once called school integration, “the most racist concept you can come up with,” and was the guy  who was strongly against  “forced busing” in the 1970s, and was the leading crusader for mass incarceration throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s once saying of black felons that they were “predators too sociopathic to rehabilitate.” And don’t get me started on his friendship with Robert KKK Byrd.

Come to think of it…Byrd, an Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan and Kamala’s great, great slave owner grandpa probably had a lot in common.  Of course, if you don’t express your admiration and pledge your vote to Joe and Kamala…YOU’RE the racist.

So, where does that leave us with this radical, racist, absurd leftist, Marxist ticket? In need of a nickname…that’s where, and thank God I’m here to offer a few bumper sticker suggestions.

How about…”The Nut and the Slut.”

Maybe…”The Panderer and the Philanderer.”

Possibly “The Bore and the Whore.”

“The Liar and the Layer?” “Dimentia Joe and the California Ho?” “Lost His Beans and No Black Genes?” “Gaffe Attack and She Ain’t Black?”

How about this one…”Corn Pop Stopper and the White Flip-Flopper?”

Conservatives can’t get complacent thinking this is an easy victory, and if they love this country, they need to prove it at the ballot box. There is however, an upside to this moronic liberal ticket…

It’s gonna be a hoot watching down-ticket liberal candidates and the mainstream media trying to pretend that Biden and Harris are America’s best hope for the future, and the debates will be a scream if the libs can get Biden out of his basement bunker and Harris off her back long enough to participate.

Christ on a cracker this is gonna be fun to watch.

Copyright © 2020 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Kamala Harris…The Great Pretender


Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 18th from 7 to 9pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Kamala Harris…The Great Pretender’; ‘Corn Pop Stopper and the White Flip-Flopper; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on our newly launched website Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with the show beginning at 7pm EST.

2 thoughts on “Corn Pop Stopper and the White Flip-Flopper

  1. Wonderful as always and I am still laughing!!! I want to order one of those bumper stickers for my great grandkids…….The Corn Pop Stopper and The White Flip Flopper is my fave!!!! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL

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