ObamaGate’s Liars, Spiers and Deniers – Part 1

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

Last week, on the heels of the announcement that all charges against General Michael Flynn had been dropped and that the DOJ would no longer pursue the case, Barack Hussein Obama said, “The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn. And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk.”

Allow me to translate that into plain English from the language of the Liberal Elite…

What Obama is saying there is that 1) the liberal mainstream media hasn’t been tripping all over themselves to beat the Russian Collusion drum the way they did for two years at his direction between 2017 and 2019…2 ) there’s not a time he can think of when an accusation from himself and the liberal elite wasn’t all the proof necessary to end a person’s life and career in its tracks…and 3) that HIS basic understanding that one is guilty until proven innocent that liberals have clung to since the 2016 election is at risk.

Naturally the media isn’t running cover for Obama now because they’ve been caught baboon-assed, Obama being the baboon, and the media being the asses for having engaged in propaganda for two full years in the effort to subvert the actual rule of law and overthrow a duly elected President. The now released documents show unequivocally that Flynn did not commit perjury, and the entire case against both him, and Trump was nothing but manufactured lies.

When the charges of lying to the FBI (not perjury by the way) are brought using false evidence, manipulated transcripts and threats, as was the case and the basis for the  charge against General Flynn, there is no case to pursue. What Obama and company did was INVENT a crime for which they had to MANUFACTURE evidence.

The REAL institutional norm, and THE basic understanding of the rule of law is that one is innocent until proven guilty. The only thing at risk here is the fundamentally transformed rule of law that one is guilty until proven innocent. But even given Obama and company’s fundamental transformation of the rule of law, the recently released documents PROVE Flynn’s innocence, and that’s not sitting well with the former regime…Obama’s regime.

Oh, I’m not saying that there hasn’t been perjury involved in the Flynn case, there certainly HAS been perjury, but it has come in the form of lies told by the Obama regime in order to secure FISA warrants against American citizens, and lies compiled by those hired by the Obama regime to manufacture non-existent dirt for an attempted coup.

Yes, all the main players are involved…Comey, Strzok, Page, Brennan, McCabe, Clapper, Rice, Powers and so many more, but we now know beyond any doubt or protestations by the former regime to the contrary, that the list goes all the way to the very top…Obama, and Biden in 2017.

January 5th, 2017, in the waning days of the Obama regime, a high-level meeting was held in the Oval Office. That meeting was attended by Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, FBI Director James Comey, Vice President Joe Biden, Susan Rice and was led by the head of the snake himself, Barack Hussein Obama. Susan Rice emailed a note to herself in that meeting that said, “President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.”

Allow me to translate that into plain English from Liberal Elite…

What Susan Rice, the Obama regime’s National Security Advisor and whose position was to become General Flynn’s in just a couple of week’s time meant was…”we must take care not to share with Flynn everything we’ve been up to with Russia lest they catch us in treasonous acts.”

No wonder Hilary purportedly said, “If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses,” as that is, after all, the penalty for the crime of treason.

I’m not saying there wasn’t any Russian collusion…what I’m saying is that Trump didn’t collude with the Russians, but the Obama regime and Hillary clearly did. Now for those liberals out there that continue to cling to the “Trump colluded with the Russians” narrative, like the ilk of Adam Schiff, think about it. If you’re Putin running the show in Russia, with whom would you rather be aligned? Trump, the America First and rebuild our military guy, or the regime and its successor that engineered the Uranium One deal, pressed the “reset” button and sold out to you for a handsome donation to her foundation which got laundered into campaign money and for a couple of sweetheart speaking fees for her lech of a husband?

One by one, the scum of the Obama regime went on national television back then and told the world that President Trump was a Russian agent, a Russian asset and a traitor in interview after interview, but the now released documents which include their interviews from the then Republican controlled House Intel Committee tell a vastly different story. One by one, the ilk of Samantha Powers, Susan Rice, James Clapper and Andy McCabe testified that they had nothing, had seen nothing and could prove nothing regarding Trump being what they had falsely claimed he was.

The liberal elite, Obama, Hillary, Comey, Clapper, Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer and the ilk never had any evidence, not a grain of dust upon with to implicate Trump or his team in any sort of collusion, quid pro quo or anything else, but they knew damned well that there exists a mountain of such evidence of their own collusion and treasonous activities. That is why they had to manufacture evidence against Flynn, Carter Page, Trump and others. That’s why they had to alter testimony transcripts, engage in a mainstream media propaganda war, and launch one attempted coup after another.

They knew full-well there was a paper and electronic trail, and they knew that eventually it would float to the surface of the swamp, and so they have.

The Obama regime got sloppy leading up to the 2016 election, and it was sloppiness born of arrogance. They just KNEW that Hillary had it in the bag, and would be Obama’s defacto third term in office. The Obama regime had become so arrogant that they saw no reason to cover their collective tracks. Trump wasn’t going to win…there was no way he COULD win. Hillary would assume the throne and Obama would pull the strings from behind the curtains that she was too busy picking out to realize that the Trump train was gaining momentum.

But Trump DID win, and suddenly there was a need to concoct coup attempts. If they couldn’t beat Trump at the voting booth, they had to find a way to remove him from office. Jeff Sessions was a good little boy. He recused himself from anything to do with the entire Russian Collusion so-called investigation.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again now…Sessions had no reason to recuse himself if he wasn’t a part of the collusion…not the made up collusion the liberals were accusing Trump of, but the real collusion that took place during the Obama regime…the collusion the Obama regime forgot to bleach bit, the emails they neglected to delete, the hard drives they failed to destroy, and the servers they didn’t think to hide in someone’s office bathroom.

The use-any-method-necessary tactic came directly from Obama and was delivered to his minions shortly before Obama’s FBI interviewed Flynn in the White House as this part of the now released documents shows. “What is our goal?  Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

That was the question asked in writing in the run-up to that interview and the answer is now obvious. General Flynn was set up. There was a sense of urgency to find or invent something to use as leverage against President Trump, and eventually overthrow the President, and that same sense of urgency by liberals is readily apparent today.

Last weekend, it came out that Obama has told his people, “So I am hoping that all of you feel the same sense of urgency that I do. Whenever I campaign, I’ve always said, ‘Ah, this is the most important election.’ Especially obviously when I was on the ballot, that always feels like it’s the most important election. This one — I’m not on the ballot — but I am pretty darn invested. We got to make this happen.”

Let me translate that into plain English from Liberal Elite…

He’s invested because his fingerprints are all over the set-up of General Flynn, the manufacturing of the Steele dossier and the Russian collusion coup attempt. He knows that if President Trump wins a second term, and the Republicans keep the Senate and retake the House, he’s exposed, new investigations will be opened, and unlike the investigations liberals have launched against President Trump, investigations into HIS regime will have a mountain of REAL evidence and REAL witnesses to make the case, and seal the deal against him. That was in the same phone conversation as the aforementioned, “…basic understanding of rule of law is at risk,” comment.

Oh, there’s one more VERY important piece to this puzzle which centers on “why go after Michael Flynn? Why the urgent need to get Flynn fired?” Remember that conversation in Obama’s office attended by Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, FBI Director James Comey, Vice President Joe Biden, and led by the head of the snake himself, Barack Hussein Obama.

Well, Obama dismissed everyone from that meeting except for Sally Yates, and James Comey. Why weren’t they dismissed? Because those were the only two who would keep their jobs in the new Trump administration, and that was very important.

Susan Rice emailed a note to herself while she was still in that meeting that said, “President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.”

Flynn was about to take over Susan Rice’s position as National Security Advisor, and in that position, had they given full information TO Flynn regarding the Obama regime’s dealings with Russia, Flynn would have discovered the Obama’s regime’s corruption, quid pro quo, and collusion with Russia thus showing who the REAL traitors were.

Obama also had to make sure he still had spies inside the Trump administration, and Yates and Comey were those spies.

Obama knows that Bill Barr is no Jeff Sessions, and he knows that John Durham is no Robert Mueller. Furthermore, Obama knows Jim Jordan and other House Republicans on that Intel Committee aren’t the lying sacks of Schiff Adam is and unlike the investigations into Flynn and Trump, investigations into him, and his regime stand a pretty good chance nailing the coffin shut on the democrat party.

Finally…why the sense of urgency on the part of Obama now? Because Obama is terrified. He knows that the recently released documents pertaining to General Flynn only scrapes the top layer of scum from the swamp, but he also knows that if the swamp has a Marianas Trench, John Durham is diving all the way to the bottom of it and there’s a very good chance that the Durham Report will become public knowledge later this summer…just in time to have a fatal impact on the democrat party leading into the 2020 election.

The fight is on, the gloves are off, and President Trump is about to bloody the party that’s been poking him with a stick for the past four years.


Copyright © Craig Andresen/thenationalpatriot.com 2020/ All rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article  The Not So Invisible Enemies Exposed


Tomorrow, Friday, May 15th from 7 to 9pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘The Not So Invisible Enemies Exposed’; ‘ObamaGate’s Liars, Spiers and Deniers – Part 1’; and important news of the day.
Hope you can tune in to RSP Radio at: https://streamingv2.shoutcast.com/right-side-patriots

One thought on “ObamaGate’s Liars, Spiers and Deniers – Part 1

  1. CRAIG!!! I THINK I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!!! LOLLLLL This is absolutely the best news I have heard about Obama for years now!!!! I hope they nail his coffin shut with these very things he and Hillary have done!!! Maybe now they might be able to get some justice for our boys in Benghazzi!!!!! I knew that day that the head of that snake was Obama and Clinton in league with each other. What about the other generals forced to retire from their posts for trying to rescue those men??? Can they ever redeem themselves in this tangled web of lies and TREASON?????? YOU DONE GOOD, MY FRIEND!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ONE!!!!! Valli

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