The Dog and Pony Show Defined

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

I’m not sure whether anyone’s heard of this, but there’s an impeachment taking place in our Nation’s Capital.

It seems, as best that I can tell, that the democrats don’t particularly care for President Donald Trump, ostensibly because he defeated their anointed candidate in 2016, and has gone on to actually Make America Great Again.

Democrats don’t seem to like a great America and there are two rather obvious clues that go toward proving that. First, they spent 8 years trying to fundamentally transform America, and second, there are exactly 6 more American flags displayed on the surface of the Moon than there have been displayed on the stage of all this election season’s democrat candidate debate stages.

For the record, Americans planted exactly 6 flags on the surface of the Moon, and democrats have planted nary a one on any debate stage.

That said…

Nothing that has taken place in the House, with regard to impeachment matters. While I could spend time rehashing all of that nonsense, I won’t because I’m as sick of writing about it as you are of hearing or reading about it. The democrat’s impeachment of President Trump was a foregone conclusion. They started the coup attempt the minute President Trump took the oath of office, and they have been desperately trying, and failing to find a high crime or misdemeanor ever since.

Before Congress went home for Christmas break, Nancy Pelosi, the democrat Speaker of the House declared President Trump impeached. She should have then had the articles of impeachment, fraudulent though they are, paraded over to the Senate in little Cherrywood boxes as per protocol, but she didn’t.

Chuck Schumer, the minority leader of the Senate ran to the nearest microphone and demanded certain witnesses be called in the Senate trial, and Nancy Pelosi stated that she would not send the articles of impeachment to the Senate until Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate Majority leader agreed to abide by Nancy’s, and Chuck’s demands.

Here’s where things do start to matter.

The Senate has their own rules. They don’t have any Constitutional reason to abide by arbitrary rules dictated to them by the House, and the democrats in the House have no leverage to force their kangaroo styled inquisition upon the Senate.

So, there sit the articles of impeachment on Nancy’s desk, gathering dust like the aspirations of Hillary Clinton, and the dreams of Obama getting a third term by being Hillary’s puppet master. Obviously, the democrats know that their articles of impeachment aren’t worth the paper on which they’ve been drawn, and are as fleeting as the bubbles blown by snowflakes in their collective safe spaces.

The impeachment of President Donald Trump is every bit as manufactured, and every bit as fake as the democrat’s Steele dossier. The attempted coup against President Trump has hit a wall of the democrat’s own making. They know it is dead on arrival in the Senate, and that is exactly why, in part, it hasn’t arrived in the Senate.

This also matters.

The whole desperate coup attempt started with a complaint filed by a supposed “whistleblower,” who as it turns out, is anything but an independent source. Eric Ciaramella, whose name is supposed to be top secret, actually used to work for Joe Biden, and he currently works for the CIA. Ciaramella damn well knows the proper protocol for filing a whistleblower complaint is to go to the Inspector General of the Intel Agency for which he works, but Ciaramella intentionally abandoned that protocol. Instead, he took his complaint to the office of Adam Schiff, who became the horse’s ass leading the House side of the dog and pony show inquisition.

Now, in Schiff’s office are two staff members who used to work at a think tank that was funded in part by Burisma, the corrupt Ukrainian gas company which employed Hunter Biden as a Board Member while Hunter’s dear old dad was the Vice President under Obama. It also turns out that Ciaramella worked for a time at the NSC, the National Security Council, with a fellow who is now a member of Schiff’s staff, and those two guys are buddies.

That matters, and here’s something else that matters.

Remember that first article of impeachment which alleges “abuse of power,” because President Trump asked Ukraine to look into the Burisma corruption matter? Well, as it turns out, Burisma, back when Joe Biden was the Vice President, and his son, Hunter Biden was a Burisma Board Member hired a consulting firm, Blue Star Strategies. Blue Star Strategies sent an email to the U.S. State Department asking Under Secretary Novelli to look into the corruption allegations against Burisma, and essentially find a way to stop that investigation because there were two high profile Americans connected to Burisma, and that email mention Hunter Biden by name.

Here’s something else that matters. The request from Blue Star Strategies, and the subsequent meetings between Hunter Biden, and his fellow Burisma Board Member, Devin Archer with top level U.S. State Department people including a meeting with then Secretary of State John Kerry, in the attempt to squash the investigation into Burisma came in 2015, and early 2016. Now by early 2016, we can put the date at March 1st, 2016 when Karen Tramontano of Blue Star Strategies met with State Department Under Secretary Novelli, and March 2nd, 2016 when Devin Archer met with John Kerry.

Just for the sake of context, Karen, dear Karen was the Deputy White House Chief of Staff for Billy Clinton.

Those dates matter because in April of 2016, Mr. Shokin, the Ukrainian Prosecutor investigating Burisma was fired after Joe Biden leveraged a billion dollars of quid pro quo foreign aid against Ukraine.

Joe Biden of course went on to brag about how he strong-armed Ukraine into firing Mr. Shokin, thus admitting to doing what President Trump has been accused of but never actually did.

It matters because it places both Hunter and Joe Biden squarely in the middle of Ukrainian corruption, which would surely come to light in a Senate impeachment trial. The democrats don’t want that to happen, and that’s why House democrats, via Senate democrat Chuck Schumer, are demanding other witnesses. Joe Biden doesn’t want it to happen either, which is why he now says he will not comply with any subpoena issued to him by the Senate.

The last thing Joe Biden wants to do is testify under oath, and that’s also the last thing the democrat party wants, because neither he, nor they can escape the real evidence. Under oath, were Joe to tell the truth, his testimony wouldn’t just exonerate President Trump, it would show, in the harsh light of day that President Trump was 100 percent correct regarding Burisma, Ukrainian corruption, and Ukraine’s meddling in our 2016 election.

Pelosi, Schumer and the democrat party itself is now trying desperately to paint Joe Biden, and for that matter, Hunter Biden as being of no consequence where the impeachment of President Trump is concerned, and the reasons for that also matter.

This whole nonsense started with a “whistleblower” complaint that literally centered on Joe and Hunter Biden, and therefore, those two yahoos would be key witnesses in the Senate trial. Remember when Schiff spent a month telling the world that the “whistleblower” would be called to testify, and then spent the next three months telling the world the “whistleblower’s” testimony didn’t matter? That’s because had the “whistleblower” testified and told the truth, the democrat case would have been blown out of the water, and the democrat’s own corruption would have been exposed.

The same exact thing is true regarding Joe and Hunter Biden testifying.

Remember when Schiff told the world he had iron-clad evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians in 2016? Remember when he said he had iron-clad proof of quid pro quo, or extortion, or bribery regarding Trump and Ukraine? None of those so-called iron-clad claims were true, and now Schiff claims to have iron-clad proof that Vice President Mike Pence had knowledge of that July 25th, 2018 phone call.

Does that matter? No, and here’s why. Mike Pence sure seems to be a more hands-on VP than Biden ever was. Pence seems involved, and engaged in all sorts of things. An astute man, fully capable of serving as President if ever the need should arise. That’s why Schiff and the democrat party are trying to launch a preemptive strike against him.

It’s also why the democrat party is floating the absurd notion of making AOC their VP on the 2020 ticket. Regardless of how bad the leader of their ticket might be, that guy needs a life insurance policy, and who better for that job than one of the 4 morons of their party’s self-imposed apocalypse?

Joe Biden was Obama’s life insurance policy, nothing more, and everybody knew it.

Now, Obama’s half-wit dimwit life insurance policy is the leading democrat 2020 candidate, and he’s actually guilty of doing the things President Trump has falsely been accused of. But the party has now forced themselves to try and defend the indefensible Joe Biden just in case he does become the democrat nominee.

Know that the democrats have nobody to blame but themselves, but just imagine the pending scenario.

He would be down by the pool letting kids stroke his legs while she’d be dancing on somebody’s roof, but what else do the democrats have? A full slate of socialists including a crotchety old man, a woman who slept her way into politics, a fake Indian, a disaster of a Mayor, and somebody who thinks he’s Spartacus.

The democrats have no choice but to pretend Joe is irrelevant one minute, while defending him as their frontrunner the next. They have to pretend that the crap they made up is real, while pretending that all the actual evidence against themselves and their frontrunner is make believe. Democrats are pretending our economy sucks, we’re headed into a recession, we’ve lost our position on the world stage, people want to pay higher taxes, we’re all going to die because of fossil fuels, and anybody who sees the reality of those lies is a racist Nazi.

Unless, or until Nancy Pelosi sends the articles to the Senate, they’re only pretending that they’ve impeached President Trump.

While the democrats do all of that pretending, the voters aren’t pretending at all. The democrats have lost the independent voters, and they’re losing moderate democrat voters and minority voters too. They’ve lost one seat in the House already, they’re going to lose the majority there in November, and don’t be surprised if they lose a seat in the Senate by the end of this month.

I’ll go so far as to say that before President Trump’s second term is up, democrats will also lose at least one, if not two more seats on the Supreme Court, and in case you missed it in all this impeachment nonsense, they’re about to lose the 9th Circuit Court.

Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, Schumer, and the rest of the democrats have steered their Titanic straight into the iceberg. They’ve lit a match in their own Hindenburg. They call themselves “patriots” and they can’t stand the sight of an American flag.

And as far as the dog and pony show they call impeachment goes, it’s nothing but a North Korean entrée on its way to the glue factory.

Copyright © Craig Andresen/ 2020/ All rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partnerDiane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, Overall Good News on the 2019 Economic Front


Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7th, from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Overall Good News on the 2019 Economic Front’; Craig’s latest take on the Trump impeachment; and important news of the day.