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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
Last Thursday, in a stunning reversal of rhetoric regarding the GOP’s border bill that passed in the Senate 84-8 last Wednesday, Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to liberals in the House stating, “In order to get resources to the children fastest, we will reluctantly pass the Senate bill. As we pass the Senate bill, we will do so with a Battle Cry as to how we go forward to protect children in a way that truly honors their dignity and worth.”
Oh, the hypocrisy.
Those little illegal alien spawn don’t know how damn lucky they are to have been dragged through God knows how many countries, across God only knows how many borders by adults, whether or not those adults are indeed even related to them, and held in what liberals insist are Nazi-like “concentration camps.”
If those were your garden variety American kids, liberals like Pelosi would have tried to stop them from even being born.
One needs no more proof of that statement than what liberals provided in last Wednesday night’s liberal 2020 presidential debate where one by one, that gaggle of liberal candidate clowns jockeyed for position as to who was the most pro-abortion candidate.
Julian Castro demanded “reproductive justice,” whatever the hell THAT is, and went out of his way to even insist that transgendered females have access to abortions.
Holt: “Secretary Castro, this one is for you. All of you on stage support a woman’s right to an abortion. You all support some version of a government health-care option. Would your plan cover abortion, Mr. Secretary?”
Castro: “Yes, it would. I don’t believe only in reproductive freedom. I believe in reproductive justice. And, you know, what that means is that just because a woman — or let’s also not forget someone in the trans community, a trans female, is poor, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have the right to exercise that right to choose. And so I absolutely would cover the right to have an abortion.”
That’s right…Julian Castro won that dust up by becoming the only liberal 2020 presidential to stick up for the RIGHT of a man who is PRETENDING to be a woman…PRETENDING to be the proud owner of a UTERUS…to seek out, and have performed on HIM…an ABORTION which I’m guessing is elective surgery.
According to Pelosi, we must, absolutely MUST “get resources to the children…” in the fastest way possible, and “protect children in a way that truly honors their dignity and worth,” if they’re illegal aliens, however, should they be about to be born, or even just born in some liberal states, the only “resources” coming their way is a needle through their heads, and their only “worth” is whatever Planned Parenthood can get for their dismembered body parts.
And what are those dismembered body parts worth?
Eventually…a Lamborghini. Where’s the dignity in any of THAT?
So, a big part of the liberal platform for 2020 is…kill American babies either right before they’re born, or in some cases, right after their born while doing everything possible to protect, and dignify the spawn of illegal aliens. But the pandering to illegal aliens didn’t stop there in those two debates last week.
Every single liberal 2020 presidential candidate, on both nights of the first debate, raised their hands when asked if they support free healthcare for illegal aliens. Every last one of them. It was very telling, watching those debates, to see 20 liberal candidates pushing and shoving to be the one most appealing to…people who shouldn’t even be in the United States and who supposedly…I say SUPPOSEDLY…aren’t allowed to vote for ANY of them.
We Conservatives are often chided, ridiculed and berated for saying that liberals are courting illegal aliens for the votes, and committing voter fraud in the process. Liberals call us racists and all sorts of other things for stating what we have always believed to be true…and then…20 liberal 2020 candidates nearly trample each other to appeal directly to…illegal aliens.
Over the past couple of weeks, liberals, candidates or not, have been trying to label President Trump and all Conservatives as Nazi’s at the border, claiming that Trump is running “concentration camps” at the border. One liberal 2020 candidate in the Thursday night debate actually leveled the absurd allegation that Trump is separating illegal alien children from their illegal alien parents in border “concentration camps” and then putting those illegal alien children up for adoption, which he said, is kidnapping.
Nobody in that room full of liberals batted an eye. Nobody in that field of clowns challenged that allegation, and not one liberal mainstream media moderator bothered to ask for proof of such an allegation. That was in the very first round of debates. If that’s the sort of allegation that goes unquestioned in round one…I’ll bet by round three one of those ass-hats will claim that Trump is actually loading illegal alien children into pods and flinging them to Mars…and that will become gospel to liberal voters.
“Look, Trump’s WORSE than Hitler. Hitler never sent Jews to MARS.” Liberals are trying like hell to equate Trump to Hitler, because Hitler may well have been the absolute worst human in all of history, but those same liberals absolutely LOVE the islamists. News flash liberals…the islamists want to finish what Hitler started…and you support the islamists at the expense of Americans AND Israel.
More hypocrisy.
But the absurdities don’t end there…
Rosie O’Donnell advanced the claim last week that the Trump administration has 100,000 “concentration camps” operating in EVERY STATE. Let’s do the math. 100,000 “concentration camps” in all 50 states would come to 5 MILLION “concentration camps” in the United States. 5.7 million if Obama was right about how many states we have. Let’s use 50 states, and 5 million “concentration camps” and let’s say that there are 100 illegal aliens being concentrated in each camp. That comes to half a BILLION illegal alien “concentration camp” inhabitants.
But wait…the math gets even better…
Okay, according to Rosie O’knot-head, we have some 5 million “concentration camps” in the U.S. and using a conservative estimate of 100 illegal aliens per camp, we have 500 MILLION illegal aliens camping out. Now you would have to have people working at each camp, right? Guards…a couple of supervisors…a couple of people in the kitchen making bologna sandwiches…a few people unloading cattle cars full of rounded up illegal aliens…people running the gas chambers, the ovens and digging mass graves. We’re talking about “concentration camps” here, right?
I’d say it would take a minimum of 20 guards/staff per 8 hour shift…per camp which would mean that there are some 60 guards total per camp, with 5 million camps brings the total number of full-time federal “concentration camp” workers to a staggering…300 MILLION employees.
Considering that in 2018, there were officially 128 million people working full-time jobs in the U.S. so either Rosie is lying, or Trump has increased the U.S. workforce by 200 percent in the last 5 months. And those would be government jobs, so you know they’ve got good pay, a union, benefits and one hell of a pension.
Of course, Rosie’s numbers are as realistic as the liberal 2020 candidates ante’s in their game of debate liar’s poker last week. Each liberal candidate made wild, insane promises of free this, that and the other ting trying to one-up whichever candidate added to the pot last. $15 dollar per hour minimum wage…cancelling college loan debt. I’ll see your cancelled college loans and raise you free college tuition. I’ll see that, and raise you free healthcare for all.
The next, and the next candidates after that added to the ante…$500 dollars per month per person…$1000 dollars per month per person…and up and up it went. Hell, Bernie was free everything for everybody, and when he was finally asked how he’d pay for it all by a moderator, Bernie at first wouldn’t answer the question, and then finally admitted that he’d just jack up everybody’s taxes.
By the way…Bernie made all of his insane promises, and spewed all of his other socialist nonsense including the standard greenie-weenie crap about how the government should control the weather…after flying to Miami for the debates in 1st class while his staff sat in coach.
Hey liberals…there’s your socialist champion of the working class.
Simply, the cost of all the freebies the socialist liberal 2020 candidates are promising is staggering, it’s completely impossible even if you tax every working American at 100 percent, and they know they’re lying…they’re just hoping that their liberal voters…mostly illegal alien voter fraud voters haven’t caught on the lies.
And finally…getting back to the liberal loons, liars and “concentration camps,” last week, Alexandria Common Core-Tez took a field trip to one of the “concentration camps.” She, and a small handful of other liberal loons took a couple of photographers with them to stand at the fence-line of a “concentration camp” while all dressed up in white pants and white T-shirts. There was a reason for the dress code. Apparently…white robes and white hoods are so yesterday’s democrat party, and this is a woke generation now.While at the fence-line, AOC glared at the camera to show how mad she was that all those poor, desperate men, women and children were suffering at the hands of President Trump.
Then she gazed in longing anguish through the chain links to show us all the angst she felt at being outside the fence, while children were being ripped from their parents…or whoever it was that dragged them up here to begin with.
After that, the poor, nearly despondent and angry little former bartender’s knees buckled, and she was forced to cover her eyes to keep the horrific sight in front of her out, and her crocodile tears in.
AOC was obviously there, at one of 5 million “concentration camps” that inhumanely surrounds a portion of the estimated half a billion illegal aliens awaiting mass graves…or adoption…standing at the fence that separates freedom from certain death from which illegal aliens have no hope for escape…except…barley three steps to the left of where AOC and her fellow liberals stood, wearing their next-gen klan get-ups…was an opening big enough to drive a truck through.
And on the other side of that fence, inside the “concentration camp” where the last breaths of illegal aliens were being drawn before being herded into gas chambers…
Was an enormous empty expanse of concrete.
There are a couple of things we know for sure about this absolutely fake, staged propaganda photo-op. First, chain link fence is chain link fence regardless of whether it is found around an illegal alien detention facility, or at the perimeter of, let’s say an airport. Second, illegal alien detention facilities tend to have a big building within eye-shot of the chain link fence, whereas, airports tend to have nothing but a large expanse of concrete near the perimeter fence. Third…apparently, large expanses of concrete, a lack of any building and not seeing even a single illegal alien at your staged photo-op makes AOC angry, and drives her to tears…And, since becoming an elected socialist fighting inequality and striving for the common folks, AOC has managed to buy herself a Gucci watch.
By the way, you know what other group of people got all dressed in white for a field trip?Yep…the collection of crazies that flew over the cuckoo’s nest.
Just sayin’.
© Craig Andresen/ 2019
For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, An Open Letter to Those in D.C. Regarding the Actions of Facebook
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Tuesday, July 2nd, from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘An Open Letter to Those in D.C. Regarding the Actions of Facebook’; ‘Who Let the Cuckoos Out of the Nest?’; and important news of the day.
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Craig this was fabulous!!!! Thanks for making it so clear that somebody let the clowns out of the zoo!!!!
BY THE WAY…………where did the LIKE button go and why isn’t SHARE TO FACEBOOK listed anymore??????? My friends love to read these but can’t repost them now. HELP???? xoxox Your friend, Valli
Thanks so much Valli…the buttons are still there on my computer. I have no idea why they’re not showing up for you.