Liberals Say the Dumbest Things

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has long been said that kids say the darndest things, and while that may well be true, it can also be said with certainty, that liberals say the dumbest things.

When it comes to the dumb things liberals say, one particular liberal just can’t help herself, and despite being called out over her abjectly stupid musings time and time again, Alexandria Common Core-tez just won’t shut up.

It seems that she is blissfully unaware of just how moronic she sounds nearly every time she opens her yap and spews forth her nonsense, but in the grand scheme of things, we need to let her continue unabated because with every utterance, she is galvanizing Republicans to vote against liberals in 2020.

Over the past couple of weeks, AOC has made a series of inane and idiotic comments, some of which have even left the left doing face-palms.

Common Core-tez, who has often taken to video selfies to air her deepest thoughts to liberal idiots who follow her social media accounts the way that blue bottle flies follow the aroma of horse apples, did so again last week with this stunningly absurd bit of liberal wisdom…


Concentration camps?

AOC has since actually defended the “academic integrity” of her claim, and let me just point out that those two words, “Academic,” and “integrity” are strictly rhetorical when used in reference to anything involving Alexandria Common Core-tez. While it is true that the dictionary definition of “concentration camps” is long and storied, since WWII, it has come to mean one very specific thing…the extermination camps of the NAZI’s where more than 6 million Jews were murdered.

While her defenders on the left have claimed that AOC did not invoke “Nazi’s” with her statement, I disagree. Clearly in the video she says that, “never again means something.” “Never again” is a direct, and poignant reminder of the Holocaust, and therefore a direct, and poignant invoking of Nazi era “concentration camps” by Alexandria Common Core-tez.

What we have on the border are certainly not “concentration camps” any more that the term “gay people” is used in today’s vernacular to describe a cluster of folks who are happy. Nobody being held in detention facilities on our southern border are being shot and pushed into mass graves. There are no gas chambers in those facilities on our southern border, and let me be clear on this as well…we are not going down to Mexico or central American, rounding people up, putting them in cattle cars on trains and hauling them up here against their will to throw them into a situation where they will be sorted out, experimented on, starved to death, sent to labor camps, gassed or shot or simply worked to death.

Even some on the left are so appalled, or at least pretending to be so appalled by AOC’s idiotic “concentration camps” remarks that they have called her out, perhaps not so much over disagreeing with her, but out of a sense that hearing someone say such an absurd thing out loud not only exposes their true feelings, but makes them all look stupid.

AOC however, wasn’t the only liberal loon to invoke Nazi’s and their insipid and murderous traits to try and score 2020 election points last week. So too did CNN’s Don Lemon.

While talking about President Trump, Lemon, the bitter and acidic kumquat of the fake news outlet told “CNN Tonight” anchor Chris Cuomo to “think about the most despicable people in history. Think about Hitler. Think about any of those people… if you could look back in history, would you say, ‘Well, I’m so glad that person was allowed a platform so that they could spread their hate and propaganda and lies,’ or would you say, ‘That probably wasn’t the right thing to do to spread that because you knew in that moment that was a bad person and they were doing bad things. And not only were they hurting people, they were killing people.”

Let’s get something straight here, the Nazi’s and the Hitler regime were fascists. Fascism is characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy. Among other things, fascism relies on the Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a unifying cause, a total control of the media, fraudulent elections, and censorship of any and all who might disagree with the leaders of the political ideology.

All of those things are hallmarks of liberalism in America these days.

So absurd was Lemon’s comparison of President Trump to Hitler that even Chris Cuomo called him on it, telling Lemon that, “Comparing anything to an extreme like a Hitler- it weakens the argument, because you are now taking a guy who says things you don’t like and comparing him to a genocidal maniac.”

Lemon must have realized in that moment that he, like AOC had aired the liberal’s hushed, yet true feelings and tried to immediately walk it back saying, “I’m not comparing him to that. I’m comparing the way you would cover someone who is a bad person who does bad things,” which begs the question any sane person would ask…Mr. Lemon, if you’re not comparing President Trump to Hitler, why then, exactly, did you compare President Trump to Hitler?

The obvious problem for liberals like Lemon and Common Core-tez is that they’re still smarting from Hillary’s loss in 2016, and their continuing attempts to insist that President Trump colluded with the Russians and obstructed justice in the face of a 2 year investigation that found no crimes were committed. Given that their master plan of getting Hillary elected via voter fraud failed, and their backup plan of getting Trump impeached both went, and are going up in smoke, the desperation level of liberals who have absolutely no platform for 2020 has led them to make increasingly moronic comparisons between President Trump and the Nazi’s.

The absurdities, and butt-stupid comments from liberals don’t end there…and once again, the valedictorian of liberal idiocy, AOC summoned up all of her abilities to bloviate even more nonsense.

Late last week, Common Core-tez offered up this tweet regarding Iran…”This administration needs to put down its saber and pick up a phone.”

Now, before I get into this bit of liberal crap, may I remind you that Common Core-tez issued this rather bone-crushingly stupid video just a while back which shows us all just how highly intelligent she really is…


Not only is Common Core-tez terrified of her garbage disposal…she doesn’t even know what it’s used for. One would think, that just by the name of the appliance, one would have at the very least, a general idea of what one uses it for. A “garbage disposal” is used to…dispose of garbage. Given that such a simple definition of an appliance has completely eluded her for nearly 3 decades, one has to realistically wonder if Common Core-tez has the foggiest notion of what a “saber” is.

But let’s look at the other part of her tweet…” pick up a phone,” and point out where reality meets the stupid things liberals say.

This isn’t the Obama regime we’re talking about now. This is the Trump administration. It’s not like President Trump has the phone number of Iran programmed into his phone the way the Obama regime did. And let’s get something else straight right now…it’s not like Obama was calling Iran all the time to negotiate. There were no negotiations. What is much more highly likely is that the leader of Iran had Valerie Jarrett on speed dial set up so that the Ayatollah Assahola could order Jarrett to instruct the Ayatollah Obamahola to send money and have Lurch Heinz Kerry draft up the blueprint by which the world’s leading state sponsor of Islamic terrorism could obtain a nuclear arsenal.

This is the United States. We don’t pick up the phone and negotiate with terrorists. The Ayatollah Obamahola didn’t even negotiate with them. He just did whatever they told him to do, and President Trump doesn’t give a crap what Iran wants.

Liberals have been on a rip lately regarding President Trump and Iran, claiming that Trump was angling for a war with the terroristic regime and swearing he would pull the trigger, but once again, President Trump made them look like the idiots they are when he called off a strike last week. That move by President Trump simply made the liberals, elected and in the media, come across as liars.

Seriously, Iran will eventually take things too far. They always do. And when they do…when Americans or our allies are killed by Iran…when the time is right, President Trump will take action, but the shooting down of an unmanned drone after messing with a couple of oil tankers neither of which cost any lives didn’t justify the an armed response and the killing of people in Trump’s eyes.

Let me put it this way…the age old tit for tat in the Middle East against such regimes as Iran’s, have gotten us nowhere for decades, and if we’re going to open a can of whoop-ass against Iran, we need to open a 55 gallon drum of concentrated, genuine Trump Whoop-Ass, not a 3 ounce can of whoop-ass morsels. When the time is ripe, president Trump will make “shock and awe” look like a Sunday social.

Besides, President Trump doesn’t rattle sabers, he rattles cages, and right now, he’s got liberals all shook up. He has the blithering liberal idiots blathering heading into 2020, and they just can’t help but to say one dumb thing after another. One liberal idiot thinks she’s an Indian, one thinks he’s Spartacus. One liberal idiot says he’ll cure cancer if only we elect him, and another says that people who were never slave owners should pay people who were never slaves as reparations for slavery that ended more than 150 years ago.

They are comparing President Trump to Hitler, comparing illegal alien detention centers to Nazi concentration camps, and they are both terminally confused by, and terrified of their garbage disposals. While they think that every utterance they make is going to help them in 2020, they have both a complete lack of self-awareness and lack of foresight to understand that the more they say, the dumber they sound.

The liberal plan, of “say anything” regardless of how butt-stupid it is isn’t working out very well for them, but the right side of the aisle’s plan, known simply as “Operation Let Them Speak,” is starting to pay huge dividends.

Were one rational, when one finds one’s self at the bottom of a deep hole, one would stop digging.

Liberals just keep going back for a bigger shovel.

© Craig Andresen/ 2019

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot factor to read her latest article, Deportations and Reparations…It’s All About Democrats Buying Votes 

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Tuesday, June 25th, from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Deportations and Reparations…It’s All About Buying Votes ‘; ‘Liberals Say the Dumbest Things’; and important news of the day.

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