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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
Okay, so the Mueller report finally got finished, after two years, 2,800 subpoenas, the interviewing of some 500 witnesses and after somewhere near $35 million taxpayer dollars were spent on it.
That report was then delivered to the Attorney General, as it was supposed to have been.
The Attorney General read through the report and then did exactly what he was supposed to do…he released a summary of the report.
That’s pretty much where the things that were supposed to have been done ended, and the crap storm began.
Liberals weren’t at all happy that the Mueller report failed to find any collusion between Trump and the Russians, and they weren’t at all happy that Mueller couldn’t find any obstruction of justice on Trump’s part either. After all, the liberals had pinned their hopes and dreams on the Mueller report. That report was supposed to make all their gnashing of teeth and wadding of panties worthwhile.
That report was to have vindicated elected liberals and the mainstream media who had been beating the “Trump colluded with the Russians” and “Trump obstructed justice” horses long past their expiration dates.
Even rented mules were thinking, “holy crap.”
Not wanting to accept that their hopes and dreams had been dashed, liberals, both elected and mainstream media sorts, began to claim that the summary provided by Attorney General William Barr was “hiding something.” They continued to claim that Trump had colluded and obstructed, and the two long dead horses continued to be flogged.
I suspect that liberals then applied the heat to Mueller, telling him to do something, say something, throw them a bone at least…and he did.
Mueller sent Barr a whiny letter saying he didn’t like the summary because it didn’t include this, or that part of the investigation. Mueller didn’t say the summary was wrong in its conclusions…just that he had hoped more of the process would have been shown or talked about in the summary.
He, Mueller shouldn’t have ever sent such a letter.
Barr picked up the phone, called Mueller and asked him “what’s with the letter? Why didn’t you just call me?” Apparently, Mueller still wanted more of the process revealed, Barr said he was essentially too busy to mess with the process because he was preparing the report for release, and that’s where it should have ended…but it didn’t.
Somehow, someone leaked Mueller’s whiny letter to the media, who ran with it trying to insinuate that Barr’s summary was all wrong, there was collusion, and there was obstruction after all, and then elected liberals ran with it demanding answers.
That should have never happened.
Then, about a week ago, all hell broke loose.
While Attorney General Barr sat in the Senate for better than six hours answering questions from Senators on both sides of that committee’s aisle, in the House, Nadler presided over the congressional equivalent of a banana republic.
Nadler ignored House rules, ignored the minority, threw out parliamentary procedure, refused to entertain motions, refused to allow debate, and ignored more than 40 requests regarding points of order to hold a vote compelling William Barr to appear in the House the next day…not for any sort of standard House committee hearing, but to be examined, and cross examined in a trial setting.
According to Nadler’s rules, no members of the House committee would be allowed to pose questions to the Attorney General. The questions would come from one attorney chosen by the Republicans, and the cross examination would be conducted by an attorney chosen by the liberals.
It was pretty damn obvious that the outcome of such a trial had already been decided by Nadler and his assorted liberals.
The liberals also demanded to see the unredacted Mueller report, claiming that Barr was hiding the truth of the report, and that Trump had indeed colluded and obstructed hoping beyond any reasonable hope that both dead horses would rise and run like the wind.
Meanwhile, over in the Senate, Attorney General William Barr sat calmly answering each and every question posed regardless of which side of the aisle was asking them, and showed himself not only capable of and willing to explain each and every thing asked of him, but also to be the adult in the room.
Sure, liberals on that Senate committee tried their best to get him with “gotcha” questions, but Barr made them look like fools for going there. One by one the Attorney General dismissed their desperate attempts to catch him at something nefarious by simply, and matter of factly telling them the truth.
Lacking any evidence against President Trump after two years of investigating, liberals in the Senate were trying to make Barr out to be the bad guy, accusing him of hiding things, and covering things up because of that whiny letter from Mueller.
Senator Ted Cruz said it best when he told Barr, “If you’re trying to hide something from the Mueller report, you did a pretty bad job of it because you released the whole report.”
For six hours, Barr sat in the Senate committee hearing, never wavering, never flinching, never pleading the 5th, and never contradicting himself…taking each and every question, and providing truthful answers much to the frustration and disappointment of liberals.
After he was done in the Senate, Barr said he would not appear for the kangaroo court in the banana republic of the House the next day, and liberals went bat-crap crazy.
Now…liberals want to arrest Attorney General Barr, and they want him fired.
Because he didn’t play their game. That’s why. But there’s much more to it than that. Liberals are now claiming that Barr won’t allow them to see the unredacted Mueller report. That’s a lie. Barr invited Nadler to bring a dozen members of congress to a secure room to view the unredacted Mueller report, after which they would not be able to discuss it with colleagues, and during which they could not make copies, take notes or pictures.
That’s exactly proper with any highly sensitive classified document, and many parts of the Mueller report are classified because it contains names of intel agents, intel agency processes and tactics that were used most likely illegally against President Trump, but are also used legally against our nation’s enemies. Because the left side of the aisle leaks like a screen door on a submarine, and because it’s never a good idea to let our enemies know our processes and tactics, it is 100 percent right to classify and redact a good deal of that report, and Barr was 100 percent correct not to release the full unredatcted report to either the public, or to congress.
But Barr did indeed agree to allow a dozen members of congress see the unredacted report, which flies in the face of Nadler’s and other liberal’s claims, and to put a point on it…Nadler refused that offer.
But because Barr won’t subject himself to Nadler’s banana republic kangaroo court, liberals want Barr charged with crimes, and removed from his position. Now I want you all to really think about this…
Attorney General Barr made it quite clear in that Senate Hearing last week that he is investigating the investigation and the investigators over the tactics the latter used to engage in the former, and liberals are terrified because they have known since the day the Steele dossier and those FISA warrants were created and served, that the whole collusion story was pure fiction, that if anyone colluded with the Russians leading up to the 2016 election it was Hillary and Obama, and that the spying on the Trump campaign was illegal.
Liberals claim that Trump obstructed justice by even thinking about firing Mueller…and yet…liberals now are so desperate to stop Attorney General Barr that they are demanding he be arrested and fired.
Trump allowed Mueller to continue and finish his investigation, which showed that Trump did nothing illegal. Liberals should allow Barr to continue and finish his investigation which will show that liberals did a whole lot of illegal things.
The really terrifying part of this for liberals, both elected and in the mainstream media is that it probably won’t take Barr very long to complete his investigation, because Mueller’s two year $35 million dollar investigation compiled most of the evidence needed against the liberals.
Conservatives may want to change their tune regarding how much money was wasted on a witch hunt because it’s starting to look more and more like money well spent if indictments come down against those who acted illegally.
Liberals voted to hold Barr in contempt, and they want him arrested.
Contempt…of what exactly? Refusing to appear at a kangaroo court hearing on the demand of Nadler who showed complete and utter contempt for the House’s rules?
No…for not turning over the unredacted report, which by the way is now the very same report President Trump has secured with Executive Privilege.
And arrested for what, exactly? What crime has AG Barr committed?
He agreed with the Mueller report. That’s a crime now? He offered to allow members of congress to view the unredacted report, which liberals are still demanding to see, but in a secure room due to national security as per protocol?
Those idiots should have taken Barr up on his offer when they had the chance before Trump placed the report under Executive Privilege, and the only reason they didn’t see it when it was available is because they declined the offer themselves.
No, it’s because he’s now investigating illegalities committed by liberals who thought they were going to get away with a coup attempt against a sitting President. That’s why liberals want him arrested. That’s why liberals want him fired.
Here is perhaps the most ironic part of all of this…had Trump actually obstructed justice by actually firing Bob Mueller at the beginning of the fictitious witch hunt, what’s about to happen next wouldn’t have had the chance to happen at all. And what’s about to happen next?
When William Barr took the job as Attorney General he walked into a den of vipers, but by the time he’s done, he’ll be wearing snake skin boots, a snake skin belt and carrying a snake skin briefcase, and he’ll have the liberal’s obsession with getting Trump by any means necessary to thank for his new duds.
Let the skinning of the swamp snakes begin.
© Craig Andresen/ 2019
For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article It’s More Than Just About Other People’s Money

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