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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
History records that on May 7th, 1945, WWII officially ended in Europe when Germany’s General Alfred Jodl, surrendered unconditionally to General Dwight D. Eisenhower at Reims, in northwestern France.
The beginning of the end for Nazi Germany came a week before the official unconditional surrender with the death of Adolph Hitler in Berlin on April 30, 1945 as the Russian army swarmed the city and cut off any attempted escape by Hitler.
Those are both things well documented in history, but history is also replete with stories of how General George S. Patton had wanted to be the first to march into Berlin and take it from Hitler, and how Patton felt betrayed over the fact that he was kept from the prize.
Most, including myself, have always accepted Patton’s disappointment as fact, and wondered why, after all that Patton had done, was he prevented from making that final push into Berlin in 1945.
I no longer believe Patton was disappointed…
Nor do I believe any longer that he felt cheated, or betrayed by not being allowed to take Berlin. I now believe those stories to be concocted as cover for what Patton’s real purpose was as he made that fast dash through Germany in 1945, only to be stopped short of the Berlin goal.
Berlin, I now believe, was never General Patton’s goal…nor do I believe it was his directive.
To understand this, one must step back just far enough to see the bigger picture, and just long enough to realize where Patton ended up in 1945. To get a clearer picture, one has to realize just how close Germany came to winning WWII, and just how close the world came to losing…everything.
History also tells us that Hitler was close to achieving a nuclear bomb. The Third Reich had already built the V-2 ballistic rocket that could reach as far as New York City by 1942, and it was then that Hitler turned his ambition toward a nuclear bomb. After all…why fire a simple V-2 with limited destructive power, with limited capabilities to pinpoint a target when waiting until a weapon of mass destruction, not reliant on pinpoint targeting would have a much greater effect?
The question is…how close did Hitler really get to having the bomb he wanted?
This will be a bit like trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle from pieces found in different boxes, but the finished picture is staggering.
Lt. Joachim Ronneberg, was a 23-year-old Norwegian resistance fighter who commanded a squad of eight men who were sent on what was thought to be a suicide mission to a German hydroelectric power plant behind enemy lines with orders from British Intelligence to destroy it, and if captured, to swallow cyanide capsules.
Ronneberg and his squad of demolition experts , in the dead of night, made it past both Nazi guards and past a barracks full of German soldiers, then inside that hydroelectric facility and planted their explosive devices… destroying the plant, and with it…supposedly…Hitler’s ingredient that was to have led to the world’s first atomic bomb…heavy water.
It is generally believed that due to the success of that raid, Hitler’s quest for an atomic bomb ended in 1943, although others have suggested that further tests were done a year or so later inside Nazi Germany, even though no direct proof of it has ever been shown.
And that’s the key…no proof of further tests has ever been shown…not that such proof has never been discovered…it has never been shown. That’s very important, and I believe you will understand the difference shortly.
Here’s a different puzzle piece from a different box…let’s get back to what I now believe was General Patton’s true directive, and the reason why I now believe that Patton was neither disappointed, felt cheated or betrayed by not being given the ability to proceed to Berlin in 1945 as history has led us all to believe.
By the early spring of 1945, Hitler knew he was losing the war. He knew there wasn’t much time left for the Third Reich, but he did have an escape plan if only he could hold on even for another couple of months.
Secretly, Hitler had ordered the construction of what amounted to an underground city…a series of tunnels and bunkers where he, and the leadership of the Third Reich would hide, and command what would have been his last ditch effort against his enemies.
At that secret underground facility, the Nazi command had already constructed something which prevented allied bombing of the facility, and something technologically more advanced than the allies had…an EMP device of sorts.
According to records taken from depositions of local residents for an enquiry entitled “Befragung von Buergern zu Ereignissen zur oertlichen Geschichte” in 1945, but not made public until 1989…yet more pieces to the puzzle…”The bunker was 50 feet down and measured 70 x 20 metres. Both floors had a central corridor about 3 metres wide with rooms on either side, and 2 WCs. End-doors were gas-proofed, the installation had central heating, air was supplied under pressure, water drawn from a spring 600 feet below. A 475 hp ship’s diesel was on hand as the emergency electrical generator.”
The depositions later states that…”As regards the second bunker, a witness stated that in 1944 there was an installation below the TUP which created an electro-magnetic field capable of stopping the engines of a conventional aircraft at seven miles. During the war, the Allies never photographed Ohrdruf from the air, nor bombed it, even though their spies must have assured them it was crawling with SS and scientific groups. A German electro-magnetic field which interfered with their aircraft at altitudes of up to seven miles is admitted by a 1945 USAF Intelligence document. The USAF suspected that it was a device to bring down their bombers, but it obviously had some other purpose, or it would have been operating below Berlin.”
The records also say that “witnesses described occasions when electrical equipment and automobile engines cut out. They always knew when this was about to happen, for the ship’s diesel engine at Amt 10 would smoke. A diesel motor is not affected by an electro-magnetic field.”
While history…official history fails to record the true nature of this facility, the depositions are available at the Arnstadt Town Hall in Germany, and Col Robert S Allen, a Staff officer with General Patton’s Third Army described the bunker system in his book “Lucky Forward – The History of Patton’s Third Army” (New York, 1947) as…”a completed underground reinforced-concrete metropolis 50 feet down “to house the High Command”. It was on two or three levels and consisted of galleries several miles in length and “extending like the spokes of a wheel.” The location of Hitler’s FHQ was not stated and Amt 10 was described misleadingly as “a two-floor deep concrete shelter.””
That’s another piece of the puzzle from yet an entirely different box…Obviously, the FHQ, or the Führe’s Headquarters clearly existed but to get to what its true purpose was, outside of housing Hitler and the Nazi leadership when they would flee Berlin…one has to apply educated speculation based on the evidence at hand…and evidence not yet at hand.
Again…let’s examine what we do know from those depositions with each being pieces to the puzzle…
- S-III was an SS military factory complex below Jonastal near Ohrdruf where 1000 Buchenwald inmates began digging in June 1944. No decision had been taken to build an FHQ in Thuringia before 24 August 1944.
(b) In September 1944, a geologist consulted by SS-WVHA regarding the suitability of Jonastal for an FHQ suggested the TUP at Ohrduf instead.
(c) In October 1944, General von Gockl, TUP.commandant, evacuated all Wehrmacht personnel from the plain. Within a fortnight the notorious Ohrdruf-KZ had been set up while SS-Fuehrungsstab SIII, in charge of the FHQ project, occupied a school at nearby Luisenthal. Firms working on building projects in Poland were ordered immediately to Ohrdruf.
(d) At the end of 1944, Hauptsturmfuehrer Karl Sommer, deputy head of WVHA-DH (forced labour) assembled a workforce at Buchenwald to build a secret FHQ named S-III at Ohrdruf. S-III had a fully-equipped telephone-telex exchange before work started, thus identifying it as around Amt 10.
(e) Hitler’s Luftwaffe ADC Oberstlt von Below stated in his memoirs that in early 1945 he visited the location of the new Thuringian FHQ and it was at the TUP Ohrdruf.
(f) In late January 1945, Hitler spoke openly of evacuating Ministry staff from Berlin “perhaps to Oberhof in Thuringia”.
(g) In compliance with order 71/45 and the communique from FHQ Berlin issued by Wehrmacht ADC General Burgdorf on 9 March 1945, General Krebs of the Army General Staff reported that between 12 February and 29 March 1945 a substantial proportion of OKH Staff had transferred to the Ohrdruf area.
Now…it’s gets very, very interesting indeed…
(h) On the nights of 4 and 12 March 1945, “a small explosive of terrific destructive power” was tested on the TUP. 200 KZ inmates and 20 SS guards were scorched to death on the first test due to a miscalculation of the extent of the effect. The bodies were immolated on a common pyre, the ashes being scattered across central Germany from aircraft. In mid-March, a 30-metre long rocket was reported test fired into the night sky from a weapons site within five miles of TUP Ohrdruf.”
A small explosive of terrific destructive power? That sounds like a test of some sort of detonator for something very powerful, and a 30 meter long rocket was test fired? That sounds like the sort of thing something very powerful would be mounted upon, for which a detonator as described would be needed.
Another important piece of the puzzle is that people were scorched to death and the bodies were then burned and the ashes scattered from a plane. That, for all the world, sounds like the bodies were radioactive.
Okay, let’s continue with the deposition evidence…
(I)In early March 1945, Org Todt began work on the Brandleite railway tunnel at Oberhof to accommodate the special trains of Hitler and Goering, installed a telephone exchange in the station-master’s house and positioned flak batteries on surrounding peaks.
(j) A witness stated that the Fuehrer-Sperrkreis at Ohrdruf was called Burg and alleged that Hitler spent at least one day there in late March 1945.
(k) In late March a Luftwaffe mutiny occurred in which General Barber and over three hundred pilots and air base command personnel were executed for refusing to obey an unknown order (the Luftwaffe War Diaries for March and first part April 1945 have vanished).
And finally…what may well be the most telling, and the last entry from the depositions…
(l) Upon his arrest in May 1945, Goering told his captors that he had engineered the mutiny thus saving the world by “refusing to deploy bombs that could have destroyed all civilisation.” It was freely reported at the time, since nobody knew what on earth he meant.
It seems to me…based on the depositions and the evidence we actually have access to, that Hitler was ready to mount a crude, low yield atomic bomb on a V-2 rocket even though it may have been neither perfected, or tested, and target his enemies with it in a last ditch act of desperation…but how does this play out with regard to General Patton and what history has led us to believe regarding his being stopped short of Berlin?
Let’s put the final puzzle pieces together…
All of the actual records from that secret bunker complex…all of the equipment seized from that bunker complex…all of it was collected when General George S. Patton and his army captured that bunker complex…and every last bit of it…in 1945…was classified and sealed under orders that the soonest it could be released…was after a period of…100 years.
That was no run of the mill, ordinary bunker system meant only to hide Hitler were he able to flee Berlin. That was something much, much more.
I fully believe that General Patton could have, and probably did want to be the General who took Berlin, but I also believe he saw the bigger picture…that taking that underground bunker complex, potentially the site of the building of Hitler’s A-bomb in early April of 1945 was far more important, even though the glory of it would be something of which he would never be able to publicly proclaim.
That underground bunker complex near Ohrdruf, Germany was built using Jewish prisoners from the Ohrdruf concentration camp…a camp liberated by General Patton’s army on April 4th, 1945. That camp was where Patton, General Omar Bradley and General Dwight D. Eisenhower toured and took along on that tour, members of the press…and members of the United States Congress. That is where Eisenhower ordered high ranking members of the local Ohrdurf Nazi party to see what had been done to the Jews…to see the open pits where Jewish bodies had been burned…to walk into the sheds where bodies were stacked like cord wood, and to witness the atrocities of their Nazi party.
I suspect that the three main U.S. generals would not have all been there at Ohrdurf together…having summoned the press and in the company of U.S. members of congress just to view that concentration camp when other such horrific camps, bigger camps were close by.
The Generals and Members of Congress were there to see the bunker complex…the camp being there also provided a necessary distraction for the press while the bunkers themselves were cleared out, and sealed with explosives.
Simply put…had General Patton and his army not liberated that concentration camp, and taken that bunker complex on April 4th, 1945, Hitler himself may well have been only days away from fleeing Berlin for that complex from where he had already test fired a ballistic rocket, and tested what I believe could well have been the detonator for an atomic bomb…the price America and the rest of the world might have paid would have been…unthinkable.
Sometimes, the most heroic deeds of our veterans never make it into our history books, but the evidence of those deeds is there if you can dig deep enough to see what has never before been shown.
General Patton’s greatest achievement hasn’t been lost to history…it’s been hidden from it.
© Craig Andresen/ 2019
************************************************************************************************ For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Deafening Silence of the Jewish Kind

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