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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
Last week, Joe Biden was asked whether illegal immigrants “should be entitled to federal benefits like Medicare, Medicaid.”
His response was stunning, but not unexpected.
“Look, I think that anyone who is in a situation where they are in need of health care, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for.”
“An obligation?”
We are obliged to take care of people who have entered our country illegally? We’re obliged to provide healthcare, at American citizen’s taxpayer expense to those who are illegally in our country, who are breaking our nation’s laws by setting foot in our country, and who are making a mockery of our nation’s rule of law?
Liberals should be ashamed of themselves, but perhaps not for the reasons most Conservatives are thinking of right now.
Hey Joe…hey liberals…just what sort of heartless bastards are you really?
Sure, we have millions of illegal aliens running amok in our nation of laws who are breaking those laws every day just by being here illegally, not to mention all of our other laws they tend to break on a daily basis, and you and your ilk continue to issue engraved invitations to millions more but…
I can assure you that for every million illegal aliens already here, and for every million you and your ilk are inviting, there are millions upon millions more potential illegal aliens who lack the resources, or the ability to get to the good ol’ USA illegally from far-flung corners of this globe.
What about them?
If we have an obligation to provide American taxpayer funded healthcare to illegal aliens…shouldn’t we also have an obligation to provide the same to those who would love to be here illegally, but just can’t find a way to get here?
Take this poor sap as an example.
Obviously, this unfortunate illegal alien wannbe is so destitute that he can’t even afford a log on which to sit while his Obamacare doctor beats him about the head and shoulders in an effort to cure an ingrown toenail. He certainly can’t afford a donkey to ride to the nearest bus station where he couldn’t afford a ticket to take him to the nearest airport at which he could never in a million years afford the fare to transport him to South America where he could join a “caravan” of Guatermelons traveling 1700 miles to cross our border illegally so that he could get the healthcare he’s obliged to receive in order that he could be comfortable wearing shoes that he can’t afford to buy.
Joe Biden, you cruel, cold-hearted racist son of a bitch…you have left this silly, sad, never to become an illegal alien in these United States of America tribesman to limp about in Sub-Saharan Africa with a booming headache, covered in salad, and imortalized with YouTube infamy without a shred of hope or a modicum of U.S. taxpayer funded healthcare because you have limited your liberal outreach to only those who are fortunate enough to have actually crossed our national border illegally.
Seriously Joe, if you don’t have to be a U.S. citizen, or even in the U.S. legally to receive U.S. taxpayer funded healthcare, why do you even have to be in the U.S. at all to get your piece of that particular pie?
The inhumanity towards man shown by liberals knows no bounds, and that is made readily clear by Joe’s statement regarding providing healthcare to illegal aliens illegally occupying the U.S. It leaves out so many other folks,
Joe, do you even realize there is a whole village in China that’s so poor they’re living in a cave? Do you think China has doctors who make cave calls? Has it ever occurred to you or any other liberals that when someone in that cave village gets sick, stubs a toe or develops some form of cancer that they just sit around sniffling, walk around limping or just plain old die? And why is that Joe?
It’s because they’re not in the U.S. illegally Joe, and you don’t give a happy damn about them do you Joe? If you did, you would insist that they also be covered by U.S. taxpayer funded healthcare because I’m pretty sure that given the option of being illegal aliens within the borders of our great country, rather than living and dying in a Chinese cave, they would be over here in the blink of an eye.
How about tribes in the Amazon who have no contact with the outside world? What about them Joe? Don’t they deserve U.S. taxpayer funded healthcare too? I mean, just because they’ve never ventured outside their own little slice of Amazon rain forest heaven, and just because nobody has bothered them by providing them with a map to the nearest “caravan” rest stop is no reason to ignore their plight.
I’m telling you right now, Joe, that neither those uncontacted Amazon tribes, nor the Chinese cave village people can even come close to being able to afford, or have access to an African witch doctor who would be willing to smack them in the head for the fee of a couple of extra chicken bones, much less a $35 dollar aspirin provided at U.S. taxpayer expense, and they lack the means, or the cell phones necessary to get here to become illegal aliens seeking asylum.
My guess Joe, is that those poor people don’t even have a flag of their country to wave on their way here, or a match with which to light our flag on fire to show the media just how bad they want to be here. But to leave them out of the mix? Joe…that’s just wrong.
And how about that wild, untamed tribe of naked pissed off people living on that isloated island off the coast of Indonesia?
Sure, they killed that U.S. missionary a few months back, even after he gave them a fish, a Bible and a football, but that wasn’t because they could catch all the fish they need, have no use for a Bible and aren’t football fans. They killed that idiot because they can’t swim to the U.S. to become illegal aliens and get free healthcare.
But that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
How much of a stink is that dude in Africa gonna raise when he finds out that you liberals aren’t thinking about giving him U.S. taxpayer funded government assistance to buy wildebeest stakes at his local grocery store the way you provide that sort of thing to illegal aliens within our borders?
That’s a stink you’ll be able to detect upwind for miles.
If you think the Chinese cave village people are ticked off about not being offered U.S. taxpayer funded healthcare, just you wait until they find out you’re not even considering them for Section 8 or better housing the way you do for those who have violated our laws and our borders.
They’re liable to file an official grievance with the Fair Housing Authority.
And if you think the ANTIFA tribe of Sentinelese people off the coast of Indonesia were tweaked off over not being included in your illegal alien healthcare proposal, and are, for the time being, satisfied with murdering the occasional mutton-minded missionary…you had better grab onto something substantial because when they discover that you liberals haven’t given even a moment’s thought to providing them with California driver’s licenses replete with a pre-filled out voter registration card making them life-long liberals…the way you do for those who invade our country’s border illegally…
That bunch of naked Neolithic savages are going to be in a full-on snit.
Seriously Joe, the very least you could do for the Sentinelese is to go over there yourself and offer the women a free breast exam
For the love of booing God at your next national convention Joe, the ultimate goal of socialism is to create a nation of entitled freeloaders by burning through other people’s money and providing their every want and need. Don’t you understand how much faster you could turn this great nation into a third world cesspool if you would extend your narrow vision to all the people of the world?
No, Joe, I don’t think you do, nor do I believe you have the foggiest notion of how, by limiting your obligation to provide free healthcare at U.S. citizen’s taxpayer expense to only those who have managed to invade our country by crossing our borders in violation of our laws and our sovereignty while ignoring the plight of those who lack the means, or the wherewithal to do so that you have exposed both yourself and your party as the elitist, racist and culturally insensitive boobs that you really are.
And don’t even get me started on how many more veterans you could ignore by making your vision one of worldwide proportions rather than leaving it in its current narrow scope.
You liberal idiots are out there telling us all that Conservatives, and President Trump are the scum of the earth because we don’t believe that the perks, benefits and rights of U.S. citizenship should be extended to those who are breaking our laws by willfully being in our country illegally, and that American citizens should come first, while at the same time, you are advocating only extending those perks, benefits and rights to those already here, thus ignoring completely those from around the world who simply, by no fault of their own, can’t reach our border to violate it.
Look, Joe…as long as you feel that as a nation of laws that should be ignored, we are obligated to provide healthcare at taxpayer expense to those who are here in violation of our laws, couldn’t you, at the very least go the extra mile to bring a couple of those African witch doctors over here to treat all the illegal aliens?
I mean, if they’re gonna be here…
They might as well be slap-happy with the benefits you’re offering.
© Craig Andresen/ 2019
For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Omar and Tlaib…Siding With The Enemy Yet Again

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Craig, I hate to tell you that Cecilia LoPresti and Ken Lowe have passed away. Both were in my friend’s list and I just learned of Cece’s death last week. They died of cancer and it grieve’s my heart that such fine Patriot’s are our loss, but glory be, they are Heaven’s gain!!!! The rest of us are still here and kicking. Just thought you should know. Keep sending to our group we love it, you and how you kick butt always. Your friend, Valli 🙂
what about health care for the babies in the womb?????
AMEN TO THAT Karen Whaley House!!!!