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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
With now some 21 official 2020 liberal presidential candidates having thrown their wadded up panties into the ring, and with liberals having neither core values nor any legitimate planks in their socialist collective platform…there is something they all both share, and are trying desperately to one up each other on…
Pandering for votes.
What we have here are a whole gaggle-o-idiots who know that they don’t stand a chance on the real issues, and given where they do stand on real issues, it’s no wonder.
Take taxes for instance…
Liberals want to hike your taxes into the stratosphere. They would have to in order to pay for all the free crap they’re trying to bribe voters with. Free college tuition, paying off student loans, free healthcare for all, free this, free that and one of them is even offering free cash.
$1,000.00 per month just for fogging a mirror.
They are nearly all on the AOC greenie weenie band wagon too. They think “climate change” is 100% man made, and that we’ll all be better off without cars, trucks, ships, trains and planes. Under the liberal’s energy plans, all energy in this country will have to be “renewable” and we’ve all seen just how well that tends to work out.
Naturally, one of their great ideas is wind energy…because while they suck us all dry, the wind will blow.
Here’s the deal on wind energy…
Obviously, between the wind turbine itself and the rebar embedded in the base of the turbine, there is a considerable amount of steel…roughly 260 tons of steel. That steel comes of course from iron ore…roughly 300 tons of iron ore. Naturally, one has to mine that ore and that is done using lots of equipment that doesn’t run on wind or solar power. Once the iron ore is out of the ground, it has to be processed, and that takes roughly 170 tons of cooking coal which, by the way, is also mined by equipment that has neither solar panels on it nor sails.
Once all of that is done, and the various components are made and somewhat assembled, they have to get from point A to point B…and once again, it ain’t solar or wind that is making that happen. Once the parts arrive at their destination…holes have to be dug…BIG ASS holes…cement must be made and transported, dozens of trucks and pieces of earth moving equipment come in…and massive cranes…none of which are solar or wind powered, and everything we’re talking about here runs on fossil fuel.
In many cases roads must be built, widened, repaired and so on, workers have to get to and from the job site and guess what…electricity has to be run IN to a turbine to make it work…more and more and more burning of fossil fuels.
In fact, a turbine can spin until the end of its life and never…NEVER come close to producing anywhere NEAR the amount of energy it took to manufacture, transport, erect and maintain the damn thing. So…ask liberals on the greenie weenie bandwagon this…if everything has to go green, and all energy in our country has to be renewable…how exactly are you going to make the stuff that that’s supposed to be 100 percent renewable?
They have no answer, and don’t even get me started on that solar crap.
Since it has become quite clear to the black community that voting for liberals has gotten them nowhere, and more and more black people are starting to leave the democrat party, liberals in the race have come up with a new way to pander for their votes…reparations…paying people based on the color of their skin.
And they call us racists.
Of course, liberals are pandering to illegal aliens, promising them everything from housing to education and everything else one can imagine to get their votes, and liberals have always had the dead as a voting bloc…but those are all the old standard pandering tricks…same old thing, different election year.
But wait…what’s this? Something new from the party of pandering?
Weekend at Bernie Sanders has added this little gem to the liberal pander-palooza…voting rights for all prison inmates!!
That’s right…inmates…in prison…because, you know, they have such a history of making good decisions.
Voting isn’t a right, although liberals want you to believe it is. It’s a privilege. In fact, it is one of the most important things we, as citizens do. Our Founders and Framers entrusted We the People to decide who fills our official positions to oversee our towns, cities, states and our country. It’s a great responsibility, and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Liberals take it very lightly.
Liberals believe that people who have broken our laws by being in our country illegally should vote, so it is no wonder at all that they now believe those who have broken our laws and reside at taxpayer expense in prisons should also vote…and from a liberal point of view…it makes all the sense in the world.
We’re talking about a political party that regards common street thugs and various assorted arsonists, assaulters and rioters as heroes. Why wouldn’t they extend the privilege of voting to imprisoned rapists, murderers, terrorists and thieves?
That’s the ilk that’s running the United Nations, and if that ilk is good enough for the U.N., they’re good enough to vote in our elections.
The obvious problem is…when you even suggest extending the privilege of voting to those who have so grossly violated our laws, and the rights of law abiding citizens, you are cheapening the votes of law abiding citizens. Liberals don’t give a happy damn about such things, and it shows.
Prison inmates are a captive voting bloc…literally…and they are living their years behind bars on other people’s money…which pretty much automatically makes them socialists.
Remember, just a few weeks ago, when all the talk from the left side of the aisle was lowering the voting age to 16? Because 16 years olds always make good decisions don’t they? The notion of lowering the voting age was nothing more than pandering to kids who liberals have been indoctrinating for years.
The notion of allowing prison inmates to vote from their cell blocks is nothing more than pandering to the scum of our society, but when you can’t win on your positions on real issues, like energy, taxes, foreign policy, business opportunities and cutting regulations, as a party you are left with nothing but…pandering for votes.
Liberal 2020 candidates, despite all their bloviations and bullcrap, can’t even get pandering right. They’re pandering to the very idiots who are already voting for them. Take Kamala Harris for example…she’s pandering to idiots who don’t know what gender they are, by supporting putting a third gender option on federal ID cards…which by the way, are just the sort of ID cards liberals say are racist if we Conservatives dare suggest voter ID cards.
Poch-a-honky Warren is pandering to liberals who have run out of bottles of bubbles and whose therapy puppies have long since ran away by supporting getting rid of the electoral college because Hillary lost.
Cory Booker has promised that his running mate will be a woman…take a wild guess as to whom he’s pandering.
Julian Castro is pandering to illegal aliens whose voter registration cards were already marked “democrat” for them when they got their California driver’s licenses.
And Bernie Sanders is pandering to voters, some of whom will never see the light of a free day again in their lives.
The problem is, when voting privileges are extended to blocs like illegal aliens, prison inmates and dead people…pandering or not…it turns elections into a joke, diminishes the value of being a citizen, and eliminates a perk of being a law abiding member of society. It artificially tips our elections, and that is exactly why liberals are so desperate to do such things.
When directly asked about his prisoner voting idea, when asked if it was appropriate to enfranchise sex offenders or people convicted of other heinous crimes like murder and terrorism, Bernie Sanders said, “Yes, even for terrible people, because once you start chipping away and you say, ‘Well, that guy committed a terrible crime, not going to let him vote. Well, that person did that. Not going to let that person vote,’ you’re running down a slippery slope.”
THAT’S running down a slippery slope…and letting people convicted of murder, rape, child sexual assault and mass mayhem vote ISN’T?
The party that wadded up their panties and tied themselves in knots because they pretended to be all upset over a foreign country’s putting up memes on social media and paying for wider distribution of them during our last presidential election process…sees nothing whatsoever wrong with illegal aliens and murderers, rapists and terrorists actually VOTING in our elections.
It’s only absurd if you have common sense. It’s only absurd if you have at least one working brain cell. It’s not absurd at all if it’s the only way your party stands a chance of winning an election.
Liberals have been very busy over the past several years, indoctrinating various people and groups into believing they are victims, and creating new victims when they can’t find real ones. They promise the moon and the stars if the various victims give them their vote, and all those victims, real or manufactured get, is dirt.
Liberals know they can’t campaign on the issues, they know they’ve long since lost that race…so…they’re pandering for voters based on identity politics, hoping that those to whom they’re pandering don’t catch on to the fact that liberals have no intention of actually doing anything to help the pandered…they just want their votes.
Think about it…of the now 21 declared liberal 2020 presidential candidates…have you heard even one mention of any bit of their platforms that is based on growing American businesses, expanding or creating trade advantages, solidifying our relationships with allies, strengthening America or America’s military, cracking down on our enemies around the world or building our economy by empowering the people?
I haven’t.
But every plank in every liberal 2020 presidential candidate’s platform does deal with some special interest group of their own design.
Telling special interests what they want to hear, without any idea or desire to follow through is the very definition of pandering…and it is all the liberals have in their sordid bag of tricks.
They’re taking the bullet train to Pandersville.
© Craig Andresen/ 2019
************************************************************************************************ For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Deafening Silence of the Christian Kind

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I hope they win. I’m gonna pee myself laughing when that 16 year-old lesbian has to drop out of her free college education program and get a second job to pay for an incarcerated Black murderer’s reparations payments.