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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
Hate speech…that is what liberals call any opinion, whether spoken or written with which they do not agree. Hate speech…and liberals are going to grand lengths to be the sole arbiters of what constitutes hate speech.
If you write something that offends the delicate sensibilities of liberals on social media…which is controlled by liberals…you are summarily banned for a period of time, or you are ushered off the platform altogether.
Your hate speech has bruised someone’s little feelings. Maybe it hasn’t bruised anyone’s feelings, really, but even if someone pretends to be offended, either personally or on some else’s behalf…you are in trouble.
Hate speech can also trigger liberals to demand you be removed from your ability to earn a living. Don’t think so…ask Rosanne Barr…who tweeted something that supposedly hurt the feelings of Valerie Jarrett…and Rosanne was immediately fired by the liberals who ran her show, and her industry.
Hate speech doesn’t just pertain to the spoken or written word either…
It extends to things you may have worn decades ago to a party. Wearing blackface to a costume party in 1984 for instance, is all the hate speech liberals need to demand you resign as the Governor of a state…even when that Governor is a liberal himself.
PC isn’t enough anymore for liberals, and the PC Police is so yesterday…so old-school that political correctness has become passé. Today, hate speech is the yardstick and it is less than a millimeter long. Trust me, liberals aren’t just ready to gestapo you into submission over what you say, write or wear…they are now claiming to know what you THINK, and they are looking for ways to attack you over your own, private and silent THOUGHTS.
I know it sounds absurd…but it is nonetheless true.
Now, for the sake of argument, let’s ask the real question that must be asked…what does the law have to say about hate speech? More specifically, are there any laws in the United States that prohibit hate speech?
While liberals will try to make the case that such laws exist…they are lying, ignorant or both. There are no laws in the United States that prohibit hate speech except with a notable exception which I will get to shortly. There are, however, laws that are against hate crimes, and that is where the exception comes into play.
Now, before I get to the exception that crosses the line, allow me to offer a couple of definitions that should be understood that will clear this all up.
Incitement…is defined as, “the action of provoking unlawful behavior or urging someone to behave unlawfully.”
Imminent…is defined as, “ready to take place : happening soon.”
Those two words, and their definitions are key to understanding the hate speech/hate crime difference, and how the law regards both.
For hate speech to be against the law, regardless of what liberals want you to believe, it must be “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” That is loosely known as the “fighting words” exception to the 1st Amendment, and is the only exception TO our freedom of expression protection.
In other words…only when something you say, or write, or express in any other way is directed to INCITING or PRODUCING IMMINENT lawless action is it against the law.
A hate crime, on the other hand, is any crime “typically involving violence that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, or other grounds.”
Let me be crystal clear here…a crime is very different than an expression or a thought. Liberals don’t think so…but the difference is very clear. In fact, after several other high court rulings, the United States Supreme Court found, in 1969…in Brandenburg v. Ohio that even speech that supports law-breaking or violence in general is protected by the First Amendment unless it directly encourages people to take an unlawful action immediately.
That, of course, is how the laws and the courts see it…but the liberal court of public opinion and public indoctrination is quite different from a court of law.
To liberals, hate speech is the equivalent of something between a high crime and misdemeanor, and a capital crime for which punishment must be levied immediately without so much as a trial, or even a nod to the Bill of Rights.
Where the Constitution protects freedom of expression, as do the courts, it fails the liberal agenda and to bypass the courts and the Constitution, liberals must engage in social re-engineering. This is why liberals have seized control of our public schools and institutions of higher education, turning them into nothing but liberal indoctrination centers. It is also why control of social media is paramount to the liberal agenda…just as control of the news and entertainment industry is also of such high importance to liberals.
By controlling what information the populous is fed, from the classroom to their news cycle, and via social media, liberals can control not only what people think, but how they think, and thanks to the situation of our schools, liberals are now on either their second, or third generation of indoctrinees who, in turn, pass those indoctrinated ideas to the next generation.
Since we are still allowed to think, regardless of the liberal agenda that dictates that our thoughts must be controlled, think about this…Common Core is to education what a participation trophy is to competition. 2+2 can equal 7, and just showing up is an achievement worthy of a trophy…nobody in either arena is keeping score so as not to bruise anyone’s delicate feelings.
The liberal effect is three-fold isn’t it? The populous gets dumbed down, nobody sees the need to excel, and why bother if a government run by liberals is going to do your thinking for you? At that point, liberals have you right where they must have you to control you…dumb as a doorknob, indoctrinated in their lies and scared crapless speak your mind.
It won’t be that people are afraid of hurting someone’s feelings that prevents them from saying anything about anything…it will be the fear of societal punishment, or court punishment eventually, should liberals get their way that silences the populous.
Sure, it’s easy to say you won’t be silent…that you’ll continue to speak your mind and that nobody will stop you…but what will you do when your job might be on the line if you say the wrong thing, or if someone in your office simply pretends to be offended by something you wore?
Let me give you a prime example of what I’m talking about…
Last week, the University of South Dakota…a solidly red state…announced that their law school had made the decision to change the theme of an annual party…a party that had apparently been going by the same theme for years. The school will now call it a “Beach Party,” but before the decision was made, and for many years, it was always the “Hawaiian Party.”
You’ll think I’m making this up, but I assure you that I am not…the reason for the change in theme is because a student…that would be ONE student…voiced a “concern” that a Hawaiian party MIGHT be seen as “cultural appropriation,” and while party goers will still be allowed to wear flowered shirts to the “Beach Party,” there will be no leis provided as accessories.
Yes, that is most certainly ridiculous…until you think about recent happenings. What if one of those law school students of today becomes the Governor of a state in 35 years…and an old yearbook photo pops up showing said former student at a (gasp) Hawaiian party wearing…a lei?
Seriously…no leis…you can read about it here.
The point is…who in the hell knows what will be deemed racist, and worthy of demands to resign one’s position by liberals 35 years from now under the insane label of “hate speech?”
God forbid any young man at the University of South Dakota Beach Party gets drunk and puts on a grass skirt…he’s likely to be called a bigot, a racist AND a transphobe. Even though justice is supposed to be blind…judgmental, easily offended liberals aren’t so good luck passing the bar after that.
What a bunch of pipi kāne hana lepo.
The problem is this…liberals have those university administrators right where they want them…afraid of their own shadows today, and indoctrinating their students to take this even further tomorrow. What they should have done was call Kahuna poop on it right now, held the Hawaiian Party as they always have, and stood up for the student’s right to express themselves as the 1st Amendment says they can, and as the Supreme Court has confirmed that they can.
What liberals are doing is weaponizing expression in any form that they don’t like. They are inventing things of which to be offended, and then pretending to be victims of their imaginary offense. What’s worse, is that this tactic is being taught from kindergarten through graduate school as a quick and covert method of social reengineering.
How well is it working for liberals?
Well…ask the LAW school at the University of South Dakota…a school one would hope would know the LAW that just caved due to the unbearable pressure applied by a single student who voiced a CONCERN. If you ask me, any law school that won’t stand and defend their student’s Constitutional rights probably isn’t a law school worth attending.
Here’s the solution…
The more the liberals weaponize expression under the guise of “hate speech,” the more we must weaponize our rights. They can’t make a federal case of it because the Supreme Court says even “hate speech” is protected by the 1st Amendment…but we should make federal cases of it, and for the exact same reason. Freedom OF expression is the first key to freedom, which is exactly why today’s liberals are trying so hard to push freedom FROM expression.
Screw liberal social reengineering by refusing to be afraid of speaking your mind. There is nothing in our founding documents that says anyone has a right to not be offended. Do not go quietly into the night like a lamb to the slaughter…roar like a lion, call out the wolves in sheep’s clothing and if you just happen to be at the University of South Dakota…wear a Hawaiian shirt, a grass skirt, and by all means…
Get lie’d.
© Craig Andresen/ 2019
For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Negotiations on Hold…But for How Long

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Way to go, Craig!!!!! Keep on with the truth and keep the lies at least on a shorter leash for sure!!!!!! Thank you!!!!