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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge.
Picture, if you will, a gay black man walking home from a sandwich shop in Chicago…a city run by liberals…at 2am. Suddenly, that black man is allegedly assaulted by two white men, wearing red hats and masks, who put a noose around his neck, hurl racial and gay slurs at him, punch him and tell him that he’s in MAGA country before disappearing into the night while neither robbing him, or taking his sandwich.
It is a very disturbing scene but know this…
You have just entered…
Jussie Smollett’s Twilight Zone.
Not even Rod Serling could have come up with a plot-line so bizarre, so twisted…so improbable that it would both defy logic, and define liberal behavior.
Somehow, I had managed to blissfully meander through life without having ever heard the name, Jussie Smollett…without knowing that any person bearing that name was an actor, or a rapper. To be perfectly honest, I could have gone the rest of my life being ignorant of Smollett and never suffered for not knowing.
But then, a few weeks ago…suddenly I, and millions just like me became inundated by the name, and the wild allegations he leveled against two, unnamed white Trump supporting thugs…but there was something about the tale he told, and told often, that simply seemed…implausible.
According to Smollett, the supposed thug yelled at him…at 2 o’clock in the morning, on a sidewalk in CHICAGO…that he was in MAGA…TRUMP country. Chicago…supposedly, at least according to Smollett’s tale was TRUMP country but voted 86 percent against Trump in 2016. According to Smollett, two WHITE dudes were roaming the streets OF Chicago at 2am…had with them a NOOSE, and a bottle of bleach…were wearing Trump hats…and YELLING about it.
Smollett would have had us all believe that Chicago, the liberal Mecca of the Midwest, is a sleepy place, dominated by Conservatives who would yell racist things against blacks and gays and nobody would notice or be in the least bit…disturbed.
The streets of Chicago at 2am, at least according to Smollett, seemed to be exactly like the streets of Selma, Alabama in the 1920’s, 1930’s, and 1940’s. In his tearful recountings of the supposed racist, anti-gay attack, Smollett made it sound as though he felt damn lucky to get out of it alive, but how COULD it be so?
Apparently, it wasn’t so, according to Chicago police who delved both quickly, and completely into the matter. They couldn’t find video of anyone on the street where Smollett said it happened that matched the description he provided. They did, however, find video of two black guys at about the same time as the attack supposedly took place, dressed roughly as Smollett said his attackers were dressed.
That’s right…in Chicago, a city of 2.716 MILLION people…Smollett couldn’t find two white guys to take part in his hoax and had to pay 2 black actors to take on the roles that Hollywood claims to be traditionally given to white actors instead.
Further investigation revealed that those two black guys were brothers from Nigeria…and that they were friends OF Jussie Smollett. The Nigerian brothers were brought in for questioning…as possible witnesses, who then, let the proverbial cat out of the sandwich bag.
Smollett paid them $3,500 to stage the attack, but don’t get to thinking Smollett is some sort of genius here…Smollett is pure common core…he wrote his phony attackers…a check.
Hello paper trail.
Further evidence then came to light…video of the Nigerian brothers,Ola and Abel Osundairo showed the two buying the items supposedly USED in the supposed attack…and Smollett’s tall tale…a tale taller than an NBA center, and more full of Bull than Chicago’s basketball arena quickly unraveled…but that wasn’t the end of the evidence suggesting that Smollett paid to black Nigerian brothers to play the role of two white Trump supporters and attack him.
There is the matter of the letter…
Apparently, a week or two before the fake attack, a letter arrived in Smollett’s mailbox with a MAGA return address, and that letter was quite threatening in and of itself. Unfortunately, for the unhinged Smollett, the letter didn’t put him at center ring in the hate Trump, hate whitey, and hate Trump supporters mainstream media circus…and that apparently, is when both the script, and the check were written for the next logical step in a most illogical farce.
Here’s what we know…
According to police, the brothers Nigerian, admitted to their role in the farce, and admitted that Smollett paid them $3,500 bucks to do it.
Evidence, as in video evidence, not only puts the brothers in the right place at the right time, but further such evidence shows them clearly purchasing the props for the staged attack.
And…apparently…the FBI has found evidence that the threatening letter was mailed to Smollett…by Smollett himself…and that is mail fraud…a federal crime. All of that means that in just a couple of days, the Chicago police were able to find more evidence against Smollett than Mueller has found against Trump in the past two years.
Here’s something else we know…even with the help of two well paid Nigerian brothers…Smollett needed bigger, more well-connected accomplices to make himself ground zero in the “Get Trump” fantasy league super bowl.
The mainstream media, and the liberal political machine.
First…the liberal political machine…a bunch of Trump derangement syndrome sufferers who don’t give a happy damn about the facts, couldn’t recognize a red flag if the pole it was attached to was shoved where the sun doesn’t shine, and have no issue in the world with making any false allegation so long as it furthers their hate America agenda.
Booker, Harris…Alexandria Ocasio Common-Core-Tez and so many others leapt on the “Smollett is a victim of a hate crime” bandwagon faster than a Rottweiler leaps on side of ribs and made their supportive of Smollett and condemning of Trump proclamations before Smollett’s crocodile tears had dried. This was Trump’s blood in the water, and they were the sharks.
Then, when the real story started to break…those same liberals knew they had been had, but they couldn’t admit to it, and instead tried to suddenly spin their own rush to judgement to patiently pretending to wait until “all the facts” are in.
Then, there’s the mainstream media…the complicit accomplice who, rather than digging just a little tiny bit for the facts, ran full steam ahead with a story that a toddler could have seen through, to paint President Trump and ALL Conservatives as a white nationalist KKK henchman and his racist followers.
One member of the mainstream media is on record, her voice filled with despair saying of the hoax, “This is America in 2019.”
Yes…yes it is…in 2019, a black gay man was so unhinged with his own hatred and racism that he hired 2 black men to beat him up so that he could pretend to be a victim of Donald Trump’s supporters who did exactly nothing to him. THAT is America in 2019…an America where the same mainstream media branded a high school kid as a racist, and incited their legions of sheep-like followers and fellow haters to level threats at the kid and his family…for what…standing there and smiling while some unhinged Native American banged a drum just inches from the kid’s face.
This is America in 2019…where the mainstream media has abandoned journalism for the cloak of activism and propaganda while holding their collective press passes more tightly than an average liberal snowflake clings to a bottle of bubbles. America in 2019.
Kamala Harris, a 2020 liberal presidential candidate tweeted this directly after what we now know was a hoax attack…”This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate.”
And how about Cory Booker…a 2020 liberal candidate for president who said in the minutes after Smollett’s fake attack…”The vicious attack on Jussie Smollett was an attempted modern-day lynching.”
But that wasn’t all Booker’s tweet had to say…it also contained this passage…”To those in Congress who don’t feel the urgency to pass our Anti-Lynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime– I urge you to pay attention.”
Well, well…guess what? Harris and Booker, both 2020 liberal presidential candidates had, at the time of this outrageous hoax, an anti-lynching bill before the Senate that would make lynching a hate crime. Let’s check the timeline on this…Smollett had himself attacked on January 29th, 2019…also on January 29th, 2019…both Harris and Booker issued their respective tweets regarding the “attack” being a “modern-day lynching.” Then, on February 14th, the Senate unanimously passed the Harris and Booker anti-lynching bill.
That, by the way, was hours after Smollett gave an interview on ABC’s Good Morning America where he tearfully recounted the…”attack.”
Two days later, on February 16th…19 days after Harris and Booker issued their “modern-day lynching” tweets…two days after Smolletts weepy GMA interview, and a day and a half after the Senate passed the anti-lynching bill…Jussie “I’m a victim, really I am” Smollett’s story began to rapidly fall apart.
So…was it a modern-day lynching as Harris and Booker claimed it to be? Yes…yes it was, but please do explain, Mr. Booker, and Ms. Harris why we shouldn’t consider both of YOU to be leading members of the lynch mob? There you were…without a thing but a baseless allegation, without a trial or for that matter, an investigation wrapping a noose around the truth, around the facts, and around ALL Conservatives…tying that rope around the highest branch you and your ilk could find and then kicking your ivory tower gallows trap door out from beneath it all just to watch the target of your own bigotry and hatred swing in the light of your self-ingratiating bonfire.
Seriously, an anti-lynching bill…in 2019? When was the last actual lynching in the U.S.? Technically, in 1981 when a black man was hanged from a tree by the KKK in Mobile, Alabama. But in a “this is America in 2019” world, which comes on the heels of 8 years of the Obama race-baiting regime, and at a time where liberals insist despite a total lack of evidence that Trump and all Trump supporters are avowed racists…any time a black person is murdered in this country by a white person, liberals are going to call it a lynching.
For the last year that statistics have been made available, 2016, 500 white people in the U.S. were murdered by black people…and 229 black people in the U.S. were murdered by white people. If we were to apply the same illogic to those statistics that liberals seem to want to apply to the murders of black people…black people are lynching white people at a rate of better than 2 to 1.
Also left out of the equation altogether by liberals is that the overwhelming vast majority of black murder victims were murdered by other black people…which means by liberal illogic, blacks are committing most of the black lynchings in the “this is America in 2019” world.
But statistics and facts aside…what Harris and Booker really needed was a high profile, mainstream media propelled, anti-Trump, anti-Trump supporter headline lynching to take place at just the right moment…and presto…they got one.
The odds-on favorite reason for why Smollett staged and paid for his own bogus attack is that he was trying to leverage the “attack” to get a new, better contract…money…but I have good reason to be cynical regarding that line of thinking.
The “attack” took place between Martin Luther King Day, and Black History Month and was perpetrated against a gay black man who just happened to be friends with, and happened to have campaigned for Kamala Harris, the lead Senate sponsor of the anti-lynching bill right before that bill advanced to the Senate floor for a vote.
Either this was THE most astonishing coincidence in the history of astonishing coincidences or…it was orchestrated by liberal elites using what liberals consider to be the ultimate “victim,” a gay black man, who is also a professional actor to portray the result of the Trump presidency in a “this is America in 2019” act of political expediency meant to further divide the nation along racial lines as per the lead provided by Obama.
If I’m correct in this…it is yet another example of the liberal elite creating victims where no real victims exist, and using an indoctrinated slave of their own making to do the dirty work for them.
This, of course, begs one final question…why would the liberal elite choose a common core idiot like Jussie Smollett to perpetrate this hoax? Simple…because white female college professors with 35 year old accusations and no evidence weren’t getting the job done any better than a crusty old Indian banging a drum in the face of a high school student was…they needed slave to the cause…a high profile gay black actor whose plays make-believe for a living to try and pull it off.
Trump wasn’t responsible for it. Trump’s supporters weren’t responsible for it and white people didn’t do it.
Jussie Smollett was given just enough rope to hang himself, but he was lynched by the liberal elite for political gain.
THAT is America in 2019.
© Craig Andresen/ 2019
For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article A Heartbeat and a Ruling…Planned Parenthood Ain’t Happy at All

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I absolutley Love these writings. I read every one of them.
MY two cents.
Obama, for reasons locked away with his past for fifty years, will keep beating his drum and lying to people who are of voting age, that Republicans are racist evil bastards because basically…. “they got Nuthin'” else to run on, but the dream of dividing us all. Absolutely nothing to run on but destroying America, lying and waving FREE stuff in their faces. They Have to lie or they would never win. And, don’t we all wonder why they want to destroy America? I think its worse than socialism, but if I throw that out to the wind Id be called a racist. But, the good thing about that is… I just don’t care.
We get the best man to do the job as president and they’re panicking. Panicking because they were one Hillary away from 8 more years of Obama’s third term of finishing us off. “They” (whoever ‘they’ are) are so butthurt over losing, they have lost their minds and will continue to try to trick people into believing we are really bad people. Look how they put together the Smollett lie. This will continue to happen. And, unfortunately, there are now a LOT of ignorant and stupid millennial democrats. Obama has raised most of them if you think about it.
If they were six when he “won” (and there’s Another story) they will be of voting age next year. He raised them with the idea that WE are evil, cops will shoot them, blacks are victims, free stuff is their right to have, you don’t need guns, and socialism will give them everything they need.
Socialism has a hold of our schools, colleges, media, nighttime comedy shows, television, radio…get my drift? EVERYwhere.
They stuff our kids with lies as they erase our true history by tearing down our statues and rewriting our school books, giving us the snowflakes we now have in 2019. We’ve all seen them and it ain’t pretty.
And eventually, it will happen thanks to corrupt people like the media, Bernie, Obama, Michele, Hillary, Harris, Booker….. And whats going on in the FBI and CIA? The left (of left) have their people tucked away in every corner of governmental seats. Mayors and governors, cities and states. Look who they have to vote for. People (liars) like Hillary, Harris, and Booker. And don’t forget idiots like AOC and Beto, who don’t even use their real names, to play the game.
Thanks to the left, calling us ‘racists’ will never stop. Spit on the sidewalk, and we’re a racist. And the evil left are about to outnumber us.
It’s only a matter of time unless …Unless every single one of us Vote Republican. And unfortunately, ‘they’ have placed socialist moles masquerading as Republicans throughout our system. So, research your brains out before you vote.
And guess who’s STILL helping the left just two blocks down the street from the White House. Barack Hussein Obama (who also does not use his birth name).
A gay black man on the streets of Chicago at 2 a.m., is only looking for one thing, to get lucky.
Smollett deserves to be “lynched” by the media, but, alas, that will never happen. My college journalism classes taught us to state the FACTS. What happened to that?
Right on, Craig and Diane! You never let me down!
You’re more likely to find gold at the bottom of the ocean than find a conservative roaming the streets of Chicago at 2am in the morning.
the Dems would go through hot coals w/guns to their heads and not give up they will sprout the same msg and never disagree w/each other no matter what. Yet some do amazingly. This was a hoax while some are really abused. i too never heard of him and now am so sick of him u cannot know. maybe u do.
America now is partly b/c of the liberal teachers brainwashing our kids THAT HAS TO STOP we have to help our kids now more than ever. Then liberal Dems will stop at nothing to keep up the black white hate. my God i hoped we were past that