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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
It doesn’t happen very often at all, that I delve into the world of sports. The National Patriot is a political site, but more and more often these days, the worlds of sports and politics are colliding.
They shouldn’t, but they do, and that is why I now feel compelled to raise a bit of a racket…or to be more precise…a tennis racquet.
I started playing tennis in the early 1970’s as a kid, and by the late 70’s, I was watching major tennis tournaments and marveling at the ability of the pros in the sport. Conners, Borg, Laver, Năstase, Ashe…Evert, and Goolagong.
In a whole separate category, at a whole different level…
There was also Martina Navratilova…18 time Grand Slam tennis singles winner, 31 major women’s doubles titles (an all-time record), and 10 major mixed doubles titles, the records for most singles (167) and doubles titles (177), world No. 1 for a total of 332 weeks in singles, and a record 237 weeks in doubles, and she was the only player of either sex to have won eight different tournaments at least seven times.
Trust me on this…I am barely scratching the surface regarding Navratilova’s career highlights so suffice it to say…Martina Navratilova was the best of the best ever. Guys back then used to watch Chris Evert because she was cute…I watched Navratilova because she was a force of nature.
Her career was marked by huge ups, and downs…which had nothing to do with sports, but everything to do with politics.
When Navratilova defected from Communist Czechoslovakia in 1975 to become a U.S. citizen…she was a political hero. When she announced that she was bisexual in 1981…she became something of a pariah, at least where her endorsement deals were concerned.
Personally, I didn’t give a damn because she was still the best damned tennis player I had ever seen, and I simply couldn’t understand then, nor do I understand now what difference it makes what her personal life was, or is.
Over the years, Martina Navratilova has become a spokeswoman for many different organizations, from animal rights, to gay rights because she has always been honest, forthcoming and carried herself with a well-earned sense of integrity.
That brings us to the here and now…
Last week, some group called “Athlete Ally” cut their ties with Navratilova due to a column she penned a few days earlier in which she provided her opinion regarding transgendered athletes. In that column, Navratilova said it would be “cheating” to allow transgender women to compete in women’s sporting events due to “unfair physical advantages.”
“A man can decide to be female, take hormones if required by whatever sporting organization is concerned, win everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune, and then reverse his decision and go back to making babies if he so desires.”
Navratilova went on to state, “It’s insane and it’s cheating. I am happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers, but I would not be happy to compete against her. It would not be fair.”
For their part, Athlete Ally said, “In late December, she made deeply troubling comments across her social media channels about the ability for trans athletes to compete in sports. We reached out directly offering to be a resource as she sought further education, and we never heard back.”
Hold the damn door right there…
Athlete Ally offered to “be a resource as she sought further education?”
What that really means is that the group offered to try to indoctrinate Navratilova who quite obviously needs no “further education” on the subject. Navratilova is 100 percent correct in her assessment. Men, who suddenly decide that they are women…are still men, and as men, like it or not, they have physical advantages in size, strength and speed.
That is why we have men’s and women’s sports…separate…because even the best female athlete in a given sport is going to be at a disadvantage against the best male athlete in the same sport. Navratilova was the best female tennis player the world had ever seen…but even she knew that she would have been at a disadvantage had she had to play against an Ilie Năstase, or a Bjorn Borg.
Athlete Ally also said that Navratilova’s recent assertions about trans athletes were “transphobic, based on false understanding of science and data, and [perpetuated] dangerous myths that lead to the ongoing targeting of trans people through discriminatory laws, hateful stereotypes and disproportionate violence.”
Hold that damned door again…
A “false understanding of science and data” that perpetuate “dangerous myths?”
Navratilova understands that as per DNA…men are ALWAYS men regardless of what they might THINK they are…that is simply scientific fact…and the MYTH is that if a man THINKS he’s a woman, then he IS a woman.
And further more…Athlete Ally actually called Martina Navratilova “transphobic.” Phobic is a suffix that snowflake liberals attach to anyone who doesn’t agree with their pet view of the world, regardless of how warped it might be…so let me set something perfectly straight right now…
Phobic means exactly this… a person with an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
Nowhere in her column did Navratilova claim she feared transgender athletes, nor did she even come close to claiming any sort of aversion to them. She didn’t call them names, she expressed no irrationality toward them, nor did she even brush up against anything extreme.
Navratilova simply stated the facts…men, regardless of what they pretend to be are men, and as such, they have an athletic advantage over women. That’s not even an opinion. That is just a fact. Now am I saying that any man has an advantage over any woman athletically? No…and neither did Navratilova…she was talking about highly trained athletes of both genders competing in the same sport.
Here is yet another quote from Navratilova… “Simply reducing hormone levels — the prescription most sports have adopted — does not solve the problem. A man builds up muscle and bone density, as well as a greater number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells, from childhood. Training increases the discrepancy. Indeed, if a male were to change gender in such a way as to eliminate any accumulated advantage, he would have to begin hormone treatment before puberty. For me, that is unthinkable.”
She is not at all wrong in this. In fact, she’s spot-on, but the “trans community” seems to have their collective nuts in a vise over it, and while many might refer to all of this as a social issue, I assure you that it is political, as gender has become a most certain plank in the liberal platform.
Social re-engineering is a primary goal of today’s liberals, and it plays a major part in their agenda, but just to clear up what has become an act of deception by liberals…allow me to provide a couple more absolute definitions to you.
There are but two genders. I don’t give a happy crap what liberals hope you’re gullible enough to believe. There are males, and females. That’s it, and anything else is a myth born of nonsense and not backed up by any science whatsoever.
There is a most definite difference between transsexual, and transgender. Transsexual people are those who have undergone sex reassignment surgery. They have undertaken body modification to alter their appearance so as to visually look like the gender opposite of their genetically assigned gender. But make no mistake…if they were born with male DNA, they will always be male…and if they were born with female DNA, they will always be female. Only their visual appearance is altered.
Transgendered people are those who have not gone through sex reassignment surgery…they only believe themselves to be the gender opposite of their genetic code. A more accurate, and scientific term for it is “gender dysphoria.” It is a mental disorder…mostly…a crossing of brain circuitry in a way. In other cases…it is simply a person pretending to be the gender opposite of their genetic code.
Here’s where this all gets political…the so-called “trans community” spurred on by the liberal agenda, is now insisting that this either mental disorder, or make-believe game be accepted as its own gender, and be believed as legitimate lest one who doesn’t want to play make-believe be labeled as a bigot, or as…phobic.
In other words…if you accept the hard, cold facts of science, rather than the world of mental disorder or fantasy…you are a horrible excuse for a human being…and that apparently is now the view Athlete Ally has of Martina Navratilova.
I am not the only one who sees the political aspects of all of this…so too does Navratilova, who wrote, “I also deplore what seems to be a growing tendency among transgender activists to denounce anyone who argues against them and to label them all as “transphobes. That’s just another form of tyranny.”
The bottom line is this…
Sports is competitive…professional sports are ultra competitive, and athletes at any level have certain built-in qualities. This is why organized sports most often have a men’s division, and a women’s division…so as to allow athletes to compete at their highest individual, and team level. Putting a man in a woman’s sport gives the man a distinct advantage, while placing a woman in a man’s sport, gives her a distinct disadvantage.
The same basic reasoning is why high school athletes do not play against professional athletes…the playing field is simply not level….and that is exactly Navratilova’s point.
Given the fact that she is a highly trained athlete, who dominated her sport for years, and could most likely still knock a gnat off a dime with a laser guided backhand from one service line to the other…at least with regard to this topic, I’d say she’s got a pretty firm grip of her racquet, her senses…and the scientific facts.
At the college level, Title IX is a federal law that states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” And the LGBTQ “community” is using that to force the inclusion of transgendered athletes into sports based on whatever it is they pretend to be regarding gender.
At the high school level, state legislatures are cowering in the face of pressure by LGBTQ lobbyists to allow the same, and in both cases, girls who pretend to be boys face a disadvantage while boys pretending to be girls have a distinct advantage.
All of this would be fine were the liberal policy of “everybody gets a trophy” just for showing up was in effect, but at those levels, competition requires keeping score and either reducing a teams quality or adding to it by forcing those teams to accept make-believe team members simply is the wrong thing to do.
There is, however, a solution.
Create a third division in sports. Men’s sports, women’s sports, and transgendered sports. In most cases, there simply wouldn’t be enough trans athletes in a given system to field most team sports, but that would show the abjectly ridiculous nature of the argument to begin with. It is time we stop bowing to the pressure of the overwhelming vast MINORITY and quit treating them as more special than the overwhelming vast MAJORITY.
Simply put…if you want to compete in organized sports…either compete in the gender that your DNA says you are…don’t compete at all…or start your own fantasy league and compete as whatever you want to believe you are against others who are rowing that same boat.
As for Martina Navratilova…she served yet another crushing ace on this one.
© Craig Andresen/ 2019
For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Venezuela…A ‘Hostile Act’ in the Making?

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