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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
Obviously, there has been a mountain of things going on in the world over the past couple of weeks, and in a 24/7 news cycle, one would think that the mainstream media would have plenty of hard-hitting, current and relevant things to cover.
Take ABC’s news magazine, 20/20 for instance…
The name of the program suggests it has a clear, sharp vision of what’s important, relevant and news worthy. One would expect current topics, in-depth analysis and introspective investigative reporting…right?
Well…before I tell you what they hyped since Christmas for their first show of the new year this Friday, January 4th, 2019…let me tell you a few of the things they didn’t cover on that show.
The Secretary of Defense resigned. That seems like it should have been a top story, especially considering that the President expedited his exit from the top Pentagon post.
The Fed hiked interest rates for the fourth time in two years. Given the fact that such interest hikes tend to slow down a growing economy, one would think 20/20 would have made that a priority story for coverage.
Nope…neither of those stories made the cut for hyping in the first week of 2019.
Let’s see…
How about a 600 point drop in the stock market after the interest rate hike…that the whole of liberal media instantly blamed on President Trump…which was then quickly followed by a single day record gain of 1000 points? Was that enough to garner attention from ABC and 20/20?
How about the government shutdown? Mainstream media and elected liberals all packed their 24/7 news cycles with doom and gloom…a coming apocalypse in the days leading up to the shutdown. One would certainly think that a cutting edge news magazine like 20/20 would kick around the notion that virtually nobody in the country has noticed a difference in their daily lives since the shutdown.
One would hope that such an astute news program like 20/20 would assign a bevy of investigative reporters to dig into why, exactly, we have “non-essential” government workers getting paid taxpayer dollars to begin with if, when they are shut out…nobody even notices.
Nope…didn’t make the first show of the new year hype.
Okay…how about the border wall…I mean…that’s why non-essential government workers aren’t getting paid to do whatever non-essential government workers get paid to do that isn’t essential to the government.
We’re talking about a wall…that liberals, either elected or in the propaganda arm of liberalism claim doesn’t work…and the lack of funding for said wall being the thing that is essentially responsible for non-essential government workers being exposed as essentially non-essential.
First off…if, as liberals claim…walls don’t work…why, exactly, do we continue to build them around prisons?
Second…if, as liberals claim…walls don’t work …why is there data from other countries that HAVE such walls showing that they DO work?
And third…if, as liberals claim…walls don’t work…why is it after 700 years not one single Mexican has managed to sneak into China?
Nancy Pelosi said a bit more than a week ago that, “We have a moral responsibility to ensure that all children of God are treated with compassion and decency. The death now of two children in U.S. custody is unconscionable.”
Right off the top one has to wonder why supposed parents would drag kids some 1,700 miles on an ill-fated attempt to invade another country and break that country’s laws in the first place…and the next thing one should examine…or put their intrepid team of reporters on would be why…exactly…Nancy Pelosi believes it “unconscionable” that two such children would die in U.S. custody when she herself is such a staunch supporter of…abortion.
Can anyone explain to me where Pelosi finds “compassion and decency” for “all children of God” in funding abortion mills like Planned Parenthood?
Now then, as long as I’m talking about what the mainstream liberal media is ignoring…the wall…I would be remiss not to include in this report the fact that on the morning after Christmas, in the sanctuary state of California where illegal alien criminals are protected and U.S. citizens are regarded as second class…a cop with a young family was murdered.
That cop… Cpl. Ronil Singh, with the Merced County Sheriff’s Department, was an immigrant from Fiji…a LEGAL immigrant who came to our country the RIGHT way and became a U.S. citizen…was murdered early the morning after Christmas by…an ILLEGAL ALIEN….just like Kate Steinle was murdered in California by an illegal alien.
Why doesn’t 20/20 demand to know from California’s Diane Feinstein why SHE voted AGAINST Kate Steinle’s law but is demanding a full investigation into those two illegal alien kids who died in U.S. custody?
This Friday, on their first show of 2019, did 20/20 even bother to ask why Pelosi is demanding an investigation into the deaths of two caravan illegal alien children dragged up here by supposed parents who had the intention of breaking our country’s laws…but has never demanded an investigation into any illegal alien accused of breaking our nation’s laws?
In fact…the sanctuary state of California last week refused to even release the name of the illegal alien who murdered Cpl. Ronil Singh the morning after Christmas, and when asked for a statement regarding the murder of officer Singh, Nancy Pelosy said...”No comment.”
To me it seems unconscionable to call criminal illegal aliens, like the unnamed cop killer “dreamers” and it is just as unconscionable to protect the name of that cop killer not to mention how unconscionable it is for states to protect criminal illegal aliens to begin with.
Not a word about it from 20/20….and that too is unconscionable.
Naturally, the liberal mainstream media, on the morning after Christmas derided President Trump for not paying a visit to American troops in a combat zone…but that was before they came to the sudden realization that late on Christmas night, the President and our First Lady boarded Air Force One and flew to Iraq to surprise our troops in a combat zone.
Did the mainstream liberal media apologize for deriding President Trump just hours before? Nope. They instead demanded an investigation into a possible Hatch Act violation because President Trump dared to sign his name to several “Make America Great Again” caps handed to him by the troops.
One would think that 20/20 could have put something together showing how happy those troops were when President Trump and the First Lady walked into that hanger…how they cheered…how they took selfies with the President and First Lady and how they broke into a chant of “USA, USA, USA.”
Nope…not 20/20….but the liberal media is demanding that the troops be disciplined for cheering for President Trump, and asking him for an autograph. As a side bar, 20/20 could have also mentioned that nobody in the mainstream media demanded discipline or an investigation when Obama signed HIS name to hats for members of our military.
Did 20/20 run anything to hype, on their first show of 2019, a feature regarding how First Lady Melania Trump became the first First Lady in nearly 50 years to visit our troops in a combat zone?
Nope…not 20/20.
China, under pressure from the Trump administration is once again buying American farm products which means America is winning the trade war.
Nothing but silence from 20/20.
41 people were shot, and 11 were killed in the liberal controlled gun-free zone known as Chicago over the Christmas weekend.
20/20? Crickets.
Why didn’t 20/20 assign somebody from the mail room to pick up a pocket calculator and figure out how spending $135 billion every year on giving free everything to illegal aliens who are breaking our country’s laws is more fiscally responsible than spending $5 billion ONE TIME to build a wall to keep those illegal aliens OUT of our country…or how we can afford to send $10 billion dollars of U.S. taxpayer money every year to the very countries from where the invasion is originating, but can’t afford a one-time $5 billion dollar expenditure for the wall to prevent the invaders from pouring into our country…and then hype THAT as their big feature for the end of the year show?
Because none of that would fit the liberal mainstream media’s fake news narrative. That’s why.
So…what is ABC’s 20/20 featuring for their first show of 2019? What have they spent the better part of two weeks hyping…advertising…promoting and selling to the American public?
A hard-hitting, in-depth and introspective look back at the 25 year old story regarding the night that Lorena Bobbitt bobbed John Bobbitt’s bobber with a kitchen knife and tossed it out the window of her car as she drove away.
Yep…this Friday’s, ABC News 20/20 Special…“The Bobbitts: Love Hurts,” was what the network ran with believing THAT was THE story that would CAPTIVATE viewers who have roughly 500 channel options from which to choose…and it wasn’t even on the anniversary of the Bobbitt bobber bobbing…which took place on June 23rd, 1993.
That’s right…the producers of ABC’s 20/20, who work from corner offices for a news magazine which, by its very name purports to have crystal clear vision, couldn’t find one single thing in all the world that they thought would be more important, or of more interest to potential viewers than a 25 year, 6 month and 5 day old story of a guy who got his bobber bobbed by his pecker wrecker wife and then got it sewn back on.
Congratulations ABC…you and your showcase, 20/20, have now become the standard bearers for a completely MYOPIC liberal mainstream media.
Personally, I’m looking forward to 20/20’s next special report…”Good Vibrations – Was Monica Actually Humming, and Did Bill Recognize the Tune?”
I’m sure the investigative urinalists at ABC will get right on that one.
© Craig Andresen/ 2019

In four more days…Friday, January 4th from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori return to the air with the hard-hitting news show you have come to expect. Hope you can tune in at: on Tune-In at:
God you are so spot on. 20/20 is as bad as oh 60 minutes. they do not care to show how illegals are destroying the country or how lib policies are a disaster.
will this yr be better for them i doubt it.