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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
Okay…its 2019…a new year full of new possibilities and new opportunities, and it’s time to look back at some of the crap we learned in 2018.
While liberals continue to pee themselves over Hillary’s loss in 2016, and spew their socialist collective hatred at President Trump, and at Conservatives…desperately trying to take both down…we Conservatives continue to wallow about in all the winning our country is experiencing.
The real difference between liberals and Conservatives as we begin a new year, is nothing new…as Conservatives, we love our country…liberals don’t…and while we actually learn from things related to last year…liberals just never seem to get a grip on reality.
So…here we go…crap we learned last year…
We learned that Elizabeth Warren in 1/1024 American Indian…because she released the results of her DNA tests that showed she has less American Indian blood in her than most European Americans…and so little in fact that it could vanish with a single mosquito bite.
Warren has launched an exploratory committee to look into a possible run for the presidency in 2020, and as I understand it, her exploratory committee is being headed up by the firm of Lewis and Clark.
Last year, we learned that it’s easier to hammer out some sort of an agreement with a two-bit sawed-off commie dictator from north of the DMZ than it is to get an agreement with liberals in congress. The former led to an opening in relations with North Korea…while the latter led to a shutdown of 25% of the U.S. government.
Along those same lines, we also learned that by not being willing to reach a deal with President Trump, liberals in congress care far, FAR more about illegal alien criminals and other assorted idiots such as terrorists than they do about American citizens.
No great surprise there.
Last year we not so much learned, but rather confirmed that the party who cheers, champions and financially supports abortions and abortion mills also pretends to be in deep angst over two illegal alien wannabe kids who died in ICE custody…which only seems hypocritical because it IS hypocritical…and Nancy Pelosi called those two deaths…”unconscionable.”
There has been absolutely no word from Pelosi, or any other liberal regarding whether or not it was “unconscionable” to drag children 1,700 miles across several countries in an invasion force to a border riot populated by the dregs of other cultures, rife with diseases while being paid by the liberal elite to attempt to break our nation’s laws in exchange for their votes.
Last year, we learned that liberals were all-too happy to give Iran $150 billion dollars to build nuclear weapons…but drew the spending line at coughing up $5 billion to build a wall for our own national security.
Go figure.
In 2018, we learned that despite Obama’s claim that, “We can’t just drill our way out of the problem,” with regard to gas prices that topped $4.00 per gallon in 2011…we can…as gas prices in many parts of the country are now at $2.00 per gallon or even a bit lower.
We also learned in 2018 that despite Obama’s claim that 3% GDP growth was impossible because President Trump lacked a “magic wand”…4.1% GDP growth WAS possible…not due to magic…but just because of a couple of appropriate tweaks to our economic policies.
The formula was simple…get rid of regulations that held businesses back, and lower taxes both at the individual level, and the corporate level and guess what? Businesses start growing again, which means that businesses start hiring again…and when individuals have more of their own money to spend…they start spending again…all of which drives the economy up.
Of course it doesn’t hurt when the biggest tax hike in American history, Obamacare, gets killed.
In 2018, we learned that President Trump can fill a stadium with people who want to hear what he has to say…but Hillary Clinton can’t fill a broom closet with people who want to hear what she has to say.
We learned that a pair of $129.00 dollar Timberland work boots outclass a pair of $4,000 dollar glossy hooker boots.
We learned that our military can kill the enemy if we give our military bullets…and we learned that our enemies can’t do much about that if we quit giving them money.
And we learned that we can move our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in spite of the United Nations saying we can’t.
In 2018, we learned that if you are a celebrity, you can air any opinion you want as long as that opinion is anti-American, anti-Conservative, anti-Trump or anti-White, regardless of how vile or violent it might be…but…if you’re a celebrity whose opinion differs from those things…you’ll get fired.
Last year, we learned that asylums of higher indoctrination are hiring “diversity” administrators and paying them millions of dollars per indoctrination asylum to see to it that skin color is taken more into account for both faculty and students than academic achievements are…and that those millions of dollars “diversity” administrators are also in charge of making sure that anybody…staff or students who express themselves in a way not in line with the liberal agenda get bitch-slapped into the next semester.
In 2018, liberals learned that 30 plus year old false claims and false allegations don’t mean squat without evidence to back them up…and those employed by liberals to make such 30 plus year old false claims and false allegations learned that once their 15 minutes of infamy came to an end, so too did their usefulness to the party of lies.
Last year, we learned that liberals believe there are literally hundreds of different…genders…and that all but the two that actually exist are victims of…something. We also learned that if we refer to Kaitlyn Jenner as Bruce, and refer to him as “he” we are some sort of monstrous bigots because we’re not pretending along with him.
Along THAT same line of liberal thinking, we have learned that if we don’t pretend that black people in today’s America are victims of slavery, or if we don’t pretend that people from other countries who are in OUR country illegally are U.S. citizens, or if we don’t pretend that those imported to our country with ideologies and cultures directly opposite of American ideologies and culture and have not even the slightest notion of assimilating into our culture are somehow key to our nation’s future…we’re some sort of monstrous racists.
In 2018, we learned once again, that the best salesman for guns and NRA memberships will always be whichever liberal idiot steps forward to demand most forcefully that our rights, as spelled out in the 2nd Amendment, be revoked.
Thanks David Hogg.
We learned that neither did the world burn to a crisp, nor did it become a giant block of ice after President Trump removed us from the Paris Climate Accord.
Last year, we learned that the future of the democrat party is an abject idiot. Now, to be honest, given the staggering number of liberals who more than qualify as such, the notion that the future of their party would in fact be an abject idiot was more than a safe bet if one was playing the odds…but…Alexandria Occasional Cotex has managed to raise the dubious status of abject idiocy to an art form.
Trust me on this…for the next two years, she will be the gift that keeps on giving.
And finally…last year, we learned that abject idiocy is not the sole prevue of liberals. As a case in point, might I suggest that if you are warned NOT to set foot on an island where the natives are apt to kill you…regardless of your good intentions of spreading the word of Jesus to a bunch of naked, Neolithic yahoos with spears, and regardless of your gifts of friendship consisting of a fish…and a…football…do not be one bit surprised to find yourself perforated to death.
You can read all about that by clicking here.
Naturally, learning never ends. We’re just one week into the new year, and we’ve already learned something…
Last week, Mitt Romney said, “To a great degree, a presidency shapes the public character of the nation. A president should unite us and inspire us to follow “our better angels.” He then went on to state, “With the nation so divided, resentful and angry, presidential leadership in qualities of character is indispensable. And it is in this province where the incumbent’s shortfall has been most glaring.”
Romney said that President Trump, “has not risen to the mantle of the office.”
First off, Mitt…at least Trump has risen to the OFFICE of President, which is more than I can say for you…second off…we didn’t elect a saint, and we knew it. We elected a FIGHTER…somebody who was not a politician, but someone who would tell politicians where they could stick it. And third off…of you define “quality of character” as the extent that someone would go along with the policies and namby-pamby lead from behind agenda while trying to make everybody FEEL good…you need to study up on our Founding Fathers and while you’re at it…study up a bit on the notion of putting AMERICA FIRST.
So far, in 2019, we’ve learned that the only real difference between Romney and McCain is that one of them can still fog a mirror, and we’ve learned that Elizabeth Warren has more Indian in her than Romney has Republican in him.
What else will we learn this year? Only time will tell but were I a betting man, I’d wager that 2019 is going to be quite a ride.
The new lesson starts…now.
© Craig Andresen/ 2019
For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article John F. Kennedy: A Democrat No More

Today, Tuesday, January 8th from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘John F. Kennedy…A Democrat No More’; ‘Crap We Learned in 2018’; and important news of the day.
Hope you can tune in at: on Tune-In at:
What Bonnie said!!
you hit the nail on the head
yep liberals are nut all they touch they destroy
Hate America i would use stronger language but that will do they can all leave for all i care.
amazing how they do not mind planned parenthood yet cannot give money for the wall. i guess baby killing is ok w/these nut cases.
love your site. good work
Thanks so much Bonnie.