Liberals…Unencumbered By Reality

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© Craig Andresen/ 2018

In order to be a liberal these days…I mean a dyed in the wool, card carrying certified liberal…one has to be nuttier than a squirrel turd on a pecan plantation.

Today’s aforementioned variety of liberals have an upside down, ass-backwards view of the entire world in which they’re taking up space.

They live in a world of denial, make-believe, entitlement, perceived and pretend victimhood and self-loathing. They believe as fact, things that are demonstratively untrue, and dismiss true facts as conspiratorial fraud. Not even Einstein could quantify the level of liberal stupidity.

Reality eludes today’s liberals as deftly as a skunk eludes a semi in the middle of the road…the difference being that liberals should be smart enough to know better than to play in traffic where skunks simply never see reality coming at them.

Let’s have a look at a few examples of what it takes to be a true liberals in today’s America…

First up, we have the curious case of Rutgers history professor, one James Livingston, who recently took to social media to state that a certain restaurant in Harlem has been “overrun with little Caucasian assholes who know their parents will approve of anything they do.”

Livingston…is a white guy.

He went on to emphatically state…“I hereby resign from my race. Fuck these people. Yeah, I know, it’s about access to my dinner. Fuck you, too.”

Obviously, this liberal, tenured professor believes that it is necessary, purely for political reasons, to “resign” from being white…as though that were even possible. Liberalism, in a desperate attempt not to lose any ground to Conservatives, feels an obligation to denounce white people as a means of pandering to minority voting blocs and in what little mind today’s liberals have…it somehow has more of an impact if white people like Livingston goe so far as to “resign” from the color of his own skin.

And yet they call Conservatives…racists.

Rachel Dolezal…a white woman…pretended to be a black woman because it was politically expedient.  Elizabeth Warren is still pretending she’s an American Indian because it has been both politically and professionally expedient, and over the past several years, we have seen more and more liberals marching in the streets carrying anti-white signs in their pasty white hands.


I can only guess it is because liberal idiots believe they are somehow more intellectually astute if they’re white, profess to hate so-called “white privilege” and while basing all of their idiocy solely on skin color, call those who don’t join their asylum of self-loathing…a bunch of abject racists.

Meanwhile, in a more general sense…

About a week or so ago, liberals crawled all over themselves to once again attempt to label President Trump a racist because he bestowed the Medal of Freedom on Elvis Presley. Presley, according to liberals, was a white guy who became the “King of Rock and Roll” by usurping black music…and because of what liberals perceive as a wrong by Elvis…Trump is a racist.

I know it doesn’t make any sense, but what in a liberal’s mindset does? Elvis grew up a poor boy from Mississippi and his early influences in music were…black singers and black musicians…it’s what he heard as a boy, and what he knew by the time he set his first Blue Suede Shoe in a recording studio…but to liberals…because Elvis was influenced by black musicians…President Trump is a racist.

I told you it didn’t make any sense.

Okay…let’s get back to a few more direct examples…

Stephanie Clifford, better known as “Stormy Daniels” is now claiming that President Trump has “completely destroyed” her career. Ms. Clifford did that herself when she made the decision to become a liberal use and throw away puppet…a move she obviously believed would vault her to the top of an industry from which she had languished at the bottom of the barrel.

Clifford got herself caught up in a trifecta of desperation…the liberal mainstream media was desperate to hang President Trump out to dry…Clifford was desperate to gain 15 minutes of infamy, and attorney Michael Avenatti was desperate to drive the bandwagon…a recipe for disaster for all involved.

Clifford is now taken far less seriously than she ever was as an “actress” if that’s even possible for an aging porn star…the liberal mainstream media looks like bigger idiots than they did before the Stormy drizzle…as if that’s even possible for a bunch of ratings bottom dwellers…and Avenatti? Oh, boy…the darling of the mainstream media is now a pariah thanks to being charged with assaulting his girlfriend.

Avenatti tried to drive the #MeToo bandwagon over President Trump while hitched to an old glue nag named “Stormy” and made the rounds, over and over again on the liberal mainstream media with nothing in his pocket but an unproven allegation, probably thinking all the while that he, himself, was immune from prosecution because…after all…he’s a liberal, and the mainstream media loved him.

The differences between Avenatti’s situation, and the liberal manufactured plots against President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh are staggering…none of Kavanaugh’s accusers had a shred of evidence regarding their 35 year old allegations, and all “Stormy” had was her word which has never been worth the thin air into which it was whispered…while Avenatti’s girlfriend at least has a police report…apparently at least evidence to bring about an arrest and legal charges…and a granted restraining order against the former media darling.

Stormy Daniels, the mainstream media and Avenatti are all so far from reality that they couldn’t find their way to it with a GPS app, a Rand McNally atlas and a guide dog.

Of course, no piece on liberal insanity would be complete without Hollywood getting into the mix…and this piece is no exception. Apparently there’s quite a deep end of the cesspool of Hollywood liberal elites from the rather shallow end of the gene pool who are now vowing to boycott the great state of Georgia because Stacey Abrams failed in her bid to become Georgia’s next Governor.

It seems that a good number of productions for TV and the movies filmed in Georgia.

A) Who knew? And B) Who cares?

Ron Perlman, who allegedly stars in something called “The Sons of Anarchy” let loose a tweet stating, “To all my friends who are studio and network executives, if you choose to shoot movies and tv in Georgia, don’t bother to call me.” Has that really been a lingering problem for this guy, Perlman…his phone ringing off the hook with job offers in Georgia, or will he even notice the difference between the number of calls he got before his dictate and after?

Alyssa Milano tweeted, “Is the entertainment industry willing to support the economy of a totally corrupt state that suppresses democracy; where the winner isn’t the best choice for the people but the best schemer or crook?”

Let’s be honest here about Milano’s butt hurt…Kemp, the Governor-elect of Georgia obviously isn’t her choice…but he was obviously the people of Georgia’s choice for what was best for them, and given that Abrams’ is actually the crook who attempted  to steal that election…once again, liberals have it ass backwards.

That said…if the same percentage of Hollywood liberals flee Georgia in the wake of Abrams’ loss as took off for Canada after Hillary’s loss…the Peach state won’t see one iota of difference…but…if all the Hollywood liberals do hightail it out of Georgia…here’s what it means in the long run…

Red state voters have an even greater reason to turn out for 2020 as it will ensure they’re not invaded by celebrity liberals…and…any future remake of “Deliverance” which no doubt would feature a gaggle of gay pride Hollywood Hillsbillys and a handful of adventurous transgendered kayakers will have to be filmed in San Francisco Bay.

Liberals simply have no grip whatsoever on reality.

They want socialism…which has never worked anywhere it has ever been tried. They claim that Conservatives are all racist and sexists while they, the liberals, are basing their votes on nothing but skin color and gender. Liberals claim to be the party of tolerance as they back such intolerance as displayed by ANTIFA. The liberal elite are protected by gun carrying bodyguards while they preach their anti-gun rhetoric…piss, bitch, moan and complain about “global warming” while they fly to “global warming” conferences on their private jets…and have you ever bothered to notice that not a single pro-abortion liberal has ever been aborted themselves?

That’s a bit of irony…but here’s a boat load of irony…can anyone explain to me why liberals demand command and control of our nation’s future, namely, our children’s education and at the same time openly and proudly champion the killing children before they’re born? If that’s not the epitome of the liberal double standard, I don’t know what is.

Finally…liberals, who insist they know what’s best for everybody and feel entitled to elected office are completely clueless as to how this country even operates. I’m not talking about the nitty-gritty details here…I’m talking about even the most basic principles of how our country is structured…and as a prime example…I give you Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez…the airheaded idiot who gives airheaded idiots everywhere a bad name.

In our country, we have three branches of government…let’s see if Ocasio-Cortez…the newly elected representative from New York can name those branches…

Holy crap.

“…All three chambers of…” CONGRESS??? There are only TWO chambers of CONGRESS…the Senate and the House. Then she realizes her idiotic mistake and corrects herself by making yet another idiotic mistake. “…The three chambers of the GOVERNMENT…the Senate, the House and the…”  PRESIDENCY??? First off, there are no three “chambers” of either the congress OR the government. There are however three BRANCHES of government…but…the PRESIDENCY is not one of them.

This liberal genius thinks the presidency is a CHAMBER of something, when in fact, the presidency is the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of government…the House and the Senate together comprise the LEGISLATIVE branch…and she has completely left out the JUDICIAL branch.

I’m telling you that this woman has all the cumulative brain function of a silent fart…and a likewise collective elected her as their representative…but at least now, the pressure is off of THIS guy…

I can honestly say, with every bit of confidence, that since the invention of large bodies of water…no island in the history of islands has ever capsized.

Trust me on this…while I’m only scratching the surface of the tip of the liberal iceberg with the examples provided here…the most astonishing part of it is this…liberals, unencumbered by reality, embrace the fantasy that nobody notices it.That is both the height of denial, and the depth of their abject stupidity.


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© Craig Andresen/ 2018

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Numbers Don’t Lie



Today, Tuesday, November 27th from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Numbers Don’t Lie’; ‘Liberals…Unencumbered By Reality’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in at: on Tune-In at:

One thought on “Liberals…Unencumbered By Reality

  1. The educational system, and universities in particular, are infested with radical leftists. They teach students to be mentally ill, to have histrionic fits at the mere mention of President Donald Trump (OMG! I am literally shaking!), to reflexively posture as injured victims demanding compensation whenever faced with any expression of traditional culture, and to be dishonest without compunction. The radical leftist professors apparently believe that indoctrinating students to think and act as histrionic, outraged, offended victims will lead to a leftist revolution of sorts and bring about a socialist state. To leftists, the ends justify the means. But their Utopian ends are unachievable, and the means they employ will create the ends they do achieve. And that isn’t something anyone wants.

    Universities are primarily leftist indoctrination centers. Graduating students lack the basic knowledge and skills which employers expect. Corporations report they must put college graduates they hire through remediation schooling in order to give them the basic skills they require of them.
    These new graduates must also learn to deal with reality. There is no need for offended victims throwing histrionic fits when someone fails to address them by their pronoun of choice. In fact such behavior, enabled in college, is disruptive and ridiculous in the real world.
    Something must happen to change our educational system, to end the leftist indoctrination.

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