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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
Last Tuesday, at Orlando International Airport, is where an unidentified passenger tried to take something onto a plane, and the airline told the woman…no way.
The woman was about to fly from Orlando to Cleveland on a Frontier Airlines flight and in a small tote, she had something that the airline told her she could NOT keep on board.
To be fair, the woman, when she paid for her ticket online, did add that she would be traveling with…a support animal. People travel with support animals all the time. Some people have emotional support dogs…others have, perhaps, an emotional support cat.
Whatever the case…most airlines allow most support animals to fly with their emotionally needy people, but…when this woman got on board, and the Frontier Airline flight attendant saw her emotional support animal…she was told that she could not…no way, no how…remain on the plane with an emotional support…
That got me to wondering…how emotionally wrecked must someone be to require the calming effect of THE MOST neurotic rodent ever created?
Then…I saw THIS…
Apparently, there are some people, and one has to know that they are liberals, who are so far past the point of no return that a fur bearing, nut grabbing,, hyperactive varmint that has an easier time of running the length of a city block on an ELECTRIC line…30 feet in the air…than it does crossing the damn street…AT THE END OF A CUL DE SAC….is necessary to calm their frayed, and triggered nerves.
You may well ask, how do I know the woman in the video is a liberal? Well, she’s at a Starbucks for starters…she is obviously triggered…she pitched a hissy-fit and she left the place littered. Those are all the traits we see at any liberal protest.
Now then, as to the woman who wasn’t allowed on the plane…how do I know SHE was a liberal?
I don’t…but she’s an angry mob of one, and she has AN EMOTIONAL SUPPORT SQUIRREL…Further evidence that she was a liberal loon comes from the fact that she refused to get off the plane…the crew then had to get EVERYBODY off the plane…and the police were called. Let’s just call it a damn good shot in the dark.
This is what happens when you run out of Crayons, coloring books, bottles of bubbles and your therapy puppy runs away.
How about that liberal loon special ed. teacher from Minneapolis who tweeted, “So whose gonna take one for the team and kill Kavanaugh?” This is who liberals trust to educate our most vulnerable children…a woman with bright pink hair, and Groucho Marx eyebrows who publicly states that someone needs to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh.
Imagine the ilk of those they trust to teach other kids from kindergarten through college.
Guess who needs an emotional support squirrel.
Then there’s that flaming socialist, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez who, about a week ago, fired off a tweet of her own stating, “It is well past time we eliminate the Electoral College, a shadow of slavery’s power on America today that undermines our nation as a democratic republic.”
One would think that someone running for a seat in the United States Senate would know that we are NOT a “democratic republic.” A Democratic Republic is a “government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.”
That is mob rule.
What we are is a Constitutional Republic which is defined as, “A form of government in which officials are elected by citizens to lead them as directed by their country’s constitution.”
Ms. Ocasio Cortez…we can’t possibly undermine something we are most definitely not. What we’re trying to do is prevent our nation from BECOMING what we’re not. Go get a bag of nuts, find yourself a squirrel, and I hope you get a check up from the neck up while you’re at it.
Joy Behar, from The View without a Clue has said so many things for so long that point to her mental issues that I hardly know where to start…but to be honest, I’m rather surprised squirrels aren’t chasing after her…to bury her in the yard. That woman is nuttier than a squirrel turd.
Frankly, I wouldn’t give Behar an emotional support squirrel…because then we’d have to find something to emotionally support the squirrel.
Hillary Clinton said in a television interview a week ago, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”
Oh, Hillary…you feeble minded drunk…you stand for socialism, high taxes, more governmental intrusion into the daily lives of all Americans…a nanny state from cradle to grave, open borders, illegal aliens and dead people voting and mob rule. Damn right we want to destroy that…we tend to enjoy freedom, lower taxes, less government and governmental intrusion…and capitalism.
And since when has your brand of democrats ever been “civil” anyway? If you, Hillary, think ANTIFA is civil, that Black Lives Matter has been civil, that your floppy vagina costume wearing fans are civil, or that the angry mobs we see in the streets today who claim your brand of the party are civil…then I don’t think you know what “civil” means.
I’d give Hillary an emotional support squirrel…but I think we are all pretty well aware of how Bill treats the help, and the last thing anyone wants to do is to try to collect DNA from Hillary’s therapist’s fur coat.
By the way…Hillary and Bill are going on a speaking tour. There is no way on God’s green earth I’d ever go to see those two perform Kabuki theater…but I would buy a “Bill and Hill – An Evening with a Traitor and a Letch” T-shirt with their pictures on it.
Elizabeth Warren finally took a DNA test to resolve her status as the whitest Native American in the history of whiteness, and Native Americans. It came back that she is…1/1024 Native American. In fact, she’s less Native American than most EUROPEANS.
Warren, who’s Native American name is…wait for it…Comforted by Squirrels…now claims that her ancestry PROVES she’s a Native American.
Honestly, it’s a bit like proving a white duck is a Bald Eagle.
Here’s your squirrel.
Liberals…everywhere you go, are melting down, having fits, saying and doing the most bone-crushingly stupid things and all of their collective marbles have been lost. Emotionally…they’ve gone over the edge. We should put Joe Manchin in protected place and charge people to look at him. He’s the last of his kind…a sane democrat.
Did you see the pack of reporters surrounding President Trump and Kanye West in the Oval Office last week? You couldn’t get that many reporters and photographers to be that excited if an alien from outer space landed on the south lawn of the White House. They had never seen anything like it…they simply couldn’t believe it…a black celebrity…PRAISING President Trump…and Trump HUGGING Kanye West.
Those reporters and photographers were covering the apocalypse…the end of the world as they know it. It was like big foot, the Loch Ness monster and a well-adjusted Rosie O’Donnell…something they never really thought existed…something they’ve spent years telling us doesn’t exist…a black man who is pro Trump.
Emotional support squirrels for each reporter and photographer in that room last week, and as for Kanye West…he might be a shell or two past half nuts…but no squirrel for him.
And finally…we have this bunch of yahoos…
These liberal loons actually think that the NRA is more dangerous than MS-13.
The NRA supports responsible gun ownership, supports the 2nd Amendment, and without the NRA backing, most of the control measures and background checks now in place wouldn’t exist.
Most recently, the national spokesman for the NRA was this guy…
Tom Selleck is a military veteran, an actor and a patriot. Before him, the NRA’s national spokesman was THIS guy…
For the love of GOD…He was MOSES!!!
On the other hand…here are your faces of MS-13…
Their whole thing is sex trafficking, prostitution, the sale of illegal drugs, smuggling of illegal aliens, rape, murder and they are so dangerous that in El Salvador…there’s a prison specifically for them, because MS-13 has made El Salvador the MURDER capital of the entire WORLD.
I can’t even imagine how morally bankrupt, and emotionally shattered one would have to be to believe that the NRA is more dangerous than MS-13.
I’m telling you folks…
There are way too many liberals…and simply not enough squirrels.
© Craig Andresen/ 2018
For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Republic v. Democracy…America v. Mob Rule

Today, Tuesday, October 16th from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Republic v. Democracy…America v. Mob Rule’; ‘Too Many Liberals…Not Enough Squirrels’; and important news of the day.
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