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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
In the past several articles here in The National Patriot, I have outlined the pitfalls of socialism…not that conservatives aren’t already aware of such things…and not that liberals would read those articles even if they could read.
The overwhelming history of socialism is that, everywhere it has ever been implemented, and every time it has been implemented, it eventually collapses in failure.
Last week, in several primary races leading up to the 2018 midterm elections this November, liberals need look no further than their own candidates to witness such a collapse.
In the weeks and days leading up to several key primaries, liberals sent their socialist collective darlings…Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cynthia Nixon and Bernie Sanders, otherwise known as the Marxist Sisters and the namesake of Weekend at Bernie’s…on an extended road trip to whip up support for their fellow socialist candidates.
It didn’t end well….
Every candidate backed by the Traveling Dingleberries lost their primary races. Every one of them.
On the other side of both the coin and the political aisle, every candidate backed by President Trump…won their respective primaries.
Far be it for me to gloat over this turn of events, but I do believe the collapse of socialism in the democrat party deserves the ol’ double neener.
It appears that if liberals really want to witness their promised “blue wave,” they need to load their tanks with Tidy Bowl and give their toilets a flush.
The DNC and its propaganda arm, the mainstream media has dubbed Nixon and Ocasio-Cortez as the future of the democratic party, and given the performance of their hand-picked and backed candidates last week in several primaries…the future of the democratic party is looking happy damned terrific for Conservatives.
Remember back in the day when Baghdad Bob told the Iraqi people that there weren’t any U.S. troops within a hundred miles of the capitol city…when U.S. troops were literally surrounding his Baghdad TV studio? Well…directly after last Tuesday’s dismal outcome for socialist candidates in several primaries…Chuck Todd told his viewers that democrats are expected to pick up between 40 and 60 seats in this November’s election.
Sorry Chuckles…I checked with the FAA and there hasn’t been a single report of a flying pig.
There are lessons to be learned from what happened last week, not that liberals are capable of learning anything, and the only handwriting they’re able to see on a wall comes from their indoctrinators via public schools and universities…but there are also lessons to be learned by far too many Republicans occupying congress right now.
First…liberals…you’ve hitched your entitlement wagons to puddles of glue and your gitty-up done got up and went. Your breaths of fresh air…Ocasio-Cortez, Nixon and Crusty the Socialist Clown are about as refreshing as a fart in a feedlot and it seems that even your own voters are being repelled by the stench of socialism.
And liberals, as you search for excuses for what happened to your candidates backed last week by your socialist saviors, don’t even try to claim that you just didn’t get the message out to your voters. The mainstream media and liberal bloggers have been slobbering all over Ocasio-Cortez, Nixon and that grumpy old man for months, and your voters are more covered in saliva than a lapdog’s nuts…you got the message out there alright…it was just a lousy message.
Speaking of the message, the mainstream media came out directly after last Tuesday’s dashed blue wave dream primary elections trying to spin their losses as best they could. Take this quote from a Reuters article from last Wednesday: “Republican candidates backed by Donald Trump clung to small leads in closely watched races in Ohio and Kansas on Wednesday, with the narrow margins serving as encouraging signs for Democrats heading into November’s elections.”
Here’s where the spin becomes the crap that hit the fan…
- Those “narrow margins” that were in the Republican’s favor after last Tuesday night were, just weeks ahead of those primaries, large leads for the liberals in those
races that dwindled away as Oasio-Cortez, Cynthia Nixon and Bernie Sanders took up for the liberals, and President Trump got involved on behalf of the Republicans.
- Losing their large leads to suffer losses are not “encouraging signs for democrats heading into November’s elections.”
- While the Republicans in those races will have a booming economy and both national strength and security as planks in their platforms to run on for the next three months…all the liberals have left to run on are boxes of Crayons, coloring books, therapy puppies and bottles of soon to be bust bubbles.
Certainly Ocaiso-Cortez will win in November…she won her primary and in a district bluer than Bill’s balls since Hillary’s been home…she’s the defacto candidate, and as a defacto candidate she is unable to muster up a single coat tail on which to ride despite being the future of her party.
Liberals…your cabooses are being pulled by the little engine that couldn’t, and don’t blame we conservatives…you bought and paid for the tickets on the crazy train…enjoy the ride.
Now then…for elected Republicans and their voters who occupy the Never Trump broken down bandwagon…
You RINOS are about to become as extinct as poster-boy John McCain if you fail to learn your lessons from what happened in those primaries last Tuesday. Opposing Trump because your feelings got hurt in November 2016, or because you see in President Trump the end of your Deep State desires…get a clue.
Last quarter’s GDP was a jaw-dropping 4.1% and shortly before this November’s midterm elections, the third quarter figures will be out. Don’t be one bit surprised if those numbers are better than the numbers we just saw.
How on earth are you going to be able to keep up the charade that President Trump is a disaster while our economy continues to soar and our position on the world stage continues to become that of the true leader of the free world?
Americans are nothing if not consumers, and as things stand right now, consumer confidence is sky high which is spurring spending which in turn is spurring economic growth.
On the world stage, President Trump has put America’s enemies on notice, and he’s reignited our bond with allies while not being afraid of telling some of our allies to get with the program or eat our dust.
You don’t necessarily have to like the method…but you damn sure need to let voters know you appreciate the results because our voters are ready to take the breaks off this train and go full throttle. There’s no telling how far or how fast this train will go if we add more engines to it and right now, at best, you RINOS are nothing but dead weight.
The super highway of American exceptionalism won’t be stopped by the detours you RINOS are trying to put in the way, and if you don’t want to be left at the Slauson cutoff, I suggest you quit hitchhiking with the liberals and come along for the ride.
Trust me…not even Caitlyn Jenner wants to cut off his Slauson.
RINOS, President Trump is getting things done, and that’s more than we can say for you bunch of yahoos. Either get with the program or get out of Washington…like that Arizona ass-hat, Jeff Flake. President Trump obviously has a winning formula because America is winning, and if you want to win your seat in 2020, my advice is to support the man who is Making America Great Again. If you can’t bring yourselves to drop your anti-Trump rhetoric and actions before this November, and admit you were wrong about President Trump before you look as looney as the liberals, your voters will set about finding your replacements and I mean fast.
So, there are lessons for the left and the right present in last week’s primaries, but liberals are sure going to have some ‘splainin’ to do heading into November. For instance…as the whole Mueller nonsense continues to produce not a shred of evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election, more and more evidence of liberals colluding with Russia continues to float to the surface.
Nancy Pelosi is losing not only her tenuous grip on reality, she’s also losing support from the California democrat party, and the democrat party support in the House. It seems even liberals are starting to see the cracks in her plastic façade.
By the time November rolls around, Judge Kavanaugh will be Justice Kavanaugh, and despite what you want to believe, the Supreme Court will be making Constitutional decisions for decades to come.
Have you heard about Diane Feinstein? As she pushes the supposed yet fake Trump/Russia collusion crap, it turns out that for 20 years, her personal driver was a Chinese spy. Well that’s a fine kettle of fish and rice if you’re a liberal trying to explain that away.
Liberals are also going to have to explain how Trump’s economy is at 4.1 %t GDP when they said it could never happen…how Trump got North Korea to the table when neither Obama nor Hillary even came close…how Trump got NATO commitments to up our allies ante when liberals claimed it couldn’t be done…and how Trump rattled Iran after liberals said nothing could be done.
As things pertain to Iran, here’s a bit of a hint for liberals…while Obama gave the rogue terrorist sponsoring islamist nation literally planes loads of cash in an effort to appease the barbarians…President Trump took the mullah’s moola away and guess what…the president of Iran, Hassan Rouhani…the same Iranian bloviator who said on July 31st “there will be no direct talks with President Trump unless he rejoins the 2015 nuclear agreement” did an about face so abrupt that the diaper on his head is now on backwards, and on August 7th said… “I don’t have preconditions. If the U.S. government is willing, let’s start right now.”
While liberals twist in the wind trying to explain all of that, and so much more, I just have one thing to say…
For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Ballot Box Jihad
Today, Tuesday, August 14th from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori welcome special guest Congressman Brian Mast, discuss ‘Ballot Box J****’; ‘Hey Liberals…Neener Neener’; and important news of the day.
Hope you can tune in at:
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