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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
The fantasy world in which celebrities dwell is no place for the all too real, rough and tumble world of political discourse, but far too many celebrities now believe they’re God’s gift to politics, and they just can’t bring themselves to shut the hell up.
To begin with, way, WAY too many celebrities are liberals…and I mean set off the smoke alarms flaming liberals. What they really are is communists pretending to be socialists, masquerading as democrats. We’re talking about the ilk of Sean Penn, who pals around with dictators of various socialist, or outright communist countries, and then tries to convince the rest of us that our country should be a whole lot more like the shithole countries presided over by his best buddies.
Penn, you commie hugging shallow end of the gene pool, lump of sewage…
You’re not convincing anyone that we would be better off if we were more like Cuba, or Venezuela, and you haven’t been believable in a movie role since Bill and Ted had an adventure.
Let me ask you this Penn…if those countries are so happy damn cool…what in the hell are YOU doing living HERE?
Sean Penn needs to sit down and shut up…or go live in Venezuela and enjoy socialism at its finest.
Hollywood has plenty of other celebrities that need a check-up from the neck up…like Michael Moore, Ashley Judd, and Hanoi Jane Fonda…who once said…“I would think that if you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees, that we would someday become Communists.”
How about Susan Sarandon, who in the 1980’s, when she was actually considered an actress, and not the political activist listed on her resume today, supported the Nicaraguan Sandinistas. The Sandinistas ruled Nicaragua from 1979 until 1990 when, after just 10 years of pure socialism, their economy tanked, and they ran out of other people’s money.
Barbra Streisand donated a cool $1 million bucks to none other than the Clinton Foundation to solve…global warming…a weather phenomenon that has been occurring since the day the earth came into being, and will continue its warming and cooling cycles until the day the sun’s pilot light goes out.
There are simply way too many liberals in the world of entertainment to mention, but after 8 years of the Obama regime, more and more felt emboldened to open their collective pie holes, believing with firm resolve that Hillary…their beloved Hillary would win the White House in 2016.
To that effect, celebrity after nauseating celebrity threatened to leave the United States should Candidate Trump become President Trump.
He did…they didn’t…and more’s the shame.
In fact, in the run-up to the 2016 election, you could not find a flaming liberal in all of entertainment who thought Trump had a shadow of a chance, and they weren’t shy about making their predictions a matter of the public record.
It was followed by what can only be described as the greatest public meltdown of flaming liberal “journalism” ever recorded.
Poor snowflakes.
Since the election of Donald Trump as their President, celebrities have gone off the deep end, and there’s no sigh of them ever coming to their senses.
Just last week, “Dude Looks Like a Lady” poster he/she whatever, Bruce Caitlyn Jenner who actually voted for Donald Trump and claims to be a Republican, has felt the celebrity backlash over his vote and now calls Trump the “worst president we have ever had” when it comes to representing the LGBTQ community.
Look…I don’t care who marries who…and if you don’t think gay people should get married, than by all means…don’t marry a gay person. I don’t even care if people want to play dress-up and pretend to be something other than what their DNA says they are, but at the risk of making Mr. Jenner’s mascara run…
The minority of the whatever community that’s been putting pressure on Mr. Jenner won’t be happy until a cross dressing, opposite bathroom using hairy legged lady with a set of balls who sings bass in a Village People tribute band gets elected President, so to say that Trump is the “worst president we have ever had” when it comes to representing the LGBTQ-EIEIO community really isn’t narrowing down the field much, if at all.
Furthermore…Mr. Jenner…do you really, honestly believe that wearing an evening gown, lipstick, a bra and a banana hammock makes you relevant in anything…including politics?
Jenner went on to state, “I want [Trump] to know politically I am disappointed, obviously. I don’t want our community to go backwards. Just leave us alone, that’s all we want.”
But let’s look at the facts…President Trump has not said or done anything specifically against the alphabet community…it’s what he hasn’t said, or hasn’t done that has them all riled up. For instance…President Trump did not make June LGBT Pride Month like both Clinton and Obama did…President Trump did not mention gay and bisexual men or transgender women—groups disproportionately burdened by HIV here and globally—in his World AIDS Day declaration….and President Trump did not appoint a Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy for the first time since Bill Clinton created it.
And get this…President Trump rolled back the collection of sexual orientation and gender identity data on surveys…to what? TWO…male and female? Doesn’t that pretty well cover it?
And then…there this.. President Trump actually reversed American leadership to promote an end to anti-LGBT persecution around the world. President George W. Bush’s administration included anti-LGBT persecution in its State Department’s country reports, and President Obama’s State Department promoted LGBT equality as a goal of U.S. foreign policy.
Seriously? LGBT has been a part of our U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT DIPLOMACY efforts? I know they refer to the LGBT as a “community,” but we’ve been treating it like it is a COUNTRY?
It seems to me that President Trump has been doing exactly what Mr. Jenner WANTS him to do…he’s been leaving GAYSTONIA alone.
Hollywood celebrities, or celebrities of any other realm for that matter really aren’t relevant in politics. Celebrities exist to entertain the rest of us. They play games, act, sing, dance or make jackasses of themselves on “reality” shows.
We go to the movies, or watch TV, or listen to music, or go to the theater to be entertained…to take a couple hours off from the real world, and in most cases, we watch and listen to celebrities play make believe…reading lines someone else wrote and looking good doing it.
That’s about it really, and most of the time these celebrities can’t get it right the first time, or the second, third, fourth or fifyth time. They try, and try, and try again, and again, and again to spew forth the dialogue someone else has written until they get it right, and it seems somewhat believable.
It’s not easy, and it takes talent. That’s why celebrities are celebrities…because they have a certain talent that nowhere near everybody has. Not everybody can sing. Not everybody can dance. Not everybody can play professional sports, and not everybody can act, become a character other than themselves, and make audiences believe in those characters, even for just a couple of hours.
Those that do those things well, become celebrities, those that don’t do those things well…pay to watch the celebrities do what they, themselves can’t do.
But at the heart of it all, and especially for actors who have become THE most obnoxious of all flaming liberal celebrities…theirs is a world of make-believe. The problem is…most celebrities now think their celebrity automatically makes them political experts.
Worse yet…most of said celebrities now believe they owe it to the world to blather endlessly about their own political views because…they believe…everybody is sitting on the edge of their chairs just waiting for what some B or C list celebrity has to say regarding the politics of the day.
Sadly, out here in the real world are schmucks who can’t sing, dance or act…unable to think for themselves…just sitting there, drooling into their bowls of all organic, free range bean sprout and oat cluster cereal they bought Whole Foods on Earth Day for $16.95 per box waiting for George Clooney’s next political tweet so that they’ll know which protest to attend tomorrow.
This is not to say that some of the few Republican celebs don’t have the same problem. Take Rosanne for example…last week she got a bit full of herself and issued a political tweet saying that Valerie Jarrett was a cross between the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes which was immediately deemed racist, and her show was as immediately cancelled by ABC.
To be fair…Jarrett, Obama’s puppet master, was born in Iran and it has long been a consideration that she has some ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and Obama was clearly pro Muslim Brotherhood. Oddly, and Ironically, Planet of the Apes was a Hollywood movie featuring flaming liberal actors, and neither the Muslim Brotherhood nor Planets of the Apes are a race. Rosanne quickly apologized for her tweet, but that didn’t stop ABC…a network of flaming liberals from putting an end to her very successful, Conservative leaning show.
On the other side of the coin…we find Samantha Bee…a flaming liberal celebrity who last week called President Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, a “feckless cunt” on her TBS show. TBS by the way is also run by flaming liberals. Bee, after several days, finally issued an apology, but Bee has not been fired.
Liberals, flaming or otherwise were and continue to deride Rosanne regarding her tweet, and liberals, flaming or otherwise have and continue to defend Samantha bee.
What’s the difference? Their audiences. Flaming liberals in Hollywood can’t stand to have a conservative audience vault a Conservative leaning show to the top of the ratings so Rosanne had to be fired, while flaming liberals look the other way to protect Samantha Bee’s propaganda for mediocre at best ratings.
To be perfectly honest, I would rather not see any celebrity, Conservative or liberal, wallowing about in the mud pit of politics. It’s not their job, and I don’t give a toot about their political leanings. Let them sing, dance, play games and act to entertain the rest of us who don’t have those particular talents so that we can escape, even for just a couple of hours, from the real world.
Seriously, I haven’t heard a relevant political word from a Hollywood celebrity since the end of Reagan’s second term, and he was smart enough to have left the world of make-believe long before being elected President.
Let’s face it…we will never get pearls of political wisdom from people who play dress-up for a living regardless of how self-absorbed they are, and I for one would rather wear 60 grit sandpaper underwear while running a marathon than ever hear about another celebrity providing his or her take on politics.
If you happen to be a celebrity…with the intellect of a spastic monkey…just entertain us and stay out of politics…we have plenty of spastic weasels without a lick of talent for politics and the last thing anybody wants to see is a monkey choking his weasel.
Copyright © 2018 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

Today, Tuesday, June 5th from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘A Summit in the Making…Maybe’; ‘Celebrities…the Spastic Monkeys of Political Discourse’; and important news of the day.
Hope you can tune in at:
Extremely well said Craig .