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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
We all know that the democrat left, while claiming the mantle of tolerance, is in fact the poster party for intolerance.
We also know that while the democrat left claims to be the party of inclusion, they are actually the party of division…while claiming to be the party of justice for all, they are in fact the party of justice only for the select few, and while laying claim to being the party of freedom of speech, the democrat left is, without a doubt, the party of censorship.
It really is a sad, and yet transparent state of affairs as liberals…the democrat left…claim this, that and the other thing pretending to represent this, that and the other demographic while all the while doing nothing but pandering for votes with empty promises and equally empty platitudes.
Faced with the transparency of their false claims, hollow promises and outright socialist, anti-American political agenda, it should come as no surprise that the democrat party…
The liberal left…has taken to bald-faced lies in the absence of any grip on reality coupled with desperation with regard to their recent past election loses, and with future elections looming.
But the lying has now taken on a whole new, disgusting twist…but before I get into that, allow me to bring you up to speed regarding the groundwork for the emerging line of liberal lies.
Remember Rachel Dolezal…the white woman who pretended to be black and ran a chapter of the NAACP? She’s now been indicted on felony fraud charges of stealing $8,847 in food and child care assistance dating back to August 2015 during the time frame of her pretending to be black.
Given what we now know of Dolezal, had she been caught in the lying about being black days, one could easily see her claiming “racism” had she been caught defrauding the system back then.
How about Elizabeth Warren, who lied about being a Native American for personal and political gain? She now, after being caught in her decades of lies, refuses to take a DNA test.
Obama is still lying about running a “free from scandal” administration.
Hillary and Obama lied about a YouTube video being the cause of the attacks in Benghazi that got four Americans murdered.
Hillary lied about turning over all her emails…lied about there being no classified information on her private server which she lied about having…she lied about not deleting her emails…lied about who had access to her emails, and those lies just keep on coming.
And how about the fake dossier manufactured for political gains against President Trump which led to a manufactured special investigation into Trump’s manufactured collusion with the Russians?
Lie, after lie, after lie and all have one thing in common…no consequences.
To the democrat party, the liberal left, lying is as natural as blinking, and as free from ill judgement as farting if you happen to be the sole occupant in an otherwise empty elevator…just ask Storm Drain Daniels who was just given the key to the city of Hollywood for all the lies she has told.
Talk about a skank with a stank…
The democrat party…today’s liberal left has a public perception problem in that even garden variety democrats are starting to see through the charade, so the new liberal twist on pandering for votes has become the telling of lies against entities championed by the Conservative right.
Remember the BLM…Black lives Matter…which grew from lies regarding “hands up don’t shoot?” Well…the BLM has faded into the woodwork over the past couple of years, mainly due to the fact that their lies had become transparent, and nobody was willing to join in their brand of violence and intolerance any more…they had been exposed as the racists they claimed to riot and loot against, but the Conservative right, who stood with the cops in the hay days of the BLM, are still standing with the cops today.
Liberals can’t have that…they can’t stand it…and they’re doing their happy damnedest to find a way to make cops look bad.
Tina Lehman, 49, from Gates NY physically interfered and obstructed an officer who was holding four suspects while waiting for backup, and was arrested for her efforts. She later claimed that one cop held a gun in her face for five minutes, and that another pushed her face into the mud after she had been handcuffed.
Casey Ohe, a woman from Addyston Ohio was arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct, and for resisting arrest. She claimed that the cop “made nasty remarks” and was “being very aggressive,” that the cop “kicked (her) ankle out from under (her)” and that she “asked for medical treatment,” in her official complaint against the officer.
Timmonsville South Carolina NAACP President, Rev. Jerrod Moultrie wrote in a Facebook post last month that, “Tonight, I was racially profiled by Timmonsville Officer CAUSE I WAS DRIVING A MERCEDES BENZ AND GOING HOME IN A NICE NEIGHBORHOOD.”
And then there’s the case of Sherita Dixon-Cole, a 37-year-old Texas woman, who was stopped on suspicion of drinking and driving. Dixon-Cole accused DPS trooper Daniel Hubbard of “forcefully groping” her inside and outside of his cruiser after he stopped her vehicle.
Lies…lies…lies and more lies.
In none of those cases were those who claimed to be the victims of wrong doing by the police telling the truth, and that includes the not-so-right Reverend Jerrod Moultrie. They lied because they hate the cops, and because the BLM failed to rid the streets OF cops, and they were all exposed by the devices of their own insistence…body and dash cams.
In every one of these instances, and so many more, the allegations leveled against the police have been proven false by police body and dash cams. In fact, the body cam footage regarding the case of Sharita Dixon Cole runs for just more than two hours.
The video regarding Casey Ohe shows that the office was nothing but polite and non-aggressive.
And how about the lyin’ Reverend?
Well, the lyin’ Rev actually posted to Facebook what he claimed to have been a transcript of the conversation he had with who he claimed to be a racial profiling cop that went like this…
Me: hello sir how can I help you
Officer: I am stopping you cause you fail to put on a turn signal and do you have any drugs in the car
Me: sir how would you know If I used my tum signal when you was approaching me as I turn and is there any drugs in your car?
Officer: License and registration
Me:sir can I take off my seat belt and get it
Officer: sure
Me: (as i open glove box i said )sir this is a new car i just purchased and all ! have is bill of sale, insurance card and registration from car I am transferring tags
Officer: ok where you work and who car is this and why you in this neighborhood
Me: sir I am a pastor and I live in the house on the left
Officer:And I guess I am the bill gates
Me: sir what’s the problem
Officer: I ask who car for the last time and why you in this neighborhood
Me: I told you for last time who car and where I live.( as my neighborhood starts to come out there house) By the way sir can I speak to your supervisor
Officer: walks away with my information When he returned he said did you know your tags comes back to another vehicle
Me: sir I just explain this to you
Officer: you need to park this vehicle and never drive it till you get this straight with DMV
Me: sir I have purchased multiple vehicles and never heard this now officer and I start fussing cause I said well i will be driving my car sir and anyt time I want
Officer: I am waming you to not drive this car till tags get straight and just know I am doing you a favor tonight not taking you to jail or writing you a ticket
Me: sir you might be doing your Self a favor but you certainly not doing me a favor.”
The “reverend” ended his post stating that both his wife and his baby were in the back seat, but still he was profiled and accused of having drugs.
Given all of that happy crap…watch the actual body cam video of the lyin’ Reverend’s traffic stop…
If he’s telling those kinds of lies on Facebook, what sort of lies is he telling from the pulpit?
While there are plenty of consequences that can be taken against a police officer who’s conduct is found to be abusive, or against someone’s Constitutional rights, there seems to be few, if any such consequences for those who falsely accuse a police office of misconduct, and way more often than not, after an investigation that takes both time and money, and diverts other cops from dealing with crime on the streets, the liars who file false reports against the police are generally admonished, and dismissed.
What lingers, and liberals are well aware of this, are the YouTube videos of people claiming to have been abused by the cops, and their social media posts of their false claims. In 1859, C.H. Spurgeon said, “A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on,” and while most people around the world attribute that quote to Mark Twain…it has Spurgeon’s untied boots all over it.
Personally, I don’t like bad cops, and there are bad cops out there, but I know there is nobody harder on bad cops than good cops. I want the bad cops prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I want examples made of them as a deterrent to other such bent cops.
I also want those who file false allegations against good cops punished, and I believe the way to end the practice of smearing good cops would be to make false allegations against the police a felony, punishable by a mandatory three years in prison, and all the rest that come with a felony conviction. Those who file such false allegations also need to be made examples of.
The liberal left’s bent against the police has also taken another idiotic turn…the ACLU has been busy trying to argue against allocating more school resource officers to school districts because, they claim, it creates what they call a “school to prison pipeline” for minority students.
The false liberal claim is that such officers in schools target minority students and gin up infractions that get those minority students in Dutch with the law, and thus into the system.
This of course relies on the time-tested, and often false liberal theory that cops are inherently racist, but never seems to look at the big picture to see if there are statistics regarding racial elements where misbehavior in schools is concerned. Could it be that there is an actual higher propensity for minority kids to be acting out in disruptive, or possibly violent ways whether in, or out of school?
The “National Youth Gang Survey Analysis” (2011) states that of gang members, 46% are Hispanic/Latino, 35% are black, 11.5% are white, and 7% are other race/ethnicity.
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery.
Could it be that good cops in our nation’s schools are simply seeing a microcosm of what’s taking place in the streets? And wouldn’t it be racist to only interact with those exhibiting ill-behavior at a rate commensurate with their national demographic proportions regardless of their actions? Wouldn’t that be applying law and order based on the color of their skin rather than on the content of their character?
This isn’t to say that there might not be a bad cop or two in a school or two, but the overwhelming vast majority of cops, either in our schools or on the streets are good, solid cops, but if liberal organizations like the ilk of the ACLU are planting dishonest seeds, nobody should be surprised when today’s kids grow up to be adults who file false reports against good cops.
Kids who respect the rule of law, and those who enforce those rules never end up in the pipeline, and grow into adults that have positive interactions with the police, even when in situation that call for a traffic stop and a ticket.
Police officers nationwide are being murdered by people who who have no respect for the law, or for those who enforce the law…because they have bought into the lies perpetrated against good cops by liberals who make such false allegations and spread them like wildfire.
Let me be perfectly clear…not only are those who falsely accuse cops of misconduct wasting the time and resources of our law enforcement agencies, they are aiding and abetting those who pull the trigger to kill our nation’s police officers…and that is why those who file such false allegations need to be charged with felonies, and prosecuted for their actions.
Our schools, our streets, cities, states and our nation become more dangerous when political bias removes respect for the law, for those who enforce the law, and respect for basic honesty from the equation.
It’s a shame that the democrat party, the leftist liberals can’t grasp the importance of such respect.
Copyright © 2018 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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Hey, Craig, hope you are feeling up to snuff these days. Would surely like to thank you for you topic on this today. You are spot on and sooner or later, the truth does come out…..shamefully, however, sometimes it comes out way too late. I like the felony concept of those filing false allegations especially in the world we live in today where there is a camera somewhere that recorded the truth. Keep up the good work, Big Guy!!!! Love ya, now go get ’em!!!! 🙂 Valli