Things Liberals Don’t Want to Talk About

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The 24/7 news cycle has not been kind to liberals, even though liberals, for the most part, are in control of it…but for those who actually pay attention to what is happening out there in the big old world…it’s what liberals aren’t talking about that is creating a deafening silence.

Let’s start with the latest school shooting.

No, not the one in Parkland, Florida last month, although that is the only one liberals, and their propaganda arm, the mainstream media WANT to talk about…it’s the shooting in Maryland that has fallen into the mainstream media’s cone of silence.

ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC and various other mainstream media outlets are still dry-humping the Parkland shooting because it fits their anti-2nd Amendment agenda and narrative. Those sources of fake news are still crowing over the student walkouts, and anti-2nd Amendment protests while their comrades in the halls of congress continue to demand a virtual end to the 2nd Amendment via legislation.

The shooting in the high school in Maryland, however, doesn’t even seem to be on the liberal radar, because it fails miserably to meet the criteria for coverage…because an armed school resource officer inside that Maryland high school ran toward the gunfire, rather than away from it, and engaged the 17 year old shooter…ending what certainly would have been much, much worse with a single shot.

Liberals have been giddy for weeks over NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio’s removal of armed police for that city’s schools, only to have an armed cop put a quick end to a potential murderer in Maryland.

Obviously, liberals don’t want to talk about how a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun, but it goes deeper than just that.

That 17 year old, now dead potential school murderer in Maryland opened fire with a handgun…not a rifle…and while it is against both Maryland and federal law for someone under the age of 21 to own a handgun…somehow, that kid had one…which pretty well shines the glaring light of truth on the effect of more and more such laws and restrictions that will have…absolutely zero impact…because as I have stated time, and time again…

Laws do not prevent a crime from happening…they are meant to provide a means of punishment after someone breaks the law…and bad guys, regardless of what laws might be in place, will always find a way to break those laws.

Okay, let’s move on to a few other things liberals are silent about this week…

It’s all the rage in liberal circles lately, to be squawking about Stormy Weather, Stormy Daniels, or whatever her name is…that porn star who claims to have had a fling with President Trump. The mainstream media is as fascinated by that story as a 12 year old boy is after discovering how to get around the parental filter on his laptop.

What liberals don’t want to talk about, is horny ol’ Bill Clinton getting his picture taken with two porn stars, Brooklyn Lee and Tasha Reign, a few years back. Sure…it was a ten second photo-op…but judging by the lack of control the ol’ horn-dog had with an intern in a blue dress while in the oval office, one could suspect that ten seconds might well be all it would take…or last…and Brooklyn Lee was, after all, wearing a blue dress and I think we all know how fast Bill gets to the climax of the story around a blue dress…don’t we?

Should I care whether or not Trump got busy with a porn star? Well, as Trump isn’t getting paid for being the President, if he had the fling while in office, it wasn’t on my dime…it was a porn star, not an intern, and it didn’t happen in the Oval Office under the Resolute Desk, so no…I really don’t care.

Besides…if it happened at all…why did the porn Storm wait until after Trump’s election to step up to the plate? Because…during the campaign…she was sure Hillary would win…and after Hillary lost…it became a matter of liberal smear and character assassination tactics.

That. Of course, brings us to what the liberals don’t want to talk about concerning Hillary…

That old inebriated sack of crap is still waddling around the world, 17 months after getting her hat, and her colostomy bag hImage result for hillary drunk gif imagesanded to her in the election, trying desperately to sell her whining book, and to convince foreigners that it was everybody else’s fault that she lost.

Liberals just don’t want to talk about how the woman they have touted over the years, as being the planet’s foremost feminist, is blaming her bottle induced staggering loss on…white women who, according to her, are too stupid to vote without being told who to vote for by their husbands, sons, and male bosses.

Liberals, it seems, simply don’t want to talk about how their anointed feminist leader, who they claim has always stood firmly against sexism, is whining about women who voted with their brains, rather than with their collective genitalia.

Not only that, but liberals clearly don’t want to discuss how Hillary, who made her choices not to campaign in the Midwest, or in a couple of other key states, had this to say back in 2012…‘I can’t stand whining, I can’t stand the kind of paralysis that some people fall into because they’re not happy with the choices they’ve made.”

And from the whiner who can’t stand whining…there was this from the closing weeks of the 2016 trail of crocodile tears…

But…she can’t stand whining…right?

And Hillary, who apparently spent the final hours of election night in a drunken rage in her hotel room, wasn’t the only one whining…

Naturally, both Hillary and her sock puppet mainstream media pals are still whining to this very day.

And finally, we come to this week’s happenings in, or near, Austin Texas, where for the past couple of weeks, the good people of the great state of Texas have been on edge because some absolute lunatic has been planting, and exploding bombs.

We now know that the bomber was 24 year old, Mark Anthony Conditt from Round Rock, Texas who, when cornered by law enforcement in the very early hours of Wednesday morning, briefly exchanged gunfire with the police and the FBI before blowing himself to hell with one of his own devises.

That much, the mainstream media, and liberals at large are willing to talk about, but what they won’t talk about, are the conflicts between their talking points regarding the bomber, and the talking points with regard to mass shooters.

Have we heard even a single liberal…whether in congress, in the media, or on the street blame the bombings on the bombs?

Have we heard any liberal, anywhere, blame the bombings on the cardboard boxes?

Has any liberal, anywhere at all, blamed the bombings on FedEx?


But liberals everywhere mow people over to get to the nearest microphone to blame each, and every mass shooting on the gun, on the NRA or on anything, and everything except the actual shooter.

However, in the case of the bomber, none of that was happening.

If the same liberal logic applied to guns was to be applied to what’s took place in Austin, Texas, liberal students would be walking out of classrooms demanding a ban on corrugated cardboard, packing tape, fishing line and whatever was used in the manufacturing of the bombs, along with bans on FedEx, or at the very least, a long waiting period and a federal registration for anyone wanting to send a package.

At the very least, applying liberal logic, shouldn’t liberal lawmakers be introducing legislation to make people front porches…bomb-free zones?

It’s the same liberal logic that mandates kids be sent into the streets to demand gun bans after 17 people get murdered by some pile of human garbage, but not a ban on smart phones even though, on average, and according to official National Safety Council statistics, 11 teens die every day in car accidents while they’re texting.

That’s 4,015 teens killed every year texting while driving. Compare that number with the approximately 200 kids killed in school shootings since Columbine in 1999…and ask yourselves why today’s manufactured student activists aren’t David Hogging media cameras demanding that cell phones be taken away from people who DON’T text while driving…or that nobody under the age of 21 be allowed to own a cell phone, or drive a car.

As long as we’re talking about statistics, and things liberals don’t want to talk about…according to official numbers, so far this year, 458 people in the gun-free, target-rich zone of Chicago have been shot, with 86 of them being killed.

Has anyone, anywhere, heard any liberal anywhere drone on, and on regarding what sort of gun was used in even ONE of those shootings? I mean, liberals far and wide were all spouting off over what sort of gun was used in Parkland, Florida…before the bodies were even taken out of the school, but has even one liberal brought up what sort of gun was used in even one shooting in Chicago?

Nope…and there’s a reason for that…liberals don’t want to talk about it because, apparently, it doesn’t fit their agenda of political expediency.

Has there been even one student walkout directly related to any one of the 458 shootings, resulting in 86 murders in Chicago since the beginning of this year?

Nope…but you can bet your bippy (whatever the hell a bippy is) that students in Chicago cut classes last week to protest the 2nd Amendment over what happened in Parkland, Florida…because their liberal teachers, and liberal parents told them beat the pavement while they all lectured the rest of us on our rights.

Now, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t put any stock at all in such lectures when they’re delivered by a collective of morons who believe there are any more than two genders, who need therapy puppies, bottles of bubbles and coloring books to get through an election, who believe that global warming is man-made…a gaggle of pussy hat and giant vagina costume wearing nincompoops who feel compelled to eat Tide Pods when challenged to do so…or by the next generation of their voters who are aren’t old enough to remember when a hashtag was a pound sign, or when you couldn’t listen to music on your phone unless the person you called needed to turn down their stereo.

Come to think about it…there’s quite a bit right there that liberals don’t want to talk about either.

Be sure to read and share fellow Patriot, Diane Sori’s Op-Ed “Crimes, Pensions, and Andrew McCabe” by clicking here!!

Copyright © 2018 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

Today, Friday, March 23rd from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss Crimes, Pensions, and Andrew McCabe; Things Liberals Do Not Want to Talk About; and important news of the day.