Liberals and Their Common Core Bathrooms

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

For the love of Pete.toi 1

We have a gaggle of brain dead celebrities, and equally brain dead politicians who just can’t tolerate the most basic toilet etiquette.

Because some states have passed into law, statutes which require men to use the men’s room and women to use the women’s room, liberal moonbats are coming unglued left and…left.

What’s going on here is stupid on more than one level.

First of all…we need LAWS regarding who should be peeing where? SERIOUSLY? It’s become so much of a problem, like people who tend to use their toasters in the shower for which we have safety stickers telling us not to…that we now need LAWS, passed by individual states, telling us which bathrooms we are supposed to use?

Apparently so, but…

toi 4I get that there are those who feel they aren’t who they are. I don’t get it, but I get that they exist. Men who think they’re women. Women who think they’re men. I even get how, if one is so disposed, or indisposed as the case may be, how it can be confusing…how things just don’t add up. If you don’t get that…think of common core math and substitute sexuality for math. Common core sexuality…things just don’t add up but we’re all told it doesn’t matter.

That said, and before I get back to the whole bathroom thing, there are some things about gender confusion that I find…confusing.

If you’re a dude, and you think you’re not…but you’re still attracted to women…aren’t you actually a lesbian? And if you’re a woman, who thinks you’re a dude and you’re attracted to dudes…are you gay? Along those same blurred lines…what in the hell are you if you’re a dude, thinking you’re a woman, who is attracted to guys who think that THEY’RE womtoi 3en who are attracted to women who think they’re guys?


States like Oklahoma, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, North Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee and others, along with a slate of cities are all battling it out over who gets to use which bathroom, and those who are making the decision to pass laws restricting toilet use to matching one’s anatomy and chromosomes are drawing the ire of celebrities and lefty loons in politics because, they claim, it’s just not fair.

According to the loons, grown men, wearing dresses, or at least thinking they should be wearing dresses, should be allowed, by law, to pee or squat in the same bathrooms as little girls, or bigger girls, because again, according to the loons, THAT’S fair.

Naturally, Obama is siding with the loons because, I suppose, if he had a son, he’d want to pee with thtoi 2e girls. This means that given enough time, lefty politicians are going to try and make a federal case out of this, which means rather than providing for the common defense and buying treadmills for shrimps, our congress will be delving into poo-poo-politics, writing a 2800 page bill that must be passed before anybody gets to see what’s in it, and our taxes will go UP to cover the costs of patrolling potties and the cost sorting out the weirdos from the confused will skyrocket.

Obama phones, Obamacare…Obama crappers.

It’s only a matter of time before that idiot creates a bathroom czar.

It’s bad, but it could be worse. Consider last year’s debacle at the Free Pride Glasgow march in Scotland. That’s where the Trans/Non Binary Caucus (and you think our caucus system is out there) decided that cis drag queens would not be allowed to march in the parade for fear of offending transgender people.

Yeah…I had to look it up too. A cis drag queen is a guy, who thinks he’s a guy, dressed as a woman but is not necessarily macho, or even of average masculine persona. Whatoi 5t I’m hoping is that when Obama’s goons come to get me, and they find that I Google everything from terrorist organizations to the Constitution to cis drag queens, they’ll figure I’m as screwed up as he is and just leave me the hell alone, and no, we have absolutely NO idea which toilets ANY of those marching or NOT marching in last year’s Scottish pride parade used.

Nor do we much care, but think about it for a second…that all happened in Scotland…a country where men routinely wear dresses to show off their clan ancestry…and a few other things if the wind comes up. How was anybody supposed to tell who should or shouldn’t have been in that parade to begin with?

I say, leave the Scots to their own dilemmas and don’t even get me STARTED on gourmet haggis.

The uproar over HERE is all about who gets to use which bathroom and wing nuts like toi 6Bruce Springsteen, Michael Moore and Bryan Adams have cancelled concerts and the showing of films in North Carolina and Mississippi because grown men aren’t allowed to pee with little girls And politicians from California to NY are banning all nonessential government travel to those states for the same reason.

First of all, if traveling to another state on the dime of that state’s taxpayers is nonessential…they shouldn’t be traveling there anyway. In the second place…because it’s not fair that grown men aren’t allowed to whip it out in front of little girls and grown women in a bathroom?  And in the third place…if you are as sick and tired of has-been rock concerts as I am…you now know what to do in YOUR states.

Dear liberals, there’s a reason indoor plumbing was invented…so that people would have some sense of security when they needed to take a leak or a dump, not to mention sanitary concerns, and for the better part of a century now, nobody has been pissing and moaning about where they go to piss and moan.

Now, before this ends up at the Supreme Court level, might I suggest a simple solution to this problem so as to assist those who are somewhat confused as to who or what they are and which bathroom they should use?toi 7

Check inside your underwear.

If you see a little schmeckle in there, like the one Trump claims he doesn’t have, or if you see a BIG one, like the one Michelle Obama DOES have…use the men’s room. Don’t take a picture of it lest people think you’re Anthony Weiner, and don’t fixate on it or people WILL think you’re Donald Trump. And for goodness sake, don’t go rooting around in there looking for something. If you don’t see a frank and a couple of beans at first glance, just use the ladies room.

I’ve been looking for a reason to use that clip for YEARS in an article so yeah, I had to.

Trump, by the way, is all FOR allowing men in the girl’s room regardless of whether or not he can see anything in his own underwear.

To be clear, this shouldn’t even BE an issue, but if it’s going to be…it’s a state and local issue because I can’t find anything in the Constitution that sets toilet rights. There have already been problems in states that, for the sake of “fairness” allow transgendtoi 8ered bathroom free-for-alls, because perverts are exploiting their tolerance. For instance, in California, at a Macys store, 33 year old Jason Pomare, who later admitted he was NOT transgendered, wore a wig and a couple of fake breasts (two are always better than one…or three) and went into a women’s bathroom. Apparently, Pomare was recording young girls using the restroom and Pee Wee Hermaned himself for several hours.

Rape victims are outraged and rightfully so, while in Toronto, the free-for-alls have been stopped due to peeping incidents being reported. So much for THEIR enlightenment. And in Seattle, last February, a man was caught undressing in the girls locker room while the girls youth swim team was using the facilities. Not because he was transgendered, but because he could.

You want it by the numbers? Okay, by the numbers…there are some 350 million people living in this country and supposedly, about 700,000 of which identify as transgendered and toi 9of those, some are simply exploring an alternate lifestyle, but the rest of us are supposed to tolerate their desire to use the wrong bathroom to the extent of our being uncomfortable or worse…losing our  security and putting children at risk of perverts who are anything BUT transgendered?

All in the name of political correctness?

What about the mom and pop bakery that didn’t want to make a wedding cake for the gay couple? If the transgendered have a right to their perceived comforts…why don’t the cake bakers?

We’re all supposed to take the crosses off of our churches so as not to offend Muslims, supposed to not fly our flags so as not to offend whoever is offended by our symbol of freedom, supposed to remove “Under God” from our pledge so as not to offend the atheists, supposed to do this and not do that in order not to offend this, that and the other person, and now we are being told to allow men who think they’re women, or women who think they’re men, to use whatever bathroom they want to use, just to make the vast minority more comfortable while the vast majority is forced to feel or be VIOLATED…because that’s FAIR???

Are we going to have to put women’s vending machines in men’s bathrooms now? Because that is going to be really confusing to old men…you know, men who think they’re men because they’ve always been men…when they put their money in and get a white cigar…with a fuse on it…

What happens in the privacy of someone’s own home, so long as it doesn’t break the law, is that person’s business and nobody else’s, but when we’re talking about public andtoi 10 workplace bathrooms…I say use the one where the sign on the door relates to your given anatomy, and if that means Springsteen ain’t coming to sing to you or you can’t watch Michael Moore’s latest crappy movie…consider yourself lucky.

Let people whiz and poop where their natural plumbing says they are supposed to. If you don’t like it…call a plumber to change your pipes and go to a different bakery if you really want a cake and not your fleeting 15 minutes of fame, but be aware…along with the plumber, call an electrician because it ain’t just your pipes that are suspect…you’re wiring might be ungrounded as well.

Now…if you’ll excuse me…I gotta pee.

One thought on “Liberals and Their Common Core Bathrooms

  1. And are we going to start seeing vending machines distributing dong sarongs in the ladies room. (for all I know they might already have them)

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