By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots
Over the past week or so, I have engaged many of Trump’s blind followers in conversation via social media and in person. I have tried…really tried to get a handle on their low-information adherence to Donald Trump. It hasn’t been easy, or fun, but here are the results of my efforts.
I decided to ask the low-information crowd what the attraction to Trump was all about and why they felt he was the answer to all their various issues.
Me: What is it you’re so angry about that draws you to Donald Trump?
Them: There’s too much corruption in Washington because all the politicians are bought and paid for by big corporations.
Me: And Trump can fix this?
Them: Yes.
Me: How much is Trump worth?
Them: He’s a billionaire.
Me: How did he make that much money?
Them: He’s a successful businessman.
Me: Does he hire people?
Them: Tens of thousands of people…duh.
Me: Would you say that Trump is a recognized brand name…like Sony, or Ford, or Chase?
Them: Of course he is.
Me: Where are Trump’s corporate offices?
Them: In New York, of course.
Me: So…Trump has amassed billions of dollars by becoming a big corporation with his headquarters in NYC. Right?
Them: Ummm…okay.
Me: Has Donald Trump ever donated any of his money to politicians?
Them: Ummmmm…yeah…so what? Lots of people do that.
Me: Soooooo…Donald Trump is a big corporation who has bought and paid for politicians in return for political favors…is that about right?
Them: That’s not the point.
Me: What you’re telling me is that you are supporting a candidate who has, for decades, been a big corporation and buys political favors which is exactly what you said was wrong with Washington because politicians are bought and paid for. But you feel that the way to end that sort of corruption is to elect a guy who has participated IN that corruption for decades and reaped the benefit of it personally. Do I have that about right?
Them: Nobody knows more about the corruption in Washington than Trump and because he’s been a part of it for so long…we trust him to make it go away!
Me: Okay…let’s move on here…are you religious?
Them: We sure are!
Me: did the social issues matter to you in 2012?
Them: Absolutely they did.
Me: Where do you stand on abortion?
Them: We’re against it.
Me: On partial birth abortion?
Them: Against it completely?
Me: Gay marriage…where were you on gay marriage in 2012 and again in 2014?
Me: Okay…You do know that Donald Trump has said he was pro-choice don’t you?
Them: No he didn’t…you’re lying.
Me: Yes he did and here’s the video.
Them: Ummm….
Me: You do realize that Trump said he wouldn’t halt partial birth abortion don’t you?
Me: yes he did and I showed you the video.
Them: Ummmmm…..
Me: Now you’re telling me that this guy who is on the record being pro-choice and against halting partial birth abortion fits in with your religious views from 2012 and 2014 and that he’s going to be on your side on these issues?
Them: Yep and we don’t believe a word he said in those videos because he never said what he said IN those videos.
Me: Remember when Trump was talking about running back in 2012 and then didn’t do it?
Them: We sure do and we wished he would have too.
Me: Do you realize that back then, the LGBT was a big supporter of having him run?
Them: Ummmm…no and you’re lying.
Me: You do realize that Trump has given money to the LGBT and pro LGBT groups and that they were in the tank for him back in 2012…you do know that and you know how liberal and socialist the LGBT is…right?
Them: Never happened and your lying.
Me: Here is one report…here’s another, and another and another showing exactly what I’m telling you.
Me: Can you name for me any time when Donald Trump took a pro-Christian stand on any issue and fought for it?
Them: Ummmmm….well, ummmmmm…he’s a Christian and you’re going to hell!!!
Me: I’M going to hell? Because I think the social issues belong at the state level and not at the federal level or because I really don’t care who marries who because it’s none of my business? Or am I going to hell for not blindly following a candidate who supports the things you say go against your particular brand of religion?
Them: BOTH!!!
Me: Alrighty then…next topic…how do you feel about Obamacare?
Them: We HATE everything ABOUT Obamacare.
Me: What’s Trump going to do about Obamacare?
Them: He’s going to repeal it.
Me: What’s he going to replace it with?
Them: Something better of course.
Me: He says he wants to replace it with something that covers everybody and that the government is going to pay for it.
Them: Damn skippy.
Me: Isn’t that exactly what Hillary wants? Isn’t that exactly what Bernie wants? Isn’t that exactly what Obama has wanted all along? A universal healthcare system that taxes have to be hiked up to pay for it?
Them: You’re a moron.
Me: Okay…how about foreign policy? What’s Trump’s foreign policy? Where does he stand on ISIS?
Them: He’s going to bomb the shit out of them.
Me: And then what?
Them: He’s going to not let any Muslims into our country.
Me: Sooooo…Trump is going to bomb ISIS and not let Muslims into America. That’s his whole policy toward ISIS. That’s it?
Them: Uh huh and it’s a great plan.
Me: Israel…how will Trump, being neutral between Israel and the Palestinians, who are led by a terrorist organization called Hamas be helpful to our ally, Israel?
Them: He marched in a Jewish parade one time you know? You DO know that…right?
Me: Yes…I’ve heard that, but how will Trump being neutral between our ally and an Islamist terrorist organization be helpful to our ally, Israel?
Them: They wouldn’t have asked him to be in that parade if his policy would hurt Israel and he’s going to try to make a deal with the Palestinians.
Me: Should Obama have made a deal with Iran?
Them: NO. But Trump would have made a better deal.
Me: Should we, as a nation, be making deals with ISIS or al Qaeda or Boko Haram?
Them: Trump is the best negotiator and he will make better deals.
Me: You do realize, don’t you, that Islamic terrorists are not at all hell-bent on negotiated peace…they hell-bent on killing everybody who doesn’t think like they do?
Them: Well…ummmm…none of this is as important as trade and the border anyway.
Me: Okay…a bunch of 7th century barbarians with 21st century weapons and an Islamist regime building nukes to wipe us and our allies off the map while they chant “death to America” isn’t that big of a ting in your eyes so, let’s talk about trade and the border. In Thursday night’s debate, Ted Cruz had to explain to Trump how Trump’s trade policy would be a disaster because if Trump put a 45% tariff on goods coming from other countries, those countries would just hike up the price of the goods to cover it.
Them: No they wouldn’t.
Me: That’s how business is done…you factor in the cost of doing business and set your price to make a profit.
Them: Well, if they do that…then Trump will just make the tariffs higher. That’ll show em!!!
Me: And then they’ll just make the price higher. That’ll show SOMEBODY.
Them: Trump’s going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. What do you think about THAT? Hmmmmm?
Me: How’s he going to make Mexico pay for it?
Them: Oh, they’ll pay for it.
Me: How?
Them: Trump will start a trade war and they’ll have to pay for it. In fact, he’s going to do the same thing with China and they won’t like it either.
Me: China already has a wall.
Them: Damn right and if Mexico doesn’t like it they’ll pay for the wall.
Me: Because of higher tariffs? Are we trying to keep the Mexicans OUT of America or are we trying not to let products made in America into Mexico?
Me: So we don’t want to sell American made products to foreign countries?
Them: We didn’t say that and you know it you f-ing moron!!!
Me: How exactly is Trump going to deport 11 million illegal aliens…and you do know it’s more like 22 million…right?
Them: He’ll do it.
Me: How…exactly?
Them: It doesn’t matter how. What matters is that he will.
Me: Okay…no real plan or substance but you’re okay with that I see. Let’s talk about jobs. How is Trump going to bring back jobs?
Them: He’s going to get all the companies that left to come back and that’ll being back jobs.
Me: How’s he going to do that? Give me the specifics.
Them: He’s going to make it impossible for them to keep their businesses in foreign countries and they’ll have to come back.
Me: With higher tariffs I suppose?
Them: Yep.
Me: And when they come back…IF they come back…because of the trade war Trump wants they won’t be able to sell their products TO foreign countries?
Me: That’s a nice hat you have there.
Them: It’s my Trump hat. Make America Great Again!
Me: It’s made in China.
Them: So what?
Me: The guy who says he’s going to bring jobs back to make America great again sold you a campaign hat that’s made in China…that’s so what.
Them: There’s millions of these hats being sold and that means there are millions of people who will vote for Trump!
Me: How much did you pay for that hat?
Them: Ummmmm…25 bucks.
Me: And there’s millions of them being sold?
Me: Where did you get it?
Them: On line at and MILLIONS of them are being sold every day.
Me: I thought Trump was funding his own campaign.
Them: He is. He’s self-funding his entire campaign and he’s the only one doing that…so there.
Me: You bought the hat…for 25 bucks…off of his website and you tell me that millions of those hats are being sold…I can tell YOU that Trump trademarked that silly thing so any hat, or shirt or anything else that says “Make America Great Again” on it is making him money. Now, what do you suppose the chances are, that Trump is using the 25 bucks, from millions of people…including YOUR 25 bucks…for funding his campaign?
Them: It’s his money and he can do whatever he wants to do with it.
Me: It WAS your money and you gave it to him for a hat and he’s not self-funding his campaign…YOU are.
Them: Ummmmm…..we’re getting pretty sick of you.
Me: I’m not feeling to good either at this point but I promise…just 2 more questions. If Trump get’s the nomination, can he beat Hillary?
Them: Hands down.
Me: No he can’t…here are the polling numbers….okay…last question…our education system in this country is a mess. Can Donald Trump fix it?
Them: Oh, he’s GONNA fix it alright. He’s the only one that CAN fix the education system. He’s the only ONE!!!
Me: So the guy who started up a fake university to scam people out of their money, who is being sued for fraud is the ONLY guy who can fix our messed up education system?
Them: Go screw yourself.
Me: Thanks for your time and have a wonderful, low-information day.
Well, there you have it.a little slice of Trumper insanity and a whole week out of my life that I’ll never get back.

Spot on with the Q and A, Craig. The worst part is that Trump’s worshipers have a better (though moronic) grasp of the issues than Trump does. Trump uses at max a hundred different words in a “speech”. Same crap over and over. “We’re gonna be so great you’re gonna get sick of it”. Yeah, I am sick of it. If this clown hadn’t inherited his money he’d be on welfare. Wait a minute, he is with the four bankruptcies.
You start off with the premise that Trump supporters are all “low info” which is a term you picked up on TV, is where it originated, and leftwing journalists crafting false narratives. Cognitive dissonance is like that, your lifelong personal belief system is jarred by dissonant factors, and your brain is seeking to assimilate that raw data way faster than your acceptance is willing.
It is no more realistic to assume that all Trump supporters are “low info voters” than to assume that your sampling is large enough as to define the collective and disparate group as a whole. Some of us get a kick out of Trump, are entertained by his manner, and enjoy seeing his enemies and detractors squirm. It has NOTHING to do with the fact that I think he will not make a very good President, nothing to do with anything other than seeing his haters hate, and his opponents squirm. This election is all about emotional triggers, and the Master is pulling your chain with negative emotional triggers, and you are buying into hook line and sinker.
Lonnie…Thanks so much for proving my point.
– Craig
This is so spot on, Trumpettes so blindly follow him its scary. I have had the same conversation with Drumpf cult members , They think every word out of his blowhole is gospel and refuse to hear the truth. (exactly like liberals and Obama) I shared this with every Trumpette I know, but sadly none of them will read it.