Wright Wrong About Our Constitutional Foundation

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

Over the past several months, I have been told, many times, that ours is a CHRISTIAN nation…and that our Constikw 1tution most definitely reflects that as fact.

Nothing could be further from the truth but, many have told me, in no uncertain terms, that they can PROVE it and Wednesday was no exception.

Kevin Wright, who has resorted to telling lies regarding my stand on certain topics…such as that I approve of “the jailing of Christians, and the closing of Christian schools and Churches,” none of which even approaches the truth, and that I…”agree, that Christians should be dismissed from political office…” again, a lie in the bald-faced realm…made it quite clear that…”The US Constitution, is established by Jesus Christ. If you have a problem with that, leave. We do not need any more pretend patriots.”

Oh, really?

Wright then issued a challenge, to the tune of a $1000 dollar bet that he could PROVE it. I knew exactly where he was going with that bet and rather than take his money, I attempted to put an end to his delusions…

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He would not be swayed as those who wrongly believe as he does, regarding our Constitution, are never swayed by the facts.

Wright continued down his misguided road with…

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Since I have been so regaled, many times over, I feel it now necessary to offer a bit of a history lesson to Kevin Wright and others who have been taken in by the whole “In the Year of Our Lord,” ploy. It is a completely false narrative.

First of all, “In the Year of Our Lord,” is nothing more than a formal way to represent thekw 4 passage of time as referred to by AD after a date and AD came about in the Julian and Gregorian calendars….the Julian being a Roman reformed calendar first introduced by Julius Caesar sometime around 46 BC and was the standard until being replaced by the Gregorian calendar…a calendar conceived by Pope Gregory in 1582.

The Gregorian calendar included a slight, 0.002% increase in the length of the year in order to keep Easter in a certain window as well as a revision of the lunar cycle as used by the Church of Rome…it was widely adopted as a form of standardizing international trade with Greece being the last to adopt the Gregorian calendar in 1923.

Okay, that said…AD…what does it really mean?

kw 6AD is short for anno Domini, it is from the Medieval Latin and means, literally, “In the Year of Our Lord.” In other words, its use does nothing to denote an establishment of Christianity to anything of which it is affixed rather, it denotes the passage of time. Nothing more.

Here’s where things get sticky for Kevin Wright and others who proclaim that because, “In the Year of Our Lord” is affixed to our Constitution, it shows clearly that our Constitution is based in, or established by, Christianity and that our Founders and Framers intended it to be so.

To discover the absolute untruth of that line of misguided thinking, one must research the Constitution itself and when one does just that, and I mean really research it, one discovers the truth.

Our Constitution was approved, by Convention, on September 17th, 1787 but not until a considerable amount of back and forth wrangling was accomplished however, none of it…NONE of it included any wrangling over “In the Year of Our Lord.” In fact, the original wording at the end of the document stated…“Done in Convention, by the unanimous consent of the States present the 17th of Sepr. & c.—In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names,” as per the suggestion as taken from a speech to the Members of the Convention that very day. But who gave that speech?

That is a very interesting piece of history actually…as the speech was read aloud by James Wilson to the delegates of the Convention but he didn’t write it…the speech was handed TO Wilson by Benjamin Franklin and was apparently written in Franklin’s hand so as to have appeared to have COME from Franklin but…he didn’t write it either. According to the notes taken by James Madison during the Convention, that excerpt, …“Done in Convention, by the unanimous consent of the States present the 17th of Sepr. & c.—In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names,” which appeared at the end of the Constitution and was the exact wording upon which the delegates voted to acceptkw 5 (although the wording of that particular phrase was never a bone of contention) was written by Gouverneur Morris, the Conventions delegate from Pennsylvania, who thought the speech might receive better acceptance from Franklin than from himself.

In fact, religion in any form was only mentioned twice during the entirety of the Constitutional Convention…once, in a motion by Charles Pinkney who proposed prohibiting any religious tests as a qualification for federal office holders made on August 20th, 1787 and adopted by the full convention some 10 days later and once by Benjamin Franklin who proposed that each day’s Conventional meeting be opened with a prayer…”The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this Truth–that God governs in the Affairs of Men. I also believe, without his concurring Aid, we shall succeed in this political Building no better than the Builders of Babel.”

Franklin’s motion, to open each day’s session with a prayer… failed.

The final draft however, the one we all see in the history books and so oft referenced DOES include the phrase in question but…many scholars believe it was NOT present on the draft the Members of the Convention actually signed WHEN they signed it.

How could that be?

Well…it is widely believed that, once the document had been signed, a scrivener…a scribe or writer of letters and court documents…the 18th century equivalent of an official drafter of legislation we have today…simply added it as nothing more than a formality. In kw 7other words…the phrase, “In the Year of Our Lord,” as found at the end of our Constitution, was not…was NOT placed there as some coded message that ours was to be a nation established in Christianity by our Founders and Framers but was added, as a mere marking of the passage of time, as a date on a calendar in the formal language vernacular of the day…by a simple, yet obsessive… bureaucrat or clerk.

Don’t believe it? Read Madison’s journal from the Constitutional Convention for yourself as I did by clicking here but be aware, it’s LONG!!!

In today’s vernacular, we no longer add AD to our dates except perhaps, on THE most formal of documents as the simple numbers of the year seem to suffice but, using Kevin Wright’s, and others logic…misguided as it is, as PROOF absolute that our Constitution was ESTABLISHED in Christianity would also have to include EVERYTHING containing a date.

For instance…your personal checks always include a date…does that mean that your checking account was established in Christianity? Of course not. Should a book be published, it always includes a date and for the sake of argument, let’s say a book extolling Satanism is published and contains, as all books do, the date of publication…does that mean that the Satanist book was established in Christianity?

Certainly not…that would be absurd.

Patents are dated.kw 8

Was Edison’s light bulb established in Christianity?


Our Founders and Framers were quite clear that ours was to be a nation where “all men are created equal” and in the 4543 words contained within our Constitution…not a single mention of Jesus, the Bible or Christianity…nor any other religion of deity either.

As further proof, much to the consternation of Kevin Wright I am sure, the Bill of Rights was ratified on December 15th, 1791 and the very first Amendment made the point crystal clear…”Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus eliminating any and all misguided attempts to try and establish ANY religion as our nation’s OFFICIAL religion…eliminating the concept for all but Kevin Wright and those, like him, who choose to ignore the facts and our history to promote their particular brand of religion and desire for some sort of a theocracy.

Not only was religion, ANY religion including Christianity NOT a foundational part of our Constitution…it wasn’t even argued in the Constitutional Convention that it should be. In fact. Our Founders and Framers voted NOT to even so much as include a daily prayer AT that Convention and just a few years later, they took the deliberate step, via the 1st Amendment, to ensure that NO religion EVER be adopted as an official state religion so that our nation would remain secular.kw 9

Yes, I am well aware of our different Founders and Framers quotes regarding their personal faith but that is just the point…they were free to express their personal feelings and practice their faith BECAUSE of our 1st Amendment but those quotes reflect ONLY their personal feelings…NOT the basis, foundation, establishment or otherwise of our Constitution.

Sorry Kevin but…it seems you owe many people a $1000 dollar refund…unless of course, you were lying about that as well.

4 thoughts on “Wright Wrong About Our Constitutional Foundation

  1. And he just keeps lying and lying and lying…

    Kevin Wright OK, I think we are getting somewhere. When pressed, Craig believes, that we are “One Nation under God” And that the National Motto is “In God We Trust”
    Now can we square the circle, and have Craig Andresen admit, that he believes the same, that there is one but one Creator God, he has revealed himself in the Scriptures, and to the Prophets, he has laws, and the United States was formed in according to those natural laws, so that men, could come to know HIM, in their own free will.

    The very definition of “American Exceptionalism” is that our Revolution did not devolve, as did the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the many Communist revolutions, into a blood bath. Why? Because the faith of our Fathers, was stronger than the rule of man. Were he alive today, Robespeirre, would cite Craig Andresen, as his compatriot, to justify the beheading of George Washington.
    Like · Reply · 45 mins

    Kevin Wright
    Kevin Wright Craig Andresen’s failure to corroberate, “In the Year of our Lord” by examining Madison’s notes, is not surprising. Some things were so basic to the thinking of normal, sane, common sense founding fathers, that no explanation was necessary. For example, our founding fathers, never addressed sodomy. Sodomy was so vile, so outside the boundaries of civilization, that even the mention of it. was considered more than rude.
    Many modern gay marriage appeasers, cite the “pursuit of happiness” as reason enough to justify sodomy.
    No educated man in America, whould have denied the historical life of Christ, and that his life, as recorded by the Scriptures, was so seminal, so foundational, to all human law, governments, and interactions, that the demarkation of TIME ITSELF, is appropriate for all dates in history. This bedrock principle was every bit a much of an emphatic, all encompassing truth, that it need not a mention, other than the most appropriate one – “In the Year of Our Lord.”

    Craig, a man cannot have two masters, when will Jesus be the Lord of your life so that you no longer side with his enemies?
    Like · Reply · 29 mins

    Kevin Wright
    Kevin Wright NeoClassicism, was a strong undercurrent of thought, by educated men of America in the late 18th Century, so why was not the foundation of the USA, not linked to the foundation of Rome, as in, “two thousand five hundred and twenty years, Since Romulus and Remus founded Rome on the banks of the Tiber….” Instead of, “in the year of our LORD”

    Like · Reply · 21 mins

    Craig Andresen
    Craig Andresen Oh, Kevin…as I stated clearly in the article, the Julian and Gregorian calendars were in full effect at the time of our founding as a means of standardizing international trade and, the formal way of marking a date for legal documents was…”In the Year of Our Lord,” which was added TO our Constitution after its ratification as a formal procedure. Now…as to your hollow assertion that some things were just so obvious our Founders and framers didn’t need to include them…what a crock…it would have seemed pretty darned obvious that as we were leaving a monarchy, we wouldn’t want to institute a new monarchy yet at the Constitutional Convention, they argued that point for many days. If ours was to be a nation founded in ANY religion…they would have made that abundantly clear, in written words, for the entire world to see. And finally…I was wondering how long it would take you to insinuate that I am not a Christian…once again…you have completely failed in your agenda as I am, indeed, a Christian. As to “In God We Trust” and “Under God” neither states that we are founded in Christianity and neither would as we were founded in 1776 and those phrases did not become part of the lexicon until 1954 and 1956. Really Kevin…you need to stop the lying…especially using God and Jesus to propagate your lies as that is highly hypocritical on your part at best and very un-Christian of you at worst. But at least now, thousands of people know exactly what you are.

  2. Yet MORE wrongs from Wright…

    Kevin Wright I am glad that you have taken the time to research the topic well Craig. And NOTHING you have presented here, revokes the facts – America was founded on the basis of Christian religious freedom. Not freedom from religion. The salient conflict that …See More
    Like · Reply · 1 hr

    Craig Andresen
    Craig Andresen Kevin…you still have it wrong. Our nation was not founded in CHRISTIAN religious freedom but in RELIGIOUS freedom…freedom to practice ANY religion and neither Christianity nor any other religion was ever to be a part of our government. As to Franklin…his motion, for prayer at the Constitutional Convention…failed.
    Like · Reply · 1 hr · Edited

    Craig Andresen
    Craig Andresen Also…you are lying…AGAIN…I never said the words “In the Year of Our Lord” were not there…but I DID state the FACTS surrounding their inclusion…FACTS which YOU want to deny.
    Like · Reply · 1 hr

    Craig Andresen
    Craig Andresen And as to what YOU call “offensive wording” you are correct in one thing…nobody called for the removal of the date as that was, and is…all it is.
    Like · Reply · 1 hr

    Kevin Wright
    Kevin Wright I am so glad, that I do not have to argue, that “In the year of our Lord” does not mean what it plainly means. I am so glad, that I do not have to call into question the integrity of the scrivener. I am so glad, that I do not have to call into question, the MILLIONS of Americans, who never doubted those words, nor objected to them for over two centuries. I am so glad, that I do not have to paint the founders as gullible fools who allowed themselves to be tricked into endorsing religion, by a timekeeper.

    What I will agree, is that secular historical revisionists, have been trying to blot out those words for a very long time. Citing their revisionism, as evidence that thet Faith of our Fathers did not exist, is foolhardy. The SOURCE of American Exceptionalism – Religious freedom as one Nation under God, In God We Trust, the National Motto, and Endowed by our creator, the Preamble to all our rights.
    Can you blot that out, because they are not mentioned in Madison’s notes?

    .Like · Reply · 31 mins

    Kevin Wright
    Kevin Wright All observers AGREE, that Franklin’s motion for a Chaplain and prayer was not adopted, because the passions were so hot, yet, the precedent, and the spirit allowed for the great compromise, and YES, Congress opens in Prayer, with a Chaplain, to this day. Franklin lost that skirmish on that day, yet America, won the war.
    Like · Reply · 27 mins

    Craig Andresen
    Craig Andresen As, “In God We Trust” wasn’t adopted as out national motto until 1956 and “Under God” wasn’t added to the Pledge until 1954…it would make sense to anyone with a working brain cell that neither appear in Madison’s notes taken during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Endowed by our Creator denotes a creator…of no specified religion…as most religions do believe in a creator.
    As to the words, “In the Year of Our Lord,” I do not doubt, for one single second, that they refer to the date. Notice, even after they were added, there is no denotation that they refer to anything BUT the date.
    Like · Reply · 22 mins

    Kevin Wright
    Kevin Wright So America was tricked into rejecting its Secular roots by some latter day partisans? Or was it that America made it plain, for all to see, that it could not be questioned, who and what this Nation is about?
    Like · Reply · 19 mins · Edited

    Kevin Wright
    Kevin Wright Keep it up Craig, by rejecting God, in so many ways, the Democrat Party is going to give you an honorary membership.

    Like · Reply · 17 mins
    Craig Andresen
    Craig Andresen Yet another lie from Kevin Wright…as I do not reject God in any way…never have…never will but Kevin certainly does enjoy invoking God’s name to propagate his lies.
    Like · Reply · 15 mins

  3. I am glad that you have taken the time to research the topic well Craig. And NOTHING you have presented here, revokes the facts – America was founded on the basis of religious freedom. Not freedom from religion. The salient conflict that immigrants to America sought to avoid was the conflict between Protestant and Catholic, not between secular and religious. The Constitution Convention nearly fell apart, until Ben Franklin called for daily prayer prior to the proceedings. The integrity of the US Constitution, and the men that wrote it, cannot by stained by modern atheism.

    Franklin’s appeal to appoint a Chaplain and begin in prayer, was so effective, that Congress has a Chaplain and begins with daily prayer even unto our time.

    If your assertions about the strident secularism of the founders were true, they would have done as modern scholarship has done – blotted out the words “in the year of our Lord” and replaced them with “Current era” as has become the custom in the last few years.

    Of course it takes pretending that those words are not in the Constitution, in order for you not to pay the one thousand dollars you owe. But since they are in the US Constitution, you have to resort to pretending that they mean, something other than what they say.

    They are there, they mean what they say. I do not have to resort to some complicated gyrations to trick anyone into wishing them into the cornfield. I leave that to you. Shame on you.

    • Kevin…you still have it wrong. Our nation was not founded in CHRISTIAN religious freedom but in RELIGIOUS freedom…freedom to practice ANY religion and neither Christianity nor any other religion was ever to be a part of our government. As to Franklin…his motion, for prayer at the Constitutional Convention…failed. Also…you are lying…AGAIN…I never said the words “In the Year of Our Lord” were not there…but I DID state the FACTS surrounding their inclusion…FACTS which YOU want to deny. And as to what YOU call “offensive wording” you are correct in one thing…nobody called for the removal of the date as that was, and is…all it is. Shame on you Kevin, for using the Lord’s name in vain…to propagate your lies.

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