Hillary’s Got a Whosits

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

vag 1So…Here’s the score…

The world is a damned mess. ISIS and various other terrorist ISLAMIC cults of ideology are wreaking havoc in the Middle East trying to build a caliphate and murdering any and all who don’t share their 7th century mindset.

Iran, a terrorist nation is on the verge of building nuclear weapons with which they will first bomb Israel, one of our greatest allies and then, turn on US.

Russia’s Putin, the statist, is expanding his influence in an attempt to rebuild the Russian Empire after Hillary pushed the “reset” button.

North Diarrhea is sending missile parts and technology to Iran.

Nations that don’t like us much are donating to Hillary’s foundation/slush fund.

Our Ambassador, Chris Stevens along with three others…Sean Smith, Glenn Doherty and Tyrone Woods are still dead…Hillary knows why but she isn’t talking and her defining statement on the topic which revolves around their murders and her treason is…”AT THIS POINT…WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE???”

Hillary, who has touted herself as…

“The most transparent person in public life” has erased more than 30,000 of her vag 2emails from her private server and won’t turn the server over to independent investigators but claims that SHE and her STAFF (the Muslim Brotherhood connected Huma Abedin) made sure nothing got erased that had anything to do with official government business.

Hillary’s long and growing list of scandals goes all the way back to the early 1970’s when she was FIRED from the Watergate investigation due to UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR and LYING.

The list of Hillary’s malfeasance just goes on and on and ON but…

There ARE those that, despite her well known and sordid resume are ALL LINED UP and READY to VOTE FOR HILLARY!!!


What exactly qualifies Hillary Benghazi Clinton to become the next President of the United States of America anyway?

For the answer, we go directly to garden variety, Kool Aid soaked, indoctrinated LIBERAL MILLENIALS!!!

Well, there ya have it…In the addled mindset of liberal youth…the BIGGEST reason to vote for Hillary is…

Her vagina.

Obviously, it’s not a highly USEFUL reason to vote for Hillary…it’s more…how was it Chelsea put it again…

“… when you ask about the importance of having a woman president, absolutely it’s important, for, yes, symbolic reasons — symbols are important;vag 3 it is important who and what we choose to elevate, and to celebrate. And one of our core values in this country is that we are the land of equal opportunity, but when equal hasn’t yet included gender, there is a fundamental challenge there that, I believe, having our first woman president — whenever that is— will help resolve.”

Oh…that’s right…Hillary’s primary and seemingly ONLY qualification to become the president…her vagina…is symbolic.

Just ask any of her most ardent supporters to list off her accomplishments and they’ll tell you that the TWO most notable are her knee-bruising bra buddies.

She’s a woman ya know.

Not that she’s told anybody where she stands on any of the issues we face as a nation vag 4after being in the race for a full ten days…it simply doesn’t matter.

What’s Hillary’s position on amnesty?

Ask a liberal Hillary drooler and they will let you know in no uncertain terms…

She’s got a whosits not a whatsits.

Where does Hillary stand on ISIS or any of the other Islamic cults?

She’s got girly bits.

Bring up Filegate and liberals will counter with vaginagate.



Two points here…first…even the talking heads at PMSMBC have latched on to Hillary’s one and only campaign issue and second…I think we ALL know which part of THAT pundit’s anatomy is tingling.

Look…it’s not that having a panty hamster DISQUALIFIES one from being the president any more than having a baloney pony DOES qualify one but seriously…come on…doesn’t one require SOME earned experience other than one’s gender for this job?vag 5

Ask about Hillary’s feelings towards our military and her army of brain dead volunteers will explain to you that HER privates don’t EVER stand at attention.

Where is Hillary on taxes? Where is she on our economy? What does Hillary think is the answer to Jobs creation? Unemployment? What on earth IS Hillary’s position regarding Israel…our allies…our enemies or the price of rice in China?

None of her stalwart backers and lined up voters can even BEGIN to outline her platform but ask them why they intend to cast their votes her way and more often than not it’s got a whole lot to do with the fact she’s got a JANE and not a JOHNSON!!!

My apologies to anyone named Johnson.

Why should anybody vote for Hillary over ANYBODY else in the race?

Insert slot A and forget about tab B.

Where WERE these loons when Sarah Palin was on the ticket?

Where were these half-baked Petticoat Lane parade prancers for Kelly Ayotte? For Michelle Bachmann? For Mia Love or Lisa Murkowski or Ileana Ros-Lehtinen or any of the OTHER republican women when THEY were running for office?

I mean…they all had the same equipment as Hillary but THEY had somethinvag 6g MORE…an actual platform from which to share ideas and govern…so far…all Hillary has done is hole up in Mrs. Fubbs Parlor while her Hookers for Hillary cheerleaders post Instagram photos from the Moonlight Bunny Ranch.

By and large, Hillary’s fanatics today are the same bottom of the barrel voters who voted for Obama in 2008 but back THEN they thought it was more symbolic to vote for the black candidate then the female candidate when NEITHER of them was even REMOTELY qualified.

The fact of the matter is that…the right time for a woman as president isn’t when one just happens to come along…it’s when the RIGHT woman runs for the office based on her leadership ability, her ideas and ideals, her belief in the Constitution, her strength in the face of adversity, her belief that America is THE greatest country on earth and her connection to the American people. Sadly, but not at all surprisingly, Hillary Clinton has none of those attributes.

Hillary’s ideas and ideals are corrupt, she led the Department of State into one disaster after another, she believes more in the communist manifesto than our Constitution, she folds like a house of cards, she places her needs ABOVE those of the country and in her first campaign stop…a “listening tour” because she has never been able to hear the people from her ivory tower, the average Iowans she met were hand-picked liberal advocates and a former Obama intern.

Go ahead and ask those same millennial voters from the video what they think of Hillary’s attacks on corporate big shots and THEVAG 7IR salaries while SHE rakes in $300,000.00 per 1 hour speech and they’ll no doubt tell you she’s worth it. Ask them what she ever said that was worthy of the money and they’ll tell you it doesn’t matter because…she’s a she and that’s that.

So…why again is it that they are SOOOOOOO ready for Hillary?

Simple…Because she stands for nothing and pees sitting down.


Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22nd, on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media from 2 to 4pm EST, Craig and Diane will discuss the bruhaha over gay rsp webweddings, the candidates, and the Constitution; Hillary’s platform which is anything but; and U.S. warships off the coast of Yemen.

Hope you can tune in:
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