KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY would ya? The wild Ebolas are not going to stampede through your town or neighborhood and get you.
Don’t get me wrong…there are precautions you should take to minimize any chance that you could be blindsided by a marauding Ebola and primarily among them is this carefully guarded bit of advice…
If you’re out and about, running errands or doing your daily business and you happen upon a puddle of someone’s bodily fluids…don’t…and I repeat…DO NOT frolic about in it….especially if it is a fresh puddle as the Ebola virus will only live for a matter of a quarter of a day or so in such conditions.
That, as I said, is the primary precaution one should take to avoid being attacked by a wild Ebola but there is one other very important and necessary precaution one should employ…
DO NOT WALLOW ABOUT IN LIBERAL BULLSHIT as THAT is a definitive carrier of the virus.
Good grief people…get a grip.
You want to worry about an epidemic? Worry about the epidemic of LIBERALISM which has been characterized by some as a MENTAL DISORDER. I however, see it differently. To ME…LIBERALISM is more like a brain eating amoeba and unlike the wild Ebola, liberalism is airborne.
Every time one of the infected opens its mouth, there’s a chance of it spreading and while you may THINK you’re immune to LIBERALISM, even a slight case can be deadly.
By spreading LIBERAL BULLSHIT across social media in regards to Ebola, you are, in fact, spreading LIBERALISM.
Here’s how it all works…
Liberals and socialists are so afraid they’re going to lose in next month’s elections that they are intentionally trying to distract YOU…the Conservatives and they’re using YOUR apprehension of the wild Ebola to do it.
If they can, by dumping loads of bullshit into the manure spreaders of the media cause YOU to fertilize SOCIAL media with the stuff, they can cause a pandemic the likes of which have never before been seen and the side effect most beneficial to THEM is the fact that you will be paying more attention to the crap than to the facts and the FACTS surrounding this most important election are decidedly NOT in the liberal’s favor.
Ebola probably won’t kill you unless you fail to heed the advice above but…OBAMACARE most likely WILL.
It’s all there in plain, non-common core numbers.
How many people in the United States have been afflicted with Ebola so far? By the Obama regime’s own calculations…maybe 5 or 6.
How many have been set upon by the onset of Obamacare…again using the regime’s own figures???
About 7 MILLION give or take some cooking of the books.
When it comes to Obamacare, one must bear in mind that carriers OF it aren’t always suffering FROM it and I give you congress and the Muslim in the oval office as examples A and B in that regard and as we’re talking about infectious and fatal diseases here, we’ll refer to its host carrier as…
Typhoid Barry.
What Typhoid Barry did, knowing full well the devastating effects of the Obamacare plague, was to spread the bullshit that “If you like your insurance, you can KEEP your insurance. PERIOD! And if you like your doctor…you can KEEP your doctor. PERIOD!!! Nobody is going to take that away from you…PERIOD!!!”
Well, when the first deadly cases of Obamacare started breaking out, Typhoid Barry had to change his tune and what he did, to disguise the FACTS was to change the law without the a-ok from congress and he backed that little requirement off by 3 years until, coincidentally, HE would be out of office.
37 states went along with the sham but, as WE all know, there are 50 states in the Republic which means that 13 did NOT go with the downhill flow of turds and held fast TO the law as written.
Guess what THAT means…
By November 1st…HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS more people in our nation will be afflicted by OBAMACARE as their insurance companies send out notices that THEY can no longer provide the insurance that complies with the disease.
That’s RIGHT…over the next few days, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS more Americans will suddenly be PISSED OFF (a very obvious side effect of Obamacare) and RIGHT BEFORE THE MIDTERM ELECTION!!!
But they’re not the only ones and this is exactly what Typhoid Barry was so hoping to avert. The other 37 states will come to know that THEY are living on borrowed time as it will only be another 2 years before THEY have Obamacare boils on THEIR asses as well.
Now don’t you think they would like to take preventative measures so as not to catch the full effects of Obamacare before it’s too late?
Typhoid Barry thinks so and that’s exactly why HE wants all of US cowering under the furniture too afraid to go to the polls on November 4th.
Ahhhh…November 4th…the day WE can start unleashing the CURE for Obamacare. WE, the Conservatives, Tea Partiers, Teapublicans and the like can vote for whoever has the “R” behind their name and relegate Typhoid Barry to the status of a benign tumor…make him nothing more than a useless appendage…not at all unlike a 3rd nipple or…Harry Reid’s head or…the First Hermaphrodite’s winky.
The ONLY effective treatment for LIBERALISM is voting for the candidate with the “R” attached to their name NO MATTER WHAT as doing so will put the disease in recession until we have it removed altogether in 2016.
IF however, we are distracted by social issue sniffles, as we were in 2012…LIBERALISM WILL RUN RAMPANT across the land and there will be no escape from it.
Rather than a counterproductive strategy of every Aisle of Righter for his or herself and splitting the vote so as to ensure a plague of LIBERALISM befalls us…we SHOULD all be coming TOGETHER on November 4th…nose clips and breathing masks in place to rid our Constitutional Republic of the scourge of infectious socialism.
No amount of legislation will alter the social issues but the REAL issues like Obamacare, amnesty, our border security, ISLAM (the swine flu of the Middle East) IRS targeting, NSA spying, Benghazi treason and Fast and Furious gun running along with keeping our 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th and 14th Amendment rights intact along with all the rest ARE the things we should ALL be focused upon.
Liberalism should be avoided like a steaming stack of herpes sandwiches.
Now…for God’s sake…
QUIT MAKING LITTLE CLAY SQUIRRELS OUR OF LIBERAL PILES OF BULLSHIT and let’s give Typhoid Barry and his ilk another coat of shellac on November 4th!!!
Typhoid Barry….Saw This Coming. -_-
I could not have said it better myself.
A truth-telling patriot.
It works for me.
Are you fuming yet? I am.