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As you know, Diane Sori from and I have a radio show, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS, on the CPR Worldwide Media Network airing every Wednesday from 2-4pm EST and Saturday’s from 11-1 EST and we don’t hold back. We tell the truth and we do so openly.

Our first show, on February 26th, 2014 was hacked and knocked off the air.

We did not back down and returned the very next week and have been broadcasting ever since through multiple attempts to hack and attack our show and the station as well.

Late last night, Saturday May 10th, CPR was taken OFF THE AIR by the licensing company and, this morning, the CEO of CPR Worldwide Media Network found the following email in his inbox:


“With regret, we are closing your coverage effective today due to a complaint of a possible violation of United States National Security. Contact me asap Monday morning and we can discuss this further. You will not be able to access your account here, but you can reach me by emailing me at this address and or calling my office.”

“Please remove all banners/logos and/or text indentifying you as a StreamLicensing affiliate. StreamLicensing is a registered United States Federal Trademark of StreamLicensing LLC and may only be displayed by our active affiliates.”

“Once and if this matter is resolved, I will gladly reactivate your account.”

“Sincerely,” and was then signed by the licensing agent.

It seems we have struck a nerve within the federal government…

Was it the Benghazi expose Diane and I wrote and broadcast on it’s own that brought this about? Was it the Land Grab series of articles and broadcast we did or the combination of the two that caused the federal government under the Obama regime to suspend the streaming license for CPR???cens

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that CPR was able to trace and track the IP addresses and coordinates of the hits RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS and CPR were taking for the past several weeks coupled with the ability to clearly recognize those IP addresses as belonging to the federal government?

At any rate, CPR and RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS have now been labeled as a ‘being possible violation of national security.’

However, that’s not the half of it.

Last Thursday, The CEO of CPR Radio, Michael Collins-Windsor parked his vehicle in a parking garage as he ran some errands. Upon returning to his vehicle a short time later, he found all four tires slashed…obscenities scratched into the paint job and a note on his windshield warning him that should he and his “radio cronies” continue their little investigations, his tires wouldn’t be the only things slashed.

At this time, CPR IS continuing to broadcast in a limited fashion, no music or podcasts that contain music as that would be a violation of amendlicensing and session fees which CPR pays for however, Diane and my show, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Benghazi special and the Government Land Grab special along with other programing that does NOT violate terms ARE being aired.

Tomorrow, Michael Collins-Windsor and the CPR attorney team WILL be in conference with the streaming company to find out which government agency did this, who approached the licensing company executive and exactly what threat speaking our mind, delivering the facts and doing so with complete honesty by Diane and I, our show…RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS…and CPR Radio poses to our national security.

CPR will continue to work toward a resolution to what can ONLY be described as a violation of the 1st Amendment by the federal government.

Neither Diane NOR I will  back down and we will CONTINUE to speak out!!

Please assist us in this situation by passing along this link: you can click listen to hear CPR in its current limited capacity AND by spreading the link to this article everywhere you can.

10 thoughts on “Telling the TRUTH…A BREACH OF NATIONAL SECURITY???

  1. Democracy is a transition. The MSM machine pushes the term constantly. It is the rule of men vs. the rule of God. Choose your side. The war will not stop.

  2. The link to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS in the above article has been hacked and redirected to “Patriots Against Right Wing Nutjobs”, a Facebook page.

    The Leftist censors are becoming more and more bold.

  3. Our Federal government has been allowed to go too far. Now, it may be too late. Blood will be have to be shed for things to turn around… How do you defeat a tyrannical monster legally when they are the biggest law breakers that exist today? Lawyers cannot help. Petitions to Congressmen, many who are in bed with the tyranny will not help… The time for talk to cease, replaced by action is almost at our doorstep, and they have every intention of kicking in our doors… What alternative do we have?

  4. You know America. I was not in military. But you have to be SOME KIND OF Total Blob of Brain Matter to not see the switching of the Guard from the beggining the terror suspects became YOU, Millitary, Our Laws and Our Rights.
    You allowed them to write it all out .. All documents and Law enforcement and Social Policy and Millitary Procedures and Education Circulium and Allies and Partnerships.. Changing as*** Weather Underground Planned*** 1963 and the commie progressive society and ciaaa fbi etc., American and Institutes, Injustices and Chaos to justify need for Civility, Appeacesment, criminilizing freedom and abusing Justice( A Social Model UN() EXAMPLE,, excuse to be friends a new department was estabilished , (Kosovo, Somolia, ) Kenya.. Clinton, Bush now 0bammie establish a Faith Based Reach out because if ( imaginary discrimination and misundersatanding) A NEW (Covert Front I say ) Department. Ya know to Give a hand to misunderstood people(s) of some religons . Not had that issue in USA (Really ) a twisted liberal mind program foreign beliefs were not being instituted and defended by our own leaders, rights and protection and accussing violent retoric against citizens to stir emotions and demonize every law, citizen, belief and soverinity . Paying for and handing over billions as a right for the Injustice of YOU/USA/ and as as we fight in a war we are constantly Chasticsed and Ridiculed for who we are by the very preseance of our Life which is now a target of a Political Maddness and its Terror Military (paid for by USA) al llqueda new foundations started in 2009 and in Yemen with gitmo detaine released . Gitmo is a Training facility )fyi) . The Reach out department. A COVERT .Plan.. In your Face. a Entitlement Grabing ,Civil Right islamaphobic , anti USA anti christian ideology and a police agenda daming American Law over another and inciting hate. Covert opp..
    slush fund for Agenda….that SEEMS TO NOT BE in USA interest. it is TREASONOUS…

  5. What I read here reminds me of what I have read about life in
    Hitler’s Germany. Anyone voting for any Democrat candidate is
    doing the same stupid thing the Germans did when they voted in
    Hitler. MAKE NO MISTAKE, Obama is the second coming of Hitler.
    His platform is the Cloward-Pevin Strategy. A strategy to destroy
    capitalism. A strategy BHO is following to the TEE. His disregard
    for our Constitution and the rights we have we have enjoyed and our young have fought and died for, and now he is using the IRS, the FBI, the HSA, the CIA, the Attorney Generals office, the Immigration Service , boarder patrol, NIH and other federal
    agencies as his storm troopers, makes me want give up my Citizenship. I don’t want to live in Obama’s America. You stupid
    Democrats can have it. Van Vollmer, no longer proud to be an American.


  6. Yes, we are under the beginnings of Totalitarian Rule, a.k.a……transitioning into…… COMMUNISM.

  7. It’s getting scary: “Was it the Benghazi expose Diane and I wrote and broadcast on it’s own that brought this about?” Yeah, was it?

    And what will happen with Trey Gowdy and committee? He’s already had death threats. How far will the Benghazi investigation be allowed to go? How close will “they” allow him to get before “they” stop him?

    We have a very frightening government, and I don’t see things getting any better anytime soon. “They” will do anything to protect BO and Hillary.

  8. It seems that we are being watched. So far being watched wasnt breaking any laws. And speaking out wasnt against any laws. Now they are acting out to keep the truth from being aired or discussed. Im guessing they are watching me also. Im not sure this has anything to do with whats going on with you, Diane and CPR, but from the 3rd to the 9th of this month has been wiped off my wall. Either Im getting paranoid or what Im discussing in that time frame is the same thing youre being stopped from discussing. Maybe its all a coincidence and maybe not. (shrug)

  9. What are matters of National Security again?????


    Sending my best in your efforts 😉

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