Benghazi: The Truth Exposed – Part 1
By Craig Andresen on April 7, 2014 at 9:06 pm
For the next two days, My Right Side Patriot’s radio partner, Diane Sori and I have combined our efforts to bring you the latest and most stunning coverage of the Benghazi cover up you will read anywhere.
Today, we have written separate articles with mine outlining what transpired before the attacks and Diane’s, regarding what transpired DURING those attacks.
If you think you already know the whole story…You don’t and, what you DON’T know is likely to light your hair on fire.
On January 15th, 2014, the Senate Select Committee on intelligence review of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi was released to the public.
Naturally, you read that report.
You didn’t?
Well, surely you heard all the details of it on the news.
You heard that the Benghazi attacks could have been prevented. That’s what you heard on the news. In fact, that’s about ALL you heard on the news because, mainstream media and, in this case, even Fox news didn’t give the report the coverage they should have.
There’s a lot more, a WHOLE lot more in that report than, “It could have been prevented.”
For instance…
Were you aware that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence spoke with General Petraeus not once, not twice but, 3 times and one of those times was when the General was still the head of the CIA?
That is a fact that will become more important when you see how it ties in with the rest of this series later on.
The committee also spoke with the CIA Chief of Base Benghazi who was there on the night of the attacks, a fact made even more important given last week’s testimony from Michael Morrell, the then Deputy Director of the CIA who admitted that the unnamed Chief of Base Benghazi emailed him, just 4 days after the attacks to tell Morrell, in no uncertain terms that the attacks were NOT part of some protest over a You Tube video but were, in fact, a TERRORIST attack.
Were you aware…
From all the in depth coverage in the mainstream media when this Senate Select Committee report was made public just 4 months ago that there were 3 attacks in Benghazi that night? Not 2 but…3. The one on the consulate or, Mission. The next being the attack on the CIA annex but, were you aware of a SECOND attack on the CIA annex?
Did you know, from the mainstream media that, Tyrone Woods and Glenn Doherty SURVIVED that first attack only to be killed in the SECOND annex attack some 5 hours later?
It’s all in the report.
There’s more in that report too and some of it, mentioned in passing, is stunning.
Absolutely stunning.
We all know, from previous open testimony that Ambassador Stevens, Gregory Hicks and others made numerous requests for added and upgraded security in Benghazi, all of which were denied and that, during the months leading up to the attacks of September 11th, 2012, Hillary Clinton and the State Department actually drew DOWN security there and REPLACED our security teams in Benghazi with “security” provided by the February 17th Brigade…Ansar al-Sharia which is, in fact, al Qaeda by another name but, I believe there’s a damn good chance you were NOT aware that the situation in Benghazi was fully known not just by the State Department but, by those MUCH higher up in the chain of command…as outlined in this report.
Read these paragraphs from pages 10 – 12 of the report:
That is but a redacted snippet of that part of the Senate Select Committee Report regarding what was going on in Benghazi before the attacks but…
Let’s be clear…The CIA was producing reports and presentations…The DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) was producing reports and presentations…The Pentagon’s Joint Staff was producing reports and presentations…and AFRICOM was producing reports and presentations all regarding the growing and dire actions of al Qaeda and the forming of Ansar al-Sharia in eastern Libya, Benghazi to be exact and, the only way Obama would NOT have been aware of this would be if he gave a direct order TO the Joint Chiefs of Staff that NO such information was to be brought to his attention.
Obama was, after all, in the final months of his reelection campaign and not only needed plausible deniability but, cover as you will soon see.
That too, will fit the narrative as we proceed to connect the dots.
Let’s continue.
We all know there were prior incidents of attacks by al Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia in Benghazi and that there was a hole blown in the “security” wall of the Mission, that the Red Cross had pulled out and that the Brits, after attempts on the life of their Ambassador had also pulled out of Benghazi. Right? But were you aware of how many attacks led up to THE attacks of September 11th, 2012?
Here is a list from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Report from pages 12-13:
There were, in fact, 20 prior attacks in Benghazi, perpetrated by al Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia, NONE of which were tied to any protests and, guess who knew about all of them.
Other than Hillary Clinton’s State Department and the CIA…With whom Ambassador Stevens was in frequent if not daily contact, we’re not entirely sure because, in the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Report, one entity was deemed to risky to name publicly and that entity was redacted.
At this point, in part 1 of our Benghazi Special Report series, allow me to remind you that both Diane Sori, my Right Side Patriots radio partner and the owner and publisher of the Patriot Factor and I, independently, within hours or days of the September 11th, 2012 Benghazi attacks, came to the conclusion that said attacks were NOT due to some protest regarding that inane You Tube video rather, they were a coordinated terrorist operation to HIT Ambassador Stevens as he was about to blow the whistle on a GUN RUNNING operation that was moving the weapons supplied by the Obama administration to Libyan “rebels” (al Qaeda, our enemy in a time of war) via the CIA (who had an annex in Benghazi) to the Turks (acting as strawmen) and into the hands of Syrian “rebels” (also our enemy, al Qaeda, in a time of war) to be used to defeat Assad.
There has been no evidence in the connect the dots pictures based on any testimony or reports made public to support wild theories concerning some presumably botched “kidnapping” of Ambassador Stevens to trade him for al Qaeda detainees however, based on our further investigations and this Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Report, Diane’s and my gun running conclusion have done nothing BUT gain credibility.
That said, allow me to continue with analysis OF this Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Report.
We know for a fact that security WAS drawn DOWN in Benghazi regarding our consulate or, Mission there and that it WAS replaced by “security” provided by our enemies, Ansar al-Sharia (al Qaeda) leading up to the attacks of September 11th, 2012 but, what we discovered next in the SSC report is something to which, again, NO coverage has been given by the mainstream media.
While our Mission in Benghazi, as well as OTHER western entities were being attacked some 20 times leading up to the September 11th attacks and, while MISSION security was being drawn DOWN and REPLACED…What, exactly, was happening at the CIA annex just 1 mile away from the Mission?
Read the following, the most startling part of which you have not heard from the media that has been highlighted for you from page 18 of the report:
And what exactly WERE those upgrades?
Read page 19 of the report:
Fully and completely redacted but, that is not to say we can’t glean some very useful information from this.
If the CIA was beefing up THEIR security and, according to the report, they WERE, the reason was because al Qaeda, once they get their hands on U.S. weaponry in ONE region doesn’t work or share well with al Qaeda in ANOTHER region and the CIA, taking away al Qaeda’s cache of weapons in Libya and running them to Syria put that CIA annex in the cross hairs.
The CIA, while supplying the Joint Staff with intell regarding the building threat of al Qaeda in the region would NOT have been able to divulge the black op gun running for fear of leaks and, the CIA would not have been able to provide added security for the State Department Mission without drawing undue attention to what it was THEY were up to.
The Obama administration, Obama and Hillary Clinton specifically, turned THEIR backs on the Benghazi mission early on because, all THEY needed was until December of 2012 to complete the task of running those weapons to Syria at which time, the Benghazi State Department Mission was to have been abandoned anyway.
But, Then came Ambassador Stevens, arriving on the scene in Libya in April of 2012 and discovering, according to what Diane Sori and I now fully believe and CAN substantiate as a gun running covert operation as described above, must have wanted to remove himself AND the Department of State from any and all aspects involved.
Trust me when I tell you we WILL substantiate that gun running claim and SO much more…In our jointly written article and on Right Side Patriots…Tomorrow.
We believe that, by August of 2012, Stevens had become fully aware of the operation and, that he had made it known he wouldn’t be a part OF it therefore, we believe, the Obama administration decided to shut him up and concocted the cover story which could very well have included the distribution of that You Tube video to Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood friends with the idea that THEY could engage in region-wide “protests” on a specified date to provide cover for the Benghazi attacks.
Diane and I both, more so now than ever before, believe the Obama administration viewed Ambassador Stevens as the fly in the Benghazi gun running covert operation ointment and one that could well have ended Hillary’s political career and presidential ambitions and further, one that could well have led to a Constitutional crisis with the arrest of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama on charges of treason.
From here, I will hand things over to my Right Side Patriots radio partner, Diane Sori who, in her post today in the Patriot Factor, will take you through the revelations we discovered regarding the Benghazi attacks themselves.
Trust me, there is a great deal you never heard from media sources before regarding those attacks recounted in the report and, to find out for yourselves what those facts are…You must read Diane’s oped today by Going to The National Patriot’s HOME PAGE and scrolling down just below THIS article or, CLICK HERE to read Diane’s FULL article.
Tomorrow, Diane and I will wrap up our Benghazi Special Report series with our stunning conclusions by connecting the dots that nobody else has bothered connect and don’t miss our show, Right Side Patriots tomorrow, Wednesday April 9th, from 2-4pm EST on the CPR Worldwide Media Network as we put this all together live, on the air.

When foreign diplomats sense their lives are in danger they try to send paper ‘classified documents’ to ‘safe’ places or they destroy those documents which could fall into enemy hands. And if choosing to smuggle documents out they do NOT send them to just one person…they send copies of said documents to many…either couriering them out via a trusted person or most likely in Stevens’ case sending the computer files through the internet and e-mails to those they trust. I would safely guess that’s what Stevens did, for being the consummate professional he was known to be, he probably documented everything (I believe) he suspected about Obama’s involvement in the guns and weapons running operation, and sent it to those he trusted as the events in Benghazi and around the area started to heat up. And most likely Stevens’ actions and his suppositions were discovered by Obama’s and Hillary’s people, and thus he was marked for a ‘targeted kill’ to silence him, because the presidential election was coming up and Obama could NOT afford any bad press.Sadly, Smith, Woods, and Doherty were mere collateral damage.
As I’ve explained in my previous op-eds and Craig in his, we both believed within mere hours of the attacks that Ambassador Stevens most certainly suspected Obama was ILLEGALLY running guns and weapons to the al-Qaeda backed Syrian rebels, and was going to expose him. However, in the weeks leading up to Benghazi, Stevens started sensing he was in serious danger and reached out to Hillary Clinton…in her capacity as Secretary of State and as his boss…for help and protection, because he had NO reason NOT to trust her and thought she would come to his aid (NOT realizing that Hillary was also involved in the operation). That would explain his many e-mails directly sent to her where he pleaded for additional security. In fact, on June 7th, July 9th, and August 15th he asked for more protection or that plans in the making to draw down security be halted as security was in danger because the February 17 Martyrs Brigade guarding the Mission was becoming “unreliable.” And these e-mails either went unanswered or were flatly refused. BIG mistake in trusting Hillary as she in turn probably told Obama that they were about to be exposed…making the attack on the Benghazi Temporary Mission a calculatedly constructed cover for what was to be the ‘targeted killing’ of Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
Later that day the U.S. Senate’s Homeland Security Committee issued a statement that warning lights were “flashing red“ as news broke of attacks on the U.S. embassy in Cairo. Claiming the attacks were a response to the now infamous YouTube video…The Innocence of Muslims…the CIA sent cables to its foreign consulates warning of possible copycat attacks. And Sean Smith, Stevens’ information management officer e-mailed a friend: “Assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures.”
9.50pm…Stevens now sent a message to Gregory Hicks, America’s Deputy Chief of Mission in Tripoli, telling him: “We’re under attack.” The attackers then set fire to the guardhouse and a rocket-propelled grenade slammed into the lintel above the front doors, allowing gunmen to rush inside. The DSS agent with Stevens and Smith led them into a final place of refuge, the so-called ‘safe haven.’
12:15am…after the CIA team abandoned the consulate, crowds of local men and boys stormed the consulate. The fires were dying down and walking the grounds they found the unsecured window into the ‘safe haven’ where they found Christopher Stevens barely alive. A video, timed at quarter-past midnight, shows them carrying Stevens onto the patio (at 48 seconds) amidst shouts of “Allahu Akbar” before deciding to bring him to the Benghazi Medical Center where he was officially pronounced dead after 90 minutes.
* IMPORTANT NOTE…The five DSS agents went into the ‘safe haven’ at 10:50pm and Ambassador Stevens was NOT there as they only found Sean Smith’s body. However, at 12:50pm when the locals went in they found Stevens barely alive (notice how they dragged a barely alive man out) and took him to the hospital. The fact that the DSS agents could NOT find him could be as simple as the smoke obstructed their view in the room or was Stevens NOT there because he was taken out, brutalized, and returned so as to appear to have died of smoke inhalation. And who are these locals who found Stevens…could they have actually participated in the attack or were they just curiosity seekers who wandered into the compound to see what all the ruckus was about..we might NEVER know.

In that critical half hour between 10 and 10:30pm EST, Obama and Clinton set in motion the video ruse that they had planned as cover all along. And with that done the President of the United States excused himself from the Situation Room as he deemed it more important to go to sleep and be ready early in the morning to jet off to Las Vegas to raise money for his presidential campaign…deeming that more important than staying to learn the fate of the four missing Americans. Amazing…unless he chose to excuse himself because everything was going according to plan…meaning Ambassador Stevens and what he knew could NO longer touch him.
Benghazi: The Truth Exposed…Part 3 of 3
By Craig Andresen on April 9, 2014 at 5:00 am
Article Co-Written by Craig Andresen and Diane Sori
After the attacks in Benghazi many questions remained that needed answers even after the Johnny-come-lately FBI investigation said all had been answered, and those who wanted to protect the Obama regime by refusing to answer them was in full operational mode. The Rose Garden speech blaming the video…Obama jetting off to Vegas for a fund raiser…Susan Rice spreading the video nonsense on five Sunday shows…Hillary and Obama blaming the video at the memorial service as the caskets of Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty arrived…and more of Obama’s blathering on about the video ruse at the U(seless) N(ations). We do NOT need to go into details with which everyone is already all too familiar. What we must do however, is connect the most disturbing of dots. Let’s begin with the ‘stand down’ orders.
Issuing a ‘stand down’ order does follow a specific chain of command, and the one relating to Benghazi would go like this, in order from top to bottom…President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary’s of the various armed services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the various Chiefs of Staff for each military service, the Commanding General for AFRICOM, and the local command structure under AFRICOM.
All in the command chain below Obama have denied giving such an order, including then Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (remember, Dempsey testified that orders were given to assist in Tripoli but NOT to assist in Benghazi but NEVER telling who gave that order but we know it was NOT him). And all the military branch Chiefs have also said they gave NO such order. And while AFRICOM Commander General Carter Ham did give testimony in a closed door hearing before the House Armed Services Committee investigating Benghazi, we still do NOT know his testimony, but know that if he had given such an order it would have been made public for all to hear for it would have cleared Obama, especially important because everything possible is being done to try and distance him from this event, especially after his nonsense about a YouTube video.
But NO such announcement assuming responsibility for that ‘stand down’ order has been made by General Ham so logic would dictate he gave NO such order. And remember, Panetta announced back in October 2012, that General Ham would be retiring for refusing to obey orders NOT to assist the US personnel in Benghazi on that fateful night, and that on Saturday, October 27th, Panetta confirmed that General Ham had indeed been ‘relieved’ of his AFRICOM command.
Now here is something interesting about the official command chain…neither the Vice-President nor the Secretary of State is in that chain. But, the Vice-President and the Secretary of State do have the authority through the President to countermand any one below the President. And while the National Security Council and the Department of Homeland Security Secretary influence military decisions (to some degree) through the National Security Act and through their advisory positions to the President, they do NOT have the authority to issue an actual ‘stand down’ order on their own as that can ONLY be done by those in the direct chain of command.
Yet according to whistleblower Gregory Hicks (the Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya at the time of Benghazi), who when testifying before Congress said that after the first attack a security team left Tripoli for Benghazi with two military personnel, and that four members of a special forces team in Tripoli wanted to go in a second wave but were ordered to ‘stand down’ (but he did NOT know who gave that order).
And remember…
Even though many were close enough to assist and possibly save Ambassador Stevens and the others, including Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette, commander of a Navy Carrier Battle Group that was within range to help…including two Marine anti-terrorist teams based in Rota, Spain who were ready, willing, and able to help…and also including a 130-man, fully armed Marine Force-Recon unit on the ground in Sigonella, Sicily…all ready to deploy to Benghazi to help, yet all say they were told to ‘stand down’. And that ‘stand down’ order assured that Ambassador Stevens would die with Information Officer Sean Smith and ex-Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty becoming collateral damage…becoming just more ‘bumps in the road’.
So, the bottom line is if then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta did NOT give the order to ‘stand down’…if then AFRICOM General Carter Ham did NOT give the order to ‘stand down’…if General Dempsey, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff did NOT give the order to ‘stand down’…and if all the other then Commanders and Officers did NOT give the order to ‘stand down’…that leaves only one person who had the authority to give that order…the one person who had the most to lose if Ambassador Stevens survived…and that one person is Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
As we continue to connect dots, let’s not forget the FBI investigation in Benghazi. Yes, THAT investigation. The one that didn’t begin until 20 days after the attacks.
Because, we were told, Benghazi was unsafe.
This of course, begs the question…IF Benghazi WAS so dangerous that the FBI couldn’t go there, why then was the place crawling with western reporters just two days after the attacks?
If reporters were there and everything seemed “normal” or as normal as an al Qaeda held region could be, it would lend some air of “credibility” to the whole You Tube video/spontaneous protest ruse cooked up by Obama and Hillary Clinton prior TO the attacks.
Remember too that reporters found one of the ring leaders OF those attacks, calmly sipping strawberry frappes and willing to talk about the attacks while sitting at a Benghazi sidewalk café.
Too dangerous for the FBI and yet, perfectly safe for the media?
It was, after all, the media that became one of the CIA’s trusted sources regarding the You Tube video ruse…According to the CIA’s own second in command, Mike Morrell in last week’s testimony before a house committee so it should come as no great surprise that the media was unencumbered in their forays into Benghazi following the attacks.
While we’re on the topic of a stalled FBI cooling their heels in Tripoli while the media was free to roam about in Benghazi, let’s recall another major idiosyncrasy.
Just three days after the Benghazi attacks, on Saturday September 14th, 2012, CNN reporters, nosing about in the State Department’s burned out Mission, made a stunning discovery…the personal journal of one Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
His PERSONAL journal and NOT any document that belonged to the Hillary Clinton Department of State and, what became of that journal?
CNN notified the family of Christopher Stevens hours after their discovery, and through a third person, returned that journal to the family.
That was AFTER Hillary’s State Department went into orbit and DEMANDED the journal be returned because CNN had admitted to using information from the journal in their reporting including one very telling item.
CNN reported, based on a Stevens journal entry, that the Ambassador had great concerns over a…”HIT LIST!!!”
When asked to comment on that report, State Department spokesman Philippe Reines, A SENIOR ADVISER TO THEN SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON responded: “I have absolutely no information or reason to believe that there’s any basis for that.”
Interesting, isn’t it? The number of rather “fortunate coincidences” for the Obama administration here?
The FBI not being in Benghazi because it was “too dangerous” while reporters had free reign of the place without incident?
How it took exactly the amount of time, three weeks, for the FBI to finally arrive in Benghazi as Obama and Hillary continued to try and float the You Tube video ruse?
How the personal journal of Chris Stevens was discovered and used to report his concerns over a “HIT LIST” but then turned over to his FAMILY rather than to the FBI investigators?
And the fact that said personal journal containing the “HIT LIST” passages was found on September 14th…(By sources cited by the CIA’s 2nd in command and used to “confirm” the phony You Tube video/spontaneous protest cover story) only to be secreted OUT of Benghazi in the nick of time for Susan Rice’s five Sunday Show “Blame-the-Video” performances on September 16th?
In what we firmly believe to be a well-orchestrated, pre-planned hit on our Ambassador in Benghazi, there are NO “fortunate coincidences.”
There are, however, too many CONVENIENCES to be ignored.
And now, let’s take a look at a part of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Report that received virtually NO media coverage and, an excerpt that sheds a truly shocking light of truth on all the dots we have connected.
We find the passage on page 46 of the report:
First, the ‘deliberative process.’
Deliberative process privilege is a privilege exempting the government from disclosure of government agency materials containing opinions, recommendations, and other communications that are part of the decision-making process within the agency. This encourages open and independent discussion among those who develop government policy.
The theory behind the protection is that by guaranteeing confidentiality, the government will receive better or more candid advice, recommendations and opinions, resulting in better decisions for society as a whole.
Obviously, this administration obstructed the Senate Committee’s investigation because there were things in the “deliberative process’ or, the building of the cover story, they don’t want We the People privy too.
Go figure but, the SHOCKING part of this passage involves, ‘Executive Privilege.”
THAT is a privilege that can constitutionally ONLY be employed when a PRESIDENT is DIRECTLY INVOLVED in the situation at hand…DIRECTLY INVOLVED.
Therefore, by exerting EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE…Obama has tipped his hand that, as our connect the dots Benghazi investigation into the TRUTH has surmised…Obama’s fingerprints are all over what happened there. Obama’s fingerprints are on the before, during and after the attacks situations and, if he colluded with the likes of Hillary Clinton and Leon Panetta in the gun running acts of treason we believe they all did, the very idea that Obama was personally involved would also cover their involvement under the cloak of “Executive Privilege.’
We can find NO investigation or coverage of this revelation by anyone else in the media.
All of this said, why haven’t there been arrests? Why has NO one from al-Qaeda or Ansar al-Sharia involved in those attacks been brought to justice and, perhaps a better question, why has NO one from within this administration, other than the whistle-blowers like Gregory Hicks, been held accountable for their actions and involvement in the attacks that left Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods dead?
We believe we can also shed the staggering light of truth on that as well.
As was said in Part 2 of this investigative report, we believe Benghazi was constructed to cover for the ‘targeted kill’ of Ambassador Christopher Stevens for Obama dared NOT let the information leak out that guns and weapons were being run to the al-Qaeda backed Syrian rebels. And as said, we also believe that towards the end Stevens realized he was betrayed and that NO help was coming from Hillary or from any in this administration, so he reached out to the political opposition…as in John Boehner…the Speaker of the House.
We believe that this is what Boehner refers to in his interview with Laura Ingram when he said, he’s heard the “chatter” about gun-running being at the center of the Benghazi scandal, but can’t elaborate on it because it came from a “classified source”…(like Ambassador Stevens himself perhaps).
On September 19, 2012, eight days after the attack and again on October 25, 2012, John Boehner met with Leon Panetta…who at this point Boehner still trusted…bad mistake…to discuss ‘issues’ like the IRS scandal and such. Now don’t dare believe that they didn’t discuss Benghazi…you know as well as we do that they did. And Panetta being the good Obama and Hillary loyalist immediately told Obama and Hillary what Boehner told him…then setting up a foundation to silence Boehner…to stop Boehner from
OK’ing what ‘We the People’ and the families left behind so demanded…an Independent Investigation into Benghazi.
We believe Boehner knows the others besides himself to whom Stevens sent his information, and that Obama and crew know he knows but at this point have NOT been able to ‘break him’ if you will, but by blackmailing him they can keep him in check. It’s been public knowledge that Boehner has been suspected of having an affair with Lisbeth Lyons, Vice President for Government Affairs for the American Printers Association and a DC lobbyist…which both have flatly denied, but what if Obama and crew have proof…as in pictures or tapes. Remember, a sex scandal destroyed General Petraeus’ career and got Billy-Boy impeached, as it destroyed others as well.
Now consider this as an adjunct possibility…with a good old-fashioned sex scandal the only thing that seems to be what brings a DC politician down…and with Boehner being the third in line for the presidency…a position he so wants to keep…maybe a tit-for-tat tradeoff of silence was reached…as in Boehner maybe telling Obama ‘you keep your DNC cronies and lapdog media out of my personal business or else I blow the lid off Benghazi.’
Everyone of late thinks Boehner is a coward or a wimp but he is NO such thing for to get where he is politically, he had to crush his opposition and crushing your adversaries involves dirty politics. In DC the nice guy does finish last…the cut-throat politician…and Boehner behind closed doors could very well be more cut throat than crybaby. And NO matter what people say about Boehner he, at this point in time, is indeed safely ensconced in his position as Speaker of the House.
This could well be the reason why John Boehner is blocking an Independent Investigation, because to go forward would implicate him in the cover-up and there goes his political career… and welcome to GITMO.
What we have done, throughout our three article series, “Benghazi: the Truth Exposed” has been to pour through all the available information, facts, testimony, and those items abbreviated by the media, to form the most plausible scenario by connecting the dots.
We have explored other possible theories, however, we have always found the available facts to lead directly back to those we have put forth in this series. We believe there was indeed a covert gun running operation, we believe that the Obama administration deliberately set up Ambassador Stevens for a hit, and that in the aftermath, the Obama administration deliberately endeavored to cover-up their acts of treason.
References: as well as numerous British Intelligence reports