“If YA don’t like the way I’m doin’ things, feel free to file a lawsuit.”
THAT is, essentially, Obama’s definition of “leadership.”
He feels safe in this respect because, over the years, liberals have loaded as many socialist/activist judges into the federal court system as possible and, on the off chance Obama finds his agenda being aired before a judge NOT of that ilk…He has the element of threats on his side.
This is exactly how the Dictator, Barack Hussein Obama manages to issue his unilateral decrees without the interference of congress.
I have another definition for you too:
1.simulate or unsuccessfully attempt sexual activity with (someone or something), usually while fully dressed and without gratification.
What we have here is an unknown entity, Obama, who has had his college records sealed, his thesis sealed, his selective service records sealed and hides them behind a forged selective service registration form.
Obama has had…His Illinois State Senate schedule sealed…His Illinois State Senate RECORDS sealed and any record of his BAPTISM sealed.
Barack Hussein Obama, if that is his real name…Has had any notion of seeing his long form birth certificate sealed and has provided what has been proven to be a bad forgery of a birth certificate posted on the white house website with the claim that it is real.
HE…refuses to allow US…To see ANY of these things and yet…
There he is…Ordering the NSA to collect “meta” data on each and every American citizen. He has ordered the NSA to collect our phone records, our banking transactions, our emails, tweets, texts and social media posts.
HE…Has ORDERED the NSA…To make available to HIM…OUR personal and private information and, what he couldn’t get from the NSA…
He now has access to via OBAMACARE…Our private MEDICAL RECORDS.
Yes…HE…Has had HIS…Medical records sealed away from US.
Now…Get this…
Have you heard of “DROPOUTJEEP???”
The administration that couldn’t build a website that worked for nearly $700 MILLION dollars and, after admitting that they don’t know what they’re doing in the website arena NOW wants to create a WHOLE NEW GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRACY to deal with their shortcomings…
Has their NSA using “DROPOUTJEEP.”
“DROPOUTJEEP” is spyware employed by the NSA and implanted into iPhones and SIM cards which allows Obama’s NSA to activate your iPhone’s microphone and/or camera…WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE OR…YOUR PERMISSION!!!
Oh…That’s not all…
According to the leaked document…“DROPOUTJEEP” also makes it possible to “remotely” download or upload files to a mobile phone and allowS the NSA to divert text messages, browse the user’s address book and intercept voicemails.
Suddenly…Standing in line for the next gen iPhone seems about as smart as having had voted for Obama.
Doesn’t it?
Last week, Rand Paul announced that HE is filing a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT against Obama for the NSA spying and that anyone who wants in can visit his Facebook page to do so.
Of course, if you do that, there’s a pretty damn good chance Obama will hear about it via the NSA but, don’t let that stop you…They already HAVE all your information.
The problem is…In what court in the land will Rand Paul’s lawsuit be heard?
There is about as much chance for a successful outcome as there is that Obama will make his THESIS and his REAL birth certificate available for you to read.
Then, there’s Obamacare.
The DICTATOR has altered, changed, delayed portions of and messed with…”THE LAW OF THE LAND…” dozens of times and not ONCE has he done so through the CONGRESS.
If you add in all those Obama proclaimed Obamacare waivers…
Unless you’re a liberal/socialist…You know that our founders and framers were a pretty smart bunch of fellows.
They saw this coming because, it was exactly what they were trying to end.
Obamacare, due to a decision made by one who was arguably threatened by Obama…Chief Justice John Roberts of the United States Supreme Court…Obamacare IS a TAX.
The thugs who are to enforce it belong to the IRS…The TAX wing of Obama’s government who were, on Obama’s orders, TARGETING groups unfriendly to the Dictator.
If you don’t pay up for your little slice of socialism…You aren’t “FINED…” You are “TAXED” for failing to share your wealth.
Obamacare was written in the SENATE by hijacking a HOUSE bill number…erasing everything IN that bill and REPLACING it with OBAMACARE and then, just as Obama has had done with all HIS RECORDS…
Obamacare…All 2700 pages of it was SEALED so that nobody could READ it until, after the right people were literally BRIBED by Obama, the DICTATOR, it was passed by a single, overriding vote.
As we neared the advent of socialism via Obamacare, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee stood tall and offered those in congress the opportunity, the LAST opportunity, to stop it but, they declined because…As those who belong to the Socialist and Communist parties and yet sit in our congress told us…”OBAMACARE IS THE LAW OF THE LAND AND IT IS NOT TO BE ALTERED!!!”
Not by those ELECTED to REPRESENT We the People…Anyway.
A TAX law…NOT written by the REPRESENTATIVES…Has undergone well more than a THOUSAND alterations at the SOLE discretion of ONE MAN…
If that’s not the very definition of “TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION” I don’t know what is.
Our ancestors would be reloading right about now but, what are WE doing with the Republic entrusted us BY the founders and framers???
Far too many are squandering OUR freedoms because they don’t think it will affect THEIR freedoms.
It’s a byproduct of socialists in charge of our schools for too many decades.
Today’s liberals think that socialism is THE answer and that, somehow, only the rights of Conservatives will be trod upon.
It won’t dawn on the low to no information voters that THEIR rights and THEIR privacy is being wiped away until it’s gone and who will they turn to then?
The problem with those who wish for socialism is that they think it will make everybody even at the TOP of the heap when, in reality, it equalizes everybody at the very bottom and only the RULING class…Those who MAKE the laws, APPLY the laws at their own whim and those who decide who will and WON’T be subjected TO their laws…Have “rights.”
Guess what, garden variety socialists and socialism yearners…
Obama has the NSA listening to your phones too. He’s reading YOUR texts and YOUR emails just like he’s reading ours.
Obama and his minions are turning YOUR iPhone cams and mics on and off just like they’re doing it to us Conservatives.
You are NOT immune.
YOU who want socialism are being pitched from YOUR insurance too…Aren’t you?
YOUR insurance premiums are going up…YOUR deductibles are going up?
Your co-pays are going up too.
Your SALARY…THAT’S not going up to compensate though…Is it?
And you young wannabe socialists…How’s Obama’s socialist Obamacare working for YOU???
All of a sudden…YOU are the ones upon whom OTHERS will reap rewards.
Wealth redistribution ain’t that cool when it’s YOUR wealth being redistributed…Huh???
What’s that?
You’re sponging off the system? You signed up for Medicaid…You’re unemployed…Getting welfare and living high on FOOD STAMPS???
Given the situation with the NSA…You CAN’T be thinking that…OBAMAphone is really FREE can ya???
Here’s some breaking news for those of you dry humping the leg of socialism…
Neither is your freedom.
only think we got going for us is he went swimming in on his vacation
They need physical access to your iPhone to install DROPOUTJEEP.
Guess what Mark…All they need is access to the COMPONENTS of your iPhone like…the SIM card for instance and, if you don’t think Applw would agree to be complicit…THINK AGAIN!!