With But 11 months to go until the 2014 midterm elections and, with elected liberals running like turpentined cats away from Obamacare…The left is desperately looking for something around which THEIR core, low to no information voters, can rally.
As things stand now…Not even their steadfastly deceased voting bloc can muster up support for Obamacare.
It’s clear what that “thing” will be as liberals tipped their collective hands last week.
In case you missed the DeBlasio coronation in NYC a week ago…
The new Marxist Mayor of the city that never dozes off except when it comes to vetting their candidates, made the following statement:
“We are called to put an end to economic and social inequalities that threaten to unravel the city we love. And so today, we commit to a new progressive direction in New York. And that same progressive impulse has written our city’s history. It’s in our DNA.”
Economic and social inequalities.
That, to socialists, is the problem that threatens to unravel…Not only the city of New York but…By extension…The nation!!!
Seriously, they can’t help it.
After all…It’s IN THEIR DNA…So says Marxist Billy.
I believe, were they to undergo a DNA test, they would discover what we’ve suspected all along…
Liberals…Socialists and PROGRESSIVES are descended from the BUTTHOLEOSAURUS…A creature sporting a 5 to 6 foot tall STINKER on 1 end and a walnut sized THINKER on the other but…This is not a medical exposé.
The socialist search for “equality,” social and, especially ECONOMIC, is the new rallying cry from the PROGRESSIVEOSAURUS ilk.
Here’s what Bill Clinton had to say on the subject during DeBlasio’s, Marxist ring kissing ceremony.
“This inequality problem bedevils the entire country. But it is not just a moral outrage, it is a horrible constraint on economic growth and on giving people the security they need to tackle problems like climate change.”
This…INEQUALITY…Problem bedevils THE ENTIRE COUNTRY and, because of it…People just don’t have the security to tackle…CLIMATE CHANGE.
Gee wiz…If only there were NOT social and ECONOMIC…INEQUALITY…BEDEVILING the ENTIRE COUNTRY…
We could finally fix…THE WEATHER.
Good grief…
Climate change or “global warming,” for the disciples of Algoreianity, is as much a myth as successful socialism but, the KEY in that utterance by Mr. Hillary Clinton was that “inequality bedevils the entire country.”
Sure, there are plenty of decorated college dunderheads with degrees who firmly believe that the entire world owes them something because they’re special and, that those who have more than THEY do should be forced to SHARE but…That’s what they’ve been taught by their liberal/socialist indoctrination specialists for the better part of 20 years.
Reality has yet to smack those occupiers villages in need of idiots into next week so…Allow me.
Here’s how socialism works.
You find some arrogant fool and elect it to high office and that fool decides that there are some among the population that have more than do others so…The fool “taxes” them until they DON’T have as much as the next group down the ladder and GIVE it, in the form of bribes for votes, to those at the BOTTOM of the ladder.
Once the formerly rich have been knocked down a peg…The Kenyan, Muslim, terrorist hugging…I mean Obama…I meant to say…The FOOL, then goes after those who have a LITTLE more than do others and so on and so forth until, as Margret Thatcher so brilliantly put it…He runs out of other people’s money.
At that point…Nearly everybody is on the big government entitlement list until there are no more entitlements to hand out and those who thought socialism was the answer to all their problems, find themselves revolting.
In that respect, they have caught up with we Conservatives, as we have found the socialists and, those who dream of it, revolting all along.
This is not to say that socialism won’t bring with it…Equality.
It will.
We will all be equal at the bottom of the outhouse and the only people above any of us will be the ruling class giving us all they’ve got.
Hairless Belefonte was also spewing nonsense at the DeBlasio “Hate on America” fest last week and had THIS to say:
“While it is encouraging to know that the statistics have indicated a recent drop in our city’s murder rate, New York alarmingly plays a tragic role in the fact that our nation has the largest prison population in the world. Much of that problem stems from issues of race, perpetuated by the depth of human indifference to poverty.”
Just to put Belefonte’s microscopic intellect into perspective…
In 2003, he made THIS pronouncement to the Propagandist arm of the CASTRO regime: “If you believe in justice, if you believe in democracy, if you believe in people’s rights, if you believe in the harmony of all humankind — then you have no choice but to back Fidel Castro as long as it takes.”
Let me put it this way…Thanks to living in America…Hairless Belefonte was able to SING about a Banana Boat and become a MILLIONAIRE however…Had he been in CUBA…Belefonte would have been ROWING that Banana Boat trying to get TO America but, there ya go…A 6 foot stinker with a walnut sized thinker.
The problem with those whose thinkers are up their stinkers, is that they just can’t grasp the inherent, impending disaster socialism creates for itself.
The only money government has, is the money they take away from those who, through the motivation of capitalism, strive to make more of it. Remove that motivation by taking increasingly more of what they have and it won’t be long before they quit MAKING money and start TAKING money.
The more of them who recognize socialism’s diminishing law of returns and let the government provide for them, the fewer workers there will be as businesses close. Those former workers will begin to rely on the provisions of the government and, as socialism pays more OUT…They raise taxes on those still trying to work in order to compensate and, in short order…You have more on the dole than willing to climb out of the hole.
Here’s the easy question for those pining for socialism.
Can you name a country where it, socialism, has been successful.
The answer is NOWHERE.
Perhaps the better question might be…If socialism is so GREAT…Why does it always start or, wind up being forced on, the people to whom it’s supposed to bring equality, at the point of a gun?
Allow me to leave those who are scratching their heads and colons at the same time with this…
Just a couple of days ago…Obama issued this statement:
“Just a few days after Christmas, more than one million of our fellow Americans lost a vital economic lifeline – the temporary insurance that helps folks make ends meet while they look for a job. Republicans in Congress went home for the holidays and let that lifeline expire. And for many of their constituents who are unemployed through no fault of their own, that decision will leave them with no income at all.”
Never mind that the liberal/socialists went home too, that’s not really the point.
Obama’s talking about GOVERNMENTALLY HANDED OUT “insurance,” collected from the WORKING to be given to those NO LONGER WORKING due to HIS absurd policies and, by TEMPORARY, he means…”IF SOCIALISTS HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT…IT WILL NEVER GO AWAY!!!”
Why WORK when you can collect never ending paychecks, food stamps, health insurance subsidies and all manner of OTHER “entitlements” NOT to. Where’s the MOTIVATION to find a PAYING JOB???
When Obama took over, there were 27 million Americans on food stamps. Today…48 million. The lack of motivation bred by socialism is setting in. Today…1 of every 5 Americans receives TAXPAYER ASSISTANCE and that number is climbing.
Obama and the OTHER elected socialists want to raise taxes AGAIN…After the country’s largest EVER tax increase, called Obamacare, and after the OTHER tax increase that hit 1 year ago. In New York, where taxes are already SKY HIGH…DeBlasio, the Marxist…WANTS TO HIKE THEM EVEN HIGHER!!!
Obama is proving the point that socialism is counterproductive but…as much as WHAT he said was wrong…From WHERE he said it, SHOULD give even those who yearn for socialism, pause.
Obama made that statement while on his $20 million dollar Hawaiian vacation…the one he took AFTER his $100 MILLION DOLLAR AFRICAN VACATION LAST SUMMER!!!
Now then all you fledgling socialists out there…Ask yourselves 2 questions.
First…Where did YOU go on vacation last year?
Second…Who has the ground floor office in socialism’s outhouse?
And finally…Look up and describe the view from the outhouse basement.
Uh huh…
I’ll bet you’re looking at the stinker end of a socialist BUTTHOLEOSAURUS…Aren’t ya?