How Low Will Obama Go for Fundamental Transformation?

On January 28th, 2014, his highness the king, will deliver his State of the Union speech.

After being named as the deliverer of the 2013 lie of the year, a lie repeated by him some 3 dozen times over the past 3 years, Obama’s SOTU for 2014 should be one for the ages.

Obama will, no doubt, blame republicans for last fall’s 17% government shutdown as well as for a myriad of other things republicans had nothing with which to do.

But…If he chooses to duck and run from Obamacare on January 28th 2014 as he did in the 2012 SOTU, the omission will speak louder than his droning words as Americans, by the tens of millions, from both sides of the political aisle, are being screwed BY Obamacare daily.

How will he handle the topic?

The initial prognostication of most conservatives is that Obama will turn it into yet another festival of fibs. A desperate delivering of deception.

Another litany of lies.

The American public are watching their lives be turned upside down by Obamacare and their bank accounts being drained by it. Businesses are seeing their American Dream become America’s worst nightmare and, liberals up for election in November of 2014 are heading for the deep weeds because of Obamacare.

As his poll numbers continue to decline and more and more Americans deem him unworthy of trust, even the pathological liar knows the jig is up.

So, if one takes lying out of the teleprompter, what other options does the liar have?

It will be shocking if Obama doesn’t blame republicans and the Tea Party specifically for the failure of Obamacare. He will pander to liberal voters by trying to claim that because the Tea Party and republicans in general did not assist in Obamacare, they and only they are to blame for its many failures. Republicans, he will say, SABOTAGED Obamacare.

But…What if he doesn’t stop there?

When one thinks of the other ways to handle the untenable, one shudders at the thought.

Before we get to that, let’s refresh ourselves on a few quotes regarding Obamacare from SOTU’s past.

In 2009…

“Our recovery plan will invest in electronic health records and new technology that will reduce errors, bring down costs, ensure privacy, and save lives.”

“Now, there will be many different opinions and ideas about how to achieve reform. That’s why I’m bringing together businesses and workers, doctors and health care providers, Democrats and Republicans to begin work on this issue next week.”

Lies. All BS and the proof is now hitting the fan.

In 2010…

“Our approach would preserve the right of Americans who have insurance to keep their doctor and their plan. It would reduce costs and premiums for millions of families and businesses.”

Ahhhhh…And the 2013 lie of the year draws its first breath.

In 2011…

“What I’m not willing to do is go back to the days when insurance companies could deny someone coverage because of a pre-existing condition. I’m not willing to tell James Howard, a brain cancer patient from Texas, that his treatment might not be covered. I’m not willing to tell Jim Houser, a small business owner from Oregon, that he has to go back to paying $5,000 more to cover his employees. As we speak, this law is making prescription drugs cheaper for seniors and giving uninsured students a chance to stay on their parents’ coverage. So instead of re-fighting the battles of the last two years, let’s fix what needs fixing and move forward.”

Now, Americans are finding that many of their prescriptions are not available through Obamacare…Small businesses must STAY small because of Obamacare…Employees are being dumped BY their employeers, large AND small because of Obamacare and both premiums and deductibiles for Americans who have been thrown from the policies they liked and wanted to keep are going through the roof UNDER Obamacare.

And what of the denial of coverage by insurance companies?


And…In 2013…

“We’ll bring down costs by changing the way our government pays for Medicare, because our medical bills shouldn’t be based on the number of tests ordered or days spent in the hospital — they should be based on the quality of care that our seniors receive.”

And guess who gets to make those decisions regarding your quality of care…A 15 member panel of government appointed bureaucrats rather than you and the doctor you USED to have.

Now then…The State of the Union 2014. What WILL Obama say? WHAT CAN HE SAY???

Regrettably, he could have plenty to say and none of it good.

Obama has to see the November of 2014 handwriting on the wall and a shift in power in the senate would doom his socialist agenda.

Considering the scope of what most see as a monumental mess regarding Obamacare, Obama could simply employ the nuclear option.

Imagine Obama, announcing that Obamacare IS, indeed, a mess and, such a mess it cannot possibly move…”FORWARD.”

However, because of concessions already made by insurance companies and, with so many Americans “enrolling” in NEW policies…Obamacare simply cannot be rolled BACK either.

Therefore, Obama could tell us on January 28th, 2014, “I am calling on congress to come together and, for the sake of Americans, institute a single payer system.”

Oh boy…Here we go…

Obama would be putting the Republican led house in the unenviable position of either conceding to a single payer 100% socialist system or, leaving multitudes of Americans without health coverage.

Republicans, who have forced liberals to OWN Obamacare lock, stock and smoking barrel thus far, would be absolute FOOLS to wave the white flag of surrender in favor of the hammer and sickle flag of communism.

It would be political suicide and they know it.

Obama realizes this and, he also knows, full well, that Obamacare is finished (as it was never intended to succeed) and Americans MUST have health coverage so…A scenario in which the house REFUSES to implement a single payer system would REQUIRE the Dictator to institute single payer by the stroke of HIS pen.

After all…It would be a life and death crisis he would be averting by Executive Decision…Wouldn’t it?

Here’s a little something else Obama knows…A law enacted by CONGRESS can be STRICKEN by congress while an EXECUTIVE ORDER on the other hand…

Not even impeachment would alter that course, as a president Biden would most certainly not interrupt the free fall into the absolute liberal/socialist abyss.

Will the 2014 State of the Union be the culmination of the socialist dream? Rather than an entitlement generation will ALL Americans, at the stroke of a pen, be forced to become wards of the state?

That all depends on the willingness of conservatives, the Tea Party and Republicans in DC to accept this scenario as a very real possibility, work together and meet the issue head on in a most preemptive way because, liberals, especially in the senate, have a great deal to lose as well.

“The American Health Care Reform Act,” one of 6 Republican plans out there is gaining strength. Right now, there are nearly 100 Republicans in the house ready to sign on and/or cosponsor the measure and, if Republicans can agree on the details, the fine points OF the plan in the next month, it could well scuttle the socialist nightmare scenario.

There is no doubt the AHCRA would, with its measure to fully repeal Obamacare written in, pass in the house.

SHOULD Obama opt for the single payer during his SOTU, he would be admitting that Obamacare is beyond saving and THAT would leave open the door for senate LIBERALS to finally do what should have been done some 40 opportunities before and agree to full repeal.

Whether or not they would pass a Republican house bill to replace Obamacare is an open question but, they WOULD be behind the 8 ball and desperate enough to have SOMETHING upon which to hang their hats leading into the 2014 midterms and, because of the Harry Reid nuclear option, it may be easier to pass such a measure.

Then, the question becomes…Will Obama sign such a bill that received bipartisan support in both houses?

And risk losing, perhaps for the next century, the eternal liberal/socialist, progressive dream of American socialism?

Are you KIDDING???

Obama, as a child, was raised by communists and socialists. He spooned with Marxists in college and has dedicated his entire adult life to the pursuit of the “Fundamental Transformation” of the United States.  His domestic political allies are the some 70-80 members of the Communist Party USA who are in congress and the socialist unions.

He will NOT do what’s best for the Republic over his hell bent for destiny ambition of a United Socialist States of Amerika.

And, if We the People rise up against him and his socialist agenda?

Just as he named his socialist law, “The Affordable Care Act” to soften the reality of his socialist agenda, Obama will enact…”Continuity of Government.”


It sure sounds less intrusive than what they USED to call it.


Wake up America.


3 thoughts on “How Low Will Obama Go for Fundamental Transformation?

  1. I left a word of that post. Let me rephrase that.

    I ‘hear’ that people who have signed up are getting the dues TAKEN from their checking account already and they havent even gotten their cards.

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