Obamacare – Make No Mistake…The WORLD is Watching

Fallout from Obama’s man-made disaster, Obamacare, is not limited to those Americans being cancelled by their insurance carriers.

The fallout is not limited to the economy.

It’s not limited to the white house or the liberal/socialist party or agenda either.

There is fallout that nobody is talking about and the ramifications of it are dire.

Dire to national security and dire to international security as well.

And, to be certain, the fallout is not just from Obamacare as Obamacare is nothing more than a microcosm of the real problem.

The problem is trust.

Obama doesn’t have it. His polls are falling by the day as more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that he is unworthy of trust but the polls don’t show the whole story.

For 5 long years, Obama and his administration have been plagued by what HE has called…”PHONY SCANDALS” and while you can fool some of the people SOME of the time, we know that one can’t fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.

Our allies, around the world have been watching.

As the NSA was spying on THEM…

THEY have been watching US.

Fast and Furious.

Our allies watched as Obama told the world that he knew nothing of it and, they watched as he issued Executive Privilege OVER it which, they knew, could ONLY be done if Obama DID know of the whole Fast and Furious scandal.

They have been watching ever since as hundreds in Mexico have died because of those weapons and they have watched as Obama has made not a single effort to reach out to the family of Brian Terry.

Obama covered up Fast and Furious after people died on both sides of the border and took no responsibility for it while the world watched.


Obama doesn’t have it.

The world was watching as it became known that Obama had the IRS harassing Conservatives and they were listening when he said he didn’t know anything about it until he saw it in the news.

How do you think our allies view a “president” who has his political enemies targeted by an arm of his administration?

They view him as they view 3rd world Dictators who do the same to their people.


Obama doesn’t have it.

The world was watching when Obama “led from behind” and sent arms to Libyan, al Qaeda rebels. You don’t think our allies around the world were questioning the viability of arming OUR enemies and THEIRS???


Obama doesn’t have it.

The world was watching as the Brits and the Red Cross fled Benghazi and Obama was building up the CIA presence there while, at the same time, was drawing DOWN our SECURITY presence there. They watched while the black flag of al Qaeda rose above Benghazi and we didn’t leave. They watched as Obama and Hillary HIRED the enemy for SECURITY there.

The whole world watched as al Qaeda attacked our consulate in Benghazi and that CIA annex. They watched as our Ambassador, Chris Stevens along with Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed there.

They watched and saw no help coming. No U.S. military special forces. Nothing.

They watched as Obama stood on the world state and blamed a video nobody had ever seen and, they remembered how he turned his back on the family of Brian Terry as he did the exact same thing to the families of the Benghazi 4.


Obama doesn’t have it.

They watched as Obama had his henchmen at the NSA and the Department of Justice harass and intimidate Members of the press…Just like 3rd world Dictators do.


Obama doesn’t have it.

Our allies around the world were stunned to discover that Obama’s NSA was spying on THEM.


Obama doesn’t have it.

Our allies have watched Obama demand the removal of a tenuous ally in Egypt and back the enemy’s rise there.

Our allies have watched Obama destroy an enemy of the world and then leave the doctor who made it possible to rot in a Pakistani jail.

They have watched Obama systematically remove the best and brightest military leaders of our nation’s armed forces to replace them with those who would rather cuddle their enemies and ours than destroy them.

Our allies listened when Hillary shrieked “WHAT DIFFERENCE, AT THIS POINT, DOES IT MAKE???”

They watched as Hillary’s closest adviser was tied through her family to their enemies and ours.

They heard him when he said he wanted to “fundamentally transform America,” though they hoped he would not but…

They have watched Obama stomp on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 10th amendments to the greatest Constitution ever written and…

Perhaps the greatest of all shocks to assail our allies has been Obama’s complete disregard for Israel.

He told them to retreat to their pre-1967 borders.

He has snubbed Netanyahu.

He has given Iran the “time and space” to accelerate their nuclear weapons ambitions.

Obama has sided with the Palestinian Authority, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Hezbollah in direct opposition to the security of our brothers and sisters in Israel.

He has condemned Israel for exercising their right to defend themselves from their enemies and ours.

And now…The world watches and waits as Obama has the untrustworthy Hillary’s untrustworthy, anti-American Secretary of State, John Kerry, try to convince the world to ease the sanctions against Iran that would allow the country that wants to wipe Israel from the map, finish the nuclear weapons program they have been seeking for so many years.

Is it any wonder at all that our enemies no longer fear us and our allies no longer trust us?

Today, our allies watch as Obama has been caught in a web of his own lies…Defrauding and deceiving the people of the United States, foisting upon them, through bribery, a law none were allowed to read and furthering the agenda of socialism in a once Constitutional Republic and they wonder.

They wonder because they know that to achieve true socialism, one short step from communism, a nation’s government MUST seize control of the healthcare system from patients to the doctors and they see it happening in the one place they thought it never could.

They wonder how this miserable excuse for a president could defraud his own people, wreak havoc on his nation’s economy, put forth plans that leave more unemployed than employed, ignore and subvert his nation’s Constitution, demoralize his country’s military, turn his back on Americans in peril overseas and cozy up to his nation’s enemies in a time of war yet still be reelected.

They know dishonesty, fraud and intimidation played a role in that too.

This is not the America they have known.

Our allies now place a higher degree of truth in the former KGB agent and current president of Russia than they do in the former community organizer and current lying, bribing, treasonous, defrauding, Muslim hugging, anti-Israel president of the United States and, why wouldn’t they?

They know exactly who Putin is.

They have NO IDEA who Obama really is but…They do know precisely WHAT he is




Pro Islam.






And…Unworthy of their trust.

Our allies know that a president who would openly lie to his own people to transform a nation into something it was never intended to be, and openly lie to cover the lies, get caught at it and lie some more…Would lie to THEM…Just as easily and, just as often.

And they, our allies, wait. They wait to see what happens next and they wait to see if the people of America will do what must be done.

The road to redemption starts now and the first milestone to be achieved is the 2014 midterm election. Those who oppose Obama’s policies and constitution shredding agenda must be elected. The balance of power in the senate must shift to the right.

Only then can America begin to right the floundering ship at home, begin rebuilding the economy and providing liberty to the people again.

Until we are on the path to toward economic strength and personal liberty at home, we are but an ineffectual has been on the world stage waiting to be picked off by our enemies.

The second milestone is electing a president in 2016 that can raise the United States from the ashes of 8 years of anti-American foreign policies. It will be up to that president to rebuild the trust squandered by his or her predecessor in a forthright, trustworthy manner.

It will take years, at best, to right the ship of state at home once Obama is out of office but it will take DECADES, to rebuild the trust of our allies lost during the Obama administration and, in the meanwhile, our national security hangs by a precarious thread.

If our allies know that, and you can be assured they do…Be equally assured that our enemies, and the enemies of our allies, are even more aware of their advantage should the Obama/Hillary, socialist agenda continue.

We CAN let the light shine…AGAIN!!!!!